1、American Literature殷艷芳Benjamin FranklinMark Twain Edgar Allan PoeNathaniel HawthorneRalph Waldo EmersonThomas JeffersonWalt WhitmanEzra PoundT.S. EliotErnest HemingwayWilliam FaulknerF. Scott FitzgeraldEmily DickinsonHarriet Beecher StowePearl BuckToni MorrisonMaxine Hong KingstonOutline The Literat
2、ure of Colonial America The Literature of Reason and Revolution The Literature of Romanticism The Literature of Realism Twentieth Century LiteratureChapter One The Literature of Colonial America1. Dominant Thoughts 1) Puritanism 2) Calvinism 3) Deism 2. The Literary Scene (simple both in its form an
3、d themes) Form: faithfully imitated and transplanted English traditions Themes: God, Revolution, nature and family lifeWriters worth to be mentioned:lAnne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor ( puritan poets) Roger Williams and John Cotton ( poets with democratic ideas)Chapter Two Literature of Reason and R
4、evolution ( The Age of Enlightenment)lI. Social Background 1. Natural Science 2. Social Science II. Famous Writers 1. Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790) a person of all trades: a great politician, a famous scientist, and an outstanding writer works: The Poor Richardss Almanac(格言歷書), Autobiography( 自傳)l2.
5、Thomas Pane ( 潘恩)(1737-1809)l a leading figure in American Revolutionl Pamphlets: Common Sense, American Crisisl3. Philip Freneau (弗瑞諾)(1752-1832)l “the Poet of the Revolution”l “Father of American Poetry”l poems: The Rising Glory of America(美洲光輝的升起), The Wild Honey Suckle( 野金銀花)Chapter Three Litera
6、ture of Romanticism (the American Renaissance)l. Social Background 1. political: independence, ideals of democracy and equality 2. economic: industrialism, immigrants, economic boom 3. historical: westwardA sense of hope and optimismlCharacteristicsl1. Derivative or imitativel2. Independent: the exp
7、ression of a real new experiencel3. Puritan influencel Famous writersl1. Washington Irving( 1783- 1859 華盛頓 歐文) works: A History of New York 紐約外史 The Sketch Book 見聞札記 Rip Van Winkle瑞普 凡 溫克爾 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷的傳說Achievements:l“ Father of American Literature”lThe short story as a genre in A
8、merican literature probably began with his “the Sketch Book”lHis writings marked the beginning of American Romanticisml2. James Fennimore Cooper (1789-1851)Works: chiefly about sea adventures tales and frontier saga Leatherstocking Tales 皮襪子故事集Deerslayer 打鹿將The Last of the Mohigan最后的莫西干人Pathfinder探路
9、者Prairie草原The pioneers開拓者3. Summit of Romanticism- American Transcendentalism (超驗主義)超驗主義)l1) Features:lSpirit/ oversoullImportance of individualismlNature- symbol of spirit/ God, garment of the oversoullFocus on intuition ( irrationalism and subconsciousness)l2) Appearance:l1836, “ Nature” by Emerso
10、nl3) Representative writers: l Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)l Nature 論自然l Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)l Walden 瓦爾登湖Ralph Waldo EmersonHenry David Thoreau4. Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) 埃德加 艾倫 坡l1) works:l The Fall of the House of Usher厄舍府的倒塌 lMs. Found in a Bottle瓶中手稿lThe Murders in the Rue Morg
11、ue 莫格街謀殺案 lPoems: To Helen 致海倫l The Raven烏鴉l Annabel Lee安娜貝爾李 2). His Major Points Death is a predominant theme. He usually wrote the evil side of the 19th century. interested in deduction and induction, created the detective stories writing as a critic5. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) (納撒尼爾 霍桑)l1)
12、 Works: l Twice-Told Tales (重講一遍的故事)l Mosses From an Old Manse ( 古屋青苔)l The Marble Faun ( 玉石雕像)l The Scarlet Letter ( 紅字)l2) Psychological analysis and symbolisml3) Point of viewl Evil is at the core of human life.l Sin or evil can be passed from generation to generation.l He has disgust in science.
