



1、專業(yè)八級分類模擬385總分:142.50 ,做題時間:90分鐘一、PART I TRANSLATION 總題數:12,分數:142.501 .諸位畢業(yè)同學:你們現(xiàn)在要離開母校了,我沒有什么禮物送你們,只好送你們一句話罷.這一句話是:“不要拋棄學問.以前的功課也許有一大局部是為了這張畢業(yè)文憑,不得已而做的,從今 以后,你們可以依自己的心愿去自由研究了.趁現(xiàn)在年富力強的時候,努力做一種專門學問.少年是一去 不復返的,等到精力衰時,要做學問也來不及了.即為吃飯計,學問決不會辜負人的.吃飯而不求學問, 三年五年之后,你們都要被后來少年淘汰掉的.到那時再想做點學問來補救,恐怕已太晚了.分數:12.50
2、正確答案:解析: Myadvice is, "Never give up the pursuit of learning." You have perhaps finished your college courses mostly for obtaining the diploma, or, in other words, out of sheer necessity. However, from now on you are free to follow your own bent in the choice of studies. While you are in t
3、he prime of your life, why not devote yourselves to a special field of study? Youth will soon be gone and never to return. And it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years. Knowledge will do you a good turn even as a means of subsistence. If you give up studies whi
4、le holding a job, you will in a couple of years have had yourselves replaced by younger people. It will then be too late to remedy the situation by picking up studies again.2 .太陽與大家有關,人們跟著太陽起床,隨著太陽的漂浮而沉睡,等待明天的太陽.大家喜歡太陽,等著 看日出,?日出的印象?是舉世繪畫名作,“夕陽無限好是千古名句.太陽賦予大自然色彩,太陽在人 間創(chuàng)造了陰影.沒有了陰影,也就看不清光明,有了陰影才熟悉世界原來
5、是立體的.總是生活在陰影里不 健康,生活中沒有陰影也不健康,太陽限制著人們的健康,生死存亡.分數:12.50 正確答案:解析:The sun is related to everyone, for example, we get up as the sun rises, fall asleep asit sets, and wait for tomorrow"s sun. Weall enjoy the sun and look forward to the sunrise, Monet"s Impression Sunrise is a world-famous mast
6、erpiece, and the line in an ancient Chinese poem todescribe the boundless beauty of a sunset is remembered and recited for thousands of years. Various colors in nature stem from the sun, and the sun also creates shadows on earth. You cannot tell light unless you have seen shadows, which helps us rec
7、ognize that the world is three-dimensional.It is not healthy to always live in shadows, but a life without shadows is not sound enough. Itis the sun that controls the health, the life and the death of human beings.3 .張大千是丹青巨匠,在當世與齊白石并稱“南張北齊.徐悲鴻對他更是推崇:“張大千,五百年來第 一人. 20世紀50年代,張大千游歷世界,獲得巨大的國際聲譽,被西方藝壇贊為
8、“東方之筆.少有 人知的是,丹青圣手張大千也是赫赫有名的美食大家,而且是廚界高手.張大千既愛吃,又懂吃,這兩條 是判斷美食家的重要標準.分數:10.00 正確答案:解析:Zhang Daqian is a famous Chinese painter. He and Qi Baishi, also an influential Chinese painter, are honored with the title "Zhang in the South, Qi in the North" meaning the best two Chinese painters of th
9、e time. Xu Beihong, a modern Chinese master of fine arts, had given high praise of Zhang, saying that he is the best painter in the recent five hundred years. Zhang traveled around the world in 1950s, which gained him a great reputation with the title of "the best painter in eastern countries&q
10、uot; in the western art world. However, seldom had people known before that this master of art also has strong interest in food, and knows a lot about it. These two points are critical for justifying him as a gourmet.4 .沒有一個人將小草叫做“大力士,但是它的力量之大,確實是世界無比.這種力,是一般人看不見的 生命力,只要生命存在,這種力就要顯現(xiàn),上面的石塊,絲毫缺乏以阻擋.由于
11、它是一種“長期抗戰(zhàn)的 力,有彈性,能屈能伸的力,有韌性,不達目的不止的力.這種不落在肥土而落在瓦礫中、有生命力的種子決不會悲觀和嘆氣,由于有了阻力才有磨煉.生命開始的 一瞬間就帶了斗爭來的草,才是堅韌的草,也只有這種草,才可以傲然地對那些玻璃棚中養(yǎng)育著的盆花哄 笑.分數:12.50 正確答案:解析: No one will call the small grass "Hercules", but its strength is really matchless in theworld. This kind of strength is the life force invi
12、sible to ordinary people. As long as the grass is alive, the strength will display itself, which cannot be stopped by the rocks above becauseit is a force that will "keep fighting", a force that is resilient and adaptive, and a force that has tenacity and will not stop until the goal is ac
