1、公共英語三級考試寫作文(1)A survey con ducted in Tianjin found that 98% of high school stude ntsand 92% of eleme ntary school stude nts have to spe nd most of theirweeke nds doing homework.Write an essay of about 120 words. You may include thefollowing points:1. Discuss the n egative effects of too much homewor
2、k on children.2. Discuss the disadva ntages of the prese nt exam-orie nt ededucatio n system.3. Call for efforts to ease stude nts burde n and help t hem lead acolorful and enjoyable life.參考文Too much homework has become a com mon compla int in highschools and eleme ntary schools. Stude nts have to s
3、pe nd mos t oftheir time doing homework, eve n on weeke nds. As a resu lt, theyhave no time for their hobbies, or for their parents or frien ds. All they do is what they have to do, not wha t they like todo.The un derly ing cause for this phe nomenon lies in the pr ese ntexam-orie nted educati on sy
4、stem. Nati onal College Entr ance Examin ati on has become the sole focus of teachers, par ents, and studentsthemselves. High score becomes the ultim ate goal, to the n eglect ofpractical abilities, pers on alit y developme nt, and all that.It is urge nt that we deepe n our educati onal reform. We m
5、ustallow for students overall development, not just eval uate their pany is recruiting new employees. Write a letter apply ing for apositi on as an assista nt acco untan t. In your lett er, please includethe following information:1. the position you apply for;2. your work experie nee;3. the reas on
6、for your leav ing the prese nt compa ny;4. the treatme nt you expect to get from the new compa n y.You should write no less tha n 120 words. Do not sig n yo ur name at the end of your letter. Use Wang Lin in stead. You do not need to write the address.參考文Dear sir:I wish to apply for a positi on with
7、 your compa ny as an assista ntacco untan t. I am twen ty-six years old and at pres ent employed bythe Island Company, where I have been for t he past two years.Formerly I was employed by Global Export Co., where it was n earlythree years.My only reas on for leav ing either of these positi ons wo ul
8、d be tobetter myself and I feel there is no future oppor tun ity in my prese ntpositi on. I wish to serve in a large c ompany like yours, to provide mewith ample opportunities t o lear n new thi ngs.I can give you refere nces from both these firms as to m ycharacter and ability as an acco untant. My
9、 prese nt salaryis $2,600 a month and I would not care to accept less in a no therpositi on, but I am willi ng to start at the same sala ry, provided there isan opport unity for adva nceme nt. Yours faithfully, Wang LinAccord ing to some surveys done by the Mini stry of Educati on, thereare about 15
10、3 millio n illiterates and semi-illiterat es in China. Itsilliteracy rate in the western region is m uch higher tha n the coun trysaverage level and it is as hi gh as 40 percent. The rate for the countryswhole populati on sta nds at 14 perce nt. Write an essay of about 120words, stat ing your opinio
11、n about this issue now confronting Chin a.參考文The task of educati ng a huge populati on can be challe ng ing toany coun try. Though China has show n great concern an d donemuch in educatio n, and in elim in at ing illiteracy, it still has 153 millionilliterate and semi-illiterate citiz ens, accord in
12、g to some statisticsissued by the Mini stry ofEducation. So, in my opinion, raising Chinas education le vel, to alarge exte nt, depe nds on greater educati onal achi eveme nt in itsvast wester n regi on and some other backward areas.In the past decade, China has moved to combat illiterac y andpromot
13、e nine years of compulsory schooli ng, especiall y in poor areasand areas in habited by mino rities, and has achieved a great success,but it seems a difficult task in regions where educational opportunitiesare limited. Howeve r, we should set a target that, by 2010, nin e-yearcompulso ry schooling s
14、hould be realized and the illiteracy rate among young and middle-aged adults should be reduced to the mi nimum.Only in this way can China raise its national educat ion al level.WritingAn article in a n ewspaper once said: As Chi na strives todevelop its western area, some effective measures should b
15、e taken toimprove forestry in the region. Write an essa y of about 120 words,stat ing what effective measures shoul d be adopted to improveforestry in the wester n area.參考文Over the past 10 years, China has made much headway in itsafforestation and soil conservation. For instanee, the n ati onal fore
16、stacreage has in creased by 13.7 millio n heeta res since the fourth n ational survey on forest resources in1990. Despite these great achievements, some serious probl ems stillrema in to be solved such as how to improve forest ry in the westernarea in the course of its econo mic develo pme nt.Forest
17、ry build-up in the west is a Iong-term task. In o rder to havethis goal materialized, I think some concrete and effective measuresshould be take n immediately. For exa mple, to protect the n atural envir onment of the west, some previously cultivated areas should beretur ned to forest an d grassland
