1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上介詞專項訓練一選擇題(共49小題)1(2019安徽)Somn加油etimes proper answers are notn加油 far to seek n加油food safety problems(n加油)AinBtoConDafter2(2019春思明n加油區(qū)校級期中)Don't defend him any moreIt'sn加油 obvious that he _ den加油stroyed the fence of the gardn加油en even without apology()Aby n加油changeBby accidentCon
2、 purposeDwithn加油 care3(2019泰州二模)_ the previon加油us approach to offering lowcost mon加油dels for the market,Chinese cn加油ar makers are focusing onn加油 displaying alternative enern加油gydriven vehicles to men加油et environmental concerns(n加油)AWith regard toBOn account ofCn加油In contrast toDIn response to4n加油(20
3、19春撫州期末)_ the company's n加油increasing thirdgeneration,or 3G,Chn加油ina Unicom Ltd saw new pn加油rofits()ARather thanBn加油As forCAccording toDn加油Thanks to5Is it true that n加油a terrible hurricane is on in加油ts way?It might ben加油I don't know it_n加油_()Aof sureBfor n加油sureCof courseDcertainly6We builn加
4、油t a monument _ thon加油se heroes()Ain honor ofBin need on加油fCin favor ofDin chan加油rge of7I almost knew nn加油othing about the accident _ tn加油he report about it in thn加油e newspaper()Abesiden加油sBapart fromCexcept forn加油Dbeside8We don't neen加油d to do extra work thn加油is eveningThe day's work was al
5、most _n加油_ now()Aat the endBat an加油n endCin the endDbyn加油 the end9They were lost at then加油 sea and were the wind and tn加油he bad weather()Aat thn加油e risk ofBat the cost ofCat the en加油nd ofDat the mercy of10_ n加油the north of the city,most of the minern加油s were rescued from the coal minn加油es()AInBOnCAt
6、DTo11Ladies n加油and gentlemen,please switch _n加油_ your mobile phonesn加油!The plane is taking n加油off()AoverBonCtoDoff12Mn加油any of us are from thn加油e south, , Li Lei is from Gn加油uangdong()Asuch asBn加油such likeCfor examplen加油Dthat's to say13I would like a jobn加油 which pays more,but n加油I enjoy the wor
7、k I am doing atn加油 the moment()Ain other wordsBon n加油the other handCfor one thingDas n加油a matter of fact14I alwaysn加油 prefer starting earln加油y,_leaving everythinn加油g to the last minuten加油()Aother thanBmore thanCran加油ther thanDless than15n加油I don't think I'll need any monen加油y,but I'll br
8、ing some_(n加油)Aat lastBin caseConcn加油e againDin time16On the n加油one hand,we should developn加油 our economy_,we shoun加油ld protect the environn加油ment()AOn the other handBAs a mn加油atter of factCThat n加油isDIn other words17(2019秋海淀n加油區(qū)期末)The singer invitedn加油 her fans to sing along _n加油_every song she wou
9、ld sing(n加油)AinBatConDtn加油o18(2019秋龍鳳區(qū)校級期末)The childn加油ren were arguing _each othn加油er _which TV program to watchn加油()Aabout; onBwith; overCn加油about; withDwith; in19(2019春n加油冀州市校級月考)My friend Martin was very sn加油ick with a strange feven加油r;_, he could neither en加油at nor sleep()Aas a resultBaftn加油er
10、allCany wayDotherwisn加油e20(2019秋荷塘區(qū)校級期末)Wn加油ho told you about Dad's illnn加油ess?The doctor _()An加油in connectionBin turnCin pun加油blicDin charge21(201n加油9秋荷塘區(qū)校級期末)He hasn't _ yetn加油What happened _ him?()Adisan加油ppeared; toBshowed up; toCcome;n加油 forDappeared; for22(2019秋番n加油禺區(qū)校級期末)He said in hi
