1、20192020學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期末考試卷高一英語滿分;150分考試時間:】20分鐘 注意事項:L答題前.考生先將自己的姓名、席考證號碼填寫清整,將條形耦準確粘貼在條形碼區(qū)域內(nèi)。2.選擇腮必須使用2B鉛篦填涂;非選擇題必沏使用0. 5亳米黑色字跡的答:字筆書寫,字體工整筆跡 清晰“,3請按照題號順序在各題目的答即區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,俎雷答題(M域書寫的答案無效;在草稿紙、成短卷卜的 管罩不理口4-雇宿您施卡卡而清潔,不要析登、不要弄破、弄皺,不準使用涂改液、修正帶、刮紙刀。5. 考試結(jié)束后,將本試卷和答題卡一并交回第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)問答聽力部分時,清先將答案標在試卷上.聽力部分結(jié)束前,你將
2、有兩分鐘的時間耨您的答案轉(zhuǎn)流 到客觀答題卡上。第一節(jié)(共5小廄;每小題L5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話口每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,井標 在試卷的相應(yīng)位管口聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對 話僅讀一遍口】*What is the prolyab拒 reltilionhip between the speakers' Al Mother and son.B. Wife and huahand.2. What are the speakers doing?A. Catching u tax?B. Shopp
3、ing for some bags,C. Trying to get to the train.3. How is the gid going to school?A. By car.B. By bicycle.4. Why is the t>ky dark?A, It+s cloudy.B.nieruM a storm coming.C. There's smoke in ihe sky.5. What are the Apeakers d麗uMsing?A, A muguzim%B. A第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)C. Teacher and stud
4、ent.C. By air.C, A smvry.4聽下面5段對話或獨白,每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最 佳選項聽每段對話或獨月前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘 的作答時間.每段對話或獨白族兩遍.聽第6段材料,回答第6-7題由C. It's too dirty.C. All the bills.6. What does the woman think of the living mom?A. Ifs small.B. It、quite big.7. What is included in the rent?A. G
5、as.B. Eleclricity and waler.鼎尖教育20192020學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期末考試卷高一英語 第】頁(扶8頁)聽第7段材料,回答第8-9題;8- What dues the man Ihink uf ihe new 3Portf centerYA. Expensive. .R. Great一9- How old is the womun now?A.13.B.14,聽第8段材料,回答第10-12題。 10. Why does the woman want iu talk to the man?A. She is interested in foreigners.B. She
6、tries to hdp newcomers in her country.C. She plans to write about the evening school.11. Whal is the man poor in?A. Writing,B. Speaking.12. Where does the man work?C. Cniwded.C. 15.C. Reading.A, In a shop.B. In'the evening 旨chuul,C. At a university.聽第9段材料,回答第13-16題.13, What will the Ijoy probabl
7、y do on Sfltunlay?A, Go for a picnic.H. Meet hh parents.14, Which subject is ihe boy worried about?A. English.B. Math,15, How did the gid feel about the three tests she had?A. Tliey were too hard. B. She didn't perform well.16, Where does the bny suggest the girl study?A. In her clas»rnnm*
8、B. Tn the library.C. Do u book review.C* Physics.C. She did a good job.C. In her room.聽第10段材料,回答第17-20題口17. Why du srimr children waul to Jtet unie writers?A. They want peoplr tn read their btxiks.B. They like reading books themsekefl.C. They want to make more money.18. What is not necessary lur bec
9、oming a good writer?A. Reading a lot of book即B. Becoming a good reader at firal.C. Reading many books before going to school.19, Whal do great readers lite doing in the evening?A* Reading books.B. Writing stories.C, Watching TV,20, Whai do we know abowi a good reader?A. A good reader needn't rea
10、d many books.B. A good reader ran spend morr time watching TV*C. A good reader can liniRh reading hnnwiwnrk quickly*鼎尖教育 如192020學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期末考試卷高一英語 第2責(zé)(共8頁),3斤田7-.用2精麻螂版/軸法融_ -.- 一-一 4 一 -6 -第二部分閱讀理解I共兩節(jié),濡分40分】第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)冏讀下列短文.從每題所給的A,C和D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。AThe United State科 has a vanl network of
11、Nahnnal Parkn spread all amund ihe country. Here arr some National Parks for youArches National Park, UtahMore than 2 ,000 natural slone arches make Arches National Park a special place in Utah. Travekrs from around the world come to hrillinnl aurkHk ihal light up the sky ftach night. Hiknt and mrk
12、climhrm will love the endleiis options for tip luring, while rrnne law-kt y viaiturs are huk t* luve the tumping.Acadia, MaineSuper close to Bar Harbor, one of Mninc's most beloved liny towns, Aradia National Park tops travel guides for th” Vacation Suif. 8Pmr? making your wqy tn Mt. Dm#rt ishcv
13、l, diru* on (hf rnunlry rnnV FomniiFi fish and Lake tiiivantMge uf ihe up|Mjrtunily lu gu whale >alehin un the Allanlk Ocean. When visiling Acadia, aet aside some lime tu hike and go boating.Mount Rainkr, WashingtonWe I'uuhln'l Itavr the park with u wluwly nwiving ier off 由& I Mt. Was
