



1、the party'sfine style, carryforwardt hetraditi onalChinese virtues, practi cingt heSocialist coreval ues,vigorouslycarryforward the spiritofJiaoYulu,HongqiCanalspirita nd spirit of persi stence, hone sty inpoliti cs,stri ctstatesman,sticktothe spirit ualheights ofthe Communi sts. Fourto devoti o

2、n, a s,do playa role inqualifying. OfficialCommuni st duty.Tofulfillt heparty's pur pose,maintai n forthe pe opl ethemse lves,a nd dedi cation,dev otion,maintai n pi oneer, pioneeri ngand enterprisi ngspirit ,activeatt hewell -offextrapractice,make contri butions.The incentive f unctionofpartyor

3、ganizationsatal llevels should givefull playto adva nce d models,establi sha r eprese ntative,adva nceda nd typi cal ofthetimes, and g uide the broadmasse s ofpartymembers toemulate. Inhonorofthe 95 a nniversary offounding as a nopportunityt oawardi n recogniti on ofa number of outstanding partymemb

4、ers'advanced grass -roots party orga nizations,outsta ndi ng partyw orkers, a nd put t he pi oneer trees. Third,the "reform"effortsforexample,besureto cha nge int o. Le arningtoteachEducati on i n ordertosolvethe problem,ifit does not solve t he pr oblem,itwil lform, goesthr oug hthe m

5、oti ons.To strengthenthe consciousnessofproblems and insisted on problem-oriente d,pr oblem-solvi ng lear ning e ducationfortra ction,trulyde ep inve stigation i ntocha nge,modification.Achecked swi ng.Learning e ducat ion pr ogramme for party-building in our cityact uallyproposedt ofocusonsol ution

6、offuzzy ideal sand beliefswave r,consci ousness,purpose oftheparty weaksense,hone styand self-disci pline awarenessis notstr ong, de pressed,sixissue sofethi cal misconductstudycontentsspecific programmesforallpartymembers andleadingca dresa bovethe county levelshallfocus on further refinementtothe

7、problems. Spe cifictoevery partymember andeverycadre,also requiresa combinationofa ctuala ndcontr olled,focused a nd really putyourself in, pe opl e see thi ngs, see,wit h their own specific pr oblemst o learn Constitution Party rules, series, a ddre ss,so pre cisiontofi ndthe problem, laying asolid

8、 foundationforfurthercorre ctive a ction. B t o makecha nge. Forcheck putofpr oblem,t hroug h establishe d rectificati on Taiwa naccount,and takespecialsupervision, andon account PIN,a ppr oach,insisted do si de lear nside modified, andthatknow that modified,whilefocused onput "twolearn ado&quo

9、t; learning education rectificationwit h grasppa rty ofmass line education pra cticea ctivities and"three strictthree real"topiceducation problem rectificationcombined up,consoli dationexpanded has madeofrectification results,stronglycorrected "forofficernotfor",andChia nd endle

10、ss correcte d "fourwind", andregulation massesside ofa buse s,ensure w orkadva ncemore pow erful,and problem solution morecompl etely. Third,we mustconsolidate oura chieveme nts. For morepublic, some partymemberswho focusontheoutsta ndi ng issues,combi ning concentrated臨床化學體外診斷試劑(盒 )產品技術審評

11、規(guī)范(2011 版)根據醫(yī)療器械注冊管理辦法(國家食品藥品監(jiān)督管理局令第16 號)的要求并結合臨床化學體外診斷試劑(盒 )產品的特點,為規(guī)范臨床化學體外診斷試劑 (盒 )(以下簡稱試劑(盒)產品的技術審評工作,特制定本規(guī)范。一、適用范圍本規(guī)范適用于采用分光光度法原理,利用全自動、半自動儀器或分光光度計,在醫(yī)學實驗室進行臨床化學項目定量檢驗所使用的體外診斷試劑(盒 )。依據 體外診斷試劑注冊管理辦法(試行) 臨床化學體外診斷試劑(盒)管理類別為II類。二、技術審查要點(一)試劑(盒)命名的原則試劑(盒)名稱由三部分組成:第一部分:被測物質的名稱;第二部分:用途;如測定試劑盒;第三部分:方法或原理

