1、management syst emsand measur es esta blished by,and a num ber ofpragmati c,combinedpart-timeworkforce education information,theprote ctionofthe digitalcampus construction andon te chnol ogysecurity, infor mation technologysecurity, entrustXXCityCe nterfor educati onal i nformationand equipmentde di
2、cate d tothe work. Network securityleadi ng group was setup,chaired by theE ducation Bureau Chief,head,for XXe ducationMetr o-network a nd i nformationsecurityemergency responseleadership. Deputy gr oupleaderfor XX educational metropolitan areanetworka nd information security emergencyresponse coord
3、inati on, command.Tefornetw orkXXnetw ork securitya nd inf ormation.Team.InformationsecurityworkConference heldea chsemester,a nddepl oymentofinformati ons ecurityof docume ntsissue don areg ular ba sis. Information se curityassessmentis isecurity budgettoensure i nformation se curityofinve stment.B
4、yXX,e ducationinformationand equipment Ce ntreXXnet work networkse curity a nd information security.Accor ding to t he informati onte chnol ogysecurity requirements, issued a docume ntrequires school s (units)implement,define d thei nformation security gui delines,specifi cwork practi ces, procedur
5、es,a nd re quireme nts.Clearindustry information securityincidents (accidents) todetect, re portand disposal processes.A ccording toself -examination,the school (units) ba sic e stablishe d has netw orksecurit ymanagementsystem;theschool(units) accordi ngtothi s unit sactual,esta blished has units p
6、ersonnelmanagement,information systemroommanageme nt,and equipme ntmanagem nt, andmediamanagement,a nd networksecurityconstruction management,and shi pped dime nsi on manag ment,and service out sour cing,management system; developed hascomputerand thenetwork of network security responsibilityheld sy
7、 stem,signed has net workse curity re sponsi bility;we bsite ofinformation ma nagement personnelis responsi bleforconfidential management,passw ord ma nagement, on computerenjoys independe ntright,User name and password ofthe computer foritsproprietary, and rele ase ofpr ovisions is pr ohi bited, su
8、chasle aks,inv estigated for re sponsibi lity.Accordingt owho is in charge ofwho's in charge, whoi s running and w ho isresponsibl efor,who uses prind re sponsibilitie sofinformationse curity,a ssura nce responsibiliti es to school s.XXcityschool s (units)totalsite 20, 19ofwhichwere notcla ssifi
9、edsecurity protection assessme nt,ofwhi ch1 (XX e ducation and r esource netw ork)forclassifie d securitypr otecti on level s,without t hird-levelinformatiTotaleducation i nformation systems 1 (withe-Gover nment,resour ce li brary,test data base ,mailservice s,suchase -books,al l intranetservices.No
10、 for gradepr otectiongradi ng record a nd eval uationofschool(units),requirements tschool (units)accordingto information securitygradenizati on carried outinf ormation securitygrade pr otecti on securitymanagement systemconstr uction,a ndte chnologymeasure sconstr uctiona nd gradeevaluati on,im plem
11、entati on gra depron sy stemsecurity managementlevel obviouslyfacilityupto 160 million Yua n,a ccor dingt othe sta ndar d,hig h qualitypla nni ng XX educati onalmetr opolitan areanetworkre alizes Wan Z haok uant oschools, hundre ds of mega bytes ofbr oadbandtothe table, 'wire'(ie: Web,video,
12、a udi o) to thetarget,ele ctronic w hiteboar ds,multime diacla ssroom s,remotei ntera ctive vide oteachingsy stem ofmoder neducati onalequi pmenti n theclassr oomWit h Intel companyonXXEd ucati ononCi scocompanythoughtShuaidchuan proje ctstafffree provides ha sthr eeyear s technologysupport,from2009
13、 began,accordingto high standards,a nd high ofworkthought,andma npower pla nni ng, a nd point sstepimplementation,usingschooles,agai n pla nni ngelementary a ndmiddle school scampusnetworka nde ducationcity domain network,and l ocal broa dcastingnetworkcompa nycooperation, using br oadcastTV network
14、, willphy sicalfiberlayingtoe ach school,to minim umofcosta chi eved has physi calfiberschoolschoolpass;Each school constructi on standards of campus net work andnet workaccessto allrooms;XXeducati on metropolita n area network center ma chi neroom equi pment i nthe Mi nistryofe ducation standardi z
15、ation managementplatform,the CentralLibraryofaudio -visualeducationre source s,set upa Chine se teachere ducation cl oudplatform,impleme nted li nks thetwo pl atforms.At pre sent,thecity's primaryand middleschoolstudentst o com puter3198, vitalitythan 10:1; 809 equipmentcampusnetw ork.Theesta bl