11、s letter n加油that he was going to n加油visit China _ and he had the idean加油 _()Alongn加油 before; before longBbefn加油ore long; long beforeCben加油fore long; before longDlong n加油before; long before23(2n加油019秋沙河市校級期末)Although thn加油ey are twins,they have littn加油le_()Athn加油e same asBin commonCin common加油nsDmuch
12、 like24(2019秋天寧區(qū)n加油校級月考)The Wayle is a small rin加油ver that cuts _ then加油 park near my home()AacrossBn加油throughCoverDup25We Chinese teamn加油 will compete n加油 the Korean team n加油 the gold medal(n加油)Awith; inBin; forn加油Cin; withDwith; for26Man加油ny people have been out of work in加油n ChinaAnd _ that the g
13、overnmenn加油t is always taking measures to incn加油rease the number of employn加油ment()Ain spite ofn加油Bbecause ofCthanks tn加油oDin addition to27They n加油 quarrel with each other,whin加油le now they are livinn加油g ()Aare n加油used to; in peaceBused to; n加油in the peaceCused to; in peaceDgot un加油sed to; in the pe
14、ace28I don't feel equn加油al doing the jobIt's n加油too difficult for me()n加油AforBtoCinDon29Flowers inn加油 our garden are well protectedn加油 the cold weather()n加油AonBtoCagainstDwn加油ith30Good friends usually share tn加油he same interest and agree n加油_ most things but sometimes they alsn加油o disagree _
15、 each other _sn加油omething()Aon; win加油th; toBto; with; aboutCon; with; onn加油Dwith; with; on31n加油He has been working _No n加油wonder he looks very tirn加油ed now()Asooner or laterBday ann加油d nightCnow and thenDhere n加油and there32Equal treatment fon加油r all is guaranteed in this area,_n加油_race,religion or s
16、ex()n加油Ain need ofBin spite ofCn加油regardless ofDin tn加油erms of33The school isn加油 a Chinese ten加油acher for the new termn加油 who masters the English langun加油age perfectly()Asearchingn加油Bin the search ofCin searn加油chDin search of34n加油What do you think of n加油Peter?He is a helpful manHe is alwn加油ays helpi
17、ng others without expecn加油ting anything ()An加油in turnBin needCin returnDin vain加油n35You must fix all your attention on加油n your study_,n加油you must study hard()AFor examplen加油BIn factCIn a worn加油dDThat is36Please don't do anythingn加油 harmful_our nature, or we human加油ns will have no_en加油ach other()
18、Ato; fun an加油boutBfor; fun withCforn加油; fun aboutDto; fun with37Hn加油e looked quite young thougn加油h he was _()Ain seven加油ntyBat the age of seventyn加油38This picture looks better _n加油_()Ain a distanceBat a distancen加油Cin distanceDat the distn加油ance39The governmentn加油 has made many laws _ people's i
19、nn加油terests()Ain favor ofBin den加油fence ofCin celebration n加油ofDin charge of40Shn加油e has many hobbies,_ drawing, sn加油wimming, reading and dancing()An加油for exampleBsuchCsuch asDas4n加油1I can't go to the park with n加油you,as I haven't finished my homewn加油ork and I'll help my mon加油ther with t
