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1、英美文化與國家概況期末考試填空與簡答復(fù)習(xí)Of all these isles, the largest one is called Great Britain.For the sake of convenience, Great Britain is oftenshortened to Britain.United Kingdom is made up of four parts, England,Wales.Scotla ndandNorthern Ireland.The island of Great Britain can be divided int

2、o two partsaccording to its geographic features: the Highland Zonein the north and west and the Lowland zone in the southand southeast.In America, The presiding officer of the senate is theVice-president of the United States who serves aschairman when the Senate is in session.Britain did not p roduc

3、e cotton and textile industry usedto rely on wool as the principal fiber.In Britain, the city Birmingham is well known for itsp roduction of automobiles, electricity equip ment,electronics, munitions, and arms.British government is p roduced through contest betweentwo major political parties every f

4、ive yearsBritish can enjoy higher education in three ways:18Universities, polytechnics and Open Universities.9. Mainland America is situated in the southern part ofNorth America with two land Neighbors, Canada to thenorth and Mexico to the south.10. The longest river in Britain is the Severn River ,

5、 whichruns 355 kilometers and emp ties into the Bristol Strait.11.White House is the p lace where American P resident livesand works.12.British s population is overwhelminglrban, with about90% living in urban areas and 10% living in rural areas.13.Britain invented the locomotive and was the first co

6、untryto build a railway in the world in 1825.14.One of the most important US government principle isChecks and Balances”.15.The majority of the British people believe in Christianity,which is the religion of the followers of Jesus Christ.16.The most important and longest river running throughthe mid

7、dle plain of America is Mississippi River.仃.The U.K. has two established churches: the Church ofEngland and the Church of Scotland.18.1m po rtant heavy industries in Britain includeship building and motor vehicle.19. Modern English is the official language of the UnitedKingdom as well as the first l

8、anguage of the vast majority20. In Britain, the place where parliament has sessionsinLondon is the P alace of Westminster.21. The US Congress has two chambers, the Senate and theHouse of Rep resentatives. The Sen ate com prises 100Senators, two from each of the 50 states22. In early times, British n

9、obility can be divided intoupper nobility and lower nobility according to the amount ofthe land they po ssessed.23. In Britain, the nucleus of the government is known asthe Cabinet , which is headed by the prime minister.24. In the United Kingdom, p olitics is under the control ofpolitical parties,

10、and this is known as party politics.25. The US Constitution protects freedom of speech andfreedom of the press so that common people can make theirop inions known.26.The highest court in Britain is the Sup reme Court.27.If the jury cannot reach a unanimous agreement, itbecomes known as a hung jury.2

11、8.The English legal pro fession is divided into twobran ches: solicitors and barristers .29. Britain was the first country to introduce a new economic system known as free enter prise.30. To meet the increasing need and p rotect environment,Britain has begun to develop some new energies, such as bio

12、-fuels, deriving from waste and crops.31. Traditionally, the British culture has been characterized by its requirement of decency and civility in doing things.32. To the south of San Francisco locates a famous valley, named Silicon Valley, which has now become the center ofAmerica electronic industr

13、y.33. The Mississi ppi River Valley, also known as the CentralPlain_, consists of the large area between the App alachian on the east and the Rocky Mountains on the west.34. Britain has traditionally been a manufacturing nation and was once known as the Workshop of the world. ”35. One of the most fa

14、mous natural p ark in America, YellowStone National P ark, is situated in the state Wyoming.36. Las Vegas, the most striking gambling city in America, com pletely relies on the water from the Colorado River.37. Everything related with family life, including family meals, is regarded as. privacy in B

15、ritain.38. The working class people usually have a high tea ” withhot dishes at about 5 Ociock in the afternoon;39. The middle-class people normally have an earlylighttea” at about 4 or 5 o lock in the afternoon.40. Privateschools in Britain are officiallycalledindependent schools because they are i

16、ndependentof thegovernment.3.簡答問題:(15題)簡要回答下列問題:1. Why is America com pared to a melting-pot?2. What are the characters of typical British people?3. Why do British people like to talk about weather somuch?4. What changes have taken place in British families? Whatare the po ssible causes for those ch

17、anges?5. Who are the famous Queens in British history? Pl easewrite down their names.6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of JuryTrial?7. What are the popu lar festivals in America? Pl ease list twoor three names of them.8. What is the function of monarch in Britain?9. Why is British governm

18、ent system called ConstitutionalMonarchy ”?10. PI ease list some famous rivers in America.11. What measures can government take to adjust thedevel op ment of economy?“unwilling12. Why do some Historians call black Americansimmigrants ”?13. What are the factors that can help you decide socialstatus o

19、f a man in British society?14. What are the sp irits American People worsh ip?15. H ow does American government system demonstrate theprinciple of Checks and Balances”?2011英美文化與國家概況期末考試填空與簡答復(fù)習(xí)題2、知識(shí)填空題:(40題)1.Great Britain; Britain2.England; Wales; Northern Ireland3.Highland Zone; Lowland Zone4.Vice-

20、p resident5.wool6.Birmingham7. five8. Universities; Open Universities9. Canada; Mexico10.Severn11. White House12. urban; rural13. railway14. Balances15. Christianity; Jesus Christ16. M ississippi River17established; England; Scotland18. sh ip building; motor vehicle p roduction19. M odern English20.

21、 the P alace of Westminster21Senate; House of Rep resentatives; 100; two22. upper; lower23. Cabinet24. parties25. speech; the p ress26. the Sup reme Court27. hung28. solicitors; barristers29. free30. bio-fuels31. decency32.Silicon Valley33. Central Plain; App alachian; Rocky34. worksho p35. Wyoming3

22、6. Las Vegas37. p rivacy38. high39.light40inde pendent4.簡答問題:(15題)1.As immigrants from different regions and cultures cameto live in the United States, their old ways of life meltaway, and they became part of the American culture.2.Traditionally, the British culture has been characterizedby its requ

23、irement of decency and civility in doing things.3.Because the weather in Britain is very changeable;moreover, as British people tend to avoid p rivate top ics,weather is considered to be a safe topic.4.Today, British women are no longer confined to trditionalhouse chores. Women emplo yees can be fou

24、nd in almostevery part of social life. They make up about 48% of theBritish labor force. Paid jobs meant independence forwomen,which finally led to changes in womens socialstatus.5.Mary ; Elizabeth I ; Victoria ; Elizabeth II6.The jury trial in Britain embodies some basic p rinc iple ofthe value che

25、rished by the British people, such as theprotection of individual rights. However, if the jurycannot reach a unanimous agreement, it becomes knownas a hung jury. Then a new jury has to be formed, and anew trail is called.7. Christmas Day ; New Year Day ; Thanksgiving Day ;Independence Day ; Lincoln

26、Birthday ; Halloween 8. Over centuries in history, the English monarch personallycontrolled supreme executive, legislative, and judicialthXI*13 century, the directthe monarch graduallypower. After the founding of the law court in the 12century and Parliament in theexercise of these functions bydecre

27、ased.9. On the one hand,Monarch isthe symbol of supremepower in Britain;Monarch is limitedon the other hand, the power ofby laws, and it has mainly advisoryand ceremonial resp onsibilities, the real po wer is clenchedby P rime Minister and p arliament.10. the Mississippi River , the Missouri River , the OhioRiver , the Tennessee River , the Colorado River , The RioGrande River , the Po tomac River , the Hudson River11.1) Fiscalp olicy:increase/decrease tax rate;increase/decrease government budget.2) Monetary p olicy: increase/decrease interest rate; issuenational bond.12.


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