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1、Entrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityPart I:Part I: 創(chuàng)業(yè)家精神創(chuàng)業(yè)家精神第一章第一章創(chuàng)業(yè)家精神和創(chuàng)業(yè)家創(chuàng)業(yè)家精神和創(chuàng)業(yè)家The Nature and Importance The Nature and Importance of Entrepreneurshipof EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship and New Business Ve

2、ntureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityContentMGrowing interest in EntrepreneurshipMDefinitions of entrepreneurshipMThe economical viewpoint of the EntrepreneurMThe entrepreneurial decision processMThe Benefits of EntrepreneurshipMThe Potential Drawb

3、acks of EntrepreneurshipMMoving from passive to activeMThe Cultural Diversity of EntrepreneurshipMSmall BusinessEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen University學(xué)習(xí)要點:學(xué)習(xí)要點:M To introduce the concept of entrepreneurship and it

4、s historical development.M To explain the role of entrepreneurship in economic development. M To explain the entrepreneurial decision process.M To identify the basic types of start-up ventures.Why? What? Who?Entrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin G

5、uo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityContentMGrowing interest in EntrepreneurshipMDefinitions of entrepreneurshipMThe economical viewpoint of the EntrepreneurMThe entrepreneurial decision processMThe Benefits of EntrepreneurshipMThe Potential Drawbacks of EntrepreneurshipMMoving from passive to active:M

6、The Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneurship:MSmall BusinessEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityM新聞(新浪王志東,新希望等)新聞(新浪王志東,新希望等)M大公司的企業(yè)家精神(大公司的企業(yè)家精神(GE,F(xiàn)edEx)M經(jīng)濟學(xué)家(小企業(yè)在國家經(jīng)濟中的作經(jīng)濟學(xué)家(小企業(yè)在國家經(jīng)濟中的作用)用)M大學(xué)大學(xué)Entrepreneurship

7、教育課程的開設(shè)教育課程的開設(shè)Entrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen University問題:問題:為什么創(chuàng)業(yè)(企業(yè))家和小企業(yè)如此吸引人?在為什么創(chuàng)業(yè)(企業(yè))家和小企業(yè)如此吸引人?在現(xiàn)代工業(yè)社會,規(guī)模經(jīng)濟即意味著有效率,但為什么又有現(xiàn)代工業(yè)社會,規(guī)模經(jīng)濟即意味著有效率,但為什么又有大量的小企業(yè)存在?大量的小企業(yè)存在? Stevenson 和和Sahlman(1989)認為:認為:MEconomic imp

8、ortance of entrepreneurship:M 70年代年代Apple Computer 的成功的成功M GDP和就業(yè):和就業(yè):SMEs consisting of over 95 of all enterprises, employing up to 80 of the work force and contributing 30 to 60 of the GNP of APEC economies and accounting for 35 of exports in the region. M 創(chuàng)新:創(chuàng)新:424倍每倍每1美元和美元和2.5倍每雇員創(chuàng)新數(shù)。倍每雇員創(chuàng)新數(shù)。En

9、trepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityMPsychological and personal rewards of entrepreneurs (Push or Pull)M我們討厭了大組織的官僚氣氛?我們討厭了大組織的官僚氣氛?M追求財富?追求財富?M人的特性即欣賞在那些小企業(yè)成功或失人的特性即欣賞在那些小企業(yè)成功或失敗后面企業(yè)家的故事?敗后面企業(yè)家的故事?M或者我們都有一種愿望設(shè)立自己

10、的企業(yè),或者我們都有一種愿望設(shè)立自己的企業(yè),成為成長企業(yè)的老板,欣賞企業(yè)的成長?成為成長企業(yè)的老板,欣賞企業(yè)的成長?Entrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityTable 1 Job satisfying personal values Self-employed (%)Work for others (%)T o a g r e a t extent53.634.6To a signifi

11、cant extent33.342.2To some extent9.415.4Not significantly3.67.8Source: Stenenson and Sahlman (1989), Survey of 6000HBS graduatesEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityTable 2 The four most important job values Self

12、-employed (%)Not self-employed (%)Economic39.231.6Other job features29.940.2External rewards10.811.6Life-style values19.916.5Table 3 Financial net worth fifteen or more years following graduation (%)($1000) 2500SE1111.217.714.629.224.8N o n SE1.920.124.322.819.111.8Entrepreneurship and New Business

13、VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityPeters (1998)認為)認為一個主要的原因一個主要的原因是在企業(yè)背后的:是在企業(yè)背后的:創(chuàng)業(yè)家和創(chuàng)業(yè)家精神創(chuàng)業(yè)家和創(chuàng)業(yè)家精神Entrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityContentMGrowing in

