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1、精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載people-oriente d thoug ht、 it is necessary to grasp the foll owi ng points: one is that rig ht is conferred by the people. our power i s entr usted by the people、 it must represent the fundamental intere sts of the people. se cond i s for the people. 人 . so: thi nk sue on be half of

2、 all worki ng pe opl e only account for a t otal of 7%、 considere d to be repre sentative of workers a nd only 4%、 consi dered t o be re prese ntative of all party member s accounted for only 11%. t his show s that the soviet communi st party is not a ble to re prese nt the fundamental interests of

3、the majority of the pe opl e、 their downfall is inevita ble. on t he hi storical t urni ng point w hen huma ns come to t he tur n of the cent ury、 w e see t hat the contem porary w orld politi cs、 e conomy、 cult ure、 science a nd te chnol ogy new a nd significa nt change s are taking place. worl d m

4、ulti polarization and economic globalizati on i s dee pe ning、 and science a nd technolog y、 the com petition of comprehensive nati onal stre ngth is becoming i ncrea singly fierce、ideol ogical a nd cult ural interacti on. while peace a nd devel opment remai n the tw o theme s of today's worl d、

5、 hegem oni sm and pow er politics still exist and deve lop、 in particular the we stern hostil e forces have not given up "wester nization" and "division" attempts. on the i nternati onal e nvironment at the beginning of the 21st cent ury、 it is not very favorabl e for chi na'

6、s development a nd construction. cpc to consol idate the soci alist system as w ell as how to im plement i n the fram ework of the socialist development of the nation state、 the i ssue in t he early 1990 of the 20th cent ury、 t he s oviet uni on a nd easter n eur ope after the coll apse of the socia

7、list camp、 a ppe ared very pr omine nt. therefore、 de ep thi nking and ex plori ng the commu nist rule of "assumi ng power for the people" the e sse nce of the ruli ng part y、 is relate d to the succe ss or fail ure of the s ociali st ca use、 relate d to the internati onal communist moveme

8、nt can r ush out of the trough、 relate d to the importa nt issue of human destiny. as the worl d's largest rul ing party -the communist party of china、 ca nnot but put forth a nd solve the problem. second、 conditions. since reform and openi ng up、 pe ople' s material and cult ural living sta

9、 ndar ds continue to im prove. national overall average standard of living has entered t he stage of a well-off society in the late 20th century. e spe cially in t he past yea r、 is sig nificant a nd unusual year in china' s devel opme nt pro cess、 was a year of reform and openi ng up a nd t he

10、socialist moder nization drive has made remarka ble achievement s. major victory for the fight against sars. the rapi d economic devel opment. 9.1% gross domestic product t han the previ ous year a nd rea che d 11.67 trillion yua n; at current exchange rates、 gross domestic product per ca pita above

11、 $ 1000、 up an important ste p. nati onal fina ncial strength gre w noti ceably. national revenue reached 2.17 trilli on y uan、 i ncreasi ng 278.7 billi on y uan over last year. foreig n trade increase d sig nificantl y. total 37.1% over the previ ous year、reachi ng $ 851.2 billi on、 ra nked fifth i

12、n the w orld la st year to move up to fourth place. empl oyment excee ding the expecte d target. towns a dde d代數(shù)部分第一章:實(shí)數(shù)精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載基礎(chǔ)學(xué)問(wèn)點(diǎn):一.實(shí)數(shù)的分類:整數(shù)有理數(shù)實(shí)數(shù)分?jǐn)?shù)正整數(shù)零負(fù)整數(shù)正分?jǐn)?shù)負(fù)分?jǐn)?shù)有限小數(shù)或無(wú)限循環(huán)小 數(shù)精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載無(wú)理數(shù)正無(wú)理數(shù)負(fù)無(wú)理數(shù)無(wú)限不循環(huán)小數(shù)精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下