20、he housework _n加油()Ain additionBAn加油t allCfor exampleDbn加油y the way42To _,hardship is n加油an excuse;to _,hardshin加油p is great fortune()Athe failuren加油;the successBa failure;a succesn加油sCfailure;successDn加油the failure;a success43The speen加油ch by the mayor of Shanghai before then加油 final voting for EXP
21、O 2019 isn加油 strongly impressed _n加油_ my memory()AtoBoverCbyn加油Don44The man who had been_n加油_ for three months was equal tn加油o the job()Aout of wn加油orkBout of breathCon加油ut of troubleDout of orden加油r45Though he is run加油de _,he respects you from the bn加油ottom of his heart()Ain timeBat n加油timesCon tim
22、eDat n加油no time46Would you mind if In加油 use your car?Of course not,butn加油 my car broke downFortunately,Jed wiln加油l get the car fixed _n加油_()Aat no timeBin加油n no timeCat a timeDon time47Withn加油 the kitchen fire _,she n加油went out to meet me()Ain加油nBonCupDdown48Youn加油r plan sounds goodBut we an加油re sho
23、rt_money to carry it outn加油()AforBofCwithn加油Din49_,Tom went on the n加油Internet in search on加油f some news()AWith his homeworn加油k finishingBAt finishing hin加油s homeworkCOn finishing his homn加油eworkDAfter his homework finishen加油d介詞專項訓練參考答案與試題解析一選擇題(共4n加油9小題)1【解答】答案:B 本題解題關鍵是sen加油ek和answerseek的賓語是answer
24、,n加油所以" food safety problems"與sn加油eek沒有關系根據句意可知,本句可改為:It is not fn加油ar to seek proper answers to food safn加油ety problems(尋求食品安全問題的答n加油案)或者sometimes proper ann加油swers to safety problems are not fn加油ar to seek 故選B項2【解答】答案C,bn加油y accident偶然地,on purpose故意地,with caren加油小心地,根據句意"別再為他辯護了,顯然他
25、故意破壞了花園的圍墻甚至連道歉都沒n加油有"選C3【解答】答案CWith regan加油rd to關于;On account of由于,因n加油為;In contrast to與相比;In加油n response to作為回應根據題干中的lowcost moden加油ls和alternative energydriven n加油vehicles含有對比的意思,所以選C4【n加油解答】答案:D rather than 而不是;as for 關于;accorn加油ding to 根據; thanks to 因為聯系前后語境,根據后文Chn加油ina Unicom Ltd saw new
26、profits可知,其利潤的增長n加油與前文因為因果關系,thanks to(因為),符合句n加油意,故選D5【解答】答案:B for sure是n加油定下來的意思,確定的意思,與否定詞連用表n加油示"不確定",of course強調眾所周知,當然了,相當于certainlyn加油,與否定詞連用時,否定詞通常位于后面:of course nn加油ot,certainly not,所以本題選擇B6【解答】答案n加油:A in honor of為了紀念;in need of需要;inn加油 favor of支持;in charge of負責根據句意和各個選項n加油的含義可知答案
27、,故選A7【解答】答案:B besn加油ides除了(包含在內);apart from除了(n加油既有包含也有排除的意思);except for除了(整體介n加油紹,局部排除);beside在旁邊,根據語境還有ABC三個介詞的區(qū)別可知這里是n加油排除的含義故選B8【解答】答案:B at the n加油end最后;at an end結束;at one end在一端;at oun加油r end在我方根據句意故選B9【解答】答案:D n加油 at the risk of有危險;at n加油the cost of以為代價;at the end of在n加油結束的時候;at the mercy of任由
28、支配根據句意可知選n加油D10【解答】答案:D,在城市的北部,沒說在內還是外,用n加油to,在內用in,接壤用on11【解答】解析:句意為n加油:女士們,先生們,請關上手機,飛機就要起飛了switch overn加油 交換位置; switch on 打開; switch to切換到n加油;switch off關掉,符合句意故選:Dn加油12【解答】答案: C句意:我們大部分人都來n加油自南方,比如,李雷來自廣東省such as 例如用來n加油羅列同類人或物中的幾個例子,可置于被列舉的事物n加油與前面的名詞之間,但其后邊不能用逗號; such ln加油ike 就像;for example 比如,
29、一般只舉同類人或n加油物中的一個作為插入語,且用逗號隔開,可置于句首、句中或句末;thatn加油's to say那就是說; 這里只舉李磊一例,并非列舉,因此用forn加油 example結合選項,故選:C13【解n加油答】答案:B in other words換句話說;on the on加油ther hand另一方面;for one thing首先;as a mn加油atter of fact事實上根據語境和各個選項可知選B14【解n加油答】答案:C other than除了;more than加油n不僅僅,多于;rather than而不是;len加油ss than少于根據語境和各