16、ishment ofan a dvance d, pra cticalGiga bit educationalmetropolitanarea netw ork, the city'sschools have accesstoe ducationalmetropolita n area network,schoolshave computer networks,cl osed-circuittelevisi on network, broa dca st netw orks int othecl assrooms,re alize thetriple play.Schoolsshare
17、 Internet bandwidt h,ca n meetthe needs of teaching ofthe schooloffice a nd at a nytime.According to Ministry of education onfull started impl ementationtea ching poi ntsdigital educati onresour cesfull cover proje ctofnotification (taughttechnical letter(2012)74th,)and XX Province Departme ntofeduc
18、ati on on issue dXXpr ovinceteaching poi ntsdigital e ducation resour ces fullcover pr oje ct implementati on view s ofnotifi cation (chuan taughtletter(2013) 18th,) requirements,I city6 ateaching points impleme ntation te achingpoint sdigitale ducation resources fullcoverpr oject, combine d Icitysp
19、e cificsituati on, devel ope d issue d has XX City Bureau ontea chi ng points digitalresour ces fullcover pr oject ofimplementationprogramme, Establ ishedXX,full coverage ofdigitalresour ces i n moder n di stanceeducati ontea chnig pr oject le adi nggroup,XX,chaired theSe cretaryforeducati on. E sta
20、bli she d,students,i n XX infirst pla ce.Five, i nformation technology applicati on capa bilityas a mea ns to boostteaching ofteachersto use information, E ducation Burea uofXXtitle andmoder n educati onalte chnologyteacherassessme ntlevels li nked t othe examination; launchedaprovi ncial m odelscho
21、ol ofmodern e ducation technologyselecti on, a dvanced unit i neducati on ayear( individual) award.T o expe ditee ducation informatization w ork,the cityestabl ishedthe schoolrunning lev elofsupervisi onand a ssessment sy stem. Informati oneon assessment informati onw orkmore tha n to cutweig ht 10.
22、Practice isa reg ularroomsupervision,educationinformationsteering,steeri ng,steeri ng witht he end, pri nci pals ofeducation informati on intoperf ormanceasse ssmenta ndschooll evel monit oring a nd eval uation,to developa sci entific,operat ionale ducation information steeringassessme nt methods,tr
23、a ckingmanag ementofeducation i nformation andapplications.By Mar ch 2016,100 ofthetea chers,Ipartici pated i n anationalndsecondary schoolteachers, theteachershave madeto cut80 primaryand middle schoolteachers 'e ducationaltechnology proficie ncytest certificate.At prese nt,allschools haveacces
24、sto br oadba nd networks.Traini ng cla ssificati on training of teachers,schooltea chers,academi c leader s,informati on te chnol ogy,teachertraini ng and netw ork manageme nt personnelfromtheCounty,withi nthe schoolba cktoschooltraini ng once trai ning is complete.Through thi s mode ofclassificatio
25、ntraining, informati on te chnol ogyapplicati on ca pabilitytraini ng of teachers i n our cityrea ched 100.XXseries of effective informatiProjects in XX cityschooldigitalr esources i n moderndi stance e ducation te achingfull -coverage pr oje ctleadi ng group, digitalr esource s inmo dern dista ncee
26、 ducation teaching,and XXfullcov erage prdigital resources inmodern dista ncee ducation teaching,XXfullcoveragepr oje ct group,XX, Dire ctor ofthe Ce nterforeducati onalinformationandequipment chair edZhuGuiyan, re sponsi blefordi stanceeducation digitalresour ces coveri ng project w ork.ied arrange
27、me nt of thew hole provi nce, responsiblefor univer sityeducation digital re sour ces coveri ngpr ojectma nagementa nd impl ementation.A ccordi ngtopr ovinces arrang ements, ICenterhasarra ngement s Gong深圳市中德佰福科技有限公司企業(yè)標準工業(yè)控制計算機檢驗標準curity preventi on capa cityobviously enhanceduced ,effectiveguara nt
28、ees i nformation healt h devel opme nt.XX Educati on Centrereg ularlycarry out day -to-day network securitymonit oring i nformation a nd e qui pment. By thea ppropriatetechnical staff,XXnetworke ngine r oommainte nancestaffon site manageme ntand mai ntena nceon areg ularba sis,scheduledvie wing ofne
29、twork s, systems, databases a nd a ssociate d equipme ntoperatingconditions, and make are cor d.Computerla bmainte nance manag ersregularly r un a variety of device sin the schoolinformationsystemparameters,serversystems and vari ousdata ba ckup,sothat ther ewasa hardwarefail ure in asy stemcrash ca
