1、WORD格式本材料為新視野大學英語4 Unit1-Unit5 Section A課后練習根據教師的出題X圍有所刪減Unit 11.As the gender barriers(crumbled), the number of women working aslawyers, doctors, or bankers began to increase significantly from themid-20th century.2.Withthe data collectedeach year,the owner ofthe shop can(discern)customer trendsand
2、 how thingslikeweather and economic indicatorsaffectsales performance.3.Hissupervisorpushes and motivateshim insuch a positivemanner thathe is not only able to reach but to(surpass)his personal goals.4.He is a man with a(n)(shrewd)business sense. He has built hisinitialinvestmentintoa substantialand
3、 even excessivelylargefortune.5.The(conversion)of nuclearradiationdirectlyintoelectricitywasanexcitingpossibilitythatwas beingvigorouslyexploredinmanylaboratories in the 1950s.6.I was not only shocked but also disgusted that the report tried to(distort)thescientificfactsinsuchamannerthatevensomehigh
4、ly-educated people were fooled.7.Sixty-two and blessed with his mother's skin, the fisherman hadwithstood a lifetime of exposure to the sun and looked as(radiant)asa man in his forties.8.Frencheducator LouisBrailleinventeda simplebut(ingenious)codewhich has had an impacton the livesof generation
5、sof people who are blind.9.The senators didn't expect us to ask such tough questions, and whenwe finally did, they got(stumped)and didn't know what to say.10.This newly established university supports the(proposition)thata more diversehigher educationsystem isdesirablesinceit would enhanceop
6、portunities for lifelong learning.Unit 21.Weneed toimprovethequalityofeducationso thatour childrenwillnot leave school(deficient)in literary and reasoning skills.2.In a society governed by the rule of law, every citizen is subjectto possible(prosecution)if he violates the law.3.The pay gap between a
7、verage workers and top corporate officers hasled to pubic(outrage)as executives receive large packages despitefalling share prices.4.Thedeliciousmeal(appeased) our hunger and madeus feelwarm againafter having walked in the snow all day.5.The military insists on(conformity)in many areas, for example,
8、dress and haircut, with the primary objective of promoting group unity.6.Mydaughter used toplay withthedog by takinga(n)(strand) of itshair and then spending a long time rubbing, combing and twisting it.專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式.專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式7.Whenshe leftfortheparty,she tookgreatcaretomake her necklaceand shoes(
9、complement) her dress.8.Itwas necessaryto providelivingplaces for(transient)immigrantspassing through the area on their way to more permanent dwellings.9.They had just moved in, so they needed to buy a number of kitchen(appliances), includinga microwave oven, a toaster,and a coffeemaker.10.She wante
10、d a beautiful and elegant(outfit)to attend the weddingofa friend,butcouldn'tfind anythingsatisfactoryinthe nearbyshops.Unit 31.Thecurtainschanged theatmosphere of the house completelyand madeit into a place of(exquisite)beauty.2.As the sun(dispersed)the clouds, we enjoyed our afternoon ofplaying
11、 cards in the forest under the clear sky and observing the mostspectacular view I have ever seen in my life.3.The big company(decentralized)their operations last year andopened several regional offices in the country to meet the needs of themarket.4.Itisnoteasy to(deduce)a trendof growthfrom the ava
12、ilablefactssince they are quite scarce and not that convincing.5.Formerlyfound only inlargeindustrialapplications,microwave ovensnow have become a standard(fixture)of most modern kitchens.6.He calls on the public to save in everyday life and believes that(frugality)isthekeytobattlinga culturethatrew
13、ardsmindlessconsumption.7.He is suitable for the position as he is young enough to understandwhat theteenagersthinkbutoldenough to(administrate)theirprograms.8.When asked about her whereabouts at 9 o'clock that night, she gavea rather(disjointed)response,which caught the detective'sattention
14、.9.(Reviving)the stalledeconomyand stickingtopromisestobringthedeficit down next year is proving to be the principal test for the newpresident.10.A considerable period of time has to(elapse)before the effectsofsuchsecuritymeasuresasclosed-circuittelevisioncamerasandcell-phone monitoring become evide
15、nt in reducing crimes.Unit 41.I will conduct a top-to-bottom review of the state departments,agencies, and commissions, and seek to(consolidate)or to eliminatethem where appropriate.2.To a 10-year-old girl, you need to offer understanding about herwishes and help her(differentiate)between fantasy an