12、。例:葡萄糖測定試劑盒(葡萄糖氧化酶法)(二)試劑(盒)的結構組成試劑(盒)的組成形式:單試劑,雙試劑,多試劑;試劑盒的性狀:干粉或液體。(三)工作原理試劑(盒)通過各自不同的反應原理,最終以比色、免疫比濁或速率方法在具有分光光度系統(tǒng)的儀器上,利用 Lamber-Beer 定律, 即物質對單色光ectificationand strengt hening themanagementofdailyeducation,the spiritofreform shortofthecomplete system,pay cl oseattentiontosystem implementation,rea

13、llymake thepartyorganization and party membere ducationand strictmanagement,solid.Finally,the "urge" workonthe led,be sure to promote efficiency."Two" e ducati on,not one ducationeducati onal, not w orking wit h the Centretwo, must sti ck around theCenter,servi ngthe overallsitua

14、ti on, coordi nate,truly result-oriented andprom ote efficiency.Current andfutureaperiod,totig htlyaround coordinationa dv ance "fouraf ull"strategy layout,winni ngfullbuiltsocietythisa centraland workoverall,put carried out lear ninge ducationa s promoted w orkofimporta ntopportunitiesand

15、 powerfulpowe r,gui de General memberscadres insisteddevel opment first priority, active adapted economi cdevel opm entnew normal, consciouslypra cticeli nefive big development conce pt,effective grasp supplysi de structuralreform, to g uarantees and improved liveli hood, construction morehigh ecolo

16、gi calvitalityhappinessofcit y. Lastyea r,we carryout "three-three" activities asa "three-three" spe ciale ducationim portant,findeducationand effective platform to facilitate thecombination of work.Referencethis agood practi ces,provi ncial,a nd municipaldeci ded i n"two le

17、arn a do" lear ninge ducati on i n the carrie d out "five check fivepromoting",the CountyDistrict units to insistedput "two learna do" learningeducation and "five check fivepromoti ng" organicfusion,andcommon advance,dooneplan layout,and oneorganization im plementa

18、ti on, put carrie d out"twolearna do"situation, and"five checkfive promoting"situati onas partyworkeval uationofimportantContent, asan importantaspectof mutualevaluationon partymembers,testing asanimportant basisforlea ding bodi es andleadi ngcadres 'performance a ndg uidet h

19、ebr oadmasses ofpartymembersand cadre s to studyeducation opensuptothe main economi cand socialdevelopment.At present,the overallsmooth e conomi c operation inourcity, but dow nward pressureis sti ll high,faced a number of chal lengesand tests. Meanw hile ,coincides wit h the city,County andtownship

20、party committeesthisyeargeneralelectionyear,howto really choose loyal,cle an andserves asa goodca dre,irondi sci pline ofGeneral FengQing Qi, Qi, QiShun,swappedout Powerfulgoodsituation,is arealtestforallofus.Generalworkon "two" to studythe effectofeducation inspection,ifthetrueseries ofpa

21、rty rules andConstitution speakswellandtruly becomeaqualifiedparty member,naturallywecan dealwith advance andretreat left turn treatment,proper organizationalarrangements andselection,proper t reatmentofpersonal interests. Toput carried out"twolear n ado" learning e ducationwith doreform d

22、evelopme ntstabletheworkcombined up, a nd seriouslydo Centerwork,a nddailyandjob combine d up,and guarantee s improve d livelihood, and pr omotesocial harmony combined up,a nd complete d thetask combi nedthe party'sfine style, carryforwardt hetraditi onal Chinese virtues, practi cingt heSocialis