14、hingkui1* Mount Rainier Natioruii Park T tbund wutheasl of Seattle, has 25 ol them ( along with the fucnoub vokanv) as it* attention-catching sllL Tilt National Pvk bm* it's the snowiest phee on earth where snow is mea&ured regularlyh If snow- capped peaks aren*t your thing, plan la visit th
15、e park when ihe weather is warmer.Great Sand Dune«(沙丘),ColoradoYou probably imagine the Rocky Mountains when you think about Colorada, but did you knoiv thal ihe Centennial slate is also home to the United Stales* Largest sand dunes? See them for yaureelf dl Greal Sand Duncn National Park, wher
16、e yau can gn and boarding or "fat biking". Though June temperatures are «aid tn be aijme. nf Southern Colurwh' 4 】w*xl* a warm winter day run br an FUu】y ttnjiiyj Jr linw M %” the- duxit*s. 21. What do Arches National Park and Acadia have in common?A, Tourists can hike in the park
17、stC. Both of ths parity offer nea knd.22. Whal atlmcta truveUeri moat in Mount Rainier?A. Sunsets.B. Whales.23. Where enm you go if you are fond of cycling?A. Airhes Nalinnal Park, UtahC. Mounl Rainier, WashingtonB. They arc located in tiny towns.Du Thfty frep guide tn travellers.C. Ice.D. Santis.B.
18、 Acadia« MaineD. Grefit Sand Dun% CulorndoBIn September 20191 窗 man named Anuchit was riding hia molorcycle down a highway in Thailsnd. He imotteH h 皿fUwking Ung Hilling on thr W «f ihr mtuL Thr poor ck考廿t*m«4 tn Im? wuiiing f“r mtmninRkLater that day, Anmhit mile by t*t tXHi l /切史 dp
19、ut and fiwml (he smme tlug blill 疝linn therr. Ailtr stup- ping his bike to aec if the dog was OK, Anuchit happened to meet a IochJ peracin named SaowaJuck, who lold him the animal、buckMoiy. Saowaluek kept finding the dog at that same w°Eer in 2016. She brought him to th* vet, TWEcd him 1>*
20、171;, and adoptwR him. But days Inter, Lpo disopprarrd. Sanwaluk found him al thr鼐尖教育2019202。學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期末考試卷*高一英墻 第3頁(共8頁)gmt turner alung ihe highway and returned evcvy day to give him food and wat«r. She loved him, but he *aBn*l ready to accept her 日右 his new owner.Aflr the motorcyclisl shared Le
21、o's story nn the Internet, the dog*s former owner came forward. An elderly woman named Noi said Len jumptd nut nf htr pickup lrtn:k back in 2015. She and her husband look史I vnr* where but couldn't Bnd hinr When Noi arrived al (he cdiuci to reunite with Leo in 20N h he ran aver to her and was
22、 grc«ted with mht mnd peU - but hr refused to 呂0 heme with her JSaowaluck begged Noi to keep the clog hen>tilf 吃 she had become so attached to him and had already Irkd In adnpl him cnee |泗括工已 Len has rr*pnrterily liftftri with Sanwaluck ever #nee - nc longer saHT and no longer waiting.24. Wh
23、y did the dug look 叩A(chǔ). He hst touch with hi群 owners.C He mijstd the truck tv his hcrtiic, 25, What do we know al)cu! Saowaluck?A. Sht> lost her dog while travelling,C, She buM the dng tu Anu<ihil.26. How did the dug ftel when lie mtt Nui?A. Angry,B+ Proud,27. What a the UM aimed al?B. Nn nne g
24、ave him food to eat.D. He disliked being sent id the veLB. She adopud the dog finally,D. Slut iihurrd the (廂X story imiiMC. Nenous.D. Delighted.A. Advising people to raise pnuperly.B. Telling readers how to take caie of dogs.C. Showing us dogs are royal and raiefuLD. Encnuruging people to ddnpt dese
25、rted clngM.CIn 2005» WinsLon Dunean was traveling with his mother in Southern Airica when he saw an dd lady and young hoy walking down a road togftthftr. He thought of his own grandjnnmher and wondered how he tinuld h"p the old lady dnd ulhen; in Africa who hiive tu wdlk a 】口吧 way.Duncan T
26、 who lived in Washington State was 10 at the timer and his solution was to give them hikes. With hh iricm, he slarfed Wheels Lo Africat an organiKalion that for the pwst 34 years has tdken bicycles donaled fro in mdrleiitH uf the WuNhingtnn urm und nhippK<| th«m uemtiK the v/iirld tu pfiuplk
27、 in n壯e,LMost of the 8000 biketi they have tuJlrcted have gone 於 countries in Africa, helping xut down hvui of walking for atudenla and other pastmeiL Bvt last week b Duncan t travelled whh a handful of volunleers and 4D0 hikes to a destination much closer to his home yel sHJl in neeri: Puerto Rico.