18、. In the course of improving forestry,some stri ct laws should made and their enforcement must beguarantee d. Those who violate forest protecti on laws must be severely puni shed. Only by taki ng these effective measures can for estry inthe wester n area be improved.(5)As is known to all, computers
19、are beco ming more and mo repopular in our daily life no wadays, especially in education. Write a short essay of about 120 words, describing how importa ntcomputers are in educati on.參考文It has turned out that computers have become quite indi spensable to educatio n. With computers, stude nts can do
20、the irhomework more quickly and more efficie ntly; with compute rs,teachers can reduce their work load and improve their t eachi ng. Forin sta nee, computers can free teachers from cer tain kinds oftime-consuming bookkeeping; help teachers ba nk test items, thusgreatly reducing the time required to
21、produce a new test, and mark testpapers. More importa ntly, they can an alyze test results, in dicat ing tothe teacher w hich points may n eed further treatme nt in class. Theycan a lso make it possible for a teacher in the classroom to give individual atte ntio n to stude nts who are hav ing troubl
22、e in their studies.While the rest of a class is work ing on an educati onal program, theteacher can take the time to work directly with a student who is fallingbehind. So it goes w ithout say ing that computers are extremelyimporta nt in edu cati on at all levels.(6)Below is a bar graph show ing the
23、 causes of fire in a c ity. Look atthe graph and write an essay of about 120 word s making referenee tothe following points.1. bad results caused by fire2. the causes of fire3. How to preve nt fire?參考文Fires and CausesFrom the table, it is clear, fires bring great disaster s to us. Moreand more peopl
24、e are killed and houses in cludi ng many valuable things are bur nt out. Fires are threate nin g to our lives and wealth.Look at the bar graphs we can see there are mainly thre e causesof fires. 40% are caused by cigarette ends which p eople carelesslythrow away, while 25% are started by the l eakag
25、e of gas pots and15% results from the childre n who pl ay with matches.Fires can be preve nted if we take n ecessary measures. T he keymeasure is to educate people to be careful to make f ires, war n thechildre n of the dan ger of play ing with matches. Though we cannot avoid fires completely, we ca
26、n reduce the firedisasters(7)Below are two graphs showing the changing of the worki nghours per week in China from 1980 to 2001 and the cha ngi ng of working days per week from 1994 un til now. Look at th e graph and writean essay of about 120 works mak ing refere nce to the followingpoints:1. the c
27、ha nging of the work ing hours per week in China from1980 to 20012. the changing of working days per week from 1994 until now3. the way the Chin ese people use their leisure timeHours worked 19802001 Weekdays worked 19492001參考文Leisure Time in Chi naFrom the graphs we can see that Chin ese people now
28、 havefreer time and holidays tha n they did before. The averagework ing hours per week decreased from 50 hours in 1980 to 4 0 hoursin 2000, and non-manual workers tend to have a rath er shorter week,averag ing about 37 hours .In additi on, ful l-time workers now havetotally about 120 holidays a year
29、, about one third of the days of theyear.Since the reform and ope n policy was carried out, Chine sepeople have had more time to spend on various kinds of l eisureactivities. A lot of people love both to play and to watch team sportslike basketball or football. Many people stay at home hav ing a res
30、t,read ing books, watchi ng TV, an d so on. In rece nt years, more andmore people love to trav el duri ng Ion ger holidays. They go to visitsome sce nic and historical sites, and some people even make a tourabroad to see the world.(8)A certain college lacks some qualified teachers of Eng lish. Write
31、a letter of recommendation of Mr.Zhong Yong, a teacher of En glish ata middle school. Your letter should r efer to the following points:1. Pers onal data2. His work experie nee3. His qualificati onsYou should write approximately 100 words. Do not sig n y ourown name at the end of your letter. Use Zh
32、ang Ping in stead. You donot n eed to write the address.參考文Name of Applica nt: Zhong YongMaili ng Address: Flat 602, Buildi ng 98Sibei Rd., Xiame n, Fujia n Provi nee, Chi naEmail Address: zhyggudimk.Prese nt Occupatio n: Teachi ngEmployer: the Educati on Bureau of Xiame n CityProgramme of Study: En
33、 glishArea of Specializatio n: Applied Lin guisticsDegree: M.A.Name of Refere nee: Lin LongMr.Zh ong Yong graduated from the En glish Departme nt of theZhangzhou Teachers College in 1998. During his college years, heachieved excelle nt results in study. He has some capacity to doresearch work and sh
34、ows much promise as a c ollege teacher.Mr.Zhong Yong has a fairly good ability to read and spe akEnglish. He is, however, a bit weak in writing and must work harder toimprove himself in this respect.I recomme nd Mr.Zho ng Yong and hope that he will be chos enas a college teacher.(9)Below is a chart
