1、大儒誠信教育資源Unit 1教學教案Reading for Writing學科英語年級且一 乒a版本及章節(jié)人教版高中英語學習領域Unit 1 Teenage Life授課教師教學學案單兀學習主題Reading for WritingA letter of advice自查和互查評價表2.Does the writer give reasons for the advice ?124?3 .Does the writer use proper expressions to give suggestions ?4 .Does the writer use commas and stops corr
2、ectly?5 .1s the handwriting easy to read ?Teaching procedureStep 1: Pre-learning (7固化探索類活動)Teacher s activities 1(lead in)T introduces the topic by presenting a series of sentences of different patterns for the students.Students activities 1Ss read them on the screen and make guesses of the expressi
3、ons about the pictures.IntentionsThese activities aim at introducing the topic of the class, arousing Ss interest in class and hebasic information from the expressions of different sentence patterns.活動意圖說明:根據高一學生的真實情況設置真實情景,從而導入本課話題,激活學生相關話題知識。該環(huán)節(jié)問題貼近學生能力,學生可根據圖片實際情況選擇問題來回答,這樣更具體化和個性化,因此學生在該環(huán)節(jié)應 該是頭腦
4、風暴,拓展詞匯上沒有很大問題。Step 2 While Reading -Fast Reading (3)Teacher s activities 2T raises the following questions, directing Ss to read the first paragraph of the passage and answer the questions.What do you think of Chen Lei? Can you tell us the reasons?What is the passage mainly about?(What is Worried F
5、riend problem?)Students activities 2Ss read the whole passage and answer the questions put forward by T.,sIntentionsThis activity aims to help Ss have a clear understanding of the problems of the Worried Friend.活動意圖說明:通過快速閱讀文章,選擇恰當的內容來幫助學生把握文章主旨,找出“憂心忡忡的朋友”的問題。該環(huán)節(jié)設計的主要意圖是幫助學生理清文章主旨和脈絡結構,加強對語篇的整體理解。S
6、tep 3: While Reading -Detailed Reading (15)pinTeacher s activities 31. T asks the students to read the passage carefully and complete the mind map on their hand-out with the key information taken from the passage.2. T invites a volunteer to finish drawing his map on the blackboard.3. T asks students
7、 to compare their map with that on the blackboard and then draw their own map in different colors if they have different opinions.Based on the mind map, T makes comments and instructions on some points if necessary to help students get a better understanding of the passage.IntentionsStudents activit
8、ies 31. Students read the passage and complete the mind map on their hand-out.2. One of the students draw the pictures on the blackboard while the others add information on the blackboard.3. Students polish their mind maps with the instruction of the teacher to form a better understanding of the pas
9、sage.abiliThis activity aims to help students get to know the letter of advice and develop Ss grasp the details of it and even infer the authors purpose appropriately.活動意圖說明:通過本環(huán)節(jié)的思考和討論,學生加深對問題與建議的認識;通過閱讀表達的細節(jié)內容,使學生明確其所代表的人文精神和文化價值,并意識到遇到問題后向朋友尋求幫助和建議的必要性和迫切性。Teacher s activities 41. Guide Ss first
