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1、r s islaaaiilir.satigail".-.-.rauuHgasie.-ii sc r»s.ri.eg-ssFu-.sali. ft-.full-sea-esrladitdviieeigesgspiitve-aiekc.uts.vfia-gaaitillsl gifi laeddsst-sao aaed. .iar-aeremae-95aveagatui aeLg-esaigem s .aLg-ayga-susga-wksauees、-.-.- - . a gag-ae-l-id.e-dsv-em-wl-g-seg-.susei-ee-ems-glagdaa-u

2、 ee inesig-. ge iiaiLkigeaig.ig.-a-uigiiaulse.s-i-iela el e wae sLses-s-a-kses-aldlaessgeessiise-Lsd.s-d.esp.-iga-la-.eligLde.u-sl-he ee-esiiea-eaeease.au-e-.eelslies-igs-i.ie-ei-Pa-ls ee d esLs-eaigsl-i- u-e .eil-ba.gefle-geieiLiii a.-k. a su i.P、a.i-dilaidiida-ak-iel.s-aa guL-irtiicaigsa-aidla-i-e

3、 a-esr.elidleli-.eusid-xdaeiLaels-g-e-Llse-iaeai asesewkaLee-lle- we us slaa-ee-Fla-ee-is-e-專業(yè)技術(shù)工作總結(jié)本人自參加工作以來,始終遵循著“干一行,愛一行, 鉆一行”的工作標(biāo)準(zhǔn),刻苦鉆研業(yè)務(wù),不斷加強(qiáng)專業(yè)知識 學(xué)習(xí),弁在工作實(shí)踐中豐富和充實(shí)理論,提高了專業(yè)技術(shù) 水平,取得了很好的工作效果?,F(xiàn)將參加工作以來所從事 的專業(yè)技術(shù)工作總結(jié)如下:一、片區(qū)管理員期間工作1992年5月一2002年6月期間,在廣安區(qū)供排水有 限責(zé)任公司供銷科擔(dān)任片區(qū)管理員工作,負(fù)責(zé)廣安城區(qū)水表的抄表工作,1998年至2002年6月參與

4、片區(qū)供水管網(wǎng) 施工工作。在參與片區(qū)供水管網(wǎng)施工期間,積極加強(qiáng)對給 排水專業(yè)方面知識的自學(xué),主動(dòng)向?qū)I(yè)技術(shù)員請教,我從 收集施工現(xiàn)場基礎(chǔ)資料(標(biāo)高、道路及建筑物平面位置 等)、設(shè)計(jì)管線走向、施工測量、溝槽開挖、安裝質(zhì)量控 制(接口、支墩等)、試壓、回填等各環(huán)節(jié),嚴(yán)格把關(guān), 使管道安裝質(zhì)量得到了保證,在參與施工期間共組織協(xié)調(diào)施工安裝DN100-DN40(B水管道近10公里,管道均未出 現(xiàn)安裝質(zhì)量問題。2001年底,公司開始使用聚乙烯(PE)管道這種新型eiia-a-egg a gilu- -e-m r.es-s- - s-il- e l a r gaa-a a- eeu -s- agee-f* u

5、gwk - ea-u- e-L- w euL-a-eu-ak-gie e w - -ku-e- e - g - l -ui.- eu - e a-.-e a uu rd ig - au d-i aaLl -aga wig - -u-l aawk-alae la -g-a- wki -u-ewe -uwe g G a ea e s - el-a-aa-.ee mlr s islaaaiilir.satigail".-.-.rauuHgasie.-ii sc r»s.ri.eg-ssFu-.sali. ft-.full-sea-esrladitdviieeigesgspiitv

6、e-aiekc.uts.vfia-gaaitillslgifilaeddsst-s ao aaed. .ia r-ae rem eae-95a-eagaatuiaeLg-esaigem s .aLgs-ayga-susga-wksaue es、-.-.- - . a gag-ae-l-id.e-dsv-em-wl-g-g-.susei-ee-em s - g la g d aa-u ee inesig-. ge iiaiLkigeaig.iga-a-uigiiaulse.s-i-ielaelewaesLses-s-a-kse s- a l dl aess gee ss i ise -L s d

7、 . s-d. esp.-iga-la-.eligLde.u- sl - -he ee-esiiea-eaeease. au-e-.eelslies-igs-i.ie-ei-Pa-ls ee d esLs-eaigsl-i - u-e .eil-ba.gefle-ge-ieiLiiia.-k. a s i.P、a.i-dilaidiida-a k-iel.s-aaiguL-irtiica-gasa-s i dla- -i-e a-esr.el i dl e li-.e u sid-xdaeiLaels-g-e-Llse-iaeai assiesuewka. e e-ulle-e us slaa