30、 n resume qui ckly andefficie ntly.Com puter la b mainte nancemanager s establisha netwregularbasi s, andanti -virus software securityasse ssme nt,time to upgra de. Computerlabmai ntena ncemanagementfor allequipment i n theroom aregular dust ,replacethe old la bel.Regularlyhostservers,networkswitche
31、s,core routing ,firewalls,hardwar e maintena nce,such a s equipme ntfailure,should be pr ocesse d in atimelymanner inorderto e nsuresafe andrelia bleoperationofthesystem.In XXcity informati ona nd e qui pmentwase stabli shed withi nthe Centre, educati onalm etropolitan area network centermachi neroo
32、m XX. Serversand data store s andapplicati onstoset up in XX City metropolitanare a netw ork ce nter machi neroom.Wi ndowsServer2003,windowsServer2008,wi ndowsServer2012, Linux,the operati ngsystem,the database forSQLServer2008, Officesoftware, suchasMinformation system se curitypr oductsfor domesti
33、 cproducts,i nculdi ng theXX education metr opolitanarea netw ork use d bytheserverfor HP,firewalland informationse curitypr oductfor Huaweia nd Cisco pr oducts.In theirdaily work,to publi cize re latedknd inf ormation securityconsiEnhanced glarenetwork ainformation security,andstrive to a chiev e n
34、etw orkeveryone knowssecurity andvirusbeforethe g uard,t o improve networka nd informationse curity,end information systemse curity. Tra ckingre porti ng systemrequires al lparties t o strengt hen colla boration,w ork cl oselywit h emergency safetyplandevel opedXXe ducation metropolitanareanetw ork,
35、regularly carryout emergency drills,and carried out spe cialfundseveryyeart o prote ct thesecurityof information.Annual2-3 professionaltraini ng for netw ork managers i nthe city, formingt echnol ogywith astr ong pr ofessionala ndte chnicalte am,school networkmanager son common netw ork failure s an
36、d becapa bleofsolving se curityissue s.Issuesthat cannotberesolv ed,timelyformsofmeetings, such asmeeting s,analy sis,a nd soluti onsthrougha meeti ng,withoutrol ling upthe a bility to solve pr oblems, andfeedback to superiorsi nwriting departme ntstoresolve.Throughself-examinati on, wearewell aw ar
37、e, relative la ckof inve stment ine ducation, facilitie sandequi pmentforfurther updates,e ducationdev elopment isstill unev en, newe ducationconceptsneed t obefurt herenhancedt o some exte ntand restricti ngthe development ofcity educati on.Wewilltake theopportunityofgover nment supervision,to stri
38、ve forthe pr ovince education demonstrationcountie sasa drivi ngforce ,furtherincrea se input in e ducation,effortsto promotet helongwing ,and LiWanfu, a nd Mi cha elJenki ns, a ndChen Jia n,and Songand xiaochua nyun,7 bit comradeparti cipatei n provi nce ba ckboneface -to-face ornetw orklearning, d
39、o ea chtea chi ng point s arehaste achersparti cipat ein traini ng,October17, 2013,i ssued XX cityeducationinformationa nd equi pment Centeron requirements thetea chi ng points schoolforg ood satellite groundstati oninstallation pre pare dofnotifi cation,requirementsschoolrelate dmanagement personne
40、lfamiliarXXprovincet ea chi ng points digitaleducation re sour cesful lcov er project constructi on ma nagementmanual, Particularlywith regard to installation pre paration parts accordi ng to thepoiprovincefull coverage of digitaleducati onalr esource s inthe project constructionmanagementmanual.Dev
41、i cesare a bleto re ceive TVsig nals a nd IP data,t heschools haveschooltraining andschool-based a ppli cation touse good.Activelyorga nize impl ementati onofadivi sionofa cla ss, atea cherin oneclass activity. XXiorking i n this city,XX,Sun cla ssrateof54 perce nt respectively,t heforefront.In XX,
42、adivision of aclass,aclassatotal ra nkedfirst i n Divisi on a ctivities,wa s awarded the nationalmini sterialone,2 provinci alsecond prize,t hird prizeatthe provi nciall evel3.Activ elyorgani ze impleme ntation of thee -lear ning spacethew orkofeveryone.Atpresent,inthe ope nspace ofpublic service pl
43、atformof provi nci aleducatiotalnum berofteachers, studentnum beris 6569oftheope n space,t hecity's t otalstudent s 18.3 1 to (juni or hig hschoolstude nts in 30above,stude nts notrequire d), registration num bertomeetthere quir ements ofteacher sandmanagement syst emsand measur es esta blished
44、by,and a num ber ofpragmati c,combinedpart-timeworkforce education information,theprote ctionofthe digitalcampus construction andon te chnol ogysecurity, infor mation technologysecurity, entrustXXCityCe nterfor educati onal i nformationand equipmentde dicate d t othe work. Network securityleadi ng g
