unit 1 Computer and Computer Science_第1頁
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1、計算機專業(yè)英語計算機專業(yè)英語任課教師:任課教師: 辛焦麗辛焦麗 Tel:NIT 1 Computer and Computer Science(計算機與計算機科學(xué)計算機與計算機科學(xué))I. IntroductionII. HistoryIII. HardwareIV. ProgrammingSection A Computer Overview結(jié)束結(jié)束V. Future Development 1. Introduction A computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions

2、, or program, and then carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data or by manipulating other forms of information.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 1. Introduction The modern world of high technology could not have come about except for the development of the computer. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯

3、隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 1. Introduction Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout society in the storage and handling of data, from secret governmental files to banking transactions to private household accounts. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 1. Introduction Computers have open

4、ed up a new era in manufacturing through the techniques of automation, and they have enhanced modern communication systems.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 1. Introduction They are essential tools in almost every field of research and applied technology, from constructing models of the universe to p

5、roducing tomorrows weather reports, and their use has in itself opened up new areas of conjecture. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 1. Introduction Database services and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 1. Introduction The same

6、 advanced techniques also make possible invasions of personal and business privacy. Computer crime has become one of the many risks that are part of the price of modern technology.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History The first adding machine, a precursor of the digital computer, was devised i

7、n the 1642 by the French scientist, mathematician, and philosopher Blaise Pascal.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History This device employed a series of ten-toothed wheels, each tooth representing a digit from 0 to 9. The wheels were connected so that numbers could be added to each other by adv

8、ancing the wheels by a correct number of teeth.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁n機器中有一組輪子,每個輪子上刻著從機器中有一組輪子,每個輪子上刻著從0到到9的的10個數(shù)字個數(shù)字。右邊第一個輪子上的數(shù)字表示十位數(shù)字,依此類推。在。右邊第一個輪子上的數(shù)字表示十位數(shù)字,依此類推。在兩數(shù)相加時,先在加法機的輪子上撥出一個數(shù),再按照第兩數(shù)相加時,先在加法機的輪子上撥出一個數(shù),再按照第二個數(shù)在相應(yīng)的輪子上轉(zhuǎn)動對應(yīng)的數(shù)字,最后就會得到這二個數(shù)在相應(yīng)的輪子上轉(zhuǎn)動對應(yīng)的數(shù)字,最后就會得到這兩上數(shù)的和。如果某一位兩上數(shù)字之和超過了兩上

9、數(shù)的和。如果某一位兩上數(shù)字之和超過了10,加法,加法機就會自動地通過齒輪進位。機就會自動地通過齒輪進位。 2. History In the 1670s the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz improved on this machine by devising one that could also multiply.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History The French inventor Joseph-Marie Jacquard, in

10、designing an automatic loom, used thin, perforated wooden boards to control the weaving of complicated designs. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁分析句子成分分析句子成分 2. History During the 1880s the American statistician Herman Hollerith conceived the idea of using perforated card, similar to Jacquards boards

11、, for processing data.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History Employing a system that passed punched cards, over electrical contacts, he was able to compile statistical information for the 1890 United States census.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History (1)The Analytical Engine Also in the

12、19th century, the British mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage worked out the principles of the modern digital computer.(1)分析機分析機 也是在也是在19世紀,英國數(shù)學(xué)家和發(fā)明家查爾斯世紀,英國數(shù)學(xué)家和發(fā)明家查爾斯巴比奇提出了現(xiàn)代數(shù)巴比奇提出了現(xiàn)代數(shù)字計算機的原理。字計算機的原理。顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History He conceived a number of machines, such as Diffe

13、rence Engine, that was designed to handle complicated mathematical problems. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History Many historians consider Babbage and his associate, the mathematician Augusta Ada Byron, the true pioneers of the modern digital computer. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁Consider

14、 sb sth 2. History One of Babbages designs, the Analytical Engine, had many features of a modern computer. It had an input stream in the form of a deck of punched cards, a “store” for saving data, a “mill” for arithmetic operations, and a printer that made a permanent record. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁

15、上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History Babbage failed to put this idea into practice, though it may well have been technically possible at that date.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History (2)Early Computers Analogue computers began to be built in the late 19th century. Early models calculated by means of rotatin

16、g shafts and gears.(2)早期的計算機早期的計算機 模擬計算機是模擬計算機是19世紀末開始制造的。早期的模型是靠轉(zhuǎn)動的軸和齒世紀末開始制造的。早期的模型是靠轉(zhuǎn)動的軸和齒輪來進行計算的。輪來進行計算的。顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History Numerical approximations of equations too difficult to solve in any other way were evaluated with such machine.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2.

