1、 106安徽大學學報(自然科學版 第35卷city。Beijing is Chinas largest city.Miyun Reservoir,located 100km northeast of Bering City,is a mountain valley reservoir and is the largest reservoir in Beijing area.A project for keeping the water clean is being put into effect15一例.Just as New York used a PES scheme in order t
2、o take a scientific.Beijing watershed management has shifted from anengineering centered approach to a resource management approach”.7Additional successful China case study-LijiangIn another pilot case study from Lijiang old town and the Lashihai Nature Reserve,PES has also proven to be more effecti
3、ve than filtration.In the“Pilot Study on Payment for Ecological and Environmental Services in Lashihai Nature Reserve performed in Yunnan Province,Chinathat PES solutions are better than possible engineering alternatives that would increase water availability through investment in water diversion in
4、frastructure.Much like the decision that New York City had to make.the option of establishing the PES mechanism in Lijiang requires an annual investment of only 1.14million yuan(204,501.92USDwhereas the cost for building the water treatment plant totals about 190million yuan(and the annual operation
5、al cost for water treatment will reach about 5.83million yuan a year.Similarly,just as the New York tax in city residents is Seen as acceptable,the pilot study performed in tajiang also reports that an“environmental tax on visitors would not 1.educe demand17J.8Summary of applicable lessons learned f
6、rom New York City PES example8.1How to handle rural-urban disagreement and create partnershipAs BeijingS watershed PES program still develops,and especially with its rapid progression during the 2008Olympics,the importance of the relationship between the parties involved is even more apparent.Althou
7、gh it took time,and thorough negotiations,the key to New York CityS Success has been the reconciling of urban and rural values.In the latest Beijing and its upstream Hebei Province should be a relationship of mutual support【18】.That mean¥。and it cannot be stressed enough,the legitimacy of both sets
8、of values has to be recognized,and mutually recognized.The key is a mutual understanding.8.2Ideological promotion of economic sustainabilityThe New Yorkexperience illustratesthe financial sustainability of the concept of ecosystem services.The factors for the SUCCesS of the Beijing Miyun Reservoir a
9、re present because there is a large downstream population benefiting from the hydrological Services from upstream landowners and a manageable number of upstreamlandowners.8.3Legal and political frameworkJust as in need for land rights reform,it is necessary to change existing institutions and regula
10、tions regarding water rights19】.Historical movement and mainly published law about water management within the government has Seen the tab.3as below.Tab.3Historical movement and lawnmking between China and AmericaThe觸tyear showthe publishehed hw's time in the table.second year WS,S revised time第
11、3期YEH Yu.min.et al:A comparative review of the U.S.and China experience with pensation and lessons learned 107 9U.S.PES best practices in China and conclusionIn both U.S.case studies,there are several applicable lessons that can be learned.First,as seen by the prominent usage of quantification measu
12、res for ecosystem services in the U.S.,a key step for China is to include more measures of ecological assessment and quantification.A thorough literature review of both Chinese and non-Chinese papers reviewing PES in China find similar conclusions at the end of the paper: increased and objective val
13、uation techniques are absolutely necessary.One idea is to integrate PES issues into the national key scientific research plan,which will allow for advanced assessment techniques。18.Second,a broader strategy involving political and legal framework will continue to improve implementation overall.With
14、land rights use changing in China,it can continue to use other PES schemes that involve market-based mechanisms.Most importantly,this broader framework should focus on diversification of support financially and institutionally from private and local community sectors.A review of the available papem
15、finds that all agree that an increase in local participation and private sectoramong any best practices for PES in China819|.funding,and continued land reform must be includedAsalways,it is important to note that there is not a single best approach to PES.There is usually a hybrid mix of government
16、compliance and ecocompensation,and the particular solution for any one region, such as China,depends on the given ecosystem,the buyers and seHers,and the local and regional conditions. A variety of compensation mechanisms are often used jointly with traditional regulation to successfully achieve con
17、servation objectives.Most PES cases in both China and U.S.are a mixture of government,and not fully market-based PES programs.The most appropriate approach will depend on the ecosystem services ofconcern,potential buyers and sellers,the legal and regional conditions20一21J.Since PESregarding other re
18、gulatory climate,institutional capability,and local andis just beginning to grow in China,the authors hope to continue countries with a longer history of PES than China【22】.In recent years. seeing research papers the Chinesehas studied these international experiences and explored suitable compensati
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31、 Komada, YEH Yu-min, ZHI Ying-biao , LU Zhan-yuan, GUO Xi, WANG Zai-lan, Emmy Komada作者單位:YEH Yu-min,YEH Yu-min(Kip Prahl Associates,美國加利福尼亞州,弗里蒙特,94539 , 智 穎飆,ZHI Ying-biao(安徽大學,生命科學學院,安徽,合肥,230039 , 路戰(zhàn)遠,LU Zhan-yuan(內蒙古農(nóng)牧科學院,內蒙古,呼和浩特,010031 , 郭喜,GUO Xi(內蒙古大學,公共管理 學院,內蒙古,呼和浩特,010021 , 王再嵐,WANG Zai-l
32、an(中國人民大學,環(huán)境學院,北京 ,100872 , Emmy Komada,Emmy Komada(美國舊金山中國文化研究中心,美國,加利福尼亞州 ,舊金山,94102刊名:安徽大學學報(自然科學版 英文刊名:JOURNAL OF ANHUI UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCES年,卷(期:2011,35(3參考文獻(22條1. Long Kaisheng;Chen Ligen;Zhao Yali Analysis on ecological land rent based on ecological footprint2011(022. Duaa Jing;Yan Ya
33、n;Wang Danyin Principle analysis and method improvement on cost calculation inwatershed ecological compensation 2010(013. Zhao Xu;Yang Zhifeng;Xu Linyu Study and application on the Payment for ecological services indrinking water source reserve 2008(074. Wan B T;Kang S M Ecological compensation-towa
34、rds to the practice of case sudy and exploration 20085. Ribaudo M O;Hoag D L;Smith M E Environmental indices and the politics of the conservation reserveprogram 20016. Cai B C;Lu G F;Song L G The ecological compensation standardization for ecologicalrestoration:acase study of ecological restoration
35、in the water resources protection zone for EasternSouth-to-North Water Transfer Project 2008(057. Wang X G A brief analysis on the drinking water source policy in China 20048. Liu Y L Ecological compensation and rehabilitation-coast burdening with conservation-benefitsharing to achieve harmony watershed ecosystem 20079. Ge Y X;Liang L J;Jie Y M Building up a mechanism of compensation for the water-head region and itsoperaration 200610. Farber S C;Costanza R;Wilson M A Economic and ecological concepets for valuing ecosystem service外文期刊 200211. Bermet M T China's sloping la
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