13、6.Herman Melville (1819- 1891) (赫爾曼(赫爾曼 梅爾維爾)梅爾維爾)l1) Masterpiece: Moby Dick 白鯨The book is steeped in symbolism.2) Point of view:The world is godless and purposeless.Melvilles idea of alienationMelvilles attack on transcendentalism.Chapter Four Literature of Realism Background 1. the three conflicts
14、 that reached breaking point in this periodl1) industrialism vs. agrarianl2) culturally-measured east vs. newly-developed westl3) plantation gentility vs. commercial gentility 2. 1880s urbanization: from free competition to monopoly capitalism 3. the closing of American frontierII Characteristicsltr
15、uthful description of lifeltypical character under typical circumstancelobjective rather than idealized, close observation and investigation of lifel“Realistic writers are like scientists.”lopen-ending:l concerned with social and psychological problems, revealing the frustrations of characters in an
16、 environment of sordidness and depravityIII Famous Writers: 1. Walt Whitman (沃爾特 惠特曼)Leaves of Grassthe first genuine epic poem l1) Major themes in his poems (almost everything):lequality of things and beingsldivinity of everythinglimmanence of Godldemocracylmultiplicity of naturelself-reliant spiri
17、tldeath, beauty of deathlexpansion of Americalbrotherhood and social solidarity (unity of nations in the world)lpursuit of love and happinessl2) style: free verse (without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme)l2. Emily Dickenson 艾米麗艾米麗 迪金森迪金森1.)worksMy Life Closed Twice before Its CloseBecause I Can
18、t Stop for DeathI Heard a Fly Buzz When I diedMine by the Right of the White ElectionWild Nights Wild Nights2) Themes: based on her own experiences/joys/sorrowslreligion doubt and belief about religious subjectsldeath and immortalityllove suffering and frustration caused by lovelphysical aspect of d
19、esirelnature kind and cruellfree will and human responsibility3) stylelpoems without titleslsevere economy of expressionldirectness, brevitylmusical device to create cadence (rhythm)lcapital letters emphasislshort poems, mainly two stanzaslrhetoric techniques: personification make some of abstract i
20、deas vivid3. Three Giants in Realistic Period1) William Dean Howells威廉迪安豪威爾斯l “Dean of American Realism”WorksThe Rise of Silas Lapham塞拉斯拉帕姆的發(fā)跡A Chance AcquaintanceA Modern InstanceFeatures of His WorksOptimistic toneMoral development/ethicsLacking of psychological depth2) Henry James 亨利 詹姆斯-founder
21、of psychological analysis-precursor of stream of consciousness Works: The American 美國人Daisy Miller黛西 米勒The Portrait of a Lady一個貴婦的肖像 The Ambassadors 使節(jié)The Wings of the Dove鴿翼The Golden Bowl金碗3) Mark Twain 馬克 吐溫Works:The Gilded Age鍍金時代The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 湯姆索亞歷險記Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
22、哈克貝利費恩歷險記 Life on the Mississippi密西西比河上的生涯 Local colorist: a unique variation of American literary realism. It refers to the particular concern about the local character of a region.stylelcolloquial language, vernacular language, dialectsllocal colourlsyntactic feature: sentences are simple, brief,
23、sometimes ungrammaticallhumourltall tales (highly exaggerated)lsocial criticism (satire on the different ugly things in society)4) Comparison of the three “giants” of American RealismlThemelHowells middle classlJames upper classlTwain lower classlTechniquelHowells smiling/genteel realismlJames psych
24、ological realismlTwain local colourism and colloquialism4. American Naturalisml1) BackgroundlDarwins theory: “natural selection”lSpensers idea: “social Darwinism”lFrench Naturalism: Zoral2)Featureslenvironment and hereditylscientific accuracy and a lot of detailslgeneral tone: hopelessness, despair,
25、 gloom, ugly side of the societyl3)significancelIt prepares the way for the writing of 1920s “l(fā)ost generation” and T. S. Eliot.4)Writers:lStephen Crane (克萊恩 1871-1900)He was a pioneer writing in the naturalistic tradition, died at only 27.He is one of the first to treat slums, prostitution, alcoholi