17、History Lord Kelvin built a mechanical tide predictor that was a specialized analogue computer. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History During World War 1 and 2, mechanical and later, electrical analogue computing systems were used as torpedo course predictors in submarines and as bombsight cont

18、rollers in aircraft. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History Another system was designed to predict spring floods in the Mississippi River basin.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History (3) Electronic Computers During World War 2, a team of scientists and mathematicians, working at Bletchley

19、Park, north of London, created one of the first all-electronic digital computers: Colossus.(3)電子計算機)電子計算機 第二次世界大戰(zhàn)期間,以倫敦北面的布萊切利公園為工作地點的第二次世界大戰(zhàn)期間,以倫敦北面的布萊切利公園為工作地點的一組科學(xué)家和數(shù)學(xué)家,制造了最早的全電子數(shù)字計算機之一:一組科學(xué)家和數(shù)學(xué)家,制造了最早的全電子數(shù)字計算機之一:“巨人巨人”。顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History By December 1943, Colossus, which

20、 incorporated 1500 vacuum tubes, was operational. It was used by the team headed by Alan Turing, in the largely successful attempt to crack German radio messages enciphered in the Enigma code.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History Independently of this, in the United States, a prototype electro

21、nic machine had been built as early as 1939, by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry at lowa State College.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History This prototype and later research were completed quietly and later overshadowed by the development of the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (

22、ENIAC) in 1945. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History ENIAC was granted a patent, which was overturned decades later, in 1973, when the machine was revealed to have incorporated principles first used in the Atanasoff-Berry Computer.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History ENIAC contained 18

23、000 vacuum tubes and had a speed of several hundred multiplications per minute, but originally its program was wired into the processor and had to be manually altered.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History Later machines were built with program storage, based on the ideas of the Hungarian-Ameri

24、can mathematician john von Neumann. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History The instructions, like the data, were stored within a “memory”, freeing the computer from the speed limitations of the paper-tape reader during execution and permitting problems to be solved without rewiring the computer

25、.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History The use of the transistor in computers in the late 1950s marked the advent of smaller, faster, and more versatile logical elements than were possible with vacuum-tube machines. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History Because transistors use much less

26、power and have a much longer life, this development alone was responsible for the improved machines called second-generation computers. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁was responsible for:成為成為.的起因的起因 2. History Components became smaller, as did inter-component spacings, and the system became much le

27、ss expensive to build.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History (4) Integrated Circuits Late in the 1960s the integrated circuit, or IC, was introduced, making it possible for many transistors to be fabricated on one silicon substrate, with interconnecting wires plated in place. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回

28、返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History The IC resulted in a further reduction in price, size, and failure rate.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History The microprocessor became a reality in the mid-1970s with introduction of the large-scale integrated (LSI) circuit and later, the very large-scale integrated

29、(VLSI) circuit (microchip), with many thousands of interconnected transistors etched into a single silicon substrate. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History To return, then, to the switching capabilities of a modern computer: computers in the 1970s, were generally able to handle eight switches

30、at a time. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History That is, they could deal with eight binary digits, or bits, of data, at every cycle. A group of eight bits is called a byte, each byte containing 256 possible patterns of ONs and OFFs (or 1s and 0s). 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History E

31、ach pattern is the equivalent of an instruction, a part of an instruction, or a particular type of datum, such as a number or a character or a graphics symbol.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History The pattern 11010010, for example, might be binary datain this case, the decimal number 210or it

32、might be an instruction telling the computer to compare data stored in its switches to data stored in a certain memorychip location.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History The development of processors that can handle 16,32, and 64 bits of data at a time has increased the speed of computers. 顯示翻

33、譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 2. History The complete collection of recognizable patternsthe total list of operations of which a computer is capable is called its instruction set. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁a computer is capable of recognizable patterns 2. History Both factorsthe number of bits

34、 that can be handled at one time, and the size of instruction setscontinue to increase with the ongoing development of modern digital computers.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 3. Hardware Modern digital computers are all conceptually similar, regardless of size.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 3. H

35、ardware Nevertheless, they can be divided into several categories on the basis of cost and performance: the personal computer or microcomputer, a relatively low-cost machine, usually of desktop size (though “l(fā)aptops” are small enough to fit in a briefcase, and “palmtops” can fit into a pocket); 顯示翻譯

36、顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 3. Hardware the workstation, a microcomputer with enhanced graphics and communications capabilities that make it especially useful for office work; the minicomputer, generally too expensive for personal use, with capabilities suited to a business,school, or laboratory; 顯

