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1、實用才是硬道理Good morning, everybody, it ' geeat to be here and I thank the organizers for inviting General Motors to participate in this important conference.Over the years, the APEC CEO Summit has developed into a crucial forum for dialogue and action on issues that cut across not only thePacific Ri

2、m| but all countries. This morning ' s topic, Global Corporate Social Responsibility, is an example ofeae that truly does cut across all borders.The world we live in today truly is a global village. It ' assmall world, and all compa nies are un der amicroscope.To set the stage for our panel

3、discussion, I would like to offer just a few observati ons and comme ntsbased on Gen eral Motors ' broad global footpri nt and our long history as a corporate citizen of many different countries.Let me say first that it especiallysappropriatethat we are discuss ing these issues here in China. Ch

4、ina has ope ned its economy faster and more broadly tha n most observers would have imagined. Yet that opening also highlights many of the well-publicized fears of foreign investment, market integration and globalization. The critics express fear, fear that the process of globalization and the globa

5、l corporation invoIved in it may undermine national authority, local culture and the national en vir onment.Speaking from my own experience and that of General Motors, a company that has done bus in ess around the world for n early a hun dred years and now has operati ons in around 200 countries, I

6、believe these concerns are misplaced. The data show that global corporatio ns play a positive role in impro ving in come and work ing con diti ons, in caring for the environment, in improving education and in raising living standards in gen eral. That role starts, of course, with the bus in ess itse

7、lf. Compa nies make the inv aluable social con tributio n of gen erati ng jobs, tra nsferri ng man agerial and tech no logical kno w-how, providi ng training, and gen erati ng tax reve nues for governments. Those things are the essentialsof any countries and any communities ' own well-be ing and

8、 progress.However, my own view is that successful companies have an obligation to do more than 而不僅限于 the basic con tributi ons gen erated by their own bus in ess activity. A commitment to paying a fair day' s pay for a fair idayeally oniy thewtartingpoint. Bey ond that is a commitme nt to an emp

9、loyee health and safety .In the case of Gen eral Motors, we have adopted the same health safety sta ndards for every pla nt we operate no matter where it' s located. And these standards exceed ae toeatsequirWe are the in dustry leader in health and safety in the Un ited States and around the wor

10、ld. In the en vir onmen tal area, we also apply best practices in all pla nts around the world. We do these because it 'what our own core values lead us to do. Our core values defi ne what we want to achieve and what we want to sta nd for as a compa ny. They are not only our roadmap for corporat

11、e social responsibility. They are the drivers of all our decisions and activities in all countries. They are in essenceour code of con duct. So I ' d like to take a mome nt to describe them to you briefly.Our first core value is customer enthusiasm. We will dedicate ourselves to products an dser

12、vices that create en thusiastic customerNo one will be sec ond guessed (再三懷疑)for doing the right things for the customers.Second is con ti nu ous improveme nt. We will set ambitious goals, stretch to meetthem and then raise theaga in and aga in. We believe that everyth ing can be done better, faster

13、 and more effectively in a lear ning en vir onment.Third is integrity. We will stand for honesty and trust in everything we do.We will say what we believe and do what we say.Fourth is teamwork. We will win by thinking and acting together as one General Motors team, focused on global leadership. Our

14、stre ngths are our highly-skilled people and our diversity.Fifth is innovation. We will challenge conventional thinking, explore new tech no logy and impleme nt new ideas, regardless of their source, faster tha n the competiti on.Sixth is in dividual respect and resp on sibility. We will be respectf

15、ul of the individuals we work with, and we will take personal responsibility for our actions and for the results of our work.Every sin gle GM employee aro und the globe is aware of these six core values.Here in China, we have con ducted employee workshops and training sessi ons around them, using th

16、em tobroaden employees ' understanding and vision of leadership, responsibility and accountability. And we are not alone in defining values and using them to drive and measure behaviors. A rece nt U.S. bus in ess round table study shows that 30 major U.S. compa nies have similar codes of con duc

17、t. That' s really no surprise. Those codes are what defi ne a compa ny charactWrand set it apart from its competiti on. If you see yourself as an enterprise that wants to grow and wants to be respected, the kind of en terprise that any employee any where in the world will strive to be a part of,

18、 the n, your core values will reflect that. And they will lead you to run your bus in ess in a manner that goes far bey ond what the critics of globalizatio n often seem to perceive as n arrow and short-term self-i nterest.Now retur ning to Gen eral Motors, our activity here in China is a good examp

19、le of how core values tran sform words into deedsActually, we are not n ewcomersto China. The original GM China was established in 1929, with offices right here in Shanghai. Like so many other companies, we closed our operations in China during WW H . When China began opening its economy in more rec

20、ent year特另"是近幾年),we were very eager to renter the market. Today, China is the world' s fastest growing ecoand it ' s potentially the world' s largest vehicle market.Let me give you an idea of themagnitude of that potential. China has a population of aro und 1.3 billio n people. Not