13、hieved.Falling in debris instead of on fertile soil, the seed with life force will never feel pessimistic or heave sighs, because it can be tempered with obstruction.5 .教育是培養(yǎng)人的社會活動,是人類自身開展所必需的,也是人類社會得以開展的必要條件.一個國家的 開展強盛,從根本上說取決于其國民素質,而國民素質的提升,關鍵靠教育.如果說教育是國家的基石, 教師就是奠基者.中華民族要實現(xiàn)偉大的復興,就要重視和開展教育,這就對教師及教
14、師職業(yè)提出了新的 要求.厚德方能載物,不斷提升現(xiàn)代教師的職業(yè)道德修養(yǎng)水平,是建設有中國特色社會主義教育事業(yè)的一 個重要方面.分數:12.50 正確答案:解析: Education, as a social activity to cultivate people, is essential to the development of human beings, and it also serves as the prerequisite for the advancement of human society. Basically, the development and prosperity
15、 of a particular country depends on the quality of its people, which can be improved by education. If education is the foundation ofa nation, teachersare the founders. Education should be emphasized and promoted for the rejuvenation of Chinese nation, which brings about new requirements for teachers
16、, both as individuals and as a career.Great trust can only be given to people with self-discipline and social commitment. In this way, the improvement of teachers" professional ethics in modern time serves as an important aspect in the cause of socialism education with Chinese characteristics.6
17、 .如果回歸自然,各有不同的方式,后人總是尊重前輩的人生最后一次選擇.一位朋友偶然講起一件事, 猶如一篇小小說,聽者動容.在新開發(fā)的叢林里,一條蜿蜒的小徑上,一個衣著素色的女子踽踽獨行,徑直走向林子里的一棵樹.這里 許多樹大小參差不一,不過都長得很快,新生的樹葉嫩綠有生機.當然,有人專門護理這些紀念樹.不知多少年,這個女人總是帶著一束鮮花默默地置于樹根旁,然后仰起頭來,對著樹身凝視,翕動著她獨 有的小小嘴唇,既像獨語,又像傾訴.她退后一步,打量她這樹高了多少,細心地除去樹下斑斑駁駁的落 葉,向這棵移植多年的樹傾身擁抱,親了一下,輕輕摩拳樹皮的皺紋,如同面對一個有生命的軀體.分數:12.50 正
18、確答案:解析:In a newly opened-up forest, on a winding path, a woman in quiet clothes walked alone andwent straight towards one of the trees. There were many trees of various sizes, but all were growing rapidly, covered with light green young leaves. Evidently, some people had been put in charge of these
19、memorial trees.As she had been doing for many years, the womanalways silently placed the bunch of fresh flowers she brought besides the roots. She raised her head to fix her eyes on the tree and kept moving her unique small lips as if she were soliloquizing or sharing her innermost feelings with som
20、eone. She took a step back to assess how muchthe tree had grown in height, carefully removing the mottled fallen leaves under it. She bent forward to hug and kiss the tree that had been transplanted many years before, gently stroking its wrinkled bark as if it were something alive.7 .標簽時代,我們不僅用選購商品的
21、眼光看待他人和這個世界,我們自身也活著活著就活成了一枚或者多 枚標簽.物化的、名利化的生活方式和思維方式正影響和決定著我們,使我們越來越遠離人生的本質和目 的.心靈的自由、對愛和美的體悟、對星空的仰望,這些質樸而美好的追求正日益淡出.理想變成笑談, 崇高顯得荒謬,人生被高度濃縮為一個或者數個關鍵詞.分數:10.00 正確答案:解析: Welive in a new era in which we not only see others and the world from the view of choosing and purchasing commodities, but also mak
22、e our own lives seem like a piece of label. Excessivepursuit of materials, fame and money gives a profound influence on our ways of living and thinking, which increasingly makes us stay away from the essence of life. The pursuit of pure and beautiful things, such as the freedom of mind, the comprehe
23、nsion of love and beauty, and the observationof starry sky, is gradually out of people"s life. The dream becomes a laughingstock,and nobilitylooks absurd. Our lives are highly condensed into one or several key words.8 .花雖然多,但沒有奇花異草.珍貴的花草不易養(yǎng)活,看著一棵好花生病要死是件難過的事.北京的氣候,對養(yǎng)花來說,不算很好.冬天冷,春天多風,夏天不是干旱就是大雨
24、傾盆; 秋天最好,可是突然會鬧霜凍.在這種氣候里,想把南方的好花養(yǎng)活,我還沒有那么大的本領.因此,我只養(yǎng)些好種易活、自己會奮斗的 花草.不過,盡管花草自己會奮斗,我假設置之不理,任其自生自滅,它們多數還是會死了的.我得天天照管它們,像好朋友似的關切它們.一來二去,我摸著一些門道:有的喜陰,就別放在太陽地里;有的喜干,就別多澆水.這是個樂趣,摸住門道,花草養(yǎng)活了,而且三年五載老活著、開花,多么有意思啊 !不是亂吹,這就 是知識?。《嗟眯┲R,一定不是壞事.分數:12.50 正確答案:解析: But although these flowers are able to struggle for s
