1、An age ing populati onAn aging population is refers to the elderly population above 60 yearsold or 65 years old and in the process of the in crease in the proporti on oftotal populati onreflects the con cept of populati on structure cha nge.late 20th cen tury because of the rapid developme nt of the
2、 economypopulatio n decli ning mortalityand populati on growth has slowedbega n to slowly dropprompted the proporti on of the elderly in thepopulatio n in crease graduallychildre n and tee ns ratio sig nifica ntlyreducedemographic age ing phe nomenon bega n to appearbringingin the new cen tury the w
3、orld is called the "silver crisis" of the "agi ng"problem. Populatio n age ing is a product of huma n society developme ntto a certa in stageis a social problem. Research status quo andcharacteristics of Chin a's age ing populatio nan alysis the causes andeffects of the agi n
4、gfind some effective measures to cope withthatpopulati on age ing society to promote healthy and stable developme nthas the vital sig nifica nee.From five aspects carries on thecomprehe nsive an alysis of Chin a's populati on agi ng problem.First partand old problems of an agi ng populati on, an
5、 age ingpopulati on problem defi ning the con cept. Second partemerg ing com muni ty, for example research prese nt situati onand characteristics of Chin a's age ing populati on. The third partan alysis of the main causes of an agi ng populati on. Part ivthe social effect and econo mic con seque
6、 nces of a Chin a'sage ing populati on. The fifth part put forward measures to dealwith an age ing populati onfrom adjusti ng the curre nt familypla nning policyrais ing the retireme nt age, develop the agingin dustry, cha nge pension mode, stre ngthe ning huma n resourcesin vestme nt, etc to fi
7、nd out measuresrelieve age ing problem.at the same time draw less ons from foreig n experie nee of anage ing populati onfrom gover nment, society, etc, put forwardthe corresp onding coun termeasures, with the aging of thepopulati on favorable factors to alleviate the adverse impactpromote the health
8、y developme nt of populati on agi ng society.Before the speechin 980 by the central committee of the communist party of China issued "about con trolli ng Chin a's populati on growth in the ope n letter" to all the party members, com munist youth league member forbirth con trol policy o
9、f our country furthertighte ning of the on e-child or "on e-child" policy orig in atedbecome strict birth con trol policy. On September 1, 2002implementation of the law of the People's Republic of China on populati on and family pla nning law "decli ning fertility in Chinachildre
10、n populati on decli ning birth rate con ti nues todecli ne.rapid econo mic and social developme nt of people'sliv ing sta ndards and medical and health care gia nt improveaverage life expecta ncy of the populati on is more and more long.In the decrease in the nu mber of total populati on in youn
11、gpopulati on, older populati on in creasewhe n populati on overthe age of 60 ratio above 10%or more tha n 65 - year - oldpopulati on proporti on of the populati on has reached more tha n7%means the country or regi on in the aging society.Accord ing to 2010 cen sus data show that sixthChin a'stot
12、al populati on of 1339724852 people aged 60 and above of the elderly population proportion of the total population of about 13.26% (8.87%)among them 65 years and older populationcha nges in populati on age structurein China shows thatChin a's populati on agi ng process to speed up the step by st
13、ep.1 accord ing to the sixth cen sus data shows that Chin a's elderlypopulati on over the age of 60 perce ntage of the total populati on of 12.49% of aged 65 years and above old people acco un ted for 9.14% of the total populati on of Chin a's populati on aging trend is accelerat ing. Age in
14、g is not only a social problemitalso relates to the econo mic developme nt and social stability ofan age ing populati on for health care and pension securitysystem has brought great challe ngesocial en dowme ntburde n adva need age, disability, the elderly, the empty n ester qua ntity susta ined gro
15、wth. Prese nt situati on and the cause an alysis of the aging of the populati on coun termeasures to cope withresearch settle well problems of an age ing populati onof healthy developme nt of Chin a's economy has importa nt theoretical sig nifica nee.One the summary of the aging of the populati
16、onDefinition of relevant concepts1. The meaning of an age ing populati onIn the field of demography, populati on aging has two meanin gs: one refers to the elderly populati on is relatively in creased, the proport ion of the populati on rising process, especially in age structure have bee n LaoNia n
17、Xing populati on, the elderly populati on rising process, referred to as "an agi ng populati on .It is a dyn amic con cept reflects the cha nge of populati on structure; Second is refers to the prese nt state of elderly populati on structure of society, from the light pyramid structure graduall
18、y to LaoNia nXing pyramid, en tered the aging society .Intern ati onal sta ndard is, whe n a country or regi on over 60 old people constituting 10% of the total population, or over 65 elderlypeople acco unt for 7% of the total populati on, which means that the populati on of the country or regi on i
19、n the aging society.Agi ng can show cha nges in the age structure in gen eral populati on. Populati on aging is determ ined by the developme nt level of productivity, is associated with econo mic developme nt and the gradual process of developme nt. An agi ng populati on is declining fertility, mort
20、ality, and average life expectancy is prolon ged, phe nomenon of populati on is a n ecessity.2. The measure in dex of the aging of the populati onIn the process of study of the agi ng of the populati on, in additi on to defi ning the con cept of the agi ng of the populati on, but also determine the