21、all of them can afford to own a car, of course, but we know that a huge number of them arealready near that point.Per capita GDP in China ' s coastal region, an area with about 400 million people, is virtually the same as that in most of the cen tral Europea n coun tries in terms of purchas ing

22、power.By way of illustration, let 'take a look at Poland, a nation of only 40 million people. Poland had a total car market of abchJ500,000 units last year, compared toonly about 650,000 in all of China. So you can see the potential growth in China is huge. A lot needs to be done in developing t

23、he infrastructure to support growth, in terms of roads, in terms of the sales and distribution (that work) and,also in terms of financing. However, progresses have already been made, and with China ' s entry into the WTO, I believe that this progress will accelerate at a rapid pace. With that ki

24、nd of potential, all of the major players in the auto industry today would love to have a solid prese nee here.The compa nies that automatically wi n, though, will be the ones whose core values lead them to the kind of commitment and innovation that will win the hearts and minds of these future cust

25、omers.Let me give a quick overview of our activities in China today. We have around 3,900 employees, and out of that figure, about 3,800 of them or 97% are Chinese citize ns. The prese nee of expatriates in many key jobs is typical for young operati on, and we are expected the nu mber olexpatsi n ou

26、r Chi na operati on will decli ne from the curre nt level of around 100 to about 50 within a relatively short time. Lon ger term, give n our experie nces in other coun tries I will expect us to operate with just a han dful of expatriates. Our workforce here is highly-educated,well-tra ined and very

27、eager to do more. We also expect many local employees to move up to higher positi ons not only within GM China but in other operations around the globe.Just last week, I had the pleasure of meet ing with several Chin ese n ati on als, many of whom have worked at GM China and are now working at our h

28、eadquartersand vehicle operations in the Detroit area. They are a most impressive group. Here in Shanghai, we have a 50-50 joint venture called Shanghai GM, SGM, we call it for short. Its activities range from sheet metal stamping to engine and transmission manufacturing, as well as vehicle assembly

29、, marketing and administration. Total investment is about US $1.5 b. Products manufactured at SGM include our family of 4 midsize sedans,based on the Buick Regal 另U克君威 and Century 另U克世紀(jì) built in the U.S., / the Buick GL8 executive wag on 別克 GL8 陸尊 / 路尊 / 陸上公務(wù)艙 also based on the van built in the U.S.

30、, and Buick Excelle 另U克凱越,a compact car緊湊型 車 based on the Opel Corsac 寶可賽,orig in ally desig ned and built in Europe.The sale of China first compact carintended specifically for the growing middle class. All of these vehicles are tailored to specific driving conditions, regulations, andcustomer desi

31、res here in Chi na, tailored to our Pan Asia Tech ni cal Automotive Cen ter (泛亞汽車技術(shù)中心有限公司),or PATAC joint venture. And I have more to say about PATAC in a mome nt.The Shanghai Manufacturing and Assembly Complex is the most advaneed in allof Chi na. It uses state-of-the-art processes in the areas ofl

32、exible tooli ng, for example, adva need polluti on con trol equipme nt and procedures, in clud ing emissi ons and waste water treatme nt tech no logy.It also in corporates some of the in dustry'mostWe also have a 50-50 truck manufacturing joint venture in the city of Shenyang, which we call Jin

33、Bei GM (沈陽金杯通用汽車 ).This plant represents an investment of U.S $ 230 m, and it, too, incorporates state-of-the-art manufacturing processes,and polluti on con trol equipme nt and procedures. It bega n build ing the Chevrolet Blazer 雪 佛蘭開拓者),which is a SUV , sport utility vehicle, just this past spring

34、.And later this year, it ' s going to start building the Chevrolet S10 Crew Cabnack (雪佛蘭 S10雙排座皮卡).In corporation with our Chinese partner in SGM, we established the Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center in 1997. This is a $ 50 m investment that provides automotive engin eeri ng services for its

35、pare nt compa nies and other automotive companies not only in China but throughout the Asia Pacific region. The services it provides in clude desig n, developme nt testi ng an d/alidatio n of comp onents in vehicles. Finally, our GMAC financial services subsidiary(通用汽車金融服務(wù)公司 )has established an offi

36、ce here in China, and is poised a major role in vehicle financing following China ' s entry into the World Trade OrganizLOst year, our total vehicle sales in China were slightly more than 30,000 units and we expect to sell more than double that nu mber this year.We are also now eagerly await ing

37、 all the n ecessary gover nm enipprovals to begi n operating another new joint venture withWuling Automotive (上汽通用五菱汽車股份 有限公司)which builds and sells many vans and many trucks in ChinaSo, I think you get the idea we are a major player in China ' s growing automotive market. We ' ve al establi

38、shed several partn erships and in itiativehn China that create ben efit bey ond those of our direct bus in ess. For example, we have bee n an active part ner with the Chin ese gover nment in address ing curre nt an (femerg ingen vir onmen tal challe nges.This in cludes a joi nt research project with

