



1、(2002.12006.12 )實驗教師科研論文被國際三大檢索收錄表序 號論文名稱作者(序)出版 日期發(fā)表刊物或 會議名稱檢索 機(jī)構(gòu)1Inten sity Correlati on Function of a Single-Mode Laser Driven by Colored Cross-Correlatio nNoisesintheModulati on of a Bias Signal韓立波(1)2005.4Commun Theor PhysSCI2Desig n of Er-Yb codoped phosphate glass waveguide amplifier in tegra

2、ted with multilayer medium thin film filter陳海燕(1)2005PassiveComp onentsAndFiber-Based DevicesEI ISTP3Modeli ng and optimal desig n of Er3+-Yb3+co-doped phodphate glass amplifier at large signal operation陳海燕(1)2005PassiveComp onentsAndFiber-Based DevicesEI ISTP4Numericalsimulati onoferbium-ytterbium

3、co-doped waveguide amplifiers by wavelet-based FDTD陳海燕(1)2005Optoelectr onicDevices andIn tegrati on.EI ISTP5Thin film filter forbroadba nd IRin tegrated waveguide amplifiers陳海燕(1)2005.02In teratio nal Jour nal of In frared and Millimeter WaveSCI EI6Simulation of IR waveguide amplifiers usingFDTD-ba

4、sedoverlapp ingin tegral-RK method陳海燕(1)2005.04In teratio nal Jour nal of In frared and Millimeter WaveSCI EI7An electromagnetic model for jet power from ADAF around a rotati ng black hole龔小龍(1)2005.05Chi na.P hys.Lett.SCI8The optimizati on of output properties for bias signal-modulated in a single-

5、mode laser李太全(1)2005.8Commun Theor PhysSCI9Time evoluti on of the inten sity correlati on fun cti on in a sin gle-mode laser drive n by both the coloured pump no sie with sig nal modulation and the quantum noise with cross-correlation between the real and imag inary parts程慶華(1)2005.06Chin ese Physic

6、sSCI10In flue nce of Noise on Time Evoluti on ofIn te nsity Correlati on Fun cti on程慶華(1)2005.11Commun Theor PhysSCI11Optimal design of thin filters for IR in tegrated photo inc amplifiers陳海燕(1)2005.08In teratio nal Jour nal of In frared and Millimeter WaveSCI EI12納米TiO2薄膜的制備及光催化活性研究肖循(1)2004.08華中科技

7、大學(xué)學(xué)報EI13信號直接調(diào)制下色關(guān)聯(lián)噪聲驅(qū)動的 單模激光的隨機(jī)共振韓立波(1)2004.07物理學(xué)報SCIEI14Inten sity Correlati on Function of a Sin gle-Mode Laser Driven by Two ColoredNoiseswithColoredCross-Correlati on韓立波(1)2004.07理論物理通訊SCI15信號偏置調(diào)制下色關(guān)聯(lián)噪聲驅(qū)動的 單模激光的光強(qiáng)相對漲落韓立波(1)2004.10物理學(xué)報SCI16Output power spectrum of a sin gle-mode laser drive n by

8、colored pump and qua ntum no ise with colored correlati on韓立波(1)2004.10Chin ese PhysicsSCI17色關(guān)聯(lián)噪聲驅(qū)動的單模激光的強(qiáng)度漲落韓立波(1)2004.05光電子?激光EI18實虛部關(guān)聯(lián)的子量子噪聲和泵噪聲對單 模激光動力學(xué)性質(zhì)的影響程慶華(1)2004.06物理學(xué)報SCI19In flue nce of the net gain on characteristic of stochastic resonance in a single-mode laser system程慶華(1)2004.06Chin

9、ese Optics LettersEI20實虛部關(guān)聯(lián)的量子噪聲和泵噪聲對單模 激光光強(qiáng)關(guān)聯(lián)函數(shù)的影響程慶華(1)2004、 08中國激光EI21單模激光系統(tǒng)輸入信號后的穩(wěn)態(tài)平均光 強(qiáng)相對漲落程慶華(1)2004、 07光學(xué)學(xué)報EI22信號調(diào)制色泵噪聲和實虛部間關(guān)聯(lián)量子 噪聲驅(qū)動下單模激光的隨機(jī)共振現(xiàn)象程慶華(1)2004.08物理學(xué)報SCI23Stochastic Resonance in a Single-mode Laser Driven by Pump Noise and Quantum Noise with Cross-correlated Real and Imaginary Pa