26、sm and other unpleasant subjects which are associated with the school of naturalism.He was the first American to portray war realistically from the point of view of the individual soldier.His basic theme: environment and heredity will defeat man.Works: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets街頭女郎梅季 The Red Bad
27、ge of Courage紅色英勇勛章lTheodore Dreiser 西奧多 德萊塞Theodore DreiserSister Carrie嘉莉妹妹美國悲劇Jack London 杰克杰克 倫敦倫敦Works:The People of the Abyss 深淵里的人們The Call of the WildThe Sea WolfMartin Eden ( autobiographical novel) 馬丁伊登 While embracing the socialism of Marx, London also believed in the triumph of the stron
28、gest individuals.Chapter Five The 20th Century Literature lSection1 The 1920s - “the second renaissance” of American Literaturel. Background 1.First World War “a war to end all wars”lEconomically: became rich from WWI. Economic boom: new inventions. Highly-consuming society.lSpiritually: dislocation
29、, fragmentation.2.wide-spread contempt for law (looking down upon law)3. Freuds theory Imagism1. Image: a writers description of specific concrete objects in a poem which strengthens our sense that what we are being told is real.2. Three principles followed by Imagists: 1) Direct treatment of the “t
30、hing” 2) To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation; 3) No unnecessary words may be included in order to make meter by a rhyme3. Ezra Pound ( 伊茲拉 龐德1885-1972 )He was the volunteer of Imagism movement. He has helped, through theory and practice, to chart out the course of
31、modern poetry.Works: Cantos 詩章 Hugh Selwyn Mauberley休 塞爾溫 莫伯利Features:Language: intricate and obscureTheme: complex subject mattersForm: no fixed framework, no central theme, no attention to poetic rules4. T. S. Eliot Chief WorkslThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock J. 阿爾弗雷德 普魯弗洛克情歌 - the first maste
32、rpiece of modernism in English The Waste Land 荒原 - a milestone of the modern western poetry Murder in the Cathedral 大教堂謀殺案 Style Fresh visual imagery, flexible tone and highly expressive rhythm Difficult and disconnected images and symbols, quotations and allusions5 Robert Frost 羅伯特羅伯特 弗羅斯特弗羅斯特lwork
33、s poems the first: A Boys Will collections: North of Boston, Mountain Internal山間洼地 (mature), New Hampshire新罕不什爾 Stylethe old fashioned way to be new use the old form (blank verse) to express new idea content: romantic conservative-traditionalplain, everyday language Novels in the 1920sl1. F. Scott F
34、itzgerald菲茨杰拉德菲茨杰拉德 - the spokesman of “the Jazz AgeWorks:This Side of Paradise天堂的這一邊The Great Gatsby 了不起的蓋茨比Tender is the Night 夜色溫柔2. Ernest Hemingway (1898- 1961) 海明威海明威- Spokesman of “the Lost Generation”Works:The Sun Also RisesA Farewell to ArmsFor Whom the Bell TollsThe Old Man and the SeaThem
35、es:Grace under pressureCode HeroStyle:Iceberg principlesymbolism Southern Literature - twisted, pessimistic, violent, distortedlWilliam Faulkner ??思{??思{ (1897-1962)The Sound and the Fury喧嘩與騷動喧嘩與騷動As I Lay Dying我彌留之際我彌留之際-Nobel PrizeLight in August八月之光八月之光Absalom, Absalom押沙龍!押沙龍!押沙龍!押沙龍!Go Down, Moses
36、下去,摩西下去,摩西style/features of his workslcomplex plotlstream of consciousnesslmultiple point of view, circular formlviolation of chronologylcourtroom rhetoric: formal languagelcharacterization: he was able to probe into the psychology of charactersl“anti-hero”: weak, vulnerable (true people in modern s
37、ociety)Section 2 The 1930s Background Great DepressionJohn Steinbeck (斯坦貝克斯坦貝克 1902-1968 )In Dubious Battle 勝負未決Of Mice and Men人與鼠The Grapes of Wrath憤怒的葡萄Section 3 The Post-War Period: 50s & 60s Historical Background multi-facetedlCold WarlMcCarthyism (persecution of communists)lKorean WarlCivil
38、 Rights MovementlCounter-culture Movement political, economical and military achievement Literature in the 1950s & 1960slRegional literature emerged from the south, etc. Many women writers appeared.lDramatists wrote about people in everyday life, e.g. Arthur Miller.lMinority literature developed quickly. Writers worth to be mentioned:lPoetry: Allen Ginsberg 艾倫 金斯堡- Beat Generation Howl and other PoemsFiction:lOverviewlPost-war Realism: J. D. Salinger 塞林格l Catcher in the Rye 麥田的守望者lBlack Humour:Joseph Heller 約瑟夫 海勒 Catch-22
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