30、選項可知,故選Cn加油15【解答】答案:B本題考察介詞短語at last最后;in加油n case以防;once again再次;n加油in time及時句意:我想我不需要錢,但我n加油要帶一點以防萬一結合選項,故選:B16n加油【解答】答案:A考查介詞短語on the n加油one hand,on the other handn加油,一方面另一方面;as a matter of fn加油act,事實上;that is,也就是說;in other words,換句n加油話說根據句意和句首的On the one hand可知,BCD選項不符合n加油題意,故選A17【解答】答案:Dinn加油在里面
31、;at在地點;on在上面;to隨著,合著根據句n加油意和every song搭配可知答案故選D1n加油8【解答】考查介詞argu witn加油h sb over sth意為"和 就某事爭辯; 和 就某事爭吵n加油"故選B項,其它三項不符合語境故選:n加油B19【解答】答案:A考查固定短語as a result"因此";n加油after all"畢竟";any way"任何方法";otherwise"否n加油則,要不然"句意:我的朋友馬丁得了重病,高燒很厲害,因此,他既不能吃也睡不著n加油根據題干
32、兩個分句之間為因果關系可知選A20【解答】答案:n加油D解析:A:連接;B:輪流;C:當眾;D:負責根據n加油句意"負責的醫(yī)生"及所給選項分析可知,本題答案為n加油D選項;其余選項均不符合題意拓展:本題是介詞短語作后置定語,補充n加油完整即是:The doctor who is in chargn加油e21【解答】答案:B 考查介詞根n加油據What happens to sb?n加油意為"某人發(fā)生了什么?"排除C、D項;而disappear意為"消失",shown加油 up意為"露面",排除A項,故選B22【解答
33、】答案選B考n加油查介詞短語辨析before long 不久以后;long befon加油re 很久以前根據句意及語境可知第一個空表示n加油"不久以后",第二個空表示"很久以前",因此答案選B23n加油【解答】答案:B解析:A:與一樣;B:相同;C:n加油無此表達;D:很像根據句意"盡管他們是雙胞n加油胎,但是他們沒什么共同點"及所給選項分析可知,本題考查havein con加油mmon"有共同之處"這一固定短語;因此本題答案為B選項24n加油【解答】答案:A 考查介詞cut across(表面)穿過;cut th
34、n加油rough(里面)穿過;擠進;cut over采伐; cut n加油up切碎,切割開根據句意,A項正確25【解答n加油】答案:D根據句意可知第一空用compete with sn加油b和某人競爭;第二空用compete fon加油r為了而競爭compete in在里競爭故選D26n加油【解答】答案:B解析:A:不管;不顧;B:因為;由于;C:多虧了;D:n加油除之外(還有)根據句意"中國很多人都失業(yè)了正是因為那樣政府一n加油直都在采取措施來增加就業(yè)人數"及所給選項分析可知,本題答案為n加油B選項;其余選項均不符合題意27【解答】【答案】C be n加油used to
35、do sth被用來做某事;used to do表示過去n加油經常習慣做某事,而現在不做了; 根據句意可知,第一空用used to,in pn加油eace和平,安靜沒有冠詞the故選Cn加油28【解答】答案:B考查介詞根據n加油句意可知這里使用短語equal to"勝任",be equal in在n加油某方面平等;不和for和on搭配故選B29【n加油解答】答案:C根據句意可知這里使用短語protect sb/sthn加油 against,意為"保護免受的侵n加油害"其它介詞不能和protect搭配使用故選Cn加油30【解答】答案:C根據句意可知第一空用a
36、gn加油ree on大家一致贊同;第二、三空用disagree withn加油 sb on sth在某事上和某人意見不一故選C31【解答】答n加油案:B解析:考查時間介詞短語此處表示:他一直在日日夜夜地工作soon加油ner or later表示遲早;day and nign加油ht表示日日夜夜;now and then表示從今以后;here andn加油 there表示在各處故選B32【n加油解答】答案:Cin need of需要;in spite of雖然;regan加油rdless of不管,不顧;in terms of就而言根據句意n加油和各個選項的含義可知答案故選C33【解答】答案:
37、D解n加油析:A:搜查;B:表達錯誤;C:無此表達;D:尋找根據句意n加油"學校正在正在為新學期尋找一位精通英語的老師"及所給選項分析可知,本題答案n加油為D選項;其余選項均不符合題意或用法34n加油【解答】答案:C解析:A:輪流;B:有需要;Cn加油:作為回報;D:徒勞;白費力氣根據句意"你認n加油為Peter怎樣?他是一個樂于助人的人他總是幫助他n加油人而不圖回報"及所給選項分析可知,本題答案為Cn加油選項;其余選項均不符合題意35【解答n加油】答案選D考查介詞短語在具體語境中的應用fon加油r example譬如說;in fact實際上;in加油n
38、 a word總之;that is(=that is ton加油 say)也就是說,換句話說根據 fix all your an加油ttention on your study和stun加油dy hard表示同一個意思,所以用thatn加油 is(=that is to say)也就是說,換句話說因此根據語境以及句n加油意可知正確答案為D36【解答】考查介詞n加油第一空:harmful to意為"對有害",排除B、C項;第二空:have n加油fun with意為"玩得開心",排除A項,只有D項n加油正確故選:D37【解答】答案:B解析:考查介詞短n加油
39、語句意:雖然他七十歲了,但看上去很年輕其中"他70 多歲時"應該是n加油in his seventies,選項A不正確;at thn加油e age of seventy意思是"在70 歲時"故選Bn加油38【解答】答案B考查固定短語n加油distance之前的介詞與冠詞的搭配有所不同,at后接a,in 后接then加油at a distance在稍遠處;in the disn加油tance在遠處根據句意:這幅畫在遠處看起來更好所n加油以答案選B39【解答】答案:B考查介詞短語辨n加油析in favor of"贊成,支持"; n加油in defence of"維護;保衛(wèi)"; in celebrationn加油 of"慶祝";in charge of"負責",n加油根據 people's inte
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