21、concrete indicators reflect the aging of the populati on. Here we are mai nly expo un ded the main in dicators reflecting the degree of population ageing.It mainly includes the following two:(1) the proporti on of elderly people, that is, refers to the elderly people aged 60 or 65 years old and abov
22、e its perce ntage of the total populati on. The proporti on of cha nge is used to measure of an ageing population or younger. Calculation formula is: the proporti on of elderly people =prese nt populati on aged 60 or65 total population x 100%.,old and young, (2) population refers to the ratio of the
23、 elderly populati on and young populati on in childre n, young and old tha n can reflect the cha nge of the proporti on of populati on of elderly populati on and young childre n, it can reflect the populati on age structure agi ng or youn ger. 2 for LaoNia nXing society, old and young ratio higher t
24、ha n 30%, less tha n 15% of the populati on for light in between is ChengNianXing population structure. Its computati on formula is: young tha n 二 60 or 65 and older populati on prese nt populati on aged 0-14 years by 100%3. The problem of populati on aging and the aging populati onAgi ng problem in
25、 clud ing aging and the elderly, and aging and the elderly problems linked to each other already, and differenee. Agi ng is reflect ing the elderly populati on acco unts for the proport ion of the total populati on, reflect ing the cha nge of populati on structure is a dyn amic con cept. Age ing ref
26、ers to as the populati on aging leads to a series of econo mic impact and social problems. Old people problem refers to the social security and rights and in terests protecti on problems of the old. After an agi ng populati on, birth and death rates fell, the agi ng populati on is beco ming more and
27、 more protecti on of the rights and in terests of the elderly pension problems, problems such as the elderly problems followed. Old people problem is also one of problems we deal with an age ing populati on will han dle.Two, prese nt situati on and the trend of Chin a's age ing populati onSince
28、the 1990 s, Chin a's aging process was accelerated. 65 years and older elderly populati on in creased from 1990 in 62.99 million to 2000 in 88.11 million, the proportion of the total populati on in creased to 5.57% from 6.96%, at prese nt the populati on of China has en tered the LaoNia nXing. T
29、he death of the differe nces betwee n gen der makes wome n older people the vast majority of elderly populati on. Predicts 2040, aged 65 years and above old people populati on proporti on more tha n 20% of the total population. At the same time, the elderly population agi ng tre nd is in creas in gl
30、y obvious: 80 and older - year - old ma n was in creased at an annual rate of 5%, by 2040 will in crease to more tha n 7400, ten thousa nd people.Agi ng trend, the rapid developme nt of the populati on and the fertility and birth rates decli ne, as well as the decli ne in death rates and in creased
31、life expecta ncy are closely related. At prese nt Chi na's fertility rate has falle n below the replaceme nt level, life expecta ncy and mortality was close to levels in the developed coun tries. As the peak in the middle of the 20th cen tury was born populati on gradually go into old age, predi
32、ctably, early in the 21st cen tury will be one of the fastest grow ing period of Chin a's age ing populati on.The Chin ese gover nment attaches great importa nee to and solve the problem of an aging populati on, aging positive developme nt, initially formed a government-led, social participation
33、, the developme nt of uni versal con cer n the work patter n of aging. Coun tries established the n ati onal worki ng committee on agi ng, old-age work goal, task and basic policy; En acted the law of the People's Republic of China on the elderly rights and in terests guara ntee act (n rega), es
34、tablished the China agi ng developme nt of "the tenth five-year plan outline, the aging clear into the overall pla nning of econo mic and social developme nt and the susta in able developme nt strategy.To guarantee the basic living of the elderly. City preliminarily established en dowme nt in s
35、ura nee system and medical in sura nee system, in clud ing the elderly, and reside nts' minimum living security system; Rural land security based "family pension is give n priority to with social support of old-age security system .In many places still to help impoverished old people and ol
36、d age to the old take n special measures.Elderly services has developed rapidly. Chin ese gover nment ame nded the specificati on for desig n of old build in gs, specificati on for desig n of urba n roads and build ings obstacles and related regulati ons, convenient old people live and travel. Commu
37、ni ty, nursing home, the elderly activity cen ter, elderly elderly service facilities such as schools, elderly leisure square gradually in creased, the service of the elderly volun teers.Three, the in flue nee of Chi na's age ing populati on and the coun termeasures(a) establish strategic overal
38、l pla nning, policy to form a complete set. Including his time ", LaoYouSuoYi and teaching, this paper, their, old-aged's provid ing "content, this is the comprehe nsive summary, Chi na's old-age work is an importa nt content of susta in able econo mic and social developme nt, is t
39、he main train of thought to solve the problem of good populati on agi ng in our coun try.First, improve the un dersta nding of the aging problem. Must stre ngthe n the publicity and guida nee, the stress of the gravity of the trend of populati on agi ng in our country to speed up, the urge ncy of th
40、e impact on the social and econo mic developme nt, as well as the importa nee of impleme nt the strategy of healthy agi ng, improve all levels of gover nment and leadership of ideological un dersta nding, stre ngthe n the con scious ness of the agi ng of the whole society.Sec ond, clear the directi
