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1、國(guó)家開放大學(xué)試題國(guó)家開放大學(xué)電大??凭C合英語(1)» 2024-2025期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2158)I . Vocabulary and Structurenircctlomi Benrath each nf the fnllowinH «vnlrnc«t there arc four cholcm rnurkcd A< th C andl). Oiomc (hr one that bctt completes I he srntcncr Mark your an»i*cr on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)Ex

2、u m pl ft The old cnuftlt ut lul in finding u flat tn rentC. fintthfciD succeededThr itnUntf should,ed " TA。<>/</ couple luttefdrd at lull tn finduig a flat to rrnt." Chert foryi)u should chooif 1).1. The humnn body i.h mndr nnd H work* bcM when H gcH rcgulnr rxctcKc.A moveK to mo

3、v。G movingD moved2. This Kiiprrb tmk hounc has been ofor over "hy ycnrA- electionftlocal ionC. hndniArkD>ltx)imark3. The service i» ulow unci the !ix>d i not very ., A. uppurcntKpresentC appetidngIXrcAluingL You nrc prohnblyme my niMrnA. confumng« withK conluMed# withQ confuflin

4、ic« toD confuMrdt to5. ShrS cuunhngceding thin fund to tontinur hi» research.A. InH-abaut:C on【) with6. No nnrnirnt wti» rcnchrd in the diwuNhion ak neither tide would give w«y loAt other& anotherC any other【) the other7. Bring me a cup of coHce>?A. »lmll weB.»hn

5、ll 1C will youDdan , t youH. Hr look* (ftmilinr. but Km not ,A. he i» whoB.who 忙 himC. who t» hrT)who he M9.tlwt they will Im (irtiircl n fmims many pruplr nrvrr rr<|ur«t one.A. ilciriH IriirrdC. FrarctlR. Ecnring11 Hrin« fearingIO« I boiiKht it new homr lant ycor bn! Ini

6、y old houc yrt>A. did tw( nellK hud not toldCL hftvr not aoldO> do nut sell| Shunlionnl OlMlnuuriiDirectional ( hocmc A. H or C to complete each convrnuitlon. u*lng the wnlcncc% bdm*. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 pofntu)Eitirnph i ( Hi> hw)k Joni Miivhrll in in town.WluH? She S

7、 one of thr grrAtr*! (oik Mingrr* in lhe world!A. Who', thai? I1 vc never hen rd of hrnIk Sure# 1# tu in town.(L Yeg Kni wbid «hef» coming.Answe r A u rorrrrt bri Aunr rhe rnnvrmationrvnd M(>h. look. Join Mitchrll in town.W/h,',"函? /"vr 5, Ma/d n/ LlWhat? Shef * one o(

8、 the urcnU9»t folk lingers in the world!wI 1 Huvr you K(it nny pl«n» lur the king weekend?A. Wrllt Km thinking of inking the bun if itS not " cxpcnnivr.B Not yet> h drpriidi on thr wenthrr. 1 think.C !fll br luippy e tlrivc you if Pm Mround.Haw did you and your wife mrcl?A. I

9、wm teaching Englinht and *hr wns one of my <Kudcnu«K I was livng in Japan and n friend introduced mr to it.C. Wr donf i rcnlly hnvr much in common hut we along very well#13. How long hnvr you had a xovrrnnwnt jol " <A Il munt br inicrcsting working (or the govcrnnirnt.worked for thr

10、govrrnrnerii (or nlmot seven yoimC. You wtoned n* nn annKinnt tn the mayors ullicc riwht nftcr college« Thm、a new lulinn movie pUying downtown* Lkyou wont 10 go nnd see it with mr?A. We travchd kround llnly for almost two隊(duì) 1 hnt S unr of the reAMon? why I like Italian Hlmsk(I d>dn*i know you

11、 liked foreign films(Sid you trll us haw tn grt fa the reMruinmt?A. It Been hard for both of u?i. I r<J like to join you if I couhl.H hr closed plntrc I cnn ihink of u fvcking Cook.C Ho you know where the Initrnational Exhibition Hnll is?M,y ! help you find something, or you just looking?A. Sorry

12、 I didn1! hrnr nnything. I wab in soundH. I'm nfmicl it、b hit too henvy. I have to curry it with rnc on the plane,C. rm looking lur somethiitK for my daughter wmrthing «pcciaL17. David you haven 1 t been youmcil hiriy. I mennt you f vc been losing your temper over nothing.A. Really? I have

13、good rraxonn. I hftvcn ft been getting much «leep cither.H Pm sorry- I Mhouldn91 hnve blown up like that.C. You'd better not push yourwlf too hardt or you1 II get Bick.I土 Do you still hem Irom the people you knew in Buenos Aires?.A. Yrsif we really ought to get togriher more oftetuB. Fur al