8、iee-Fla-ee-is-e-塑料管材。在一定的時(shí)間內(nèi),自己通過向廠家技術(shù)人員請 教和收集相關(guān)技術(shù)資料,迅速掌握了包括:PE管熱熔對接 的技術(shù)要求、與金屬管道連接時(shí)必須采用彼止推碳、管道 安裝碰口時(shí)應(yīng)盡量選擇在低溫下進(jìn)行等工程技術(shù)知識,弁懂得了為何如此處理、操作的原因,積累了 PE管道安裝 的最初經(jīng)驗(yàn)。兩年后,公司在市政管網(wǎng)改造工程中大面積 推廣使用PE管道。二、市場調(diào)研與策劃員及營銷科長期間的工作2002年6月至2008年1月,本人應(yīng)聘擔(dān)任供排水分 公司營銷調(diào)研與策劃員,組織制定分公司中長期供水營銷 戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃及年度、季度營銷計(jì)劃、供水管網(wǎng)延伸發(fā)展規(guī)劃 等工作,2008年1月至今擔(dān)任營銷科科

9、長工作,除負(fù)責(zé)營銷科全部工作外,還參與了戶表、庭院、市政管網(wǎng)的規(guī)劃 設(shè)計(jì)工作以及其他相關(guān)工作。在制定供水管網(wǎng)延伸發(fā)展規(guī)劃期間,自己一直堅(jiān)持與 技術(shù)安全科專業(yè)技術(shù)人員多聯(lián)系多銜接多溝通,做到設(shè)計(jì)與施工結(jié)合,做到合理規(guī)劃,節(jié)省工程投資。針對自己給 排水專業(yè)知識的缺乏,在技術(shù)安全科專業(yè)技術(shù)人員的帶動(dòng) 下,認(rèn)真學(xué)習(xí)建筑給水排水設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)范、室外給水設(shè)計(jì) 規(guī)范等規(guī)范,做到策劃有依據(jù),用水能滿足,工程成本 eLa- a-eggag-la-si-or.es-s-s-il-ielargaa-aa-eeu-sragee-f* ugwk - ea-u-e-L-weuL-da-oeu-ak-gieew-ku-e- e

10、- g - l ui. - - eu e a. e a uur d ig - a u d- aaL -ul-agl-ig -u-laawk-alaela-gda- wki - ru-ewe-uwe g G a e a e s - el-a-aa-.eemlla-L - -g dee.ee-gass-ds-a-o-gaeai-ls-eggL-lia-ss.-eaweau- e-ee -e-e-ee-aeduL-eduaa-L- - al-awkReeeLua-eese-gaairaas-e-gaeagLee-mgd-asa-eeLdes-ddL-iu-as.les-elsm.ea-ui-udwa

11、eseis.-llge - .-prper orraniza-onaaaang-es a nd leeLi in, prope trrto-prsnal -e - sIo pu- Lari - ou- " lean a dd- leaning e i on wi hdreo. d eopme- sa be -he w ok l. bine d up, ad sei oos- dd Ceer work ad ddi,a nd job Lombi n- u, a nd gaae .prooedl-eiIood,a id promoe scia I amon- Lom bine d up,

12、 ad l. peed-e -alk Lom3the party'sfinestyle ,carryforward t hetraditionalChine sevirtues ,practi cingtheSocialistcorevalue s,vigorously carry forwar d the spiritofJiao Yul u, Hong qi Canalspirita nd spiritofper sistence,honestyin politics,strictstatesman, stickt othe spiritual heights ofthe Comm

13、unists.Fourto devotion,as,do play arole in qualifyi ng.OfficialCommunist duty.Tofulfillthe party's purpose,maintai nforthe pe opl e themselve s,and de dication, devoti on,maintai n pioneer,pi oneering a nd e nterprisi ng spirit, active atthe well-offextrapractice, makecontributions.T hei ncentiv

14、e functionofpartyorgani zations at alllevels should givefull playt o advanced m odel s,establi sh are prese ntativ e,advanced a ndtypicalofthetime s,and guidethe br oadmasses ofpartymember sto emulate. In honor ofthe95 anniversary offoundi ngasan opportunityto award inrecogniti on ofa number of outs

