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1、the party's fine -l e, carry frwad t he trad.oa CCiese vtues, practc ng Ie Slc_kt core vaues, vgorou- cay fwad the sp.of Jia YUU, Hngq Canal spii and spii of pessenc, honesty i n p-.s, stc saesma, sik t tI e s” - l heght of Ie Ccmmunss Flu toievlon, as, do pay a re i n-.y>g OliCal CcmmunSt dU

2、y To UH IeThid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr e-plebesuetoCange ito. LLar I ing to CEduaton i or rto sove the p.b ,i i de s not sove the prob-itwCr., gestro" the moios.To ste ngghe n te cnsCoisniss of prblms and in d on p.b o-nte sling eari . 一 " fr tacin.tuy ueplngaln into Cange, modi- sto ean

3、 CcnsiUt on Pa" r - s sei , Iddrss soprrcisintfid t he probem, layng a sld foLndaton fr urhecreCt - aCin. B to mike chage ForCe ck pU of problm, throogh esalshd reiHaton T a wa accunt a nd ale se Ca suevs I n, ad ona icount PIN, appr oac, isstd ds de .sde modf , and tha kow that modifieparys pu

4、pooe, ma ntano te pepe thm , a nd ded cain,dev otin, manai I g ad entelr_ngs* a ctve a te weloff eXta paCic,in. A chhcced sw ng LLar ning e ducainprgrmme o pary-buld ng i ou cy ac, prpooe d t fcs on souly ds and bel es ve, cnsid wie Iou- d on put "wlar n a d" rig e ducaton eCtfcat on Wt hg

5、rsp pay of ma- lie e ducaton paCt ce aCivtie s and "trie stiC te e rra" tpic eduato reCifcatice unct ay organi zains at al lk - nse honesy and -ldsipl ne awaeon combi nnd u, cnsoldai on e xaned hae- soudgive ful nnss s not sfong . .”s made of e>!te fulplly to aavanned mode s, ab-a re pr

6、se ntatve adva nne d and tyial of te gmes a nd |g , deprese d, sX sse s of ehi ca mscnduC s_ycntets spe c pr ogrmmesfor al pary m - bes at on esus st ongy c ,re- d "fr ", ad Chi ad-. .edles cre -. "our wnd gui dethe broad mls-s of pay m - bes t emulae I 95a nnivesay of fudig a s atd i

7、nnd lea dng drs abo<e t he cuy l sal focus on urhe reiement t the problems. SpeCfc to evey pary m - be a.>_. . l . . . 1 l . .ad rrguaton mlsss s de of au- s ennure w ok mvane moepo r u, adprob m sluton moe cmpletey. Third, - mecgiton of a number of I utsadng pary m - bes ' id'ancid ga

8、s rI os pary orgaizai on* outsadng pay workes ad pu te pionee tresnd evey cde, a sequrrs a cmb iaion of ictua ad cntrlId, foou-d ad r_ly put yur sef i, peple - e thig s se , wth ter ow ospcIc. . H ! -us consldaeour a Cievme ns. For morepulic smelay m - bes wo fcus on teg isuus公司企業(yè)日常管理工作全表格表一公司用車預訂登記

9、表日期使用部門人數(shù)車輛名稱目的地用車時 間結束時 間要否司 機落實情況表二值班表()月份/ ()周/編號:(年 )日期時間人員值班內(nèi)容備注月日上午下午晚上月日上午下午晚上注:1、做好交接班工作,不留空白2、做好值班記錄3、注意安全表二值班日志時間:日時 分值班人:記事:待辦事項:承辦事項:接班人:處理結果:表四the party's fine -l e, carry frwad t he trad.oa CCiese vtues, practc ng Ie Slc_kt core vaues, vgorou- cay fwad the sp.of Jia YUU, Hngq Ca na

10、l spii and spii of pessenc, honesty i n p-.s, stc saesma, sik t tI e s” - lheght of Ie Ccmmunss Flu to ievl on, as, do pay a re i n-.y>g OliCal CcmmunSt dUy To UH IeThid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr e-plebesuetoCange ito. LLar I ing to CEduaton i or rto sove the p.b ,i it doe s not sove the prob-itw

11、Cr., gestrougthe moios.To ste ngghe n te cnsCoisniss of prblms and ine d on p.b oriee sling eari nge - cainfr taCin.tuy ueplnvesgalnito Cange, modi- sto ean CcnsiUt on Pa" r - s sei, Iddrss soprrcisintfid t he probem, layng a sld foLndaton fr urhecreCt - adn. B to mike chage ForCe ck pU of prob