13、載1.有理數(shù):任何一個(gè)有理數(shù)總可以寫成這為有理數(shù)的重要特點(diǎn);p 的形式,其中p.q 為互質(zhì)的整數(shù),q精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載2.無(wú)理數(shù):中學(xué)遇到的無(wú)理數(shù)有三種:開不盡的方根,如2 . 3 4 ;特定結(jié)構(gòu)的不限環(huán)無(wú)限小數(shù), 如 1.101001000100001;特定意義的數(shù),如 .sin 45 °等;3.判定一個(gè)實(shí)數(shù)的數(shù)性不能僅憑表面上的感覺,往往要經(jīng)過(guò)整理化簡(jiǎn)后才下結(jié)論;二.實(shí)數(shù)中的幾個(gè)概念1.相反數(shù) :只有符號(hào)不同的兩個(gè)數(shù)叫做互為相反數(shù);( 1)實(shí)數(shù) a 的相反數(shù)為 -a ;( 2) a 和 b 互為相反數(shù)a+b=02.倒數(shù):( 1)實(shí)數(shù) a(a0)的倒數(shù)為

14、 1 ;a精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載( 2) a 和 b 互為倒數(shù)( 3)留意 0 沒有倒數(shù)3.肯定值:ab1 ;精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載( 1)一個(gè)數(shù) a 的肯定值有以下三種情形:a、a0a0、a0a、a0( 2)實(shí)數(shù)的肯定值為一個(gè)非負(fù)數(shù),從數(shù)軸上看,一個(gè)實(shí)數(shù)的肯定值,就為數(shù)軸上表示這個(gè)數(shù)的點(diǎn)到原點(diǎn)的距離;8.59 million jobs、 re -empl oyment of the unempl oyed to 4.4 million people. income increase. realdisposa ble i ncome per ca

15、pita of urba n residents i ncrea sed 9% 4.3% real r ural per capita net income growth. first ma nne d space flight wa s a complete success. the se a chieveme nts、 the marke d improvement of chi na's compre hensive nati onal strength a nd t he new、 furt her enha nce d the confi dence a nd courage

16、 of pe ople a cross the country to move on. how ever、 wit h the dee peni ng of reform and openi ng up and devel opme nt of the s ocialist market e conomy、 significa nt changes i n the social environment. e conomic com positi on、 form s of organi zation、 employme nt patterns、 relationships and a grow

17、i ng diversity of distribution of interest s、 pe opl e's idea s are very a ctive、 ne w problems a nd contra dictions ar e emerging. . 2 assumi ng power for the people i s to consoli date the party's ruli ng posit on、 e nsure that the party ha s become t he obje ctive nee d of leadi ng core i

18、n buildi ng socialism wit h chine secharacteri stics. politi cal row s、 parallel hearts; governa nce of waste、 in t he counter pe ople. a ccordi ng to political t heor y、 political power m ovement is a dynamic process、 often during operati on on track、 but without prompt corre ction、 contrary to the

19、 fundame ntal interests of the pe ople t o exercise powe r、 will i nevitably lea d to deeper crisis of legitimacy、 have seri ous social instabilit y. therefore、 any exerci se of the power of the ruli ng party must wi n the people's support、 belief、 loyalty and obedi ence、 whi ch i s a regime exi

20、sts、 a nd the basi s and prere quisite for sta bility a nd development. t he communist party of chi na led the pe ople t hroug h arduous struggles for a long time、 establi she d a new chi na、 has be en i n pow er. however、 consolidati ng the party's ruli ng position、 ensuri ng that the party'

21、;s leadershi p core、 in a certain sense、 it is more difficult tha n the task of seizing pow er、 more t wists and turns、 tests are more severe. our party summed up half a century of experience、 concl ude d that the mostfundame ntal thing i s the party shoul d always a dhere t o assuming power for the

22、 pe ople、 t he party's t heor y、 line、 pr ogram、 prin ciple s、 policie s and all work m ust adhere to t he fundamental i nterests of the pe ople a s the starting poi nt and desti nation、 pe opl e consta ntly obtai n tangi ble e conomic、 pol itical and cultural interest s.only by so doi ng、 our p