10、to read the three paragraphs with pictures, trying to find out their problems.2. Guide Ss to have a discussion in groups about how to share suggestions and reasons by using the following expressions I recommend that you .I think youStudents activities 41. Students read the passage and try to find ou
11、t their problems.2. Students focus on the content of the passage with the picture and then talk about the problems showing suggestions and reasons.Step 4 Reading for writing (15應用為假類活動)shouldWhy not.?3. Guide Ss to write the problems on the paper in groups.Choose a leader to show in the front for ot
12、her students to listen and evaluate.3. One student acts as a group leader and writes down the result of discussion on the blackboard.活動意圖說明:本環(huán)節(jié)的一系列活動能夠提升學生的查找能力和綜合語言表達能力,實踐與內化所學習的語言 知識,提煉所學的結構化知識和語言信息并形成口頭語言表達,進而內化目標語言知識和相關書面信息。這項 活動能夠提高學生運用所學短語的能力,提升學生小組間成員的合作能力,提升學生的組織和展示能力。Teacher s activities 5G
13、uide the students to offer one suggestion or reason to the others and arrive at one conclusion so as to lead the students to have a good reflecting. With this kind of activity, the students will perhaps have a better understanding of themselves.Students activities 5The related student will take down
14、 each comment fromthe students. And then make a plan for his new life.活動意圖說明:通過本環(huán)節(jié)的思考與分享,學生加深了對自己面臨的問題的認識,學生更加明確地意識到在新 的校園環(huán)境如何做人做事的必要性和迫切性,從而形成交友的意向,培養(yǎng)學生的合作關系和友好關系。此項活動有利于發(fā)展學生的核心素養(yǎng),培養(yǎng)學生對自己、對他人,尤其在交友方面的責任感和自信心。Teacher s activities 6Guide Ss to read the table and fill in the blanks.Guide the students
15、to exchange drafts by using the checklist to give feedback.Guide the students to write in different levels to show their ability.Students activities 6The students do as the teacher told them.活動意圖說明:通過本環(huán)節(jié)的學習活動,學生可以在新的情境中展開想象力和創(chuàng)造力,將所學知識進行遷移,填寫相關知識,進而提高對整篇文章的表達能力,培養(yǎng)自己的知識遷移能力。Step 5 Homework (20 )Teache
16、r s activities 7Guide the students to finish the writing in different levels.Students activities 7The students do as the teacher told them.Intentions: These activities aim to help Ss apply what they have learned and develop the right attitude towards life. This activity is intended to develop Ss abi
17、lity of writing.活動意圖說明:本環(huán)節(jié)教學設計符合新課程標準要求,教師在設計教學過程中要根據學生的不向層次設計不向的內容。本次內容設計了基礎部分寫作,主要是針對本課所學的內容;拓展層寫作,主要是用好本課所學的新知識要點和各類短語;競賽類寫作,主要是培養(yǎng)優(yōu)秀生參加高一高二的各類能力大賽或競賽活動。Blackboard design(板書設計)How to write a letter of advice? problems.Making solutions廣suggestions:I suggest that we should do Reasons A Actually 。l A
18、 ?U think you should.As a result,I recommend you do .The first reason is that 特色學習,資源分析,技術手段應用說明本節(jié)課的教學設計是以英語學科的核心素養(yǎng)發(fā)展為理論基礎,緊緊圍繞學習活動,設定學習目標并展開相 關的學習活動,教師基于學習目標設計了多個層次的學習活動,活動之間層層相扣,層層推進,有效地促成學 習目標的達成和發(fā)展學生的核心素養(yǎng)。1.情境式創(chuàng)設,提高學生課堂參與度、學習注意力和興趣,促進學習目標的達成。根據學生新進校園的情況和所涉及的問題,確保學生有話可談。在內化文本消息和最后的遷移創(chuàng)新類活動 中設計的情景,
19、可以使學生在輕松愉快的氛圍內鍛煉語言表達能力,掌握相關語法和文本信息,培養(yǎng)學習 創(chuàng)造性地解決實際生活的能力。2 .運用多種手段,全方位提升學生學習能力、思維品質和語言能力。在課堂開始,教師會提供一些圖片,讓學生通過圖片,將所學的知識歸納提升,并引出新的話題,主要是 在不同的語境中學習如何記憶詞匯和歸納詞語。本課包含了制作思維導圖、小組活動、小組討論和制作展 示等環(huán)節(jié),極大程度地體現了學生在課堂上的主體地位,可幫助學生鍛煉思維和表達能力、答案的邏輯推 理能力及聽說讀寫全方位的能力,加強與他人溝通配合的協(xié)作能力。3 .教學設計緊扣學生思維發(fā)展模式,加強文本理解并聯(lián)系實際生活。在寫作部分的設計上,由
