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1、Strategylayout isnewof historyconditionsXia partyruling acting politi caltotalstrategy,consci ously with"foura full"led t he work ;(5) insistedi nnovation,andcoordi nation,and green, and open, andshared development is relationship Chi na devel opme ntglobalofone deepchange,a ccordi ngto ne

2、wdevel opme nt conceptdojob;(6)practice lineS ociali stcoreval ues, promote Socialistthought moraland Chinese traditionalvirtueacting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learning understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianwork during advocate of"four grassroots" "

3、immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and thein Na npnig resear ch st udy proposed of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm ",importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe ntheparty spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moral chara cter,conservation rel

4、ated to theba sic requireme nts.Ma in understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is CommunistsspiritS hang of"calcium",setrig htofworldview,and Outlook on life,and values;(2)China dream is nationalofdream,and national ofdream, andpeople ofdream,is Chinese modernyilai mostgrea

5、t ofdream,core Essentialsis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinafeature sSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nhanced roa d confide nce, an dthe oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) "four afull"工作總結(jié)及研究計(jì)劃報(bào)告教師是蠟燭,照亮了別人燃燒了自己,

6、教師是人類的工程師,培育著祖國未來的希望,教師是陽光底下最崇高的職業(yè),所以我從小就希望自己長大后能成為一名人民教師。2011 年 9 月,我終于實(shí)現(xiàn)了兒時(shí)的夢想成為了一名光榮的、一名培育祖國花朵的人民教師。時(shí)光飛逝,半年多的時(shí)間很快的就這樣過去了,在這一年里,在學(xué)校領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和同事的幫助下,我無論是在教學(xué)方面還是在組織活動工作方面都有很大的進(jìn)步。回首這半年的工作實(shí)踐,我不禁思緒萬千、感慨不已。作為一名剛踏上工作崗位的青年教師,一開始我心中不禁有些忐忑。幸運(yùn)的是,學(xué)校各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和許多老師對我的工作給予很多的關(guān)心和幫助,而我也更加努力,本學(xué)期我的各項(xiàng)工作都有條不紊的開展。經(jīng)過一個(gè)學(xué)期的實(shí)踐,我獲取了很多寶

7、貴的工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)。作為一名新教師,踏上工作崗位后的第一個(gè)任務(wù)就是擔(dān)任初三7個(gè)班和高一全年級的教學(xué)工作,這對我來說是一個(gè)不小的挑戰(zhàn)。其中一個(gè)班的男生調(diào)皮的較多,所以在管理上比較困難.特別是因?yàn)槲沂且幻陆處?,初來乍到 ,總會有些同學(xué)表現(xiàn)出”不買賬”的態(tài)度。經(jīng)過一個(gè)多月的磨合,通過不斷的找同學(xué)談心,主動去了解他們的情況,慢慢的我和學(xué)生之間開始互相了解了.經(jīng)過細(xì)心的觀察和實(shí)踐,我發(fā)現(xiàn)了這樣一種教學(xué)方式,那就是作為一名新教師,對等學(xué)生不應(yīng)總是擺出教師的架子 ,把自己擺在高高的位置上,這樣很容易造成學(xué)生的不服,從而不ullstrictlyrule partyis al lmembers common re

8、sponsibility,must impleme ntationt oeach branchand ea ch namemember s.3 . Playa va nguard andexemplaryrolein life.Keeptot he correct politi cal orientation, politicalse nsitivityand politicaljudgment,dare tofightagai nstallki ndsofwr ong thoug ht,wrong wor ds a nd deeds.(2)firmly establish conscious

9、nessofthe party,t he partymember's consciousness.Focus on some party memberssense oforga nizationa nd discipline,they do not partici pate in t heOrga nization,is not re quire dtopay mem bership dues for along time,donot playa vanguard a nd exemplaryrole ,some don'teven me ntion membership,fa

10、iltomakeadistinction betwe enright a nd wrong,failing toobservepoliti caldi sci pline andrules,and soon.Always keep inmindthatheis a Commu nist,stre ngthen party spirit,liste ning party, party, party, party,party party guardi ng part y,atthe party,t heparty forhepart y.(3)strengtheni ng the consci o

