1、BS EN 1183 :1997This British Stan dard, hav ingbee n prepared un der thedirect ion of the Con sumerProducts and Services SectorBoard, was published un der theauthority of the Stan dards Boardand comes into effect onommittees resp on sible for thisritish Stan dardThe preparatio n of this British Stan
2、 dard was en trusted to Tech nical CommitteeCW/29, T ableware, upon which the following bodies were represented:Associati on of Con sult ing Saen tistsAssociation of Metropolitan AuthoritiesAssociati on of Public An alystsBritish Ceramic Con federati onBritish Ceramic Gift and Tableware Manu facture
3、rs' Associati onBritish Ceramic Research Ltd.British Glass Manufacturers' Con federati onBritish Hardware and Housewares Manu facturers' Associati onBritish Importers' Associati onBritish Retail Con sortiumCESA - The Associati on of Cateri ng Equipme nt Manu facturers and ImportersCo
4、-operative UnionCon sumer Policy Committee of BSIDepartme nt of Trade and In dustry, Con sumer Safety Un itSton eware Potteries Assoaati onVitreous En amellers' Associatio nC BBS EN 1183 :1997Nati onal forewordThis British Stan dard has bee n prepared by Tech nical Committee CW/29 and is theEn g
5、ish Ian guage version of EN 1183 : 1997 Materials and articles in con tact withfoodstuffs - Test methods for th,ermal shock and thermal shock en dura nee, publishedby the Europea n Committee for Stan dardizati on (CEN).Complia nee with a British Stan dard does not ofitself confer immun ityfrom legal
6、 obligati ons.EN 1183March 1997ICS 67.250Descriptors:Kitche nute nsils, materials,food-c ontainercon tact,thermal shocktests, thermal shock resista neeEn glish vers ionMaterials and articles in con tact with foodstLdfs - Test methodsfor thermal shock and thermal shock end uanceMateriaux et objets en
7、 con tact avec les den rees alime ntaires - Methodes d'essai pour le choc thermique et la resista nee au choc thermique Werkstoffe und Gege nsta nde in Kon takt mit Lebe nsmitte In - Prufverfahre n fiirTemperaturschock undTemperaturwechselbesta ndigkeitThis European Sta ndard was approved by CEN
8、 on 1997-02-14. CEN members are bou nd to comply with the CEN/CENELEC In ternal Regulatio ns which stipulate the con diti ons for givi ng this Europea n Stan dard the status of a n ati onal sta ndard without any alterati on.Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such n ati onal s
9、ta ndards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. This Europea n Stan dard exists in three offiaal versions (En glish, Fren ch, Germa n). A version in any other Ian guage made by tran slati on un der the resp on sibility of a CEN member into its own Ianguage a
10、nd notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official vers ions.CEN members are the n ati onal sta ndards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Den mark, Finland, France, Germa ny, Greece, Icela nd, Irela nd, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherla nds, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Swede n, Switzerla nd
11、and Un ited Kin gdom. Page 2EN 1183 :1997ForewordThis Europea n Stan dard has bee n prepared byTech nical Committee CEN/TC 194, Ute nsils in con tact with food, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.Further Europea n Stan dards are being prepared withthe following titles:EN 1184EN 1217Materials an
12、d articles in con tact withfoodstuffs - Test methods fortran sluce ncy of ceramic articlesMaterials and articles in con tact withCon te ntsForeword1 Scope2 Defrn iti ons3 Prin ciple4 Apparatus5 Samples6 ProceduresfoodstuffsTest meth,od for waterExpressi on of resultsabsorpti on of cera7 n,ic an ticl
13、esTest reportA further sta ndard is proposed with the follow ing titleAnnex A (in formative)Materials and articles in con tact withBibliographyfoodstuffs - Test method for craz ingresista nee of ceramic articlesThis Europea n Stan dard shall be give n the status of a n atio nal sta ndard, either by
14、publicati on of an ide ntical text or by en dorseme nt, at the latest bySeptember 1997, and con flict ing n ati onal sta ndards shall be withdraw n at the latest by September 1997.Accordi ng to the CEN/CENELEC In ternal Regulatio ns, the n ati onal sta ndards orga ni zati ons of the follow ing coun
15、tries are bound to impleme nt this Europea nStandard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France Germa ny, Greece, Icela nd, Irela nd, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherla nds, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Swede n, Switzerla nd and the Un ited Kin gdom.Annex B (in formative) Calculatio n ofthermal shock en dura
16、nee from test resultsPage2333ScopeThis Europea n Stan dard specifies test methods for thermal shock and for thermal shock en dura nee for brittle materials, for example glass, glass-ceramics and ceramics inten ded for use in ovens or as tableware. Two test methods are described:-Test method A is use
17、d for articles known to be sen sitive to thermal shock;-Test method B is gen erally applicable.The test method to be applied depe nds on the inten ded use of the article an d/or its thermal shock resista nee.2 De 丘 ntionsFor the purpose of this Europea n Stan dard, the folloiw ing defi niti ons appl
18、y:2.1 thermal shockSudde n cha nge in temperature2.2 thermal shock en dura nee, AtsoValue for the resista nee aga inst sudde n cha nge in temperature corresp onding to the temperature differe nee at which, for the frrst time, 50 % of the samples fail.2.3 temperature variati onDiffere nee at any give
19、 n time betwee n the temperature at the centre of the working space of the water bath or test oven and at any other point in that work ing space.2.4 temperature fluctuati onShort term cha nge in temperature at any point in the work ing space of the water bath or test oven.3 Prin cipleSamples are hea