37、示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 3. Hardware and the mainframe computer, a large, expensive machine with the capability of serving the needs of major business enterprises, government departments, scientific research establishments, or the like (the largest and fastest of these are called supercompute

38、rs).大規(guī)模商業(yè)企業(yè)大規(guī)模商業(yè)企業(yè)顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 3. Hardware A digital computer is not a single machine: rather, it is a system composed of five distinct elements:(1) a central processing unit; (2) input devices;(3) memory storage devices;(4) output devices; and (5) a communications network, calle

39、d a bus, which links all the elements of the system and connects the system to the external world.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 4. Programming A program is a sequence of instructions that tells the hardware of a computer what operations to perform on data. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 4. Prog

40、ramming Programs can be built into the hardware itself, or they may exist independently in a form known as software. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 4. Programming In some specialized, or “dedicated” computers, the operating instructions are embedded in their circuitry; common examples are the micr

41、ocomputers found in calculators, wristwatches, car engines, and microwave ovens.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 circuit:電路;:電路;circuitry:電路系統(tǒng)。:電路系統(tǒng)。 類似于類似于machine和和machinery,jewel和和jewelry,scene和和scenery,等等,這些可數(shù)名詞后面,等等,這些可數(shù)名詞后面加上加上y或者或者ry,就擴大為一類,是不可數(shù)名詞,就擴大為一類,是不可數(shù)名詞 4. Programming A general-purpose

42、 computer, on the other hand, although it contains some built-in programs (in ROM) or instructions (in the processor chip), depends on external programs to perform useful tasks. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 4. Programming Once a computer has been programmed, it can do only as much or as little a

43、s the software controlling it at any given moment enables it to do.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 4. Programming Software in widespread use includes a wide range of applications programsinstructions to the computer on how to perform various tasks. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 5. Future Develop

44、ments One continuing trend in computer development is microminiaturization, the effort to compress more circuit elements into smaller and smaller chip space. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 5. Future Developments Researchers are also trying to speed up circuitry functions through the use of superco

45、nductivity, the phenomenon of decreased electrical resistance observed in certain materials at very low temperatures. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 5. Future Developments The “fifth-generation” computer effort to develop computers that can solve complex problems in ways that might eventually meri

46、t the description “creative” is another trend in computer development, the ideal goal being true artificial intelligence.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 5. Future Developments One path actively being explored is parallel-processing computing, which uses many chips to perform several different tasks

47、 at the same time.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 5. Future Developments One important parallel-processing approach is the neural network, which mimics the architecture of the nervous system. 顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 5. Future Developments Another ongoing trend is the increase in computer n

48、etworking, which now employs the worldwide data communications system of satellite and cable links to connect computers globally.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁 5. Future Developments There is also a great deal of research into the possibility of “optical” computershardware that processes not pulse

49、s of electricity but much faster pulses of light.顯示翻譯顯示翻譯隱藏翻譯隱藏翻譯返回返回上一頁上一頁下一頁下一頁課后題課后題I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. Charles Babbage; Augusta Ada Byron2. input; output3. VLSI4. workstations; mainframes5. vacuum; transistors6. instructions; software7. digit; eight; b

50、yte8. microminiaturizaiton; chip課后題課后題II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. artificial intelligence2. paper-tape reader3. optical computer4. neural network5. instruction set 6. parallel processing7. difference engine 8. versatile logical element9. s

51、ilicon substrate10. vacuum tube課后題課后題II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. artificial intelligence 人工智能人工智能2. paper-tape reader 紙帶閱讀器紙帶閱讀器3. optical computer 光計算機光計算機4. neural network 神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)5. instruction set 指令集指令集6. parallel processing 并行處理并行處理7

52、. difference engine 差分機差分機8. versatile logical element 通用邏輯元件通用邏輯元件9. silicon substrate 硅襯底硅襯底10. vacuum tube 真空管真空管課后題課后題II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:11. 數(shù)據(jù)的存儲與處理數(shù)據(jù)的存儲與處理 the storage and handling of data12. 超大規(guī)模集成電路超大規(guī)模集成電路 very large-scale i

53、ntegrated circuit13. 中央處理器中央處理器central processing unit 14. 個人計算機個人計算機 personal computer15. 模擬計算機模擬計算機 analogue computer16. 數(shù)字計算機數(shù)字計算機 digital computer17. 通用計算機通用計算機 general-purpose computer18. 處理器芯片處理器芯片 processor chip19. 操作指令操作指令 operating instructions20. 輸入設(shè)備輸入設(shè)備 input device課后題課后題III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:We can define a computer as a device


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