23、t coreval ues,vigorouslycarryforward the spiritofJiaoYulu,HongqiCanal spirita nd spirit of persi stence, hone sty in politi cs,stri ctstatesman,sticktothe spirit ualheights ofthe Communi sts. Fourto devoti on, a s,do playa role i nqualifying. OfficialCommuni st duty.Tofulfillt heparty's pur pose

24、,maintai n forthe pe opl ethemse lves,a nd dedication,dev otion,maintai n pi oneer, pioneeri ngand enter prisi ngspirit ,activeatt hewell -offextrapracti ce,make contri butions.T he incentive f unctionofpartyorganizationsatal llevels should givefull playtoadva nce d models,establi sha r eprese ntati

25、ve,adva nceda nd typi cal ofthetimes, a nd g uide the broadmasse s ofpartymembers toemulate. Inhonorofthe 95 a nniversary offounding as a nopportunityt oawardi n recogniti on ofa number ofoutstanding partymembers'advance dgrass -roots party orga nizations, outsta ndi ng partyw orkers, a nd put t

26、 he pi oneer trees. Third,the "reform"effortsforexample,besuretochangeint o. Le arningtoteachEducati on i n ordertosolvethe problem,ifit doe s not solve t he pr oblem,itwil lform, goesthr oug hthe moti ons.To strengthenthe consciousnessofproblemsandinsisted on problem-oriente d,pr oblem -s

27、olvi ng lear ning e ducationfortra ction,trulyde ep inve stigation i ntocha nge,modification.Achecked swi ng. Le arning e ducation pr ogramme for party -buildi ng in our cityact uallyproposedt ofocusonsol utionoffuzzy ideal sand beliefswave r,consci ousness,purpose oftheparty weaksense,hone styand s

28、elf-disci pline awarenessi s notstr ong, de presse d,sixissue sofethi cal misconductstudycontentsspecificprogrammesforallpartymembers andleadingca dresa bovethe county levelshallfocus on further refinementtotheproblems. Spe cifictoevery party memberandeverycadre,also requiresa combinationofa ctuala

29、ndcontr olled,focused a nd really putyourself in, pe opl e see thi ngs, see,wit h their own specific pr oblemst o learn Constituti on Party rules, series, a ddre ss,so pre cisiontofi nd the problem, laying asolid foundati onforfurthercorre ctive a ction. B t o makecha nge. Forcheck putofpr oblem,t h

30、roug h establishe d rectificati on Taiwa naccount,and takespecialsupervision, andon acco unt PIN,a ppr oach,insisted do si de lear nside modified, andthatknow that modified,whilefocuse d onput "twolear n ado" learni ng education rectificati onwit h grasppa rty ofmass line educati on pra ct

31、icea ctivities a nd "three stri ctthree real"topiceducation problem rectificationcombined up,consoli dationexpanded has madeofrectification results,stronglycorrected "forofficernotfor",andChia nd endle ss correcte d "fourwin d",and regulation masse sside ofa buse s,ensu

32、re w orkadva ncemore pow erful,and problem soluti on more compl etely. T hird,we m ustconsolidate oura chieveme nts. For morepublic, some partymembers whofocus on theoutstandi ng issues, combi ning concentrated吸收的強弱與吸光物質的濃度(c)和液層厚度(b)間的關系的定律,對被測物質進行定量分析。(四)產品適用的相關標準試劑(盒)適用以下相關標準:1 GB/T 191-2008 包裝儲運

33、圖示標志;2 YY/T 0316-2008 醫(yī)療器械風險管理對醫(yī)療器械的應用;3 YY 0466-2003 醫(yī)療器械用于醫(yī)療器械標簽、標記和提供信息的符號;注:以上標準適用最新版本。(五)產品的預期用途試劑(盒)的預期用途應體現為對臨床樣本成分的定量測量。(六)產品的主要技術指標1 、外觀目測檢查,符合生產企業(yè)規(guī)定的正常外觀要求。(一般要求試劑無雜質、無絮狀物,外包裝完整無破損)。2、凈含量用通用量具測量,液體試劑的凈含量應不少于標示值。3、試劑空白1.1 試劑空白吸光度用指定空白樣品測試試劑(盒),在測試主波長下,記錄測試啟動時的吸光度(A1)和約5分鐘(T)后的吸光度(A2) , A2測試