16、d reality.3.When we heard about the(dreadful)suffering of the children andadults,our primary instinct,likemillionsof others,was toshed tears.4.It was when westarted livingtogether that we found, to our sadness專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式.專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式and surprise, that we were(incompatible).5.Itwas(alleged)thathe ha
17、d takena $50,000 bribebeforethe projectwas transferred to another company.6.Thebudgetproposalhasbeendescribedas"(bizarre)"and"inappropriate" by people objecting to it.7.Itseems thatwhat people believeand what researchershave foundoutabout the(correlation)between wealth and happin
18、essaremore differentthan overlapping.8.Current expenditure in this museum is(negligible)in comparisonwith the huge amount which foreign museums of similar standing spend.9.The air and riversin this areaare getting cleaner,and attempts topreserveanimalspeciesandtheir(habitats)havebeenmainlysuccessful
19、.10.If you can provide rational and(intelligible)debates from anunbiased point of view, maybe we will all learn something.Unit 51.Although he was not a legal expert, he knew it would not be properto(fabricate)anything to mislead the public.2.Hedoes notwork fulltimethere,but he has been the(nominal)h
20、eadof the organization's scholarship program for five years.3.AsMark walked thesiteson that initialtripofthemigrants, he foundsomeimportant(temporal)clues datedbus tickets,shopping receiptsand calendars.4.In urban planning, it is important to take into consideration the(reciprocal)influencebetwe
21、enthetransportationnetworkandotherfacilities, for example shopping centers and medical centers.5.The label "Smart Choices" on the front of food packages usually(denotes)productsthat meet criteriafor lowerfat,sugar and sodium ( 鈉)content.6.Thepublichigh schoolgraduationratesinNewMexico and
22、Arizona havebeen increasing for three(consecutive)years, thanks to an onlineprogram that helps students earn missing credits.7.Inthe accidentat the airshow lastweek, a pilotand 10(spectators)were killed when a fighter plane crashed into the crowd.8.The mother was not sure where the boys went, but sh
23、e did hear them(muttering)something about going out for a movie with friends.9.ThisnewlyreleasedportraitofPlanetEarthisactuallya(composite)ofseveralpicturestakenearlierthis month by a new researchsatellite.10.Youshouldn'tfeelinsulted.Wecan assure you he meant tobe friendlyand there was nothing i
24、mpolite or(malicious)in his words.Unit 11.The brick walls of the ruined buildings(were dripping with)green專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式.專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式mold and moisture,and she shiveredinvoluntarily,looking down toavoidthe sight.2.As urban populations exportedfinished goods(in exchange for)rawmaterials from neighboring
25、 populations, organized trade grewsubstantially.3.Knowingjusthow quicklya wildfirecan spread,some residentsofthevillagedecidedtoleave theirhomesaftertheflames(flaredup) nearby.4.Biologyteachers often (make an analogybetween) the heartand a pumpin order to help students understand how the heart works
26、.5.Theywould liketo(seta datefor)theirwedding and announce theirengagement to their families and friends as soon as possible.6.He was determined not to sour a perfectly good day with the memoryof one jealous classmate trying to(1) (make)a fool(2) (out of)himin front of the entire class.7.Thecouple(m
27、ade a pact)nevertowork at the same time,so thatoneofthem was always on full-timeparentingduty,and theirchildwouldn'thave to be looked after by strangers.8.The president said that it's the worst earthquake ever to hit thecountry, and that he(had appealed to)the world for help, asking inpartic
28、ularforheavy-lifthelicoptersable to carryreliefsuppliesintothe isolated mountain areas.Unit 21.Every month, the Community Services Center offers several lectureson health and fitness(in hopes of)introducing people to healthierlifestyles.2.Do you know who(came up with)the idea of having cheesecake fo
29、rdessert yesterday" It was delicious and made everyone happy.3.Thepain medicationleftClaudiafeelingratherdulland sleepy,andsoon afterdinnershe apologizedforbeing such poor companyand(excusedherself)to bed.4.WhenIwas young, I(was obsessed with)maps, and Isometimes spentthe whole day charting lan
30、d routes from one point to another.5.To make immigrants comfortable(reaching out to)police for help,more than 70 cities now bar police from asking them to prove their legalstatus.6.Mary was often accused of "having a strong personality" because shewas not afraid to(voice an opinion on)subj
31、ects about which she wasknowledgeable.7.At the end of his term in office, the governor was criticized forfailure to(live up to)his campaign promise.8.Resultsofa surveyrevealedthatofthe top10 automobilemakers(interms of)customer satisfaction, six were Japanese and two were German.Unit 31.Because of h
