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1、國家開放大學電大本科商務英語32023-2024期末試題及答案(試卷代號:1380)-、交際用牌(共計W分,每小踞2分)15鋤:仇擇正炳的宙句完成下列對話并將答案序號寫在答88紙上.L I Irlhu ihi5 i> Stwen Smith,to hear your vo»ct 味小兒Hi* Mr. Smith.A. Do you know ihr covcrngr of your freight forwardinK huMncws?It Plriuc icll rnr ihr covrrngr of your freigln forwarding huincsstC. |

2、would like in ktiow niorr aboui I he covriam of your freight forwnrdnig business. Yest I will try niy hest.A. De you know nbout bunine»s tux?B. Whwi do you think about business tux?Cf Can you give me n brief imroductiuti nboui it?L Don11 hrsilntr to click on our website when you need us. Thank

3、youA. ! cun,:B. | willCw I knowYe cenninly. We nrc n tnrdiurn firm with about two ihoueinnd people In two (lif(rrrnl plnnU.A. Du you have nine departtnent% in your company?H. Could you (ell me hew your rompnny i* actually orHornzrd?( C ah you tell me a little niun nliom the four brnnch officer?5. Pi

4、n affnid we pul lean rmphasi on thr ovrrnll dcfiign nf the wholr project.A. I his obviounly too hruvy. People won11 be Ahlc to carry it.Bt WeM better une light one5. fhey make thr nurJicncc feel conifortabic<( Our nmm K()nl to rsiubliAh our bmnd nnme nmong our forget aiifhrTMet二、ifl匯借法(共計30分,15小J

5、ffi 2分)6-20 Bh問候下伽的句子.從AJUC三個選項中逸出一個惟填入安白處的最什逃域,并將答率 序號、在答踱紙上。6. Tiliht f xrhnng' rm ind service vhwrgr 4tnd ihrn type Up the check forygA. rnnkr upC miry uutB. figure out7. You cad Inform your rtnl炒心y o( your nnouni tiiin»brr mi ilut ynnr monry cun h, dirccdyiA. trannierredtraiiMparted(:.

6、ininlorrnrci8. Ik4orr i cximr to Ikijing. Inx nn xcrulivr bi-cretnry wnh n trading compnuyfor one yr nr in Britain.A iini workinRB. hntl worked( hn> worked土 I Ir idhuntrz-. nrrrh lirnia xprciultzr in nndiriR »hr riKbl pcrMin for thr*right iob.A exrcwive11 prrMprctive( rxrcutive10. I on tnany

7、 de Inm in a vunipany rMilyb/inkruf)tcytA. rr»uh frnmB. lead from( rrsuli in), A mnrktrrbiivrrx * nrrdu aind <)cBirr5 in order io deci dr wlint products h)niftke nvniloblv.A. facusew on也 carriwi outC. pnys hnck12. Wiih the KX413 account you can oncl deposit RMB cnMh clircctlyeA. extendH. wit

8、hdraw(/. cornplrlr13. Ihc tola Iin logisticA in Chinn i* Htill htHhiT ihnn thni in ninny otherindujitnwlurd countnrs.A. feeB.' pnyC. rosiII fh< you have wiih . pa son determines the kind of 苗叫 mi 歐 you ustA. reUtionhipBt (JmnionCf nrrnngrnrni15. Ideally a shotUil br “ win will situbtioti so b

9、oth you and your customer willproluibly have in givr in on Aornr pointsA. completionB. negotintionC. ntgnunn16. It bcanng the unccrininiies that are part of the marketing process.A. initiatesB. innovatesC. involves17. The managenient style you 由頃 will your people skills and knowledge and ovajlable r

10、esourcesA. depend onB. deni withC. luperfirial18. .Accounting errors will happen from rime to tiinef but many common arcounting mistakes with proper plnnnnig and preparaupmA. can avoidB. can be avoided( rnn avoid being19. Trading globally allnxvs us to expand our nurkets for both goods and services

11、thatotherwise may not have been to ti如A. negoirableB. c/ipableC. available20. An example of soft sell is tn free samples to wlnrh customers ofnjn respond favorablyA. disiribulrB. distinguishC. disturb三, 閱讀理M(共計W分.何小胴I分).從AJKC三個詵項中逸出一個正確簽案,并將答案序卅耳在若抓蛾上。Pgw 好 1Inproplv Imvr to drill it) |i<T5hh wit

12、h /ill kinds nf people. When l/dking Iopcaplr within youi company wlm <inn e 1 sprnk ynur longUAgct you rn.iy have h> unc Erililn people rnny l>( colbtguc? or ro w.nkrr?* who mny work with you in your own dpnrimcnt hi another pnrt o( the buildtnjj or in Another hrinclk And you tnny altto ho

13、ve to drnI with proplr frnrn niHnidr i|)f urK«ni/Hinnt rhcfilst suppliimt viMtnm and jnrinbvrs of ihr puhliv Marnovi r lluc piroplv mny br Irirnrh orproplr (J your own «gr> otpeople who hip yotingrr or oldrr ihnn you.I hr rvlatiunhip you luiv< with h perntm (kirnninr. the kind of hng

14、ungc you use. l;or rxiiriipire ii 1 nol upproprirtir ir> Miy 'lli. how in you!' whrti rnectin« the Mnnn|:itig I hrci ior <j( ii Inrgi rnnipnny or m my e Cinod mernmq. il ' n grriil ple/iHiirc U> mm you * whvn bring introduce(I io n pcrrni ywll Iw wnrkniM clasrly with in ihr