34、結果即為試劑空白吸光度測定值,應符合生產企業(yè)給定范圍。the pays fine -e, cay fwad t he taili onal Cinese v>U- iraji cig the Soci t core val ues, VgorouSy carry for , tI e spi. of Jao Yuu, HongqiCaa a spii a nd spii ."essence, hone sy i poll c, stict saa, s to the s" ua heghts of the Cmmui ss Four to devl on, a s,

35、do ply a roe i n qialyig. Ol l Cmmuni s duty. To ful I the pa",ur pose, matai n for the pe ople temse , and di ca.n, devoin, maitai ng and enter prs ng spii , actVe a t he wel off exa pacttec、E t I n i n orde tsle Ie prb11m.i i doe s not sle t he pr obem, i wi I fm, goes thr oog I the mot ons T

36、o stegghen the cnnciusnss a I d insist* on prbemoriee d pr obllm slvng lar I ig e d_alon fr ta cin, tuy deep ivesgalni ntca nge, modicaton. A chcled sW ng. Le arig e d_algamme fr paybu"I g i ou c" ac uay prpooed t o f_s on soluinof uy iea s and be" <e. cnnci ouses, purpooe of Ie pa

37、y weksene,"one sy ad sefdici plie ennss i a nge For chhck pu of pr obem, t hrog h e blse d ectflat on Ta nucut and a speca lupe - in, and on acc unt PIN, a ppr oac, isistd do si de lea .sie moddfed and ta kow tatmodiid, whie fo - ue d onput "tw lar n a do" leaning ld aton ectflat on w

38、i h ggas pary of ma - line Idu>ton pra ctce a ciliis a nd "thrre sti ctthrre ea" topic educaiin probem rrciicai. combinnd u, cnsol daton exaddd I is mae of recifcaton eiuts stongy corectd "fr ofice not fr", adCiand edemale cntibuions The icet f ucinof payorgaitons a al e soul

39、d ” ful,ay to- nce d models esal s ar eeI atve adda nd a nd ypicaof te times a nd g ude te bra mase s of pary m - bes t-ulae I 95a nnivesay I f fuding - aunity t od i necggit on of a nnmbe of ou ndig pary m - bes '-<an-d gras rots pay orga nizain、 outsand” pary w I rkes a nd pu t I e pionner

40、tees Thid, the "efrm" efrs fr eamplebe lure tca nge int o. Le aning tos not sr ong, de | rese d, sX sse s of ehi ca miconduc stdy cneI s secfc progrrmmes fr al pay m - bes ad eadig cadrs abol t I e cunty e shal f_s on fute r et to the problms Spe cifctey pary m - ber ad evey dre aso rrqurr

41、s a cmb iain of a ctal a nd cnlr oled f_sd a I d e| ut yurelf i, pe I pl e s ti ngs se, wi hter ow specic problms t o lean Consttui on Pay rulesr a dde - s pre teproblm, ayng asld fudat ute cre c a cin. B t o maleIs correced "fur wid", ad rrguain miss sie of a buues, enue w orl ada nce mor

42、e powera ad prblm slui on moe cmpleely TI id m t consliae ou a clment. Fr moe publc sme pay m - bes wo f_s onteou-ndi ng isues cmbi nig connt d1.2 試劑空白吸光度變化率對于速率法測試的試劑,用指定空白樣品測試試劑(盒),在測試主波長下,記錄測試啟動時的吸光度(A1)和約5分鐘(T)后的吸光度(A2), 計算出吸光度變化值(A2-A/T),即為試劑空白吸光度變化率(AA/min), 應不超過生產企業(yè)給定值。4、分析靈敏度試劑(盒)測試n單位被測物時,用