14、terest in EntrepreneurshipMDefinitions of entrepreneurshipMThe economical viewpoint of the EntrepreneurMThe entrepreneurial decision processMThe Benefits of EntrepreneurshipMThe Potential Drawbacks of EntrepreneurshipMMoving from passive to active:MThe Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneurship:MSmall B

15、usinessEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityEntrepreneur: An individual who establishes and manages a business for the principal purpose of profit and growth. The entrepreneur is characterized principally by inno

16、vative behavior and will employ strategic management practices in the business.Small business owner: An individual who establishes and manages a business for the principal purpose of furthering personal goals. The business must be the primary source of income and will consume the majority of ones ti

17、me and resources. The owner perceives the business as an extension of his or her personality, intricately bound with family needs and desires.Entrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen University“An entrepreneur is someone who e

18、xercises business judgement in the face of uncertainty” (Cantillon, 1755)“The function of the entrepreneur is to reform or revolutionize the pattern of production by exploiting an invention or, more generally, an untried technological possibility for producing a new commodity or producing an old one

19、 in a new way, opening a new source of supply of materials or a new outlet for products, by reorganizing a new industry” (Schumpeter, 1936)“Entrepreneurial judgement: the ability to discover new ways of dealing with known problems or new combinations of given knowledge” (Penrose, 1959)“Entrepreneurs

20、hip is defined as the relentless pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled. ” (Stevenson, 1983)Entrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityMCreation of valueMTime and effortMReadiness for r

21、iskMRewards of monetary or independence“Entrepreneurship is the process of creating something new with value by devoting the necessary time and effort, assuming the accompanying financial, psychic, and social risks, and receiving the resulting rewards of monetary and personal satisfaction and indepe

22、ndence.” (Peters, 1998)Entrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityEntrepreneurial model FocusAssumptionSituationC l a s s i c a l o r economicalInnovationEntrepreneurship is doing rather than owningStart-up and early g

23、rowthPsychologicalUnique characteristicsPeople behave in accordance with their valuesStart-upSociologicalF a m i l y a n d environmental dynamicsEarly childhood influences affect career decisionStart-upManagementP l a n n i n g , organizing, leading and controlEntrepreneurs can be d e v e l o p e d

24、a n d trainedE a r l y growth and maturityIntrapreneurshipVenture teams within organisationsEntrepreneurs effect c h a n g e w i t h i n organisationsM a t u r i t y and changeEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen Universit

25、yContentGrowing interest in Entrepreneurship Definitions of entrepreneurshipMThe economical viewpoint of the EntrepreneurMThe entrepreneurial decision processMThe Benefits of EntrepreneurshipMThe Potential Drawbacks of EntrepreneurshipMMoving from passive to active:MThe Cultural Diversity of Entrepr

26、eneurship:MSmall BusinessEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityEntrepreneurUncertainty(Cantillon, 1755)(Knight, 1921)Risk-taker(Cantillon, 1755)(Knight, 1921)(Mill, 1948)MarketOpportunities(Kirzner, 1973)(Kirchhof

27、f, 1994)(Leibenstein, 1978)New Product combinations (Schumpter, 1934)Manager (Marshall, 1920 )(Say, 1845)Capitalist(Smith, 1776)Decision-maker(Keynes, 1936)(Menger, 1871)(Mises, 1949)Organises Production(Coles, 1959)(Say, 1845)Entrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Busines

28、s Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityOpportunity: A desired future state which is different from the present, and it is a belief that an achievement of that state is possible. Seeing and believing that, and how great things are possible, is really the heart of opportunity.Capital reso

29、urces have been over-emphasized. Building teams of people, exploiting technology, and developing trust and mobility of resources. “Entrepreneurship is defined as the relentless pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled. ” (Stevenson, 1983)Entrepreneurship and New Busine

30、ss VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityStevenson (1989) : Entrepreneurship is a process,a range of behavioral phenomenon.Pressures toward this sidePromoterKey business dimensionTrustee Pressures toward this sideMDiminishing opportunity streamsMR

31、apidly changing:MTechnologyMConsumer economicsMSocial valuesMPolitical rulesDriven by perception of opportunityStrategic orientationDriven by resources currently controlledMSocial contractsMPerformance measurement criteriaMPlanning systems and cycleEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntreprene

32、urship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityMAction orientationMShort decision windowsMRisk managementMLimited decision constituenciesRevolution-ary with short durationCommitment to Opportunity Evolutionary of long durationMAcknowledge-ment of multiple constituenciesMNe