35、showing the global water supply. Writ e anessay of about 120 words making referen ces to the foll owing poin ts:1) describe the perce ntage of differe nt kinds of water supply ofthe world;2) an alyze the curre nt situati on of fresh water on eart h;3) give the possible reas ons for this situatio n.參
36、考文Water is a precious resource. Although we are surro unde d by itin oceans, lakes, rivers and streams, our supply is limited. The chartgiven shows that most of the water on e arth97.4 perce ntis saltwater stored in ocea ns. Onl y 2.6 percent of the earths water is freshwater, and 2 pe rcent is lock
37、ed up in ice caps and glaciers. Thus thefresh water left for us to use is only 0.6 percent of the total watersupply.There will n ever be any more fresh water tha n there is now. Infact, the earth is short of fresh water. Besides, t he in creas ing growthof the world populatio n, the grow ing d ema n
38、d of in dustry for water,the serious pollutio n of our e n vir onmentall this makes the world indan ger of running out of fresh water. In some large cities such asTianjin, fresh water cannot meet the daily n eeds.Since water is essential to all life and the supply lim ited, we mustman age it in tell
39、ige ntly and carefully.(10) According to some surveys done by the Ministry of Edu cation,there are about 153 million illiterates and semi-il literates in Chi na. Itsilliteracy rate in the western regi on is much higher tha n the coun trysaverage level and it i s as high as 40 percent. The rate for t
40、he countryswhole p opulation stands at 14 percent. Write an essay of about 120words, stati ng your opinion about this issue now confronti ng Ch ina.參考文The task of educati ng a huge populati on can be challe ng ing toany coun try. Though China has show n great concern an d donemuch in educatio n, and
41、 in elim in at ing illiteracy, itstill has 153 million illiterate and semi-illiterate citiz ens, accord ing tosome statistics issued by the Mini stry ofEducation. So, in my opinion, raising Chinas education le vel, to alarge exte nt, depe nds on greater educati onal achi eveme nt in itsvast wester n
42、 regi on and some other backward areas.In the past decade, China has moved to combat illiterac y andpromote nine years of compulsory schooli ng, especiall y in poor areasand areas in habited by mino rities, and has achieved a great success,but it seems a difficult task in regi ons where educati onal
43、 opport unities are limited. Howeve r, we should set a target that, by 2010, nine-year compulso ry schooling should be realized and the illiteracy rateamo ng young and middle-aged adults should be reduced to the minimum. Only in this way can China raise its national educat ion al level.WritingAn art
44、icle in a n ewspaper once said: As Chi na strives todevelop its western area, some effective measures should be taken toimprove forestry in the region. Write an essa y of about 120 words,stat ing what effective measures shoul d be adopted to improveforestry in the wester n area.參考文Over the past 10 y
45、ears, China has made much headway in itsafforestation and soil conservation. For instanee, the n ati onal forestacreage has in creased by 13.7 millio n hecta res since the fourth n ational survey on forest resources in1990. Despite these great achievements, some serious probl ems stillrema in to be
46、solved such as how to improve forest ry in the westernarea in the course of its econo mic develo pme nt.Forestry build-up in the west is a Iong-term task. In o rder to havethis goal materialized, I think some concrete and effective measuresshould be take n immediately. For exa mple, to protect the n
47、 atural envir onment of the west, some previously cultivated areas should beretur ned to forest an d grassland. In the course of improving forestry,some stri ct laws should made and their en forceme nt must be guarantee d. Those who violate forest protecti on laws must be severel ypuni shed. Only by
48、 taki ng these effective measures can for estry in thewester n area be improved.(11)A company is recruiting new employees. Write a letter applying for a positi on as an assista nt acco untan t. In you r letter, pleaseinclude the following information:1. the position you apply for;2. your work experi
49、e nee;3. the reas on for your leav ing the prese nt compa ny;4. the treatme nt you expect to get from the new compa n y.You should write no less tha n 120 words. Do not sig n yo ur name at the end of your letter. Use Wang Lin in stead. You do not need to write the address.參考文Dear sir:I wish to apply
50、 for a positi on with your compa ny as an assista ntacco untan t. I am twen ty-six years old and at pres ent employed bythe Island Company, where I have been for t he past two years.Formerly I was employed by Global Export Co., where it was n earlythree years.My only reas on for leav ing either of these positi ons wo uld be tobetter myself and I feel there is no future oppor tun ity in my prese ntpositi on. I wish to serve in a
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