32、is quiet personality, many people said they would not專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式.專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式electhim president of the institutethoughthey(1) (held)him(2)(inhigh regard) .2.Petergraduatedfrom collegeinJune and startedhiswork intheautocompany inAugust.(Inthe interim),he took a triparound thecountry.3.When his adver
33、tisement using the new digital technique drew as manyas 5,000 responses overnight, he knew he(was onto something) .4.Whenstudentsare more involvedin theiracademic and extracurricularactivities, they will experience a richer campus life, which(in turn)benefits their development.5.Thescientistsof the
34、researchcenterkeep thegood habit ofsummingup their experience(from time to time).6.Whenever the older kids in school tried to(pick on)her brother,she would not be afraid to stand up for him.7.Ifhe doesn'ttrytoget a ticketnow, he's probablynotgoing togetone. So, he might want to(take a stab a
35、t)it one more time.8.There are a lot of reasons for replacing your hard drive or addinga new one to youroldcomputer, butthey all(boildown to)theneed formore space.Unit 41.After the painter's move to Paris in 1904, Picasso's Rose Periodpaintings(tookon)a warmer and more optimisticmood thanthe
36、previousBlue Period.2.Thereare a number of differentoccasions when you mightbe(calledupon) to make a speech. Therefore, you need to practice how to speak toa large audience.3.Schools in the US believe that cheating in examinations(runsagainst the grain)of the "honor system" proposed by Tom
37、as Jeffersonhundreds of years ago.4.Beinga majorglobalconcern,rapidpopulationgrowthisbelieved bymany to(be incompatible with)sustainable management of theenvironment.5.Itseemsthatmanypeople have(come through)periodsof stress,withmore physical and mental vigor than they had before.6.More and more nat
38、ive plants disappear every year. Saving them isimportant because our own survival(is bound up)with their fate.7.It's up to you to(differentiate between)those who have yourinterests at heart and those who would take advantage of you.8.Although J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels are written f
39、or "ages9-12", they(have struck a chord with)many older readers.Unit 51.We chatted for half an hour before he finally(got to the point):He wanted to work as a business consultant and wondered if I could passalong the names of certain potential clients.2.Scientists at the research center id
40、entified various features that專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式.專業(yè)資料整理WORD格式(are attached to)the commodities purchased by female consumers.3.The three mountain climbers(would have starved to death)if thevillagers had not found them lying at the bottom of the valley.4.The boy looked up timidly at his father who was sitti
41、ng next to him,but he didn't stop crying.(If anything), his crying became moreintense.5.Since no one knew how thedisease spread, they (were suspicious of)everything, including mosquitoes, swimming pools, and people from other neighborhoods.6. At the press conference, the government spokesman avo
42、ided answering the question about health-care reform directly. Instead he just(wandered around)to talk about the harsh economic situation.7. Mr.Rogers, whomyou met in the museumyesterday,works as a softwareengineer and plays folk music(on the side) .8. These schools were selected for our survey beca
43、use the compositionof their student bodies(was representative of)the district'senrollment, which includeda large proportionof childrenfrom immigrantfamilies.英譯漢UNIT 1Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher and scientist.亞里士多德是古希臘的哲學家和科學家。 His writings cover many subjects, includingphysics, bi
44、ology, zoology, logic, ethics, poetry, theater, music,linguistics, politics and government, and constitute the firstcomprehensive system of Western philosophy.他的作品涵蓋了許多學科,包括物理學、生物學、動物學、邏輯學、倫理學、詩歌、戲劇、音樂、語言學、政治和政府,構成了第一個綜合的西方哲學體系。Aristotlewas the firsttoclassify areas of human knowledge into distinct
45、disciplines such asmathematics, biology, and ethics.亞里士多德是第一個將人類的知識領域劃分為不同學科的人,如數學,生物學和倫理學。He believed all people'sconcepts and all their knowledge were ultimatelybased on perception.他相信人所有的觀念和所有的知識在根本上都是基于感知能力。His views onnatural sciences laid the groundwork for many of his works.他對自然科學的看法構成了他許
46、多作品的根底。He contributedto almost every fieldofhuman knowledge in his era.他幾乎對他所處時期的每一個人類知識領域都作出了奉獻。 His works contain the earliest known formal study of logic,and even today all aspects of Aristotle's philosophy continue to be theimportant subject of academic study.他的作品包含了人們所知的最早的關于邏輯的正式研究,即使在今天,亞里士多德哲學所涵蓋的方方面面仍是學術研究的重要課題。 His philosophy had a long-lastin
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