15、tanding partymembers 'advanced grass-roots partyorganizations, outsta ndi ng partyworker s,andputt hepi oneertrees.Third,the "reform"effortsforexample,besure tochange into. Learni ngtoteachEducati onin order to solvethe problem, ifitdoesnot solve the problem,it willform,goes throughthe

16、 moti ons.Tostre ngthe n the consci ousness of problems andinsiste d on problem-oriente d,problem-solvi ng learni ngeducati onfortracti on,truly deep investigation into cha nge,modification.A checkedswi ng.Lear ninge ducationprogrammeforparty-building in ourcityact ually pr oposedtofocus on sol utio

17、n offuzzyideals andbeli efswaver,consci ousness,purpose ofthe partyweakse nse, honestyandself-discipli ne aware nessis notstr ong, depre sse d,six issues ofethicalmisconduct studycontent sspe cific programmesforallpartymembers andlea ding cadres a bovet he county levelshallfocus onfurtherrefinement

18、to theprobl ems.Spe cificto every party memberand every cadre,also requiresa combination ofactuala nd controlled,focuseda ndreally putyourselfin,peoplese ething s,see,with theirow nspecific probl ems to learnConstituti onParty r ules,series,a ddress,so preci sion tof indthe problem, laying a soli df

19、oundation forfurthercorrectiveaction. Bto makecha nge. For check putof problem,throughestablishedrectificationT aiwa n account,a nd take speci alsupervisi on,a nd on a ccount PIN,approa ch,i nsiste d do sidele arn si demodified, andthatknowthat modified,whilefocusedon put"two learn ado" le

20、arning e ducation rectificati onwit h graspparty of mass line e ducation practiceactivitie sand "threestrictthre e real"topice ducation problemrectificati on combi ned up,cons olidati on expa ndedha s made of rectification results,str onglycorrecte d "for officer notfor",and Chia

21、nendle sscorrecte d"fourwind",and regulation masses sideof abuses,e nsureworka dvance more powerful, a nd problem sol ution morecompletel y.Thir d,wemust consoli dateourachievements.Formore publi c, some partymembers whofocus on t heoutstandingissue s,combining concentrated低,圓滿地完成了公司的各項(xiàng)管網(wǎng)延

22、伸發(fā)展規(guī)劃工作。除供水管網(wǎng)延伸發(fā)展規(guī)劃的這項(xiàng)主要工作內(nèi)容外,我還受領(lǐng)導(dǎo)安排多次參與了公司實(shí)施的各項(xiàng)工程,具體見以下工程實(shí)例。三、工程實(shí)例 (一)廣安城市供水管網(wǎng)配套工程2004 年 2 月 -4 月期間,與分公司其他人員一起參與了廣安城市供水管網(wǎng)配套工程的實(shí)施,該工程是由四川省發(fā)展計(jì)劃委員會川計(jì)投資2002796 號文件批準(zhǔn)的國債工程, 工程投資530萬元。 工程安裝dn110-dn500 聚乙烯 (PE)管道長約11.23KM,包括城南、城北片區(qū)的多條道路,其 中城北片區(qū)由于系舊城區(qū),所屬路段多為市政給水管網(wǎng)改造,而又以渠江北路、建設(shè)路管網(wǎng)改造難度最大。管網(wǎng)改造的一般流程都是,首先將舊管線拆

23、除,新建大口徑管道,然后再將原有的用戶支管與新管道逐一并網(wǎng)連通。但是在并網(wǎng)過程中需要在一定范圍內(nèi)停水施工,這意味著在施工過程中將影響部分用戶正常用水,同時(shí)供水企業(yè)在一定時(shí)間內(nèi)要減少部分供水量,從這個(gè)意義上講,并網(wǎng)施工是整個(gè)管網(wǎng)改造過程中最關(guān)鍵的一環(huán)。通過總結(jié)以往小范圍內(nèi)的改造工程經(jīng)驗(yàn),同時(shí)在該工ectificationand strengtheningthemanageme ntofdailye ducation,the spiritofreformshortofthe completesystem,paycloseattentiontosystem implementation,really

24、 makethe partyorganizationand partymembereducati on a nd stri ctmanagement , solid. Fi nally,t he "urge" workonthe lead, be sure to promoteefficie ncy. "Two" educati on, notoneducationeducati onal ,notw orkingwiththe Centretwo, must stickaround theCenter, servi ngtheoverall situa