20、課本到現實生活,由淺入深,層層推進,一步步幫助學生加深對問題的理解,將 學生的注意力遷移到對同學、對班級和對自己的問題上。4 .作業(yè)設計獨特新穎,形成學生的第2課堂。本課的作業(yè)主要是根據建議信改編的閱讀理解和寫作,分層體現能力,貼合文章主題,能夠幫助學生從校 園生活新生的角度獲取不同方面的認知能力,作業(yè)設計形成了分層推進的培養(yǎng)能力。同時將自己的問題、建議 或理由以不同的語言形式進行表達,這幾個任務均可以在不同程度上幫助學生拓寬學習渠道,提升學生學習興 趣和熱情。教學反思與改進,存在的問題本課的教學設計從整體上來說比較成功,學生的反饋大部分都很好,但也存在以下的問題:1 .在意見和理由的寫作上,
21、部分學生不能很好地利用本課所學的重點短語以及寫作格式,從而浪費了時 間。2 .在進行角色表演時學生不能脫離課本,或者部分學生不會很好地根據自己的思維導圖進行復述,仍然捧 著課本,閱讀不夠流暢。3 .所設計的四、五級寫作在一定程度上需要大量的時間,會導致課時不夠。改進措施1 .鼓勵優(yōu)秀生率先示范,用自己的語言闡述觀點。2 .教師可以通過分享優(yōu)秀文章,讓學生進行第2次交流。教材思考1 .豐富性在語言豐富方面,可以運用不同的句式,尤其要學會運用表達建議的句式以及非謂語形式,要學會用相對 豐富的語言替代單句或者是單調的句型。在Reading and Thinking環(huán)節(jié)下的文章,學生積累了表達問題和建
22、議的短語:Noun phrasesVerb phrases(拓展類)Adj. phrasesAdv. phrasesPrep. phrases(拓展類)too much timefocus onbe very worriedabouttoo oftenonline =on theInternetnew hobbiesconcentrate onfeel terribleother kinds ofadvicebecome addicted tobe anxiousencourage somebody to do2 .準確性通過學習語法,學生明確了各種短語的使用,在此基礎上拓展句子的基本結構,句
23、子的基本類型,從而掌 握短語在句子中的精確使用。3 .多元性學生在閱讀和寫作的文章中,通過猜詞和把握主題細節(jié)活動,遇到了本課需要學習的生詞和短語,通過對主題問題的了解,學會了使用以下詞匯和短語。如:1)觀點多元性。 Do you think Ms. Luo s advice is useful? Why or whyBOt答此問題時學生使用了本文閱 讀中的新學短語: I think I should encourage him to focus on other things in life, instead of concentrating on playing computer games
24、 constantly.2)話題多元性4 .完整性和目標性俱樂部看圖描寫(1)自然俱樂部There are four students in the Nature Club because they are interested in plants and animals. They are planting trees. Now, one is carrying a tree and holding it straight. One is digging some soil for the tree, while other girls help them. Actually, they a
25、re very good extra-curricular activities for senior high school students.(2)芭蕾舞俱樂部A beautiful girl loves dancing, so she often dances in the Ballet Club. Now, she is learning new movements. She often practices dancing with the help of dance pole. As a dance player, she can dance on the tiptop wearin
26、g a white short skirt with two-belts on her shoulders. Actually, she is good at dancing and very pleased to have this extra-curricular activity to build up her talents.寫作方法概述,描寫圖片,即找出圖片中的要點寫成段落主題句,然后對要點形成解釋,24句加結論,過渡詞加結論(即觀點,也就是對要點的情感表達。)5 .育人性和開放性What other kinds of advice would you give?在回答此問題時,學生
27、不僅用了本文閱讀中新學的短語,而且學會了使用情感類動詞offer替代give,還使用了本文中的短語become addicted to, concentrate on和make theteam。最重要的是,學生在老師的引領下理解了生活的意義:happiness和love才是做事的最高追求。I would offer other kinds of advice to some students who become addicted to the Internet and cannot concentrate on school and family life. We can make the team of five people to beat him. If he is always defeated, he will lose his interest in playing computer games. Then he will have no happiness because happiness can keep people going on, so having no happiness will stop people doin
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