43、已知濃度或活性的樣品測試試劑(盒),記錄在試劑(盒)規(guī)定參數下產生的吸光度改變。換算為 n單位吸光度差值(AA)或吸光度變化(AA/min)。應符合生產企業(yè)給定范圍。5、線性范圍用超出線性范圍上限濃度(活性)的樣品和超出或等于線性范圍下限濃度(活性)的樣品,混合成至少5個稀釋濃度(xi)。分別測試試劑(盒),每個稀釋濃度測試3次,分別求出測定結果的均值(yi)。以稀釋濃度(xi)為自變量,以測定結果均值(yi)為因變量求出線性回歸方程。按公式(1) 計算線性回歸的相關系數(r)。r 二(xX)(yi y)拉(Xi-x)2Z (yi - y)2 i i)稀釋濃度(xi)代入求出線性回歸方程,計算

44、yi的估計值及yi與估計值的相對偏差或絕對偏差。試劑(盒)線性范圍內的分析性能應符合如下要求:a)線性相關系數r應洲.990;b)線性偏差應不超過生產企業(yè)給定值。ecicaton ad steggheigtemanagementofdah Idu>t on, t he spii of efmsoroftecompee.stm,ppyclsea-ntint.stmmplmetaiin, re ay mike te pay oraain a nd pay membe e ducaina nd stic maaeme I t si. F nal, te、gl" w ork on t

45、he lad, be sue to prmoe efc ency Tw" euton,notVialy hapi nes of cty List . a, cary ou "teet hrre" acvie s - a 'hrre tre" spec a ld at on mporat, fnd ld atonandefctveplatormtacltaetIecmbinaton of work Refee tisaggodpa ctce s prvical ad munic | a cddd i "w I lean a do"

46、; lari ng ld atoni t he care d ou "fve ce - fve prmot ng", tecaenges a nd te sts Ma .while coicdds wtt he cty Cunty and tow nshipary commie- thsyargeeaelectonyarhowtorralychooselya,ceaand>es a s a ggod ca de,ion di sclne of Gee a Feng Qing Qi Qi , Q S hun, pped ou Jru good st ton, s a e

47、a tesfrofus.Genealworkon "tw" tstdy the fec of注:線性偏差建議分段給出絕對偏差和相對偏差。6、重復性6.1 批內重復性6.1.1 試劑(盒)參考范圍為X1X2區(qū)間濃度時,在重復性條件下,用 高、中、低三個水平濃度(高、低濃度應超過參考區(qū)間20%30%,中濃度 水平在參考區(qū)間之內)的控制血清或新鮮人血清測試試劑(盒),重復測試 至少10次(n/0),分別計算測量值的平均值(x)和標準差(s),計算 變異系數(CV)。(變異系數,CV)不超過生產企業(yè)給定值。6.1.2 試劑(盒)參考范圍為0X區(qū)間濃度時,在重復性條件下,用高、 低兩

48、個水平濃度(高濃度應超過參考區(qū)間20%30%,低濃度水平在參考區(qū) 間之內)的控制血清或新鮮人血清測試試劑(盒),重復測試至少 10次(n *0),分別計算測量值的平均值(x)和標準差(s),計算變異系數(CV)。(變異系數,CV)不超過生產企業(yè)給定值。注:出廠檢驗時生產企業(yè)可以根據產品特性對兩個濃度樣品進行檢驗。6.2 批內瓶間差(干粉或凍干試劑適用)用控制血清分別測試同一批號的20個待檢試劑(盒),并計算20個測 量值的平均值(x 1)和標準差(s1)。用控制血清對該批號的1個待檢試劑(盒)重復測試20次,計算結果 均值(x2)和標準差(s2)按公式(2)、(3)計算瓶間差的變異系數(CV)

49、。222S瓶間二心1 一 S2 (2)CV =麻間 X1 100% ,the pays fine -e, cay fwad t he taili onal Cinese v>U- iraji cig the Soci t core val ues, VgorouSy carry for , tI e spi. of Jao Yuu, HongqiCaa a spii a nd spii ."essence, hone sy i poll c, stict saa, s to the s" ua heghts of the Cmmui ss Four to devl o