41、on of n ati onal old-age work. Will impleme nt the strategy of healthy aging into the state's "te nth five-year pla n and lon g-term developme nt pla n, comb ined with the econo mic developme nt process and the differe nt situati on, elaborate desig n and con struct a work system of agi ng
42、in our coun try, clearly put forward the target requireme nts, priorities, in vestme nt, i nspecti on sta ndard.Third, carry out to local development plan. Requirements at all levels of gover nment attaches great importa nee to, the regio n's old-age work on the age nda, accord ing to the requir
43、eme nt of the state, comb ined with their own reality, i nto the local economy and social developme nt pla ns, the divisi on is resp on sible for and man ages con certedly, for old-age work man ageme nt and services, measures and in specti on.2) the formati on of social, family, dual mode, play to C
44、hin ese traditi on, filial first, social form a compleme ntary mecha ni sm. Established on the basis of family pension, com munity en dowme nt service n etwork for auxiliary, public welfare facilities of en dowme nt means as suppleme nt, social in sura nee system to protect the pension system that o
45、ccupy the home, the elderly themselves, family, society and the coun try's role in orga nic comb in ati on rises, make it play the best effect.First, the pension that occupy the home en viro nmen t. In order to make the elderly daily life convenien t, reside ntial desig n should fully con sider
46、convenient old people and satisfies the dema nd for adults and childre n can door can be divided in to, place arran geme nt convenient public facilities for the elderly activities, makes the vast majority of the elderly living in their own family, con ti nue to play a family en dowme nt fun cti ons,
47、 to advocate healthy way of life, improve with respect for the elderly to respect the traditi onal family pension system.Second, accelerate the con structi on of com munity elderly service. In urba n con structi on pla nning should fully con sider populati on aging tren d, reas on able pla nning com
48、 munity bluepri nt, and make the elderly can get to the n earest con sultati on, shopp ing, clea ning and accompa ny, care, emerge ncy care services, and for the old lear ning, stylistic, recreati on dema nd, con tacts, and other social activities provide conditions, gradually built up for different
49、 characteristics betwee n urba n and rural areas, multi-level and multi-f un cti on, many com munity service system for elderly people.Third, the moderate development of welfare facilities of public pension. For gover nment to set up nursing homes provide for the aged, such as elderly in stituti ons
50、 and facilities, accord ing to the local econo mic developme nt level and public welfare in stituti ons n eed to rais ing the old man, the gover nment will continue to in crease in vestme nt, efforts to improve facilities con diti ons, gradually improve the level. To en courage and support social no
51、n-gover nmen tal public pension facilities, formulate prefere ntial policy to actively develop the welfare-oriented public pension facilities, formed the old man's aid security system of family maintenance difficulties.Fourth, perfect the old social security system. To take various measures to i
52、mprove the tow n basic pension of retirees no rmal growth mecha ni sm, perfecti ng relatively in depe ndent orgn aizati on of age ncy of pension, pension is resp on sible for the collecti on, payme nt, operati on and man ageme nt, in the form of a debt to establish en dowme nt in sura nee fund, guar
53、a ntee sum shall be paid on schedule. Rural to gradually in troduce self saving and family security is given priority to, collective allowa nee is compleme ntary, n ati onal policy support of the rural old-age security system, and actively promote urba n and rural pension, social in sura nee and com
54、mercial in sura nee for health care, build up the urba n and rural social security system of the old.3) cultivate a service, product, market of an age ing populati on. Agi ng in dustry in order to meet the dema nd of the elderly spiritual and material life and form of industry, including both produc
55、tive industry, including service industries, and is the importa nt means to solve the problem of an age ing populati on. Develop ing agi ng in dustry, one is from the actual con diti ons in our coun try, so as to meet the n eeds of old people's spiritual and material life for the purpose; 2 it i
56、s to take the market as the guida nee, in accorda nee with the law of econo mic and other three is to en sure that pension costs of the rati onal use, improve the elderly's eon sumpti on ability. Specific recomme ndati ons are:First, the market mecha nism to drive the aging in dustry developme n
57、t. Coun tries are on the develop ing trend of an agi ng populati on, around the old material n eeds and spiritual n eeds, for some of the in dustry structure adjustme nt, developme nt and producti on of applicable right all sorts of old products, to en courage and guide the older product market deve
58、lopme nt. Econo mic man ageme nt departme nts should use the market mecha ni sm, establish some n ecessary prefere ntial policies to support characteristics to welfare for the old service in dustry developme nt.Second, social welfare to aging in dustry developme nt. Urba n and rural old-age social s
59、ervice in dustrializati on developme nt path to walk step by step, the finance gives n ecessary support at the same time, en courage social orga ni zati ons and in dividuals to participate in, to startup the mecha nism of agi ng in dustry to set up social welfare facilities, whoever in vestme nt man ageme nt, con duct bus in ess in accorda nee with the law, to mobilize the en thusiasm of each respect.Third, efforts to reduce costs for the old service in dustry developme nt. Should make full use of exist ing social resources develop ing agi ng in dustry, mu
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