12、lm, throogh esalshd reiUcaton Ta wa accunt a nd ale se Ca suevs I n, ad ona icount PIN, appr oac, isstd do s de . sde modf , a nd tha kow that modifieparys pupooe, ma ntano te pepe thm sevs, a nd ded cain,dev otin, manai I g ad entelr_ng s* a ctve a te wel off eXta paCic,in. A chhcced sw ng LLar nin

13、g e ducainprgrmme o pary-buld ng i ou cy a c, prpooe d t fcs on souly d s and bel es ve, cnsid Wie Iou- d on put "wlar n a d" rig e ducaton ecHcaton Wt hgrsp pay of ma- lie e ducaton pact ce aCivties and "trie stiC te e rra" tpic eduato reCifcaton combi nnday organi zains at al l

14、 e soudgive fulpl. to adva nced mode s, a bls are prse ntatv* adva nne d and tyial of te limes a nd .i de the broad m s of pay m - bes t emulae I 95a nnivesay of fudng as a opporuiy tawad in ecgiton of a nnmbe of nd -ldsiplne awae nnss s not srong , deprese d, six sse s of ehi ca mscnduC s_ycntets s

15、pe cfc progrmmes for al pary m - bes and ea dig drs a bo<e t he cuy l sa l focus on urhe reiement t the prroems. SpeCfc to evey pary m - be a nd evey cde, a s eu, cnsolidai on e xade d ha s made of ediaton esut, st ongy cre- d fr ofke not for", ad Chi adedles cre»d "our w nd",

16、 ad rrguat on mlsss s de of au- s ennure wok Idvane moepo r u, adproblmsut on moe cmplete y. T hid, m us consldae our a CevmeI utsadig pary m - bes' 0 - gas rI os paryorgazai on* outsadig pay workes ad pu te pionee tresques a cmb iaton of ictua and cnlrlId, foou- d ad r_ly put yur sef i, peple -

17、 e tig s se , wt tei ow nspciCns. For more pulc sme lay m - bes wofouson teousa nd ng isuus, combi nig cnne ntatd值班報告表五收發(fā)文件登記單郵件日期內(nèi)容摘要、發(fā)件日 期收信人來信人處理意見備注表六文件/郵件傳閱表文件標題:日期:年 月日按數(shù)字順序傳閱簽名日期備注132存檔注:請簽收并按順序傳閱 表七文件查閱記錄序號查閱文件名查閱貞他查閱人簽名保管人簽名表八簽發(fā)文件the party's fine «1e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtue

18、s, practcng Ie Sic_kt core vaues, vgo. cay forward the spatof Jia Yuu, Hn*q Ca nal spirit and «" o pessenc, hoesy i n .->1* stc , t tI e spi. , i heght of Ie Ccmmuss Fou toievlon, as, dopay a re in-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u» Iepartys pupose, ma ntato Ie people themseves, a nd .

19、,.oo, mat” i g ad enter irbsng sp* a clve a Ie wei of exta pace, make cmtiilmiL The ice - Unci ay organi zains at al l eves SiudgJVe fulplay to a a need m.e s, esaba re pese ntalve a a nc . and yiai o the .mes, a nd gui dethe broa . masse s o party members temulae I 95a nnivesay of fudig a s ar

20、tuiy toawad in ecggKn of a number ofi utsadigpay members ' advanced ggas ri os paly irggalzai os, lubsadig party wo *ad pu Ie pionee trees.Thid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr exmple be sue tocange ito.LiarI ig to Ia cEduain i or der to soVe the p.b ,i i doe s not soVe the problm, it wlfrm, ggesIroug

21、the moios.To ste ngghe n Ie cnsc onnsso'problms and insise d on prblm o-nte sVng ea>ing educain o Iacin,tuy ddeplnvesgain ito can, modlcain. A chicled swngLLar ning e ducain pr. mefr pary-buld ng i ou cya c,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly dels and bel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,an

22、d leld s11 ne awae nnsss not sfong , deprese d, sx sse s of ehi camscnduc . 一, cntets specpr oggrmmesfor al parymlmbes and e - ig -drs abo<e the cuy lsal focus on ute reiement I theprl-bems. Spedc to evey parymlmbe a nd evey cde, a s e quesa cm bnatinof acua ad cntrl “oou- d adrra putyursel i, pe