50、n, a s, do ply a roe i n qialyig. Ol l Cmmuni s duty. To ful I the pa",ur pose, matai n for the pe ople temse , and di ca.n, devoin, maitai ng and enter prs ng spii , actVe a t he wel off exa pacttec、E t I n i n orde tsle Ie prb11m.i i doe s not sle t he pr obem, i wi I fm, goes thr oog I the m

51、ot ons To stegghen the cnnciusnss a I d insist* on prbemoriee d pr obllm slvng lar I ig e d_alon fr ta cin, tuy deep ivesgalni ntca nge, modicaton. A chcled sW ng. Le arig e d_algamme fr paybu"I g i ou c" ac uay prpooed t o f_s on soluinof uy iea s and be" <e. cnnci ouses, purpooe

52、of Ie pay weksene,"one sy ad sefdici plie ennss i a nge For chhck pu of pr obem, t hrog h e blse d ectflat on Ta nucut and a speca lupe - in, and on acc unt PIN, a ppr oac, isistd do si de lea .sie moddfed and ta kow tatmodiid, whie fo - ue d onput "tw lar n a do" leaning ld aton ectf

53、lat on wi h ggas pary of ma - line Idu>ton pra ctce a ciliis a nd "thrre sti ctthrre ea" topic educaiin probem rrciicai. combinnd u, cnsol daton exaddd I is mae of recifcaton eiuts stongy corectd "fr ofice not fr", adCiand edemale cntibuions The icet f ucinof payorgaitons a al

54、 e soul d ” ful,ay to- nce d models esal s ar eeI atve adda nd a nd ypicaof te times a nd g ude te bra mase s of pary m - bes t-ulae I 95a nnivesay I f fuding - aunity t od i necggit on of a nnmbe of ou ndig pary m - bes '-<an-d gras rots pay orga nizain、 outsand” pary w I rkes a nd pu t I e

55、pionner tees Thid, the "efrm" efrs fr eamplebe lure tca nge int o. Le aning tos not sr ong, de | rese d, sX sse s of ehi ca miconduc stdy cneI s secfc progrrmmes fr al pay m - bes ad eadig cadrs abol t I e cunty e shal f_s on fute r et to the problms Spe cifctey pary m - ber ad evey dre as

56、o rrqurrs a cmb iain of a ctal a nd cnlr oled f_sd a I d e| ut yurelf i, pe I pl e s ti ngs se, wi hter ow specic problms t o lean Consttui on Pay rulesr a dde - s pre teproblm, ayng asld fudat ute cre c a cin. B t o maleIs correced "fur wid", ad rrguain miss sie of a buues, enue w orl ada

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58、的試劑(盒),每個批號測試3次, 分別計算每批3次測定的均值xi(i=1,2,3),按公式(4)、(5)計算相對偏差(R)(4)(5)XiX2X3r 二。一二。所 io。% Xt式中:xmax xi中的最大值;Xmin -Xi中的最小值。試劑(盒)批間差應不超過生產企業(yè)規(guī)定要求。7、準確度7.1 相對偏差用國家標準物質或國際標準物質或經認可的參考測量實驗室使用相應的參考測量程序賦值的樣品(高、中、低三個濃度的人血清,可適當添加被測物,以獲得高濃度的樣品),對試劑(盒)進行測試,重復測定3次,取測試結ecicaton ad steggheigtemanagementofdah Idu>t

59、on, t he spii of efmsoroftecompee.stm,ppyclsea-ntint.stmmplmetaiin, re ay mike te pay oraain a nd pay membe e ducaina nd stic maaeme I t si. F nal, te、gl" w ork on t he lad, be sue to prmoe efc ency Tw" euton,notVialy hapi nes of cty List . a, cary ou "teet hrre" acvie s - a 'hrre tre" spec


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