28、 More than a year after ii was destroyed by Hurricane Murid, the island duffens fmin (ranspoilaliun prubittn."I【was a little chaotic(混亂的)- a* 900n as they got their bike/ they were just havMig fun riding around the parking Int," aaid Austin Higgins, a New Jersey resident who recently joine
29、d WTiecls to Africa as its photographer and videographer. ° Snme people who received bicycles were almost flpetfchless, ond some of ihem cried, because it sfpmcthing they hud requested 加r ChrisimaB irum Stmtu Clmi與" htf iHiichThe donated bikea included same high-end racing moHeh, which web
30、l to teenage interested in puisuing serious cycling.Duncan rernHy graduated fmm Bard Cnllegf* and 運 in Adinglon working at o politico! cnnsuJting firm.照尖教育20192020學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期末號試卷高一英語 第4頁(共2頁)He now encourages kids in the Washinglun area Lu get involved with the urgdnition, and some have juirird him on t
31、rips to Africa and on this trip ro Puerto Rico.”【wanted to try to get people to think about giving back." he said.28. Why did Winston Duncan 劃art Whwlfl to Africa?A. He hoped to make hie grandmother fsel happy.B. He was fond of collecting different lypea of bikes.C. He wanted tu help the puor p
32、eople lo live beuer.D. H產(chǎn) wan greatly supported by his mnlhrr to dn so.29. Whal can we leant about Wheels to Africa?A* h ha been managed lor luurteen yeflrs.B, It has delivered about 400 bikes Lo Africa,C, Il has many yun咤 kiihi g itw niEiiibeis 1】u忙D,】l collects bicycles from all the areas in the U
33、.工30. What can we inlet from Austin Higgin's words in Paragraph Four?A, The dUivEry asually meet« with ncmr troiiblr.B, The people who got bikess were excited and gmlefuLC, It was very difficult for Duncan to collect enough bikes.D, People in Africa required him (o dreas up as Santa CIhur.3
34、L Wh(H is probably the btsl title of the text?A*. Wheels to Africa.B. Trip to Puerto Rico,C. Duncanf a Generoua Person.D. Hurricane in Puerto Rico.DThe story of Sindhulbti Saplutl is the slory u rebirth and iht: luve ul children who nobody elae wanted. Hie 68-year-old woman has raised aver 1 1400 or
35、phans(孤兒),offering them not ju&L food and shelter, but also the love 血 a rfal family. Her umazing work has earned her over 750 awards* and ihs nicltnanH* “Mother of Or- phanJ.Sindhutai Sapkal' s work was inspired by her awn hardships growing up. Bom into a poor family, she had to abandon her
36、 education at age 9, and was married to a 20-year-old man when she was just 10 years old. Ten years later, when *h旨 was expecting u bubyt she whk thrown uut of the huutfr by her huT>und, und liecuUKr evejyune f even her Gmily, turned her awtty t 曲七 had to give birth in a <juw house.To support
37、herself and her newborn daughter, Sapkal had to beg and sing at train stations far food, Il was during these difficult times that ehe met many other abandoned youths who were struggling just like i<he was. She would slrnic her food with them and ptuvidc hn much cure ns she uuld. Some of them sfar
38、ted following her around, and that, she says,祖 how her large liannly started lo fonn without her even realizing.Over the hsi 40 yearst Sindhutai Sapkal has traveled to countless villages, giving apeeches until her thrnsl was dry, trying lo collect donation? to provide a better life fttr her adopted
39、children. She managed tn build four orphan曲where many uLanduned children have gruwn into rtdpecltible memlMjrM uf tiotitty. She niakes it her duly to keep ihe kidu on the right puth in life and offer them the love and care of a real family.“I wa raised believing that blood cehbons dan'l really m
40、ean much. For me, my underslanding of a home wa» basnd an whal I had swin - my mother und h*r lurge Emily J Sinrlhului1 s d口ugh歷r. Momuta1 says.鼎尖教育2加9一川20學(xué)年第一學(xué)期照末考試卷高一英語 第5頁(共8頁)“Ahcr completing my degreest T have been working wilh Mai ( mother).B- Her pour education.D. Her life experience*.32
41、. What iiupired Sindhutai Sapkal to start her work?A. Over 750 awardfi)pven.C. Many homeless children.33. Whal can we infer from the Lael pai wgraph?,A. Sindhutai Sapko's work has a grt?al infliiErnce on her daughter.B. Mamala thinks blood relations don't really m«an much in a family-C.