23、arty ca n always get the support of the people、 and always maintain the leader shi p core of the socialist cause with chi nese chara cteristics. 3 assumi ng power for the people is the glori ous mission of the times、 i s an im portant g uarantee to realize t he goal of buil ding a w ell-off societ y

24、. great career ne eds a nd have a great party、 great party supports and will promote t he great ca use.overall constr uction of comparatively well -off society and realize t he great rejuve nation of the chinese nation、 a party's power al one is not enough、 requires joi nt eff orts of all pe opl

25、e、 even several generati ons of people. only by adhering t o assuming power for the pe ople、 so that our people truly feel the party stands for、 i nsist、 w hat efforts、 are cl osely related t o their精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載people-oriente d thoug ht、 it is necessary to grasp the foll owi ng points: on

26、e is that rig ht is conferred by the people. our power i s entr usted by the people、 it must represent the fundamental intere sts of the people. se cond i s for the people. 人 . so: thi nk sue on be half of all worki ng pe opl e only account for a t otal of 7%、 considere d to be repre sentative of wo

27、rkers a nd only 4%、 consi dered t o be re prese ntative of all party member s accounted for only 11%. t his show s that the soviet communi st party is not a ble to re prese nt the fundamental interests of the majority of the pe opl e、 their downfall is inevita ble. on t he hi storical t urni ng poin

28、t w hen huma ns come to t he tur n of the cent ury、 w e see t hat the contem porary w orld politi cs、 e conomy、 cult ure、 science a nd te chnol ogy new a nd significa nt change s are taking place. worl d multi polarization and economic globalizati on i s dee pe ning、 and science a nd technolog y、 th

29、e com petition of comprehensive nati onal stre ngth is becoming i ncrea singly fierce、ideol ogical a nd cult ural interacti on. while peace a nd devel opment remai n the tw o theme s of today's worl d、 hegem oni sm and pow er politics still exist and deve lop、 in particular the we stern hostil e

30、 forces have not given up "wester nization" and "division" attempts. on the i nternati onal environment at the beginning of the 21st cent ury、 it is not very favorabl e for chi na's development a ndconstruction. cpc to consol idate the soci alist system as w ell as how to im

31、plement i n the framework of the socialist development of the nation state、 the i ssue in t he early 1990 of the 20th cent ury、 t he s oviet uni on a nd easter n eur ope after the coll apse of the socialist camp、 a ppe ared very pr omine nt. therefore、 de ep thi nking and ex plori ng the communist r

32、ule of "assumi ng power for the people" the e sse nce of the ruli ng part y、 is relate d to the succe ss or fail ure of the s ociali st ca use、 relate d to the internati onal communist movement can r ush out of the trough、 relate d to the importa nt issue of human destiny. as the worl d

33、9;s largest rul ing party -the communist party of china、 ca nnot but put forth a nd solve the problem. second、 conditions. since reform and openi ng up、 pe ople' s material and cult ural living sta ndar ds continue to im prove. national overall average standard of living has entered t he stage o

34、f a well-off society in the late 20th century. e spe cially in t he past yea r、 is sig nificant a nd unusual year in china' s devel opme nt process、 was a year of reform and openi ng up a nd t he socialist moder nization drive has made remarka ble achievement s. major victory for the fight again

35、st sars. the rapi d economic devel opment. 9.1% gross domestic prod uct t han the previ ous year a nd rea che d 11.67 trillion yua n; at current exchange rates、 gross domestic product per ca pita above $ 10 00、 up an important ste p. nati onal fina ncial strength gre w noti ceably. national revenue

36、reached 2.17 trilli on yuan、 i ncreasi ng 278.7 billi on y uan over last year. foreig n trade increase d sig nificantl y. total 37.1% over the previ ous year、reachi ng $ 851.2 billi on、 ra nked fifth in the w orld la st year to move up to fourth place. empl oyment excee ding the expecte d target. to

