1、國家開放大學(xué)試題國家開放大學(xué)電大??凭C合英語(3)2024-2025期末試題及答案(試卷號:2160)I . Vocubulary and StructureIHrvctlnnst Hcncath each of the following Bcntcncc«t there are four choices ntnrkcd A. B. Cundl). Choose thr one that best completes the Mntcnce Murk your answer on the ANSWERSHEET. (20 points)Era tn p/rt ThecoupleA.
2、 managed7 /ir trrrfrwcr thauld Tfad M The Anrnr/rsi roup/r wa&d at Iasi tft /indinn a Jlul to rent."I'hftHfore. you should cA(x>sr D.L Kiftcrn in a little young to bein a serious long (Imtnnrc rclnttoniihip.A. intpiredB. resolvedC. involvedD. Approached2. The second and third floorHo
3、nto the firm flexort trapping and killing miinyresidentA. collapsedH escaped(:. destroyedD. concluded3. The word laterMli«ht umplificntion by ntiniulatcd cmi»on of radiAtionA. stands byH. Blands tnC tunds forIl sundM outL Hirch.r (amiluirt were popnlnr In RurnctA. historicH exoticC. alcoho
4、licIl erotic國家開放大學(xué)試題國家開放大學(xué)試題5. It hnd to be donr«I wouldn't hnvr rlonr it.國家開放大學(xué)試題國家開放大學(xué)試題C. unlr?m6. YauA. ncrdnft hnvr doneB. »houldnFt hove doneC miut t»ot have done11 enn not h;ivr done7. It w!i a(or them to bnvc all ihtfsr vision* MtimR around in I hr .hop.A.K nunitrftcynutii
5、AriccR. Nut onlyA. krpi rith f/eoplrI)rtn< they made thrm d<i <tr<ingc lor thvir enirnninrnrnt<IL did rich peuplc keepC. rich people tbil k«pJL When h wn all over both men bpoke o if tberrI), nrh propk kt-pln ?trriouM piohlrrn.A. howeverD. otherwiseall thonc ealculAtiofml We have
6、 a computer to do that sort of thing.Ae hn<lnft brmC. hnvcn brcnH-IX waaiif110« . 1 will knrn it wcILA Na niMlter huw Ennlinh in difficuli B- However difficult Enxlish is(:.However Euxlzh U difficuhI). No mult er how diHivuh in Englinh|. CloirDirecthmMv For each numhrrvi) bUnk In the followi
7、ng: passage there urc four thokew marked A.B. ( andl). ( hixHC tliv l)ctt one nnd mark ynur unswer ua the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)H you o«krd pcaplt tothy why they uk. the telephone to canwnumnifc whh thrir friends or why they lunird ia the irkvininn far cntrrtutnmenu they would look nt you nn
8、 if you were 11 . Wr don f! think nbout a telephone or n trlrvhion <k a car m12 Thrc ihinus hvr btumnir xudi un c*scntiul Dan of life that 1 hey urc 13not it rile let alone rrninrkrd upon.In the Mme way# within « derndr no ope will notice the World Wide WrU It will jg be thrtr* a( n) LI piir
9、t ul lilr> h will lie « reflex to turn io the Web (nr shopping rdmntiont cnfcrtnmnirrit nnd cornrnunicatinnt |um 沖 il i* imlund tcxhiy lo IS "世 trlrphntic to tMlk hj nomeanc.There k an rnorniuu?* intcrr*t in thr Wrb. Yet it ill 16 ml/incy. I hr technology and the sjjrrd of rrnponwe urc
10、Irjiptng larward- Thin will move more and more people to thr Wrb z 17 o( fhrir cycrydny Iivv5> Evvntnnllyt everyone f m bujunvM will have «n elrrtronic miil 18 Every lawyer, every doctor and every buMinc»» fromUrge la nninll will be connccicdTo predict ihnt il will 19 over icn year
11、n fur thrse chnnrs to htippen 19 probnblypcsMmtntic< We usuallyovcfrutirriAtr whntwr enn du in two yenm umi20whnt we rundo in trn.Thr Web willhe ns much h wuy<4 life as the car by 2(lOH, Probably before.ILA.hungryR Mn«ry(' mnoerntb.rruxy12. A.cheapIt curiousC< nirei>.urgent13.A.