39、 the Chi nese and the U.S. en vir onmen tal protection agencies, to sample air quality and to determine primary sources of polluti on.In this vein , we have take n a lead role in advocat ing the ben efits and the use of unl eaded fuel in Chi na. We vealso part nered with the Chin ese regulatory a nd

40、 safety com munity on researchi ng developme ntof safety and health sta ndards to en sure that the best available tech no logyis used.And we spon sor more a doze n study tours to the U.S. by Chin ese gover nment officials on matters of health, safety and the en vir onmen tSite visit/field visitOur c

41、ommitme nt to educatio n beg ins with our own employees. GM Chi na employees, like other GM employees around the globe, have many training and education opportunities beyond the scope of their job, including many of the same courses available in the U.S.Employees at our vehicle joint ven ture here i

42、n China received 170,000 hours of training last year alone. At a broader level, we ' ve signed a scienee research cooperatio agreement with the Natural Scienee Foundation of China 國家自然科學(xué)基金委員會).Un der this agreeme nt, we will don ate $ 1 m over a five-year period for joi nt research and developme

43、nt projects on safety, the environment and health. The agreementwill also ensure that deserving scientists in China are honored for the work. This is all in addition to around $ 4 m that GM has committed to research development in engineering within a number of outstanding Chinese universities over

44、the past few years. We vealso joined with other companies in China and with APEC to develop world-class customs processes and to trai n customs officials here in Shan ghai. This is, of course, part of APEC zone Sha nghai Model Port Project (APEC 上海示范通關(guān)點項 目)whose less ons will be shared throughout th

45、e APEC com muni ty. Fin ally, we ve developed customized training in management development programs for our joint ven ture part ners as well as our own employees in Chi na. Agai n, all of these activities and commitments are driven by our own core values. Those values define what we want to achieve

46、 and what we want to stand for in China and everywhere that we do bus in ess.GM is also proud to play a key role in drafting The Global Sulliva n Prin ciples (全球蘇利文原貝卩).These principles serve as a guideor companies of all sizes all over the globe, particularly in develop ing coun tries. The focus is

47、 respect for employees as well as health, safety and dignity.By endorsing them, companies become a model for other companies in each country to follow. The original Sullivan principles were established in 1977 to define and measure corporate con duct in South Africa. At that time, the Revere nd Leon

48、 Sullivan (Rev. Leon Sullivan, a West Virginia native, was an African American Preacher,social activist, and educator responsible for leading international efforts to promote nonvi ole nt social and econo mic cha nge.), their creator was serv ing on GM ' s board of directors .In 1999, I had the

49、privilege of in troduc ing The Global Sulliva n Principles and the Rev. Leon Sullivan at the UN. We veendorsed these principles because, like our own core values, they are not only the right thi ng to do but they also make good bus in ess sense Compa nies that dem on strate their commitme nt to such

50、 prin ciples and values through their deeds rather tha n by words are in the end compa nies that are successful, successful in the market, in the workplace and in the com muni ty.Finally, we views partnerships with other companies as well as communities and non-governmental organizations to leverage

51、 our own resources in such areas as educatio n and cari ng for the n atural en viro nment. The Nature Con serva ncy 美國自然 保育協(xié)會),which has several major projects underway here in China, is one example of that. Like many other companies, we partner with the Natural Conservancy because we share the same

52、 con cer ns and goals for the en vir onment. By work ing together, each partner achieves far more than it could on its own. And more and more companies as well as gover nments are coming to recog nize the syn ergies and ben efits of this approach. We vecontributed nearly US $ 16 m to the Natural Con

53、servancy over the past 8 years and weinvolved in several of its major projects, including the Y unnanGreat Rivers Con servati on and Developme nt Project here in Chi na.Aga in, we are doing all these thi ngs not only because they are the right thing to do, they also make good bus in ess sen seAs I s

54、aid, this is a small world in which we are all un der a microscope. More tha n ever, the most successful compa nies will be the oness其酬 They will be the ones that make the extra commitment as corporate citizens that go beyond what ' s merely required.In my mind, the compa nies that do these will

55、 always sta nd out clearly among all others. And I hope that is the goal of every one here this morning.Thank you very much.美文欣賞1、走過春的田野,趟過夏的激流,來到秋天就是安靜祥和的世界。秋天,雖沒有玫瑰的芳香, 卻有秋菊的淡雅,沒有繁花似錦,卻有碩果累累。秋天,沒有夏日的激情,卻有浪漫的溫情, 沒有春的奔放,卻有收獲的喜悅。清風(fēng)落葉舞秋韻,枝頭碩果醉秋容。秋天是甘美的酒,秋天 是壯麗的詩,秋天是動人的歌。2、人的一生就是一個儲蓄的過程,在奮斗的時候儲存了希望;在耕耘的時候儲存了一粒種子; 在旅行的時候儲存了風(fēng)景;在微笑的時候儲存了快樂。聰明的人善于儲蓄,在漫長而短暫的人 生旅途中,學(xué)會儲蓄每一個閃光的瞬間,然后用它們釀


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