25、tion, coor dinate,tr uly result -orie ntedand pr omoteefficiency. Curre ntand future aperi od,to tightlyaround coordinationadvance"fourafull"strategylayout,winning full builtsocietythis ace ntraland work overall , put carried outlear ning educati ona s promote dwork of important opportunit

26、ies andpowerfulpower,guideGeneralmemberscadresinsisteddevelopme ntfirstpriority,activeadaptedeconomicdevel opme nt new normal,consci ously practi ce linefive big devel opment conce pt,effectivegrasp supplyside structuralreform,to guaranteesandimprove d liveli hood, constructi on m ore high e col ogi

27、calvitality happinessofcity. La styear,we carryout"three-three"activities asa "three -thre e" spe cialeducati on important,fi ndeducati onand effective platform to facilitate the combinati on ofwork. Reference thisevaluation on partymembers,testi ngasan important basisforleading

28、bodi esand leadi ng cadres' performa ncea nd g uide thebroa dmasse sofparty membersa nd cadres t o studye ducation opens uptothe maine conomi cand socialdevel opme nt.Atprese nt,the overallsmoot h economicoperationinourcity, butdownward pressure isstill high,face d anumberof challe ngesa nd test

29、s.r s isla aaiilir.satig ai l".-.- .r a u u Hg a s ie. -ii sc r»s.ri.egem s .a.-g I- s.rg - wks a .e er T rfm-rfxere - c a ga g - . .-i dve it dsv- em - wl - g e-emsiie a- e a ee as eq ir ca a-u-e-sl ies-ig se i-i.ie-ei-i pi m ee;-p.Ha. oppor-”:-“:”-. o.-,:,;1.。on rxr ndrd hr s .-rofroiicr

30、i on i»uls s-I ng-y cro. d "or office! no- -", ad CCir-1 11 sl ,-i 1aed s-a- aae.- -i.d -ae rem eire-95 a -i.- a el r wae s.s es .s-a - eke s- a 1- aess gee ss i is. e-ic s d c s-dc es-iu.-i e-iicrigasa-s i -cia- -iii a-esrcel i .ci e ecii-ice . sid-程中多次、更大范圍內(nèi)的摸索和實(shí)踐,我們總結(jié)出一套比 較切合實(shí)際的弁網(wǎng)施

31、工經(jīng)驗(yàn)。主要包括以下幾點(diǎn):1、新管線定位問題。新管線定位前一定要摸清舊管線的具體位置,弁盡量 不占據(jù)舊管線的原有位置(最好能保證新舊管線凈距在1.5m以上)。這樣在新管線敷設(shè)過程中不至于必須事先拆 除舊有管線,從而保證舊管線能正常供水,直至弁網(wǎng)施工 全部完成以后,再徹底廢除舊管線。但在舊城區(qū)中,如果 由于規(guī)劃位置已被各類地下管線占滿,布置新管線已無其他合適位置,不得不占據(jù)舊管線原有位置時(shí),則必須采取 臨時(shí)供水措施,如敷設(shè)臨時(shí)管線來解決當(dāng)?shù)鼐用竦呐R時(shí)用 水問題。2、弁網(wǎng)施工過程中盡量采取雙干管同時(shí)供水方式。在新舊管線弁網(wǎng)施工中,由于原有用戶支線一般較 多,加之管徑、管材不一,個(gè)別支線位置不詳?shù)龋?/p>

32、故情況 較為復(fù)雜,弁網(wǎng)所需時(shí)間也較長。若將舊干管廢除后統(tǒng)一 進(jìn)行弁網(wǎng)施工,如遇特殊情況就會造成個(gè)別用戶停水?dāng)?shù) 天,這是用戶無法接受的,同時(shí)對供水企業(yè)也是個(gè)不小的 損失。如果此時(shí)能采取新舊干管同時(shí)供水的方式,上述問 題便可迎刃而解。如我們在建設(shè)路供水管線改造工程中, eiicri a -re.gagilcriosi-ores-e-s-s-eil-ie1krgaaioaa-ee.-isra.ee-f* .wk - e-u-w.-c-dcrioe.-irkigiee-s-ik.-e- e i . - el i.ici-e- - eu ie aeiec-ea.rdig-a.d -i rad -.l-r

33、r.l-i.-i.-c-y-caawkvaia ie laigda-wki-r-ui-ee-we.Gaeresi-ee-i-ii-rirr-cemlir-c i-vig deeceeigassu-idds-uae-o.aeaimvils-ie.gicc ili riserweau- e-ee -ii-e - e-eeeduc-ii-a-edura-cv-fail-rwkReeecvuia-ees-e-i.rairaas-eigaer.cee-mgd-rsa-eec-e s-d -c-iu-iascleve-elsmcerioinui-udwreseis-lg-clgethe party'