42、 Mamara> haned hwr undrmtanding of a homn nn adnplrd chilrlreTi,D. Sindhutai Sapkal was satisfied with what she gol from her life.34. Whal is the text mainly about?A. Sapkal'n social hiatus as Mother of Orphans.B. Sapkul、cunlribution to abandoned crhilihen,C. Sapkal's wish to build shelte
43、rs for children.D. SapkaTs eflbn to collect money for the poor,35. Which of thr fallowing can J Kt used In ile3erib« Simlhulai Sapkal?A. CiueLB. Serious,C- Caring.D. Strict.第二節(jié)(共5小題:每小題2分,滿分10分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最住選項,選項中有兩項為務(wù)余選項口How to Contribute to Thanksgiving Dinner As a TeenagerYour f
44、amily has been stressing out aboul hosting this year's Thanksgiving meal tor weeks now. and you want to help out. The problem is, you're only a teenager.G<i grtMieiy shipping. If you huv« enough timr and the £l>dc1 hasn't bren pun:hdseil yet, axk ynur parents if you can d
45、o th« grocery shopping for them. 37 f you dun't have a car and walking tu the grocery store ar biking there isn't a choice t ask if you can go to the grocery store along with your parents to make the shopping process easier.Clean the house, A clean honx; is ihe best setting for Thanksgi
46、ving dinner. Clear an area Ibr guests to put their shoes, gats, and bags so they aren't in the way.Set the table, t will save your parents time so they can finish preparing Lhe meat If you're using place cirnk, put wine glats ut the srulx of wh(» will i)r drinking. Sum弋 guewln may huvr
47、thvir kills ul the table. 39Plan a fun family activity, lliia is a great thing io do when people are either waiting for lhe meal or looking for something to do after the meal. This is where you come in. 40 You may even lake some family phutUH. Tliey'll be happy that you captured ih七眥 memories la
48、ter,A. So how do you atari helping out?B. Don't get too pushy about doing everything.C. You should plan a Fun game or activity in advance.D. If you have a car and they trust you to drive, that 限E. Ask your parents if you are uneure if you really need place cards.F. You should consider not puttin
49、g a knife al their stat, for aafety reasons,G. Even if it's not perfectly neat . things should be rfilalivdy organized and duRt-fme.鼎尖教育20192020學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期末考試卷高一英語 第6瓦(共8頁)-8-第三部分語言知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第1節(jié)(共20小趺;每小題L5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中.選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項"Natalie Barnes is a bua driver i
50、n WixcQiwin. US. He 口的red comfort and supporl to a homeless pas&enger many limes, which warnied hearts of mtiny people Qcr。鱷 th。slate.He vfas driving on a41 Saiuidtiy night when a man named Rich aid 42 the bus. Richard,whoBantes has met on h«r bus be加re. rode the bus 43 they go| to the end
51、ol her nitiLe. Barnes then used her 44 to start h Lunverention wilh Richanl, As lht:y 45, Hiuhurd tolil her I hat the 46 he had been living in waH dr hi my ed in a fire. For n w<*rk, hr had brr*n 47ami sleepingon iht- slrrrl.Heartl)roken by his48 , Barnes said he evuhl ilile hrr bu w he wuuldtfl