25、urvival by themselves, most of them will still die eventually if I ignore them or leave them on their own. I have to tend them every day and give them care like a good friend. Gradually, I figured out a few things: Some flowers should not be exposed to the sun for they love shade; some flowers shoul
26、d not be watered too often for they prefer dryness. It is a pleasure to get the hang of keeping flowers alive, and they canthrive and bloom year after year. Howinteresting it is! Without exaggeration, this is knowledge! It is definitely not a bad thing to acquire more knowledge.9 .石拱橋的橋洞成弧形,就像虹.古代神話
27、里說,雨后彩虹是“人間天上的橋,通過彩虹就能上天.我 國的詩人愛把拱橋比作虹,說拱橋是“臥虹 “飛虹,把水上拱橋形容為“長虹臥波.石拱橋在世界橋梁史上出現(xiàn)得比擬早.這種橋不但形式優(yōu)美,而且結構鞏固,能幾十年幾百年甚至上千年 雄跨在江河之上,在交通方面發(fā)揮作用.分數:12.50 正確答案:解析:The bridge opening of a stone arch bridge is in the shape of an arch and looks like a rainbow. Ancient legend has it that the rainbow after rain is "
28、;the bridge linking heaven and earth", which serves as the road to sky. The particular image of an arch bridge as a rainbow is preferred by Chinese poets, for example, "a crouching rainbow" "a flying rainbow", or "a long rainbow lying on waves" to refer to an arch
29、bridge over a body of water.Historically speaking, stone arch bridges appear quite early around the world. Being not only graceful in form but also firm in structure, stone arch bridges that cross rivers can last for decades, centuries or even more than a thousand years and still function in public
30、transportation. 10.我嘗見許多年青的朋友,聰明用功,成績優(yōu)異,而語文程度缺乏以達意,甚至寫一封信亦難得通順,問 其故那么曰其興趣不在語文方面.又有一些位,執(zhí)筆為文,斐然可誦,而視數理科目如仇簪,勉強才能及格,問其故那么亦曰其興趣不在數理方面.如果他們覺得某些科目沒有趣味,便撇在一旁視如敝屣,怡然自得, 振振有詞,略無愧色,好似這就是發(fā)揚趣味主義.殊不知天下沒有沒有趣味的學問,端視吾人如何開掘其 趣味,如果在良師指導之下按部就班地循序而進,一步一步地發(fā)現(xiàn)新天地,當然樂在其中,如果淺嘗輒止,甚至躁等躁進,當然味同嚼蠟,自討沒趣.一個有中上天資的人,對于普通的根本的文理科目,都同樣
31、地 有學習的水平,絕不會本能地長于此而拙于彼.只有懶惰與任性,才能使一個人自甘暴棄地在“趣味的 掩護之下敗退.分數:10.00 正確答案:解析:They cast away whatever subjects they dislike like something utterly worthless. They areso smug and thick-skinned that they speak volubly in defense of their own attitude like champions of interestism. They hardly realize that t
32、here is no learning but is capable of engendering interest and that all depends on how to search for it. You will develop a liking for learning if, under the guidance of a good teacher, you study to discover new horizons opening up beforeyou one after another by following the proper order and advanc
33、ing step by step. On the other hand, you will find learning as dry as sawdust and feel frustrated if you refuse to go into a subjectin depth or even make impetuous advances without following the proper order. People with an average natural endowment are equally capable of mastering the basics of lib
34、eral arts and natural science. They are never predetermined by nature to be good at one subject and poor in another. It is laziness and waywardness, however, that causes one to give himself up as hopeless and back down on the pretext of "no interest".11 .冬天,在四周圍都是山地的這里,看見太陽的日子真是太少了.今天,難得霧是
35、這么稀薄,空中融融地 混合著金黃的陽光,把地上的一切,好似也罩上一層歡笑的顏色.我走出了這黝黯的小閣,這個作為我們辦公的地方它整年關住我!,我揚著脖子,張開了我的雙臂,恨不得要把誰緊緊地擁抱起來.由一條小徑,我慢慢地走進了一個新村.這里很幽靜,很精致,像一個美麗的園子.可是那些別墅的窗簾 和紗門都垂鎖著,我想,富人們大概過不慣冷清的郊野的冬天,都集中到熱鬧的城市里去了.我停在一座小木橋上,眺望著對面山上的一片綠色,草已經枯萎了,唯有新生的麥苗,占有著冬天的土地.分數:12.50 正確答案: 解析:I stepped out of the small loft our dimly-lit office which cooped meup all the year round! I lifted my head and stretched out my arms as if to hold someone in tight embrace.I ambled along a narrow path and came to a new village. It was a tranquil place, as elegant asa beautiful garden. Bu
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