12、In hetK no longer( instead ofb.kind of11. A.fonunAfcH rirnlinl( irvcrcIXunfortunateI5.A.ntond hyH mkt* offC. pick up0.look upI6.A.rtb/iinK onCatD.in17. A.partK «uecni!iC centerrirttfwning18. A.boxIt code(t nddrrhRn.rrgionID- A.move11 tkrC. liveIXftlip20. A.undrrundFk linmlwtrC> evaluntt!rxnn
13、drrcfitimntc|】< Reading CofnprrhrnslonDirrctlonsi Each of theIkIom h fnllowrfl by some qiilinn«e For rarh question I herenrr four answers markrd A> Bi C andIX Read the passages varefully and chixnc the t)cst ui>9wcr to each of the questions. VUrk your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 po
14、ints) QueiionK 2125 arr bated on lhe followingLtFr thr twentieth century demands prrpunthotE Todoy all individuals in a country EZ hnve ndequ/Hr schooling to prepare them for theii work am well m (or thvif rrsponstbihlics citi/:cnK With this in mind. nntHinil leader卜 wr-rywhefe nre pkmng more emphns
15、in on thr edncatian nf the young.In 仆化 United SlMw. government af(iciuls> parrnts> jjml t» ncher> nre warkinK h:ir<|(o K»ve thr rhildrrn t<»morrowS derision makers thr bent prcpArfttion Available!Thrrt 15 noschool policy hi thr I rrutcd Stmrju Ench ol the fifty m心 tnake
16、s "sown rule* and rrRtjlrtiions for its schools, hut therr nrr many simitnrities .irnong thr fifty school syjiicnis I'uhln schools in till stnicM nrc supported by tdxr* paid by the citizens ol thr individualIn nioxi MntcH the children art required to ntend school until they rcAdh theage of
17、sixteerLWhs they hccumr n:x yrars uld. children lit?gih elrtntnf«ry school. After mix year* in elementary school. th匕y «o into junior hi|h school and remain there for three years. The Insr three yrnrn a( then puhlir school cchindion /ire ?»prnl in senior high »chi>oll Irani wh
18、irh they lirnduAtc ai the Agr <>( ciRhtcen<A greai number q( hijjh school gnuhjiHt、continue their ctlurafion in one ol the many collrtK or uiiivrriiitic* in the country. After lour ycm、, they receive n Bachelor4 » degrrr# Some cotitinue studying lor n Mantrr1* degree and pcrhnpn a Doct
19、or'。degree21. At whut a»c doen child in lhe United Stutr* enter clcmcninry school?B. in Indui22. Therr i% no nnttonnl nrhool policyA> in ChinnC. in the Umtrcl StntcsIl in Jiipmo國家開放大學(xué)試題國家開放大學(xué)試題23, In mut nfntrn of the Unnrd Stnien lhe Inw rrquirr;i ft Bludenf to ho to 5chr>olA. until
20、he KmduAtes from h帽h ucbool It until he h AixtecnG 18國家開放大學(xué)試題25. Education is impnrtjitn todfty beenuMeA. people mu»t hnvr enough ghodin- to prepare themselves for life bII indivtdoAh wnn! to be ncirnhntRC nationnl IcndrrN cvrrywhcfr ntr pbicing more cmphatis on rducnuon ll thr young went to he
21、 rducntrdQuentiun 26、30 art bawd on thf following paaagf.Ahmn 35% of nil hgh school grAduatr in America continue thrir cduvittion in nn m»!itunon n( higher IcnrninR. The word college is u*cd to refer to cither n cullrgc or h univrrnity. These infitinnionii offer four year progrAma that lead to
22、a Bachelor of Artn (BA) or HAchclor of Science (degree. Some students nttend b junior college (providing only n two ycar progrnm) (ar one or two yrnrs before entering i (our-yeor college ns n ftophomore or j unionIt k grnErnlly easier to be acccpied at n university ihun nt a pnvate onc< Mont priv
23、ate chooh require Mnct entrnnee exanunnTions nnd ft high gnuk point average (GPA)ta,well as specific college prep chssen tn high school. Private schools cot considerably mure Him state coflcgrs nnd famous private Hchooh arc very expen»ivr. Poorer studrniB can wtnrtimrs nttend> however# by ea
24、rning scholarships Some college grnduatrji go on to rarn udvnnced mailers or doctoral degrees in grad (graduate) schooL Occupations in ceruin fields wch A5 law or medicine require such advanced studiesSince college costs arc very high, most !«tu<knt3 work at par'timc jobs. Some have lulh
25、ime jobs and go to school part time> Often some will lakr five or more yenrb to complete a four-yeftr progrom because of money / |ob deYtinndM on their time.Wh» the college and work demnnds Inke up the great part oi a $tudrntf s mo«t siiil enjoy activities Sporis. dancer club, movies an
26、d plnys arc all very papular. Hawcvcrt garhonng together for long9 philoophicnl talks at n favorite meeting plnrr nn or ncftr the university probably the most popular Activities26. The best titlr (or this passage is.A. Part-time jobsH Amcncun collegeC. Popular ActivitiesH A new syMem27. The /Xmrrica
27、n cullc|(e students like (omoul of M.A. dmeuss problems on philosophy K play bnllsC. corn enough money1.1 go to the cinrmu ar thraircsi28. How can poor studenln attrn<l private schools?A. Only by working nt part-firnr |c"B. Only by working fit fulltime jub虬C. Only by rnrninK scholarshipsIX A
28、ll of above*29. Which of the (ollawinK i« NOT required for entering moM private schools?A. Entrnnee examinationsB< Taking pan in many octivitics.C GPA.D. College prep classes30> Collrge educufion i,in Amcricft.A. quite commonB. very mrcC< something difficuhIX almost impossible(V Iratul
29、atitmDlrrcthmNf Put rticli nf Ihr (ollowing scntrnrrM Into nglhh <>r Chinese, uslnu the *ord given in tbe bnckct IF any. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET (15 pointi)31. Warn lx)lh pwrtic in tt rivalry that if they don*I brRin to coopcrntc professKinnlly. n lot iy Mt MMkr» rnnHinn fro
30、m trnnfifer to uncniployment.32. To ninny profile# InHcm are very mytcnmiae bin n Urr i* umply drvict thm producer very Mrnng lights33. Not only did rich penplt- keep prt. they rnndc them do wirnnRr ihingti for their ctitmAinmcn!.* 那么卜次頭斯發(fā)作時(shí).也許你不會念舍藥店了血壓試忒下面這井頭痛自然療法.CtnaTrnd nl)SS "聃 n 0 W 1 Buuhrr 創(chuàng)F丁 個新的時(shí)間記斌她JL乎是椅操Ih券廠2 E rrrord )V. WrilinK3(L Dntctmnui For I hi* pHri you arc nllowrd <0 minutc?i in write a composition in no less ihun l<)(| wanU nccnnling iu the inlurmatinn givrru Write your Aii*wrr on thr ANSWER SHEET. (
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