11、usne ss oftheparty'sotion,talk aboutet hics, good faith is not enough,andsomeevenvalrnmore, better, more strict re quireme nts, higher,andstrive to improvetue distortions,mI- L - Iheideolr, materialisti c, andsoon.heoreti callevel s.1.ConstitStrengtheningmoral cultivati on,Z ontaforgood, payatte

12、ntionto self -disci pline,spiritualution Party rule s. System learning understandingCPCarticles, infull grasp basi ccontentinterna lizethe core valuehang,focusmasterConstitsintoconsciousa ction,wiution masterandmemberth exemplary behaviori nflue nceand leads,and party oforga nization system,aup inth

13、e practi ce of promoti ng reform,devel opment andon people's conceptionofsomeparty members, lackofse nse ofservithemasses did nottake the initiative,a nd some eve nhurt publi cintere sts,job, excellentthickfriends,s. (4) activelypranization, a nd party of pla ce organizati on, and partyofStrateg

14、ylayout isnewof hi storyconditionsXi a partyruli ng acting politi caltotalstrategy, consci ously with"four afull" led the work ;(5) insistedi nnovation,and coordi nation,and green, a nd open,and shared development isrelationship Chi na devel opme ntglobalofone dee pchange,a ccordi ngto new

15、devel opme nt conceptdojob;(6)practice lineS ociali stcoreval ues, promote Socialistt hought moraland Chinese traditionalvirtueacting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learni ng understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate of"four grassroot s" &q

16、uot;immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and thein Na npnig resear ch st udy propose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm", importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moral chara cter,conservati

17、on related to theba sic re quireme nts.Ma in understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang of"calcium" ,setrig htofworl dvie ,wand Outlook on life,and values;(2)China dream is nationalofdream,a nd national ofdream, a nd people ofdre am,is Chine se mode

18、rnyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinafeature sSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nhanced roa d confide nce, and the oryco nfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) "four afull"愿聽教師的課.而

19、我們應(yīng)該讓學(xué)生感到學(xué)生和教師是平等的,除此之外 ,我們要多從學(xué)生的角度去考慮問題,設(shè)身處地的為學(xué)生著想,這樣他們才能接受你,從而去聽你的教育的指導(dǎo)。教師育人,身正為范。在半年的工作業(yè)中讓我認(rèn)識自我的角色定位。不但是應(yīng)該做一個(gè)怎樣的人,而且是做一個(gè)怎樣的教師。教師的職責(zé)是神圣的,既教書又育人。高爾基說過: “誰不愛孩子,孩子就不愛他, 只有愛孩子的人,才能教育孩子”。 愛孩子是教師應(yīng)具備的美德,也是教師的天職,作為一名中學(xué)教師,當(dāng)然更應(yīng)該做到這一點(diǎn).在職業(yè)活動中,我把熱愛學(xué)生放在第一位,有了這種心境,師生之間就能處于一種和諧的狀態(tài),許多事情便迎刃而解,熱愛學(xué)生包括尊重信任學(xué)生、關(guān)心愛護(hù)學(xué)生,只要


21、epartyis allmembers common responsibility,must impleme ntationt oeach branchand ea ch namemember s.3 . Playa va nguard andexemplaryrolein life.Keeptot he correct politi cal orientation, politicalse nsitivityand politic aljudgment, dare tofightagai nstallki ndsofwr ong thoug ht,wrong words a nd deeds

22、.(2)firmly establish consciousnessofthe party,t he partymember's consciousness.Focus on some party members sense oforga nizationa nd discipline,they do not partici pate in t heOrga nization,is not re quire dtopay mem bership dues for along time,donot playa vanguard a nd exemplaryrole ,some don&#

23、39;teven me ntion membership,failtomakeadistinction betwe enright and wrong,failing toobservepoliti caldi sci plineandrules,and soon.Always keep inmindthatheis a Communist,stre ngthen party spirit,liste ning party, party, party, party,party party guarding part y,atthe party,t heparty fort hepart y.(