33、gotiation of strategyMRisk reductionMManagement of fitMLack of predictable resource needsMLack of long-term controlMSocial need for more opportunity per resource unitMInternational pressure for more efficient resource useMultistaged with minimal exposure at each stageCommitment of ResourcesSingle-st

34、aged with complete commitment upon decisionMPersonal risk reductionMIncentive compensationMManagerial turnoverMCapital allocation systemMFormal planning systemEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityMIncreased resou

35、rce specializationMLong resource life compared to needMRisk of obsolesceMRisk inherent in any new ventureMInflexibility of permanent commitment to resourcesEpisodic use or rent of required resourcesControl of ResourceOwnership or employment of required resourcesMPower, status and financial rewardsMC

36、o-ordinationMEfficiency measuresMInertia and cost of changeMIndustry structuresEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityMCo-ordination of key non-controlled resourcesMChallenge to legitimacy of owners controlMEmploye

37、es desire for independenceFlat with multiple informal networksManage-ment StructureFormalized hierarchyMNeed for clearly defined authority and responsibilityMOrganizational cultureMReward systemsMManagement theoryMIndividual expectationsMCompetitionMIncreased perception of personal wealth creation p

38、ossibilitiesMValue-basedMTeam-basedMUnlimitedCompensation/Reward policyMResource-basedMDriven by short-term dataMPromotionMLimited amountMSocietal normsMImpacted informationMSearch for simple solutions for complex problemsDemands of public shareholdersEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepr

39、eneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityContentMGrowing interest in EntrepreneurshipMDefinitions of entrepreneurshipMThe economical viewpoint of the EntrepreneurMThe entrepreneurial decision processMThe Benefits of EntrepreneurshipMThe Potential Drawbacks of Entr

40、epreneurshipMMoving from passive to active:MThe Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneurship:MSmall BusinessEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityChange from present life-style:Work environmentDisruptionForm new enterpr

41、ise:DesirableMCulturalMSubculturalMFamilyMTeachersMPeersPossibleMGovernmentMBackgroundMMarketingMFinancingMRole modelsEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityContentMGrowing interest in EntrepreneurshipMDefinitions

42、of entrepreneurshipMThe economical viewpoint of the EntrepreneurMThe entrepreneurial decision processMThe Benefits and Potential Drawbacks of EntrepreneurshipMMoving from passive to active:MThe Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneurship:MSmall BusinessEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneu

43、rship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityThe Benefits of EntrepreneurshipMOpportunity to cerate your own destiny;MOpportunity to make a difference;MOpportunity to reach your full potentialMOpportunity to reap unlimited profits;MOpportunity to contribute to society and

44、 be recognized for your efforts;MOpportunity to do what your enjoy and have fun at it;MChallenge Entrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityThe Potential Drawbacks of EntrepreneurshipMUncertainty of incomeMRisk of losi

45、ng your entire investmentMLong hours and hard workMLower quality of life until the business gets establishedMHigh levels of stressMComplete responsibilityMDiscouragementEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityConten

46、tMGrowing interest in EntrepreneurshipMDefinitions of entrepreneurshipMThe economical viewpoint of the EntrepreneurMThe entrepreneurial decision processMThe Benefits of EntrepreneurshipMThe Potential Drawbacks of EntrepreneurshipMMoving from passive to activeMThe Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneursh

47、ip:MSmall BusinessEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityMThe it works: A product which has been worked on for many years, either as a hobby or at work, finally gels.MThe eureka:An idea completely out of the blue,

48、but which is often simply a new way of packaging old products or ideas.MThe if only: “If only I could buy products in smaller packages”.MThe high comfort level: Constant encouragement from family and friends.MThe friendly push:Suddenly the path is made clear.MThe misfit:The person does not fit as an

49、 employee finally dawns upon him.MThe unfriendly push: Unemployment or enforced redundancy.MThe no alternative:Physical disability or illness.MThe gray to white: Part time to full time.Entrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen

50、UniversityContentMGrowing interest in EntrepreneurshipMDefinitions of entrepreneurshipMThe economical viewpoint of the EntrepreneurMThe entrepreneurial decision processMThe Benefits of EntrepreneurshipMThe Potential Drawbacks of EntrepreneurshipMMoving from passive to active:MThe Cultural Diversity

51、of EntrepreneurshipMSmall BusinessEntrepreneurship and New Business VentureEntrepreneurship and New Business Venture Dr. Lin Guo, MBA Centre, Xiamen UniversityMYoung entrepreneurs (30 years old)MWomen entrepreneurs (mainly retail and services) MMinority enterprises MImmigrant entrepreneursMPart-time entrepreneurs MHome-based businesses (High survive rate)MFamily bus


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