52、haveIo be uul inI hr culd. Andshe uflen _49_loget him 也mhit電 t。«hL. *Nuw dun't ktivw whaL lo 都ty bul50 you,"Richanl10kl (He kind driver. Heinsisted that he would 51 her Lack, but she refused. At hernext break ,Banies 52a I ri end working ata community oTtiniution Id help Richard get in
53、to 53 shchcr aid they are now wurkinp lo find him perma- ncnl(長期的)housing.The bus company finally posted related videos on their website,54 Barnes for her kindness. According lo ihc company 4 this is Baines's third lime being honarcJ for good 55 on (he job. The mother-of-three often 56 sandwiche
54、s onio her bus so she can give them to 57 who might need somelhing to eal. County Executive Chris Abrle said, * Armss the statr» we are invz對ing (投資)resnur(tes thmughcul the stat* tn J58 honi<lesstiess. Bflmes showed whut we all nttd to do I。light huneltJisnenJi. 1'tu deeply 59 for Natal
55、ie's bcImmim. h BumrsT 60 垣 humltlr( N遜的)alxml thr incident, 3 Al wmt! pninl in <»ur liv*-s,everybody needs help.I wanted tu do whaL I couldu help Richard in some way,"said Barnes.41. A. warmBu raiiBrC. cold0, windy42 A, startedB. boardedC. droveD. miss«d43. A* untilB. beforeC-
56、 onceD. unless44. A, humorB. phoneC, wisdomD. break45. A. arguedB. quarreledC. chattedD. smiled46. A. houseB. clothesC. ticketD- money47. A. hungryB+C, l(in*lyD. d<*sprnitr48. A. 5tlituxB. poKitinhC. NituuticmD. rruction49. A. promiutidB. reluJHxlC. agreedD. offered50. A. hurtB,thunkC. IrouMtD. b
57、lame51. A. payB. holdC. lookDr allow52. A, remindedB. visitedC. contactedD. noticed53. A. TantaslicB. comfortableC. permanentDf temporary54. A, memorisingB. praisingC. punishingD. searching55. A. deedsB. wordaC.ideaD. mood56. A. servesB. makpisC. hringflD. mIIn57. A. rahbersB. hag&FC. cuslnmflra
58、0. posM;ng<*rs58. A. reduceB. HupporlC reformD. Kpreud59, A. nrccfulB, gratefulC. respet-dulD. hopeful60. A. besidesB. thereforeC. however0.though鼎尖教育239-202。學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期末考試卷,高一英語 第7頁(共耳頁)第二節(jié)(共10小題;每小題L5分,滿分15分)閱讀F面短文.在空白處填入1個適當(dāng)?shù)膯瓮蚶ㄌ杻?nèi)單間的正確形式Double 11 falls 61 Novemhrr I th ch year. " Dnuhle ZevEn" in ChitiMsr is th盧 num中 of ihat (laL. Ako the tmniber u 1h, 62 ( mean) * singleness1 in Chintse culture, so the date wiih the 63(many)ones "11.11&
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- 2025年營養(yǎng)型輸液項目合作計劃書
- 母嬰家庭親子游戲企業(yè)制定與實施新質(zhì)生產(chǎn)力戰(zhàn)略研究報告
- 狗批發(fā)企業(yè)ESG實踐與創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略研究報告
- 領(lǐng)帶百貨企業(yè)縣域市場拓展與下沉戰(zhàn)略研究報告
- 茶葉作物批發(fā)企業(yè)數(shù)字化轉(zhuǎn)型與智慧升級戰(zhàn)略研究報告
- 航空模型企業(yè)縣域市場拓展與下沉戰(zhàn)略研究報告
- 汽車經(jīng)銷企業(yè)數(shù)字化轉(zhuǎn)型與智慧升級戰(zhàn)略研究報告
- 2016年4月自考00040法學(xué)概論試題及答案
- 2024中國碳普惠發(fā)展與實踐案例研究報告
- 2024年中國檢驗認證集團招聘筆試參考題庫附帶答案詳解
- 人教版九年級數(shù)學(xué)下冊《第二十六章反比例函數(shù)》測試卷單元測試卷-帶有參考答案
- 公園售票員管理制度
- 本科:交通管理專業(yè)培養(yǎng)方案(管理學(xué)院)
- 《汽車電子電氣系統(tǒng)構(gòu)造與拆裝》課件 項目三 起動系統(tǒng)檢修
- 《安徒生童話》閱讀指導(dǎo)課件
- 沉淀滴定法(應(yīng)用化學(xué)課件)
- 設(shè)計和開發(fā)控制程序
- 07K506 多聯(lián)式空調(diào)機系統(tǒng)設(shè)計與施工安裝