24、3)strengtheni ng the consci ousne ss oftheparty'sacting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learni ng understa ndXIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate of"four grassroots" "immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and t

25、hei n Na npi ngresear ch st udy propose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm",importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moralchara cter,conservation related to theba sic re quireme nts.Ma in und erstand masterfollowi ng asp

26、ects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang of"calcium",setrig htofworl dview,an dOutlookonlife, andval ues;(2)China dream is nationalofdream,a nd nationalofdream, and people ofdre am,is Chinese modernyilai mostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalre

27、vitali zation,and peopl e happi ness;(3) ChinafeaturesSocialist isa chi evedChinese greatrevival ofway,enhanced roa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfidence ;(4) "four afull"趣特點(diǎn)。 因此新課的導(dǎo)入設(shè)計(jì)要講究知識性和趣味性的結(jié)合。通過導(dǎo)入使學(xué)生對所學(xué)知識產(chǎn)生興趣,迅速地進(jìn)入最佳的學(xué)習(xí)狀態(tài)中,使學(xué)生能夠更快更好地掌握所學(xué)知識。同時(shí), 我還經(jīng)常請教有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的教師,經(jīng)她們一

28、點(diǎn)撥,我茅塞頓開。此外,在備課的過程中,我除了準(zhǔn)備課本上要求的內(nèi)容外,還盡量多收集一些有趣的課外資料作為補(bǔ)充,提高學(xué)生的聽課的興趣。2、重視課堂40 分鐘的教學(xué)實(shí)踐。辛苦的備課歸根到底還是為上課作準(zhǔn)備的。我非常重視課堂的40 分鐘,在教學(xué)的過程中盡量做到內(nèi)容豐富充實(shí),教態(tài)自然大方,語言生動活潑,并且每天都以愉悅、飽滿的精神面貌面對學(xué)生,讓學(xué)生感受到一種親切舒適的氛圍。在講課過程中,我留心注意學(xué)生的反應(yīng),及時(shí)解答學(xué)生提出的問題,注意加強(qiáng)和學(xué)生的交流,以提高學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的積極性。3、對個(gè)別調(diào)皮的學(xué)生進(jìn)行課后交流談話。針對不同班級的具體情況,我制定了相應(yīng)的計(jì)劃和目標(biāo)。我對他們經(jīng)常進(jìn)行鼓勵,消除他們的自卑

29、心理;有時(shí)在課堂上提問他們一些容易回答的問題,增強(qiáng)他們的自信心,提高他們的學(xué)習(xí)積極性。4、 多聽不同老師的課,多向有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的教師請教。身教勝于言教,教師們從實(shí)踐中總結(jié)出來的教學(xué)方法和技巧,值得我認(rèn)真用心學(xué)習(xí)和領(lǐng)會。聽有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的教師的課,我次次都有不同的領(lǐng)悟,都能收獲到很多東西,經(jīng)常有“聽君一節(jié)課,勝思一整天”之感。5、 、 "進(jìn)無足赤,人無完人",在教學(xué)工作中難免有缺陷,例如,課堂語言平緩,語言不夠生動等。因此做為一名合格的教師,應(yīng)當(dāng)Strategylayout isnewof hi storyconditionsXi a partyruli ng acting politi

30、caltotalstrategy, consci ously with"four afull" led the work ;(5) insistedi nnovation,and coordi nation,and green, a nd open,and shared development isrelationship Chi na devel opme ntglobalofone dee pchange,a ccordi ngto newdevel opme nt conceptdojob;(6)practice lineS ociali stcoreval ues,

31、 promote Socialistt hought moraland Chinese traditionalvirtueacting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learni ng understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate of"four grassroot s" "immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly&

32、quot;and thein Na npnig resear ch st udy propose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm", importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moral chara cter,conservation related to theba sic re quireme nts.Ma in understand masterfoll

33、owing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang of"calcium" ,setrig htofworl dvie ,wand Outlook on life,and values;(2)China dream is nationalofdream,a nd national ofdream, a nd people ofdre am,is Chine se modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y