14、rtifyst two year虬CL N(u I1 ve really lost touch with everyone there.19. Have you decided whm you «rr doing (or your vaunt ion7.A. The trnvcl ngent la Muppascd io call me bnck loday.It I know whm I'd like to do. but il dc|)cnds on how much il costQ Thai doesn't sound like « very goo

15、d idea nt all*2(). Who's the woman whoS stftndtng behind Jack9A. lk» you know how long JnrkF g"ing to be in townH. Hr ih my unclrt John,fnthrr.( Whi< h onr? Lhr one with the big hnt?ID CIomt rcs<DlmtionM i For each numbered blank In the follnwlnft ptuMisce I here urc four choices

16、 murked A. B» C atidll. Cho(wc the best one and murk your Answer on the ANSWER StIEEL (20 points)Hidden |ms5cfigrrs trnvding intrniiiR. or even aim can be ft tcrnblc trouble zpcnMIy when they are hucciik Ajb for,hi. there is « pent difference I Between hnrrmn txHngB «nd iiinecmThe for

17、mer 21 every possible effort to avoid being discovered, while the laitrr quickly draw attention to themselvesWe can only show mercy to the 22 man who had to stop hn* otr soon after gening out from a country village to drive to London. Hearing a strange nnnr from the 23r>(lhe car. he naturaliy got

18、 out to examine thr wheels carefully but h< found nothing wrong.he 24 his wny< Again ihc noise began inimcdiatcly und bccanu even luudcr. Quickly 25 his head# the rnnn saw what appeared ta be a great black cloud following the car Whttn he stopped nt a villMRe further on. he whs told that a que

19、en bee must be hidden in his car as there were thousands of bees 26 On learning this, the man dravr awny asquickly as possible*After an hour f * Hard driving h< arrived safely in London# whey hr parked his car outside a 27 And went iru It was not long before a customer who had seen him arrivr 2X

20、in to inform him thni his car was covered with bees, Thr poor driver was 29 thnt the best way should be to call a bee-keeper. In n short time the man arrived. He found the unwelcome passenger hidden near the wheels at the back of the car.Very thankful to the driver (ar this 30 gift the beekrrprr too

21、k thr queen ond hrr thousands of followers home m a hrc box<21. A.<inK uke(L makeD.try22. A.unfortunatecarriesC unpleasantD.hopelens23. A.frontB. backC leftD.right24. A.drove11 forcedC. pushrdD.connnued25. A.hidingB. TurningC shakingD.rnisrng26. A.belowH ahriidt nearbyrxbefore27. A.hotelB. mus

22、eumC. hospitalD.school28, A.brokeK movedC- droppedD.hurried29. A.advisedH requiredC. orderedD.requrstted30. A.unfiimilitirK unknownC. unexpecteduncertainIV. RHiding ComprehensionDirections r Each nf the passages below Is folkmcd Uy Mime quest ions. For each question there are four nnswcr» mnrkc

23、d A. B« C andD. Read the passages carefully and choose the beU answer to Cftch of the questions. Mark your unswirr on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Question% 31 35 are baaed on the following paaage.One day tn 1918. something very strange happened at an army camp hi Amenca< Thru camp hud thau

24、sanch of horses and niules> They disposed of thr aniniaU* wantc matter by burning it. Phnt day a huge dust siornit nlong with the burning waste mauert rurned the 5un complrtely black. Two days later men began to compintn uf having very bad colcht. B> noon< more than one hundred men were sic

25、k, 【kicrors didn11 have the record keeping iht wr have in modern times to keep track of illnesses nlthouh they knew that many people living close together often gave their disttaMeh to ethers. In the same month I hr United StnteM Mvnt 84.000 aoldiers to light in the war againx! (irrmany- Little did

26、they know that they were carrying athat would kill 心 many soldiers iis their rifles woukl. Thediscuisc traveled t and in ju»t four monthst ten of thousands in every pnn o the world has hllcn ill and diccLIn fhoMC clays many people bclirvcd rnrdical science could cure nny diseaWhen they discover

27、ed no one hnci a solution to this deadly disease* people turned toward prevention. The government tried to educate people not to use common cups and utensils. They «Im> told people not to cough or sneeze without covenng thrir mouths People were ol*<> encourtigcd 1a wah their hands ofte

28、n und pay Httcrniun tn ptrsonul cleanliness. In this way, they could reduce the ehnnee ol infecting Mumconr cl* or becoming infecred iheTnselv<?s< In modern times. we aha need to take responiihility to uvoid spreading illnr3!. Thr mum idea of thtx passuriA. to tell t about an iniporrant war in