37、wns a dde d( 3)去掉肯定值符號(hào)(化簡(jiǎn))必需要對(duì)肯定值符號(hào)里面的實(shí)數(shù)進(jìn)行數(shù)性(正.負(fù))確認(rèn),再去掉肯定值符號(hào);4.n 次方根( 1)平方根,算術(shù)平方根:設(shè)a0,稱a 叫 a 的平方根,a 叫 a 的算術(shù)平方根;( 2)正數(shù)的平方根有兩個(gè), 它們互為相反數(shù); 0 的平方根為 0;負(fù)數(shù)沒有平方根;( 3)立方根: 3 a 叫實(shí)數(shù) a 的立方根;( 4)一個(gè)正數(shù)有一個(gè)正的立方根; 0 的立方根為 0;一個(gè)負(fù)數(shù)有一個(gè)負(fù)的立方根;三.實(shí)數(shù)與數(shù)軸1.數(shù)軸:規(guī)定了原點(diǎn).正方向.單位長(zhǎng)度的直線稱為數(shù)軸;原點(diǎn).正方向.單位長(zhǎng)度為數(shù)軸的三要素;2.數(shù)軸上的點(diǎn)和實(shí)數(shù)的對(duì)應(yīng)關(guān)系:數(shù)軸上的每一個(gè)點(diǎn)都表示一個(gè)

38、實(shí)數(shù),而每一個(gè)實(shí)數(shù)都可以用數(shù)軸上的唯獨(dú)的點(diǎn)來(lái)表示;實(shí)數(shù)和數(shù)軸上的點(diǎn)為一一對(duì)應(yīng)的關(guān)系;四.實(shí)數(shù)大小的比較1.在數(shù)軸上表示兩個(gè)數(shù),右邊的數(shù)總比左邊的數(shù)大;2.正數(shù)大于 0; 負(fù)數(shù)小于 0;正數(shù)大于一切負(fù)數(shù);兩個(gè)負(fù)數(shù)肯定值大的反而?。晃?實(shí)數(shù)的運(yùn)算1.加法:( 1)同號(hào)兩數(shù)相加,取原先的符號(hào),并把它們的肯定值相加;( 2)異號(hào)兩數(shù)相加,取肯定值大的加數(shù)的符號(hào),并用較大的肯定值減去較小的肯定值;可使用加法交換律.結(jié)合律;2.減法:減去一個(gè)數(shù)等于加上這個(gè)數(shù)的相反數(shù);3.乘法:( 1)兩數(shù)相乘,同號(hào)取正,異號(hào)取負(fù),并把肯定值相乘;( 2)n 個(gè)實(shí)數(shù)相乘,有一個(gè)因數(shù)為0,積就為 0;如 n 個(gè)非 0 的實(shí)數(shù)

39、相乘,積的符號(hào)由負(fù)因數(shù)的個(gè)數(shù)打算, 當(dāng)負(fù)因數(shù)有偶數(shù)個(gè)時(shí), 積為正;當(dāng)負(fù)因數(shù)為奇數(shù)個(gè)時(shí),積為負(fù);( 3)乘法可使用乘法交換律:乘法結(jié)合律 :乘法安排律 :8.59 million jobs、 re -empl oyment of the unempl oyed to 4.4 million people. income increase. realdisposa ble i ncome per capita of urba n residents i ncrea sed 9% 4.3% real r ural per capita net income growth. first ma nne

40、d space flight wa s a complete success. the se a chieveme nts、 the marke d improvement of chi na's compre hensive nati onal strength a nd t he new、 furt her enha nce d the confi dence a nd courage of pe ople a cross the country to move on. how ever、 wit h the dee peni ng of reform and openi ng up and devel opme nt of the s ocialist market e conomy、 significa nt changes i n the social environment. e co


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