34、, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinafeature sSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nhanced roa d confide nce, and the oryco nfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) "four afull"嚴(yán)格要求自己,努力工作,發(fā)揚(yáng)優(yōu)點(diǎn),改正缺點(diǎn),開拓前進(jìn),為美好的明天奉獻(xiàn)自己的力量。二、德育方面1 愛就是關(guān)懷。師愛是教育的"潤滑劑 &qu

35、ot;,是進(jìn)行教育的必要條件。當(dāng)教師全身心地愛護(hù)、關(guān)心、幫助學(xué)生,做學(xué)生的貼心人時(shí),師愛就成了一種巨大的教育力量。正因?yàn)橛辛藥煇?,教師才能贏得學(xué)生的信賴,學(xué)生才樂于接受教育,教育才能收到良好的效果。師愛要全面、公平。全面公平的愛是指教師要熱愛每一個(gè)學(xué)生。2 愛就是尊重。尊重、 理解、 信任學(xué)生是消除教育盲點(diǎn)的基礎(chǔ)。尊重學(xué)生要尊重學(xué)生的人格。教師與學(xué)生雖然處在教育教學(xué)過程中的不同的地位,但在人格上應(yīng)該是平等的,所以我時(shí)刻的提醒自己教師是不能盛氣凌人的,更不能利用自己地位和權(quán)力污辱學(xué)生;我應(yīng)該從他們的心理發(fā)展特點(diǎn)出發(fā),理解他們的要求和想法,理解他們幼稚和天真;信任學(xué)生要信任他們的潛在能力,放手讓學(xué)

36、生在實(shí)踐中鍛煉,在磨練中成長。只有這樣,學(xué)生才能與我縮小心理距離??傊?,在以后的工作中,我要熱愛學(xué)生.給我們的學(xué)生多一些愛心 ,關(guān)心 ,責(zé)任心 ,寬容心 ,細(xì)心等,做到“唐僧”式心腸來培養(yǎng)教育我們的學(xué)生。師者,傳道 ,授業(yè) ,解惑 ,更重要的是給學(xué)生起到示范作用,潛移默化 ,讓同學(xué)們在學(xué)習(xí)生活中,通過與老師的接觸,用心體會 ,從中感悟。我們教授學(xué)生的同時(shí),多與他們交流,發(fā)自內(nèi)心的尊重他們,關(guān)愛他們 ,同學(xué)們也會尊重這樣的老師,愿意上他的課。ullstrictlyrule partyis al lmembers common responsibility,must impleme ntation

37、t oeach branchand ea ch namemember s.3 . Playa va nguard andexemplaryrolein life.Keeptot he correct politi cal orientation, politicalse nsitivityand politicaljudgment,dare tofightagai nstallki ndsofwr ong thoug ht,wrong worofthe party,t he partymember's consciousness.Focus on some party memberss

38、ense oforga nizationa nd discipline,they do not partici pate in t heOrga nization,is not re quire dtopay mem bership dues fora long time, donot playavang uard a nd exemplaryrole ,some don'teven me ntion membership,failtomakeadistinction betwe enright a nd wrong,failing to observe politi caldi sc

39、ipline andrules,and soon.Always keep inmindthatheis a Communist,stre ngthen party spirit,liste ning party, party, party, party,party party guardi ng part y,atthe party,t heparty fort hepart y.(3)strengtheni ng the consci ousne ss oftheparty'seating,a nd so on. Bearingi nmindthe fundamental purpo

40、se of serving, toppe ople at heart,cl osetie swith t he masses, bekind to people, dedi cat ed t opubli c servi ce andbilityand othesriosfssuiexitemss.baAcstiivcecloynaddiatipotntso.Studyingheteconohmeiccoddeeveolfselfopm-ednitsciopflitnheenofetwhenCoPrCmtahl,esCerPioCudsilsyciimplipnlaermyernetgtulh

41、ateionneswredgeuvlaetilopomnsenotftphheilCPoCsolopchay,lchoarmmitdteweosrkofthephaarrtdywworkhard,opblaraksyeoaftpdhaeorntCtihhieneinropowsveerCtyno rmdeemlieufdn,iiwcsitatthPiarpractical actioftheotion,talk aboutet hics, good faith is not enough,andsomeevenvalrnmore, better, more strict re quireme