15、 nnnir lcnin<I'coplv HMinlly mi if!kprr<ihidh of yon from thr wny you Kprk And brhnve not jUM lr<mi ih«* wny yuti da your work IV*iplc in ihfb tmt voiimiK Imvr cliffvrrnt idcAA of whal oumU frKTullyi pnliir nr inrrr< nnd of whnl xmnd% rucl<- <»r unlnrndly! (rood tnnnn

16、rr in y<mr vullurt may be rnnsulrrrrl hncl mnnncr hi another. Sonntinw. y(»ur hotly hnuagrt gestures ;m(l exprr-unn may loll people n)ore fibnut yon thnn ihr words you um21. The topic of thr paigt? i, .A-in Imsiness ttiiationB. the importiirirr of appropriate c hoier of Janguagr(? dcnhtiK wi

17、th jxxiple in bnattns22. The language you use when ulking with people in business is decided hy.A your rclHtionslup wiih the partiruhr person11 youwlfC. your bnss23. People uufllly (nnn nn imprcjoti of you from.A. your way of tlmng jobsynur hngungc mnnnrrsC ynur (acini rxprrssion-24. < ino<l r

18、n/ifinef h m youi ruhurx may Lt conMikrf lI IumI niArm< in hikhIk r. (huhImanner* in thin hinlrnivnl hu jin .A. to hrhnvr polilrlyH. lu behiivr lovelyC. to brliMVc ftKUftMVrlv25. Thr ineMMigr of thr nrri< lr M ihnlA. drnlinK willi proplv wcrcftttllilly lit ImiiiHrs* hnlII. clicfith with iliffv

19、rcni cuh urn I b«ckKronn<l m run-1 cliulhrignigC. IfHiRunge pl/tyM n vrty irnporttn rule ih HrUniK up bu5)ncs> rclniiontdnp"MH:根MRM)義內后判斷恰出的帽句是否正墉,正確的甲T”,倒強的耳M”,并將答JK功在 答JK爆上.PftMMKe 2lu>giHiir» M thr phyirttl flow pnicrHM nl gOodn frutn the point n1 oiimhi m fh, point of con

20、urnplinn mncrtuinK trniinporiAllon> wnrrhouhin« and stcirogr< hudm- Hrilouiling. Knodts hnndlirigt pHrking. iliMnbulion procc55ihg (lrl»vrty ind biforrumioh nitinhrnirnh Kot rxatnpk. nfti«r a cotnrncrrud ir;innn( nnn is <h)nc<will CArry <Hit thr lrnn?<lrr of «o(

21、>(|hIron)thr brllrt to tiia buytu for ihr lnwr%i <c>5i mid in thr rnnnl rffrctivr itvinncr> Ihinrig ibr irnnlcrlouistu s fnrilitic t vipiipiiM nt (cnrrii r) aiirntrnhfr/niott of itifurrnniinti AndiunndnrdiMiion Arc “kJwLhati three (hnjor lunclioriii. Fizlly H crrnKn. hmv vulur. I hr eu c

22、ihi he valued difkrrnily At difkrent uhivn. Goruh ntr( hrti in MttgnAtton cliinng the “m% process, which is rullni throf IngisiieR. Scrundly. it cmzhh hxwimn vnlur, InhAine "Doch con br wihjvil tliffcri ntly nt (hllrrmt IcHiihiim. I hr vnlur aiklnl fluritig the trnrufrr prnct 均 the locution v/i

23、lii- o( l(火 if、 I hinlly# it rruitcn inbutmri |)rn<ct<iriMIrnn»fer prncca ib ihi lot tiiion vnliu-(4 logrdtcfi. l lnr<Hy il crcnrc diAinbnlion prin vKMnK vnhiv< Sornrtinu- llu* ditribiniori pruvcing rh<in«i ihr |kkkunr* id llir 耳也xL I hnl is< during thi< m.i il cuts If

24、 "血呻 of giHith inn miwiHe pnrth> which cre/itc* adckd value (or k<khIm.2G. Lugisktk n io ihr |ikyAirid flow “ipec M «oo<Ir Itotn ihr m lh r io ilw liuy<!F.27. Aihnlni>ir:iiioii of mforniRliari nnd mi tuhrdi/ntioti nfv »kh ilrd during I hr irontilcr proevt28. Stor/iMv cr

25、cntv% ilin locfttinn v;»lur Irn ijoodn.29. I hc Mime gcxxk cun be vulued difFrrendy At different hmc* and localionK<30. l.nigc packages of goodN should tilw八 lir cut hhd hiti/illrr part* tn errutr added VflllH4.四. 勇作(一38作文.共20分)31. 根作文.Write il covrnng Ir1irr> You nrr I Iclen J oyer and y

26、ou warn in Grid n job dcinnK ihrAuuunt t “兒 You niuy includt rht inlnrrnniion Lrlnw: purpo ,< of job npplictif ioni money ntnl cxpciicncr) your previous work experiences nnd education buckKroundt M. i hope q| hnng cogidrrrd for nu mivrvivw.試題答案及評分標準:一、交際用慎(共計2分,小Ifl 2分)l5Mh選擇正確的增句完成下列對話,并將答案序號寫在答ffl«±o1. C2. C3. B4. B5. C二,iflW與場構(共計30分,AJ小BI2分)02OH:閱讀下面的句子.從A.B.C三個選璃中逸出一個能填入空白處的正確選項并梅答案序號耳在答8!蛾上。6. B7. A8.B9. C10, CII. A12. B13. C14. A15. B16. C17. A18. B19.(:20. A三.MJ 1*


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