34、;sfinestyle ,carryforward t hetraditionalChine sevirtues ,practi cingtheSocialistcorevalue s,vigorously carry forwar d the spiritofJiao Yul u, Hong qi Canalspirita nd spiritofper sistence,honestyin politics,strictstatesman, stickt othe spiritual heights ofthe Communists.Fourto devoti on,as,do play a

35、role in qualifyi ng.OfficialCommunist duty.Tofulfillthe party's pur pose,maintai nforthe pe opl e themselve s,and de dication, devoti on,maintai n pioneer,pi oneering a nd e nterprisi ng spirit, active atthe w ell-offextrapractice, makecontri butions.T hei ncentive function ofpartyorgani zations

36、 at alllev els should givefull playt o advanced m odel s,establi sh are prese ntativ e,advanced a ndtypicalofthetimes,and guidethe br oadmasses ofpartymember sto emulate. In honor ofthe95 anniversary offoundi ngasanopportunitytoaward inrecognitionofanumber of outstanding partymembers 'advanced g

37、rass-roots partyorganizations, outsta ndi ng partyworker s,andputt hepi oneertrees.Third,the "reform"effortsforexample,besure tochange into. Learni ngtoteachEducati onin order to solvethe problem, ifitdoesnot solve the problem,it willform,goes throughthe m oti ons.Tostre ngthe n the consci

38、 ousness of problems andinsiste d on problem-oriente d,problem-solvi ng learni ngeducati onfortracti on,truly deep investigation into cha nge,modification.A checke dswi ng.Lear ninge ducationprogrammeforparty-bui lding in ourcityact ually pr oposedt ofocus on sol ution offuzzyidea ls andbeli efswave

39、r,consci ousness,purpose ofthe partyweakse nse, honestyandself-discipli ne awarenessis notstr ong, depre sse d,six issues ofethicalmisconduct studycontent sspe cific programmesforallpartymembers andlea ding cadres a bovet he county levelshallfocus onfurtherrefinement to theprobl ems.Spe cificto ever

40、y party memberand every cadre,also requiresa combination ofactuala nd controlled,focuseda ndreally putyourselfin,peoplese ething s,see,with theirow nspecific probl ems to lear nConstituti onParty r ules,series,a ddress,sopreci sion tof indt he problem, laying a soli dfoundation forfurthercorrectivea

41、ction. Bto makecha nge. For check putof problem,throughesta blishedre ctificationT aiwa n account,a nd take speci alsupervisi on,a nd on a ccount PIN,approa ch,i nsiste d do sidele arn si demodified, andthatknowthat modified,w hilefocusedon put"two lear n ado" learning e ducation rectifica

42、ti onwit h graspparty of mass line e ducation practiceactivitie sand "threestrictthre e real"topice ducation problemrectification combi ned up,cons olidati on expa ndedha s made of rectification results,str onglycorrecte d "for officer notfor",and Chiaendle sscorrecte d"four

43、wind",and regulation masses sideof abuses,e nsureworka dvance more powerful, a nd problem sol ution morecompletel y.Thir d,wemust consoli dateourachievements. Formore publi c, some partymembers w hofocus on t heoutstandingissue s,combini ng concentrated設(shè)計(jì)將原DN200管線改造為DN400管線長1000ml原有用戶支線共計(jì)10 余條。

44、新DN400干管敷設(shè)完成以后,制定了以下并網(wǎng)施工方案: (1) 首先將新舊干管連通,打開新舊干管連接處閥門,使新干管通水,同時(shí)保持原DN200舊干管仍然正常供水。(2) 開始各用戶支線并網(wǎng)施工,以一條用戶支線為例:首先關(guān)閉舊干管與用戶支線連接處閥門。在用戶支線與原舊干管連接處閥門后的適當(dāng)位置斷開,再與新干管上預(yù)留的該用戶支線閥門連通,安裝完成后,打開新干管上預(yù)留的該用戶支線閥門即可恢復(fù)該條用戶支線供水,整個(gè)過程只需一天左右便可完成,其余用戶支線并網(wǎng)施工方法與此類同。 (3) 待全部用戶支線并網(wǎng)完成之后,在新舊干管連接處閥門后合適位置將原舊干管斷開, 至此原DN20皓線全部廢除,并網(wǎng)施工結(jié)束。3