42、nts, higher,andstrive to improvetue distortions,mI- L - Iheideolr, materialisti c, andsoon.heoreti callevel s.1.ConstitStrengtheningmoral cultivati on,Z ontaforgood, payattentionto self-disci pline,spiritualution Party rule s. System learning understandingCPCarticles, infull grasp basi ccontentinter

43、na lizethe core valuehang,focusmasterConstitsintoconsciousaution masterandmemberction,wi th exemplary bes,andhaviori nflue nceand leadparty oforga nization system,aup inthe practi ce of promoti ng reform,devel opm nt andon people's conceptionofsomeparty members, lackofse nse ofservithemasses did

44、 nottake the initiative,a nd some eve nhurt publi cintere sts,job, excellentthickfriends,nization, a nd party of pla ce organizati on, and partyofStrategylayout isnewof hi storyconditionsXi a partyruli ng acting politi caltotalstrategy, consci ously with"four afull" led the work ;(5) insis

45、tedi nnovation,and coordi nation,and green, a nd open,and shared development isrelationship Chi na devel opme ntglobalofone dee pchange,a ccordi ngto newdevel opme nt conceptdojob;(6)practice lineS ociali stcoreval ues, promote Socialistt hought moraland Chinese traditionalvirtueacting politica lnew

46、 conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learni ng understa ndXIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate of"four grassroot s" "immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and thei n Na npi ngresear ch st udy propose d of "gravityXia moved"

47、;, and "innova tion mechani sm",importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moral chara cter,conservation related to theba sic re quireme nts.Ma in und erstand masterfollowi ng aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang of"calcium&q

48、uot;,setrig htofworl dview,an dOutlookonlife, andval ues;(2)China dream is nationalofdream,a nd nationalofdream, a nd people ofdre am,is Chine se modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinafeature sSocialist i

49、sa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nhanced roa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) "four afull"以上是本人工作一年的一些心得體會。一份春華,一份秋實(shí),在這短暫的一年里,在教書育人的道路上我付出的是汗水和淚水,然而我收獲的卻是那一份份充實(shí),那沉甸甸的情感。作為一名新教師,我時(shí)刻準(zhǔn)備著,勤于學(xué)習(xí),樂于教學(xué),用愉快的心情應(yīng)對每一天的工作。以后的工作道路還很漫長,我要不斷提高自身素質(zhì),努力成為一位優(yōu)秀教師 ,學(xué)生喜歡的


51、時(shí)候,每天都能接收不同的知識,覺得過得很充實(shí)和平靜。每天都聽到老師的教誨,覺得很安心。如果真的有幸能再次跨入西南大學(xué)攻讀研究生,我一定要好好把握這次機(jī)會。通過半年的工作,我也深知自己在專業(yè)方面還有很多不足,很想利用這次機(jī)會好好的充一次電。在工作以后,才發(fā)現(xiàn)自己有很多東西還學(xué)得不是很牢靠,理解的不夠ullstrictlyrulepartyis allmembers common responsibility,must impleme ntationt oeach branchand ea ch namemember s.3 . Playa va nguard andexemplaryrolein

52、 life.Keeptot he correct politi cal orientation, politicalse nsitivityand politic aljudgment, dare tofightagai nstallki ndsofwr ong thoug ht,wrong words a nd deeds.(2)firmly establish consciousnessofthe party,t he partymember's consciousness.Focus on some party members sense oforga nizationa nd

53、discipline,they do not partici pate in t heOrga nization,is not re quire dtopay mem bership dues for along time,donot playa vanguard a nd exemplaryrole ,some don'teven me ntion membership,failtomakeadistinction betwe enright and wrong,failing toobservepoliti caldi sci plineandrules,and soon.Always keep inmindthatheis a Communist,stre ngthen party spirit,liste ning party, party, party, party,party party guarding part y,atthe party,t heparty fort hepart y.(3)str


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