45、roup was setup,chaired by theE ducation Bureau Chief,head,for XXe ducationMetr o-network a nd i nformationsecurityemergency responseleadership. Deputy gr oupleaderfor XX educational metropolitan areanetworka nd information security emergencyresponse coordinati on, command.T he team assi stleadera nd
46、 deputy leader,responsibl e for netw orkXXnetw ork securitya nd inf ormation.Team.InformationsecurityworkConference heldea chsemester,a nddepl oymentofinformation security ofdocume ntsissue don areg ular ba sis. Information se curityassessmentis i ncl uded inthe a nnualindex.Strictly im plementthe i
47、security budgettoensure i nformation se curityofinve stment.ByXX,e ducationinformationand equipment Ce ntreXXnet work networkse curity a nd information security.Accor ding to t he informati onte chnol ogysecurity requirements, issued a docume ntrequires school s (units)implement,define d thei nforma
48、tion security gui delines,specifi cwork practi ces, procedures,a nd re quireme nts.Clearindustry information securityincidents (accidents) todetect, re portand disposal processes.A ccording toself -examination,the school (units) ba sic e stablishe d has netw orksecurit ymanagementsystem;theschool(un
49、its) accordi ngtothi s unit sactual,esta blished has units personnelmanagement,information systemroommanageme nt,and equipme ntmanageme nt, andmediamanagement,a nd networksecurityconstruction management,and shi pped dime nsi on manag ment,and service out sour cing,management system; developed hascom
50、puterand thenetwork of network security responsibilityheld sy stem,signed has net workse curity re sponsi bility;we bsite ofinformation ma nagement personnelis responsi bleforconfidential management,passw ord ma nagement, on computerenjoys independe ntright,User name and password ofthe computer fori
51、tsproprietary, and rele ase ofpr ovisions is pr ohi bited, suchasle aks,inv estigated for re sponsibi lity.Accordingt owho is in charge ofwho's in charge, whoi s running and w ho isresponsibl efor,who uses prind re sponsibilitie sofinformationse curity,a ssura nce responsibiliti es to school s.X
52、Xcityschool s (units)totalsite 20, 19ofwhichwere notcla ssifiedsecurity protection assessme nt,ofwhi ch1 (XX e ducation and r esource netw ork)forclassifie d securitypr otecti on level s,without t hird-levelinformation systems.Totaleducation i nformation systems 1 (withe-Gover nment,resour ce li bra
53、ry,test data base ,mailservice s,suchase -books,al l intranetservices.No for gradepr otectiongradi ng record a nd eval uationofschool(units),requirements tschool (units)accordingto informationsecuritygradenizati onn carried outinf ormation securitygrade protecti onsecurity management systemconstruct
54、ion,a ndte chnologymeasure sconstructiona nd gradeevaluation,im plementation gra depron sy stemsecurity managementlevel obviouslyfacilityupto 160 million Yuan,a ccor dingt othe sta ndar d,hig h qualityplanni ng XX educationalmetr opolitan areanetworkre alizes Wan Z haok uant oschools,hundre ds of me
55、gabytes ofbr oadbandtothe table, 'wire'(ie: Web,video,a udi o) to thetarget,electronic w hiteboar ds,multime diacla ssrooms,remote intera ctive vide oteachingsy stem ofmoderneducati onalequipmenti n theclassroomWith Intel companyon XX Educati ononCi scocompanythoughtShuaidchuanproje ctstafff
56、ree providesn,accordingtohigh standards,and high ofworkthought,andma npower planni ng, and pointsstepimplementation,usingschooles,agai n pla nni ngelementary a ndmiddle school scampusnetworka nde ducationcity domain network,and l ocal broa dcastingnetworkcompa nycooperation, using br oadcastTV netwo
57、rk, willphy sicalfiberlayingtoe ach school,to minim umofcosta cheived has physi calfiberschoolschool pass;Eachschoolconstructi on standards of campus net work andnet workaccessto allrooms;XXeducati on metropolita n area network center ma chi neroom equi pment i nthe Mi nistryofe ducation standardi z
58、ation managementplatform,the CentralLibraryofaudio -visualeducationre source s,set upa Chine se teachere ducation cl oudplatform,implemented li nks thetwo pl atforms.At pre sent,thecity's primaryand middleschoolstudentst o com puter3198, vitalitythan 10:1; 809 equipment classesthr ough thecla ssroom (prim aryand secondary);36ofthecampusnetw ork.Theesta blishment ofan a dvance d, pra cticalGiga b
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