29、 hufnon historyB. to describe the hardsihips of military life in the U. SC. to drtnonstrntr the advances of medical sricncrIX to show that disease enn 5prtad from person to pcr*tin3上 Aiiurthn h fhut rtiafiy xulthern ill bfiuuie .A. they rniard t(M> nuny h(irr> nnd mule*H. they didnf i w.ini to

30、 kq io wg they all lived very ln?»r uirthcrI), ihry have record krrpinK33.an tint /心1。村八 whiih u/ /ir 小偵,"h TRUE"A. Arnerirnn naldtrrti iiwrila weapon to kill thr rnrrnytH Afncncn soldirr* enjoynl hor><e nirinn nt the nrrny rnnip.( rhe (irrfnnnN were drlrnird by bo(l coldii in W

31、orld Wnr | .I). Burl <x>l<ls »prt«cl ntwl kilkd without regard to bprdrr31. Which of (hr following it NOT u p,m山w紈,r?A. ( nrnplftin io your doctor nhout >» hnd cold<H Donfi whore cupn and utentilt with others(: ('over yaur mouth when coughing wnd uncrxiiiKel) Wmh yo

32、»r hnndn nil (rr<|ucnily na35- In moi/rrn timri > wrthat .A. nny clivrawr can br cured by nirrlicinrH. cvrryunr Mhould be careful nbout diKrnnr*C tloctofh nlinir nrc hrhl rrn|K>ri«ilblr forI), fhr guvrrnmem cun hntidk any iliMeMnr(/MOhom 36* ID arc baxed on 血 following pcnwqr.Scsn

33、tnr Street" ho bern ail led <lthc longest street tn thr world- - Thnt i» beaiune (he trlrviinn prngrnm enn n<iw be nrrn in *,mnny part5 of the wurld. Thr praKrnrn breome one <)1 Atnericftf rx(M)rtN Moon nftrr it wn% «h(iwri in Nrw York in 1969.In the United Slutru tnotc ihnn

34、si* million rhlldrm wntch thr progrnm regularly. Ahhongh Home people do nat ngrec with wjtnc paru of the program > parents praitir it highly. Mmy irn( hrrt iiful ihnt pr jblrtnw npprar when thr children who have Irurnrd from "Srjwimt? Sirrcf1 nrr Hi I hr nomr chz with thOMc who have hot wutc

35、hrd the progrnnuI hnvr nhown thru rhildrrn hnvr Irornrtl much Irnm wntehtng "Sczmc Str retM I hri hHdrrti who wntrh il hvr mi心 a wefk Irarri more than thojic who wntrh it iou In the United Stutr% ihr pnram tn uhown ai illflrrrnt hour* during ihr werk ih order to inrrcuRc I hr rmmbrr <U child

36、ren who am wmh i! rw 血 rly.I hr proruma與。屈§. eu"ric jttkrM ond picture* io «ivr rhililreii n bn*icnnilrrl inding of numbrrt Iclfcr «iul huhiAti rrlrttiannhip*.Why h 時(shí)Si reel* been na much more tuccrMiful than other children f>、how?Matty rrn.Min* Iwvr licrtt w曲頑tL *uch <1

37、87; the cduttitionnl thrvrirn ol itn prtxiucvra. the support from both lhr government and bu»mc*5 people nntl thr Full uir o( vftnoun kind、of trlcvimon PerhApN Anudirr imporunt reason is that parents w/ifch "Sename StrrrtH U)KVthrr with ihrtr rhlhlrcru Thh purl I y bwuz (nmoii> film slu

38、rs aftrn appear on MSr»afnr Strrrr. Hut the nioxt iTnp<>rtAnf rcanoD (or thr Mneer*% of thr program mny b< that it niMkcA cvciy child wntchtng tt (eel nblr to I函n The child (ifidji him - or hrrnrlf lcnrninH> nn<i ihuA wimu to lenrn more36. MSesame StreeTH ho been ended "the

39、longest strert in the worldw bcieMU*c if i>A< thr Iongr5i Mrcct in ihr United SunsH. thr longest television prpgruin in the world(:. shuwn in many entinirio().wxh hc<! ftKuhrly by *ix niillion children37. In ihc United Sniir»t cxocily how many children watch 'Srwinir Streer regular

40、ly0A. 6 rnilUoaB- No one know*C. 7 million.tX 6. 5 million-38< From Sciwinir Sfrer1M children get.,. more help than they <k> in -U>nroom*Ik leA» hrlfi thnn they do in cloroonisC. rnut h hrlp in llwir learninfiD. no help m I heir Irnrning39. M/iny teacher* find ittu tench the children who huvc watrhrd MS<?MarneStreet*.A. difficultB. easierC. impowiiiblcIX unnccc9»arylO The more the children watch the progrAtn <thr faster


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