23、pe - e tigs se, wI Iei ow n spcic- sto ean C.nst on Pa.yrrjes sei, rss so prrcisintfid t he probem, layng a sld foundatonf or futhecrect - actin.B to mike chage Force ck pu of problm, through esa n re ctiain Ta wa accunt, a nd tale se ca suevis I n, ad onaccount PN, approac, iss- dd s de lar Ude mod

24、i , a nd tha kow that modified, wie fou- d on pu "tw lar n a dd" larig eddcatonecfatwt hgrsp pay of ma Ine e ducaton pacI ce acvte s and "hrre stic Ie e r- tpic e duato recifcaton combi nidu, cnsol ion e xade d ha s made of ecIfcat on esut, ston.y cre-d fr offce not for", ad Chi

25、adedles cre»d "our w nd", ad rrguat on mmss sde of abuies ennure wok-vane moepo ru, ad problm sut on moe cmpete y. T hird, m us consldae our a cievme ns. For morepulc sme ,ay m - bes wo fcus on Ieousa ndi ng isuus, combi nig cnce ntat>表九文件清退目錄表序號文件名稱文件編號退還處退還期限負責人備注表十用印申請單文件標題:發(fā)文機關

26、:份數(shù)用印時間用印申請人:批準人:備注用印登記表序號用印日期文件標題發(fā)往單位份數(shù)用印人備注公章使用登記簿文件名稱 及發(fā)文號公章類別蓋章次數(shù)批準單位批準人公章管理 人及代行 人印備注the party's fine «1e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues, practc ng Ie Sic_kt core vaues, vgo. cay forward the spatof Jia Yuu, Hn*q Canal spirit and «" o pessenc, hoesy i n .->1* stc , t tI e

27、 spi. , i heght of Ie Ccmmuss Fou to ievlon, as, dopay a re i n-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u» Iepartys pupose, ma ntato Ie people them saves, a nd,. oo, mat” i g ad enter irbsng sp* aclve aIe weiof exta pace, make cmtiilmiL The ice - Unci ay organi zaos at al l eves SiudgJVe fulplay to

28、a a need, esaba re pese ntalve a a nc . and yiaio the .mes, a nd gui dethe broa d masse s o party members temulae I 95a nnivesay of fudig as a ippUuh toawad in ecggKn of a number ofi utsadig ,aay members ' advanced ggas ri os paly irggalzai os, lubsadig party wo * ad pu Ie pionee trees.Thid

29、 Ie "refrm- efors Ifr exmple be sue tocange ito.LiarI ig toIa cEduain i or der to so'ethe p.b ,i i doe s not sohe the problm, it wlfrm, ggesIroug the moios.To ste ngghe n Ie cnscousniss of plblms and insise d on prblm oriee sling ea>i ng educain o Iacin,tuy ddeplnvesgain ito can, modlcai

30、n. A chicled swngLLar ning e ducain pr. mefr pary-buld ng i ou cya c,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly del s and bel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,andleld s11 ne awae nnsss not sfong, deprese d, sx sses of ehi camscnduc . 一, cntets specpr oggrmmesfor al parymlmbes and ea dig -rs abo<et he

31、cuy lsal focus on ute reiement I theprl-bems. Spedc to evey parymlmbe a nd evey cde, a s e quesa cmbiaton ofictua and cn,.l “oou- d adrra put yur sel i, pepe - e tigs se , wI Iei ow n spcic- sto lean C.nst on Pa.yrrjes sei, - drss so prrcisintfid t he problem, layng a slid foundaion fr urhecrect - a

32、ctin. B to mike chage Force ck pu of problm, throogh esa hd re ctiain Ta wa accunt, a nd tale se ca suevis I n, ad ona ccount PN, appr oac, iss- do s de larUde modi , and tha kow that modified, wie fou- d on put "wlar n a dd" larig eddcatonecfatwt hgrsp pay of ma ie e ducaton pacI ce acivt

33、ie s and "hrre stic Ie e rel" tpic e duato on combi nidu, cnsol ion e xade d ha s made of ecIiati on esuts st on.y crece d "fr offce not for", ad Chi adedles cre ced "our wnd", ad rrguat on mmss s de of auue s ennure w ok -vane moe po r u, adprobsut on moe cmplete y. T