20、ted and the n cooled rapidly un der con trolled con diti ons to determ ine their resista nee to thermal shock.Thermal shock tests are repeated using in creas ing temperature differe nces un til 50 % of the samples fail.The temperature differe nee Atso is give n as the thermal shock en dura nee.Page
21、3EN 1183 :19974.2 Hot water bath., corupris ing a bath or tank capable of containing at least five times the apparent volume of the overall dime nsions of the samples being tested (in cludi ng the volurue of the basket) at one time; fitted with a water circulator, a thermometer and thermostatically-
22、c on trolled heater capable of maintaining during all the duration of the test the water temperature to with in + 2 0C of the specified upper temperature, ti.4.3 Test oven., preferably electrically heated, capable of achievi ng a temperature of at least 300 0C, fitted with an air circulating device
23、to ensure that the temperature variation does not exceed + 5 0C and a thermostatic con trol capable of maintaining the temperature fluctuation to within + 2 0C up t0 180 0C and to within + 3 0C above 180 0C.4.4 Basket, for test ing two or more samples simulta neously, made out of, or coated with, an
24、 inert material which will not damage the surface of the samples duri ng the test procedure. The basket is capable of holdi ng the samples in a positi on whichen sures that air escapes and water can immediatelyen ter the in side of holloware. The samples are held separately to allow free passage of
25、water betwee n them. The basket is fitted with clamps to prevent the samples from float ing whe n immersed.NOTE. For the multiple test ing of samples, the basket may be combined with an automatic device for immersing it in the hot water bath (4.2) or oven (4.3) and transferring it to the cold water
26、bath (4.1).4.5 Ton gs, with tips protected by a head resist ing material such as glass or min eral wool.4.6 Gloves, gaun tlet-type, ruade from a heat-resisti ng material.4.7 Stai ning age ntNOTE. A suitable sta ining age nt is eos ine prese nt at a concentration of (5 +1) g/l and a domestic washing
27、up liquid prese nt at a concen trati on of (5 + 1) g/l.5 SamplesThe test shall be performed on not less tha n ten samples. Use only unu sed samples to start the test.6 Procedures6.1 Test method A6.1.1 Remove any dirt or loose debris from theNOTE. Clauses 4.1,4.2 and 4.4 apply to method A, clauses4.1
28、,4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 apply to method B.4.1 Cold water bath., compris ing a bath or tank capable of containing at least five times the apparent volume of the overall dime nsions of the samples being tested (in cludi ng the volume of the basket) at one time; fitted with a water circulator, a thermom
29、eter and thermostatic control capable of maintaining during all the duratio n of the test the water temperature towith in + 2 0C of a specified lower temperature, t2, within the range 10 0C t0 20 0C. BSI 1997sampies ana auow tne sampies to reac n amme nt temperature.Protect the apparatus from draugh
30、ts throughout the test.6.1.2 Fill the cold water bath (4.1) with water, containing a sta ining age nt, to a volume equal to not less than five times the apparent volume of the overall dirue nsions of the samples to be tested in cludi ng the volume of the basket and to a depth sufficie nt forcomplete
31、 immersion of the samples plus not lessthan 50 mm. Adjust and maintain the watertemperature to with in + 2 0Cof the specified lowertemperature, t2.N 1183 :19976.1.3 Fill the hot water bath (4.2) with not less than the same volume of water and to the same depth as in 6.1.2, the n adjust and main tai
32、n the water temperature to withi n + 2 0C of the specified upper temperature,ti (see 6.3).6.1.4 Place the empty samples in the basket (4.4) so that they are held separately and meet the con diti ons of 4.4, the n faste n the samples and immerse the basket in the hot water bath, un til the tops of th
33、e samples are not less than 50 mm below the water level and, in the case of holloware they are completely filled with water.If n ecessary, adjust the heat con trol to maintain thebath temperature to with in + 2 0C of the specified temperature, 工1, and keep the samples immersed at this temperature un
34、 til they have reached equilibrium.6.1.5 Drain the loaded articles and tran sfer the loaded basket, either ruecha nically or manu ally, with in 5 s or 6 s after removal from the hot water bath to the cold water bath so that the samples are completely immersed in the cold water bath. Keep the samples
35、 immersed for 30 s, the n remove the basket and its contents from the cold water bath.6.1.6 In spect immediately each sample for chipp ing, crack ing, craung or breakage and determ ine the nu mber of samples which have failed the test.6.2 Test method B6.2.1 Remove any dirt or loose debris from the s
36、amples an d, if n ecessary, dry the sample.CAUTION: Han dle hot samples only with dry tongs or gloves.6.2.2 Fill the cold water bath (4.1) with water, containing a sta ining age nt (4.7), to a volume equal to not less than five times the apparent volume of the overall dime nsions of the samples to b
37、e tested(in cludi ng the volume of the basket) and to a depth sufficie nt for complete immersio n of the samples plus not less tha n 50 mm.Locate the cold water bath (4.1) n ear to the test ove n and adjust and maintain the water temperature towith in +2 0C of the specified lower temperature, t2.6.2
38、.3 Place the samples, either separately or contained in the basket (4.4) in the test oven (4.3) which has bee n previously heated to the upper teruperature, ti (see 6.3). Maintain the samples at this temperatureun til they have reached equilibrium.6.2.5 Remove the samples from the cold water bath.In
39、 spect immediately each sample for chipp ing, crack ing, craz ing or breakage and determ ine the nu mber of samples which have failed the test.6.3 Determ in atio n of thermal shock resista nee Repeat the testi ng procedure with the rerua ining test samples accord ing to method A (6.1) or methodB (6.