10、rts程慶華(1)2004.09Connun Theor PhysSCI24Analyses of valid range for the linear approximation in a single-mode laser and quantum noise with cross程慶華(1)2004.09Connun Theor PhysSCI25High Gain and Broad band optical waveuide amplifiers陳海燕(1)2004.02Microwaveand OpticalTech no logy LettersSCIEI26Computati o

11、nofMicrowaveAttenuation on Coplanar Waveguide with Con formal Adi-fdtd Method陳海燕(1)2004.02In teratio nal Jour nal of In frared and Millimeter WaveSCI27Effect of fog and clouds on the image quality in millimeter com muni cati ons陳海燕(1)2004. 05Intern ati onalJour nalofIn frared and MillimeterSCIEI28Mo

12、deling and simulation of saturation gain of IR in tegrated phot onic amplifiers陳海燕(1)2004 .12In teratio nal Jour nal of In frared and Millimeter WaveSCIEI29Er /Yb共摻磷酸鹽玻璃波導(dǎo)放大器的 大信號增益與量子效率理論研究陳海燕(1)2004 .03光學(xué)學(xué)報EI30Magn etic extract ion of en ergy form accretio n disc around a rotat ing biack hole龔小龍(1

13、)2004 .09Chi n.Phys.Lett.SCI31Efficie ntscheme for mesoscopicsuperpositi ons of moti onal cohere nt and squeezed cohere nt states of N trapped ions龔小龍(2)2004(70)Phys.Rev.ASCI32夸克膠子噴注的人工神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)識別研究張昆實(1)2004 .11高能物理與核物理SCI33Er3+/Yb 3+共摻磷酸鹽玻璃(LGS-L)波導(dǎo) 放大器設(shè)計陳海燕(1)2003 .06光學(xué)學(xué)報EI34Er-Yb共摻磷酸鹽玻璃波導(dǎo)放大器噪聲 特性研究陳海

14、燕(1)2003 .08激光與紅外EI35Er3+, Yb 3+共摻磷酸鹽玻璃溝道波導(dǎo)放大 器陳海燕(1)2003 .07光學(xué)學(xué)報EI2036寬帶集成光波導(dǎo)放大器的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計03EI陳海燕(1).06電子科技大學(xué)學(xué)報2037Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass waveguide amplifier陳海燕02.06IEEE 2002 In terati onalConference onComm uni cati onscircuitsand systems andwest sino expositi ons proceedi ngsISTPStudyondoub

15、le-claddi ng200238erbium-ytterbium co-doped phosphate陳海燕.06同上ISTPglass fiber amplifier2039膠子噴注和夸克噴注性質(zhì)的蒙特卡洛研 究張昆實(1) 陳剛02.11高能物理和核物理JSCI2040A Monte Carlo study on the dynamical fluctuations Inside quark and antiquark jets張昆實(1) 陳剛02.08In t.J.Mod .P hys.ASCI20雙噴注事件中單個噴注內(nèi)部動力學(xué)起伏張昆實(1) 陳剛02.0241雙噴注事件中單1噴

16、注內(nèi)口部動力學(xué)起伏 的蒙特卡洛研究高能物理與核物理SCI42S-Type Er-Yb Co-Doped Phosphate GlassWaveguideAmplifierIntegrated with Thin-Film Filter.陳海燕(1)2006 .04JournalofCom mun icatio nsOpticalEI20EI/ISTP43Four cha nnel waveguide amplifier array陳海燕(1)06.01SPIE 6019Ion-exchangewaveguides on home-made2006ei/ist44Er-Yb codoped ph

17、osphate glass and error an alysis in m-li nes tech no logy陳海燕(1).01SPIE 60191 1/ 10 1PModulati on of Reson ator Loss on Output20 06 .08JournalofCom mun icatio nsOptical45Characteristics of Ring Microres on ator Filter陳海燕(1)EITheoreticalresearch of activering2006 .1 0ei/istP46microres on ator tun abl

18、e filter based on thermo-optic effect.陳海燕(1)SPIE 63512006Proceed ingsoftheApplicati onof MRTD in simulati onofIntern ati onalComputer47erbium-ytterbiumdoped active phosphate陳海燕(1).08Conference 2006 on WaveletISTPwaveguide amplifiersActive MediaTech no logyand In formati onProcessi ng48Storage of entangled states for multiple trapped ions in thermal moti on陳海燕(1)2006 .04Communi cati onsInTheo


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