34、hird, m us consU- our a cievme nts. For morepuic sme | aty m - bes wo fcus on theousa ndi ng isuus, combi nig cnce ntat>表十三會議室預訂登記表日期使用部門人數(shù)聯(lián)絡人會議內(nèi) 容開始時 間結束時 間所需設 備落實情況表十四來訪人員登記表序 號姓名性 別單位乘坐車輛 (號碼)攜帶 物品辦理 事項接待 部門進入 時間出去 時間備注表十五接待調(diào)度表序號日期接待公司電話人 數(shù)班次到站時 間負責 人電話接待 工具備注表十六來電記錄表來電/來方記錄單()緊急接受人姓名:留言人姓名:留言

35、人單位:留言人電話:()將再來電()請您回電()將來訪()已來訪留言內(nèi)容:the party's fine «1e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues, practcng Ie Sic_kt core vaues,r.- cay forward the spatof Jia Yuu, Hn*q Ca nal spirit and «" o pessenc, hoesy i n .->1* stc , t tI e spi. , iheght of Ie Ccmmuss Fou toievl on, as, dopay a

36、re i n-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u» Iepartys pupose, ma ntato Ie people themseves, a nd,.oo, mat” i g ad enter irbsng sp* a clve a Ie wei of exta pace, make cmtiilmiL The ice - Unci ay organi zains at al l eves SiudgJVe fulplay to a a need m.e s, esaba re pese ntalve a a nc . and yiai

37、o the .mes, a nd gui dethe broa . masse so party members temulae I 95a nnivesay of fudig a s artuiy toawad in ecggKn of a number ofi utsadig pay members ' advanced ggas ri os paly irggalzai os, lubsadig party wo * ad pu Ie pionee trees.Thid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr exmple be sue tocange ito.Lia

38、rI ig to Ia cEduain i or der to soVe the p.b ,i i doe s not soVe the problm, it wlfrm, ggesIroug the moios.To ste ngghe n Ie cnsc onnsso' problms a nd insise d on prblm o-nte sVng ea>i ng educain o Iacin,tuy ddeplnvesgain itocan, modlcain. A chicled swngLLar ning e ducain pr. mefr pary-buld n

39、g i ou cya c,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly dels and bel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,andleld s11 ne awae nnsss not sfong, deprese d, sx sse s of ehi camscnduc . 一, cntets spe c pr oggrmmesfor al parymlmbes and e - ig -drs abo<et he cuy lsa l focus on ute reiement I theprl-bems. Spedc

40、to evey parymlmbe a nd eveycde, as e quesa cm bnatin of ac ua ad cntrl foou-d adrra putyursel i, pepe - e tigs se , wI Iei ow n spcic- sto ean C.nst on Pa.yrrjes sei, rss soprrcisintfid t he probem, layng a sld foundatonf or futhe crect - actin. B to mike chage Force ck pu of problm, through esa n r

41、e ctiain Ta wa accunt, a nd tale se ca suevis I n, ad ona ccount PN, appr oac, iss- dd s de lar Ude modi , a nd tha kow that modified, wie fou- d on pu "tw lar n a dd" larig eddcatonecfatwt hgrsp pay of maIne e ducaton pacI acivtie s and "hrre stic Ie e r- tpic e duato recifcaton comb

42、inidu, cnsol i on e xade d ha s made of ectiat on esut, st on.y crece d fr offce not for", ad Chi adedles cre ced "our w nd", ad rrguat on mmss sde of abuies ennure w ok -vane moepo ru, ad problm sut on moe cmpete y. T hird, m us consldae our a cievme ns. For morepulc sme ,ay m - bes

43、wofouson Ieousa ndi ng isuus, combi nig cnce ntat>記錄人:日期和時間:表十七人員出訪登記表序 號姓名部 門電話出訪地 點乘坐車輛(號碼)出訪 時間回來 時間出訪 事項證明 人備注表十八隱患記錄及處理表序號時間地點發(fā)現(xiàn)的隱 患造成隱患 原因隱患的危 害和后果處理人采取的措 施表十九定貨單FROMTO單位名稱名稱:發(fā)貨地址地址聯(lián)系人電話聯(lián)系人傳真郵編電話結算方式發(fā)票性質(zhì)傳真要求發(fā)運方式郵編稅號開戶行希望到貨時間品名規(guī)格單位數(shù)量單價金額1套2套the party's fine «1e, ry frwad t he tradto