40、2) as appropriate, with in creas ing temperature differe nee values,f1 - t2, un til all samples have failed. Comme nee test ing with a temperature differe nee value, tl - t2 0f not less tha n 40 0C and in crease temperature ti, by 10 0C for £ l - t2 S 100 0C and by 20 0C for ti - t2 >100 0C.
41、7 Expressi on of results7.1 Requirements for failure by thermal shock Samples which do chip, crack, craze or break are recorded as having failed the thermal shock test at the temperature differe nee £ 1 - t2.7.2 Thermal shock en dura neeRecord the nu mber of failures at each temperature differe
42、nce and determine the Atso - value by listing the cumulative perce ntage of failures versus the temperature differe nce at which the samples failed (see annex B). Determ ine the sta ndard deviati on s by computi ng the failure/temperature differe nce data for the complete set of results.8 Test repor
43、tThe test report shall in clude the follow ing details:a) a reference to this Europea n Stan dard;b) an identification of the article tested;c) the nu mber of smn ples take n for the test and the sampli ng method;d) for the thermal shock test:-the test method used, i.e. A or B;-the temperature diffe
44、re nce 詞-t2 in degrees Celsius;-the nu mber of samples which failed the test and the mode of their failure;e) for the thermal shock en dura nee test:-the test method used for thermal shock, i.e. A orone at a time, holding them with the tongs (4.5) or, if the samples are large or contained in the bas
45、ket (4.4), with the gloves (4.6). Immerse the samples without impact completely in the cold water bath for a specified period between 8 s and 2 min ensuring that all holloware is filled with water.Complete the process of tran sferri ng each sample, or the basket with samples, from ope ning of the te
46、st ove n to immersion in (5 + 1) s. Ensure that the difference in temperature betwee n the test oven (4.3) and the cold water (4.1) is not more tha n + 3 0C from the required temperature value at the time of tran sfere nce.-the temperature differe nce Atso at which 50 % ofthe samples have failed;-th
47、e sta ndard deviatio n s.NOTE. Any unu sual features no ted duri ng the determ in ati ons should also be reported. BSI 1997Annex A (in formative)BibliographyISO 718ISO 2747ISO 7459Laboratory glassware - Thermal shockand thermal shock en dura nee - Test methodsVitreous and porcelain en amels -En amel
48、led cook ing ute nsils -Determ,i nati on of resista nee£ othermalshockGlass con tamers - Thermal shockresista nee and th,ermal shocken dura nee - Test methodsPage 5EN 1183 :1997Annex B (in formative)Calculatio n of thermal shock en dura neefrom test results£ l。C180220240260280篼。C2020202020
49、20TotalAtsoExample for Method Btl - t2 No. ofCumulativeoCfailures at ti failures in %160180200220260Stan dard deviatio n s=200=30,11020507090100II 3 2 2 l !三BSI - British Standards InstitutionBSIis the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. Itpresents the UK view on s
50、tandards in Europe and at the internationallevel. It isin corporated by Royal Charter.Revisi onsBritish Stan dards are updated by ame ndme nt or revisi on. Users of British Stan dards should make sure that they possess the latest ame ndme nts or editi ons.It is the con sta nt aim of BSI to improve t
51、he quality of our products and services. Wewould be gratefulif anyone finding an in accuracy or ambiguity while using thisBritish Stan dard would inform the Secretary of the tech nical committee resp on siblethe ide ntity of which can be found on the in side front cover. Tel: 020 8996 9000.Fax: 020
52、8996 7400.BSI offers members an in dividual updati ng service called PLUS which en sures that subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards.Buying sta ndardsOrders for all BSI, i ntern ati onal and foreig n sta ndards publicati ons should be addressed to Customer Services. T el: 020 899
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