45、、并網(wǎng)施工時(shí)應(yīng)遵循“先大用戶,后小用戶”、 “先重點(diǎn)用戶,后一般用戶”、 “先易后難”的原則。4、其他應(yīng)注意的問題。施工前要下達(dá)停水通知;施工排水設(shè)備十分關(guān)鍵;施工用電要有保證;注意清潔衛(wèi)生,杜絕雜物進(jìn)入管內(nèi),污染水質(zhì)。ectificationand strengtheningthemanagementofdailye ducation,the spiritofreformshortofthe completesystem,paycloseattentiontosystem implementation,really makethe partyorganizationand partymemb

46、ereducati on a nd stri ctmanagement , solid. Fi nally,t he "urge" workonthe lead, be sure to promoteefficie ncy. "Two" educati on, notoneducationeducati onal ,notw orkingwit hthe Centretwo, must stickaround theCenter,servingtheoverallsituation,coordinate,trulyresult-orie ntedand

47、pr omoteefficiency.Curre ntand future aperiod,to tightlyaround coordination advance "fourafull" strategylayout, winning full builtsocietythis ace ntraland work overall, putcarried outlear ning educati ona s promotedwork of important opportunities andpowerfulpower,guideGeneralmemberscadresi

48、nsisteddevelopmentfirstpriority,activeadaptedeconomicdevelopmentnewnormal,consci ously practi ce linefive big devel opment conce pt,effectivegrasp supplyside structuralreform,to guaranteesandimprove d liveli hood, constructi on m ore high e col ogicalvitality happinessofcity. La styear,we carryout&q

49、uot;three-three"activities asa "three -thre e" spe cialeducati on important,fi ndeducati onand effective platform to facilitate the combinati on ofwork. Reference thisevaluation on partymembers,testi ngasan important basisforleading bodi esand leadi ng cadres' performa ncea nd g u

50、ide thebroa dmasse sofparty membersa nd cadres t o studye ducation opens uptothe maine conomi cand socialdevel opme nt.Atprese nt,the overallsmoot h economicoperationinourcity, butdownward pressure isstill high,face d anumberof challe ngesa nd tests.treatment,proper organizationalarrangements a nd s

51、electi on,propertreatment of personalinterests.To put carri ed out "two learn a do"learning educati onwit h doreformdevelopmentstablethe w orkcom bine d up,andseri ously do Center w ork,and dailya ndjob combi ned up,a nd guarantees improved livelihood,and promote social harmonycom bine dup

52、,andcom pletedthetask com7r s islaaaiilir.satigail".-.-.rauuHg a s ie.-ii sc r»s.ri.eg-ssFu-.sali. ft-.full-sea-esrl a d it dviieeigesgspiitve-aiekc.ut s.vfia-ga aiti llslgifila eddsst-sao aaed. .iar-aeremeae-95a-eagaatui aeLg-esaigem s .aLgs-ayga-s u sga-wksaue es、-.-.- - . a gag-ae-l-id.

53、e-dsv-em-wl-g-g-.susei-ee-em s - g la g d aa- -u ee inesig-. ge iiaiLkigeaig.iga-a-uigi i aul se. s-i - ie l a el e wae sLs es - s-a-kses-aldl aessgeessiise-Lsd.s-d.esp.-iga-la-.eligLde.u-sl-he ee-esiiea-e a eease. au-e-.eelsl ies-igs-i.ie-ei-Pa-ls ee d esLs-eaigsl-i - u-e .eil-ba.gefle-ge-i eiLi ii

54、 a.-k. a s i.P、a.i-dilaidiida-a k-iel . s-aaiguL-i rtiica-gasa-sidla-i-e a-esr.elidleli-.eusid-xdaeiLaels-g-e-Llse-iaeai assiesuewka. e e-ulle-e us slaaiee-Fla-ee-is-e-(二)廣安市城市供水管網(wǎng)改造工程2008年1月至今,作為甲方現(xiàn)場負(fù)責(zé)人,我還參與了 廣安市城市供水管網(wǎng)改造工程,該工程建設(shè)規(guī)模為改造城市供水管網(wǎng)20公里及配套設(shè)施,總投資 2800萬元,招標(biāo) 工程金額1527萬元。截止2009年底,已安裝完成環(huán)城路、 建華路、洪洲大道、北辰大道等路段DN100DN50峨水管道約20KM已完成工程投資約1340.4萬元。該


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