44、a C,i vtues, practc ng Ie Sic_kt core vaues, vgo. cay forward the spatof Jia Yuu, Hn*q Canal spirit and «" o pessenc, hoesy i n .->1* stc , t tI e spi. , i heght of Ie Ccmmuss Fou to ievlon, as, dopay a re i n-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u» Iepartys pupose, ma ntato Ie people them

45、saves, a nd,. oo, mat” i g ad enter irbsng sp* aclve aIe weiof exta pace, make cmtiilmiL The ice - Unci ay organi zaos at al l eves SiudgJVe fulplay to a a need, esaba re pese ntalve a a nc . and yiaio the .mes, a nd gui dethe broa d masse s o party members temulae I 95a nnivesay of fudi

46、g as a ippUuh toawad in ecggKn of a number ofi utsadig ,aay members ' advanced ggas ri os paly irggalzai os, lubsadig party wo * ad pu Ie pionee trees.Thid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr exmple be sue tocange ito.LiarI ig toIa cEduain i or der to so'ethe p.b ,i i doe s not sohe the problm, it wlf

47、rm, ggesIroug the moios.To ste ngghe n Ie cnscousniss of plblms and insise d on prblm oriee sling ea>i ng educain o Iacin,tuy ddeplnvesgain ito can, modlcain. A chicled swngLLar ning e ducain pr. mefr pary-buld ng i ou cya c,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly del s and bel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooe of Ie pay

48、 -k - nsehon,andleld s11 ne awae nnsss not sfong, deprese d, sx sses of ehi camscnduc . 一, cntets specpr oggrmmesfor al parymlmbes and ea dig -rs abo<et he cuy lsal focus on ute reiement I theprl-bems. Spedc to evey parymlmbe a nd evey cde, a s e quesa cmbiaton ofictua and cn,.l “oou- d adrra put

49、 yur sel i, pepe - e tigs se , wI Iei ow n spcic- sto lean C.nst on Pa.yrrjes sei, - drss so prrcisintfid t he problem, layng a slid foundaion fr urhecrect - actin. B to mike chage Force ck pu of problm, throogh esa hd re ctiain Ta wa accunt, a nd tale se ca suevis I n, ad ona ccount PN, appr oac, i

50、ss- do s de larUde modi , and tha kow that modified, wie fou- d on put "wlar n a dd" larig eddcatonecfatwt hgrsp pay of ma ie e ducaton pacI ce acivtie s and "hrre stic Ie e rel" tpic e duato on combi nidu, cnsol ion e xade d ha s made of ecIiati on esuts st on.y crece d "fr

51、 offce not for", ad Chi adedles cre ced "our wnd", ad rrguat on mmss s de of auue s ennure w ok -vane moe po r u, adprobsut on moe cmplete y. T hird, m us consU- our a cievme nts. For morepuic sme | aty m - bes wo fcus on theousa ndi ng isuus, combi nig cnce ntat>3套4套總金額大寫:佰拾萬仟佰拾元整

52、(單位:人民幣)經(jīng)辦人(簽章):200年 月 日表二十庫存記錄卡庫存記* K庫存經(jīng)支 V:項目:紙最大庫存量:最小庫存量:單位數(shù)量:再定貨量:日期接收發(fā)放接收的數(shù)量供應商發(fā)放數(shù)量個人部門余額表二H-物品申請表物口口申詁表編號:部門:數(shù)量項目特殊要求發(fā)放人簽字:領取人簽字批準人簽字:日期:日期:日期:表二十二會議記錄單會議名稱會議日期地點與會人簽名主持人記錄人the party's fine «1e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues, practcng Ie Sic_kt core vaues, vgo. cay forward the spat

53、of Jia Yuu, Hn*q Ca nal spirit and «" o pessenc, hoesy i n .->1* stc , t tI e spi. , i heght of Ie Ccmmuss Fou toievlon, as, dopay a re in-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u» Iepartys pupose, ma ntato Ie people themseves, a nd,.oo, mat” i g ad enter irbsng sp* a clve a Ie wei of

54、exta pace, make cmtiilmiL The ice - Unci ay organi zains at al l eves SiudgJVe fulplay to a a need m.e s, esaba re pese ntalve a a nc . and yiai o the .mes, a nd gui dethe broa . masse s o party members temulae I 95a nnivesay of fudig a s artuiy toawad in ecggKn of a number ofi utsadigpay members ' advanced ggas ri os paly irggalzai os, lubsadig party wo *ad pu Ie pionee trees.Thid Ie "refrm-


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