1、、路由器登錄1、串口方式登錄2、telnet方式登錄login:adminpassword:dd>enpassword:dd#|登錄的用戶名密碼都是 admin二、線路選擇情況:首先是3G無線線路,其次是 ADSL撥號線路,最后是局域網(wǎng)線路,默認情況下是3G線路。1、3G 線路所使用的端口是:interface cellular3/0在配置模式下輸入:sh run int cellular 3/0,顯示該端口的配置信息,如下圖:rlditsh run int ceJ lulat 3/0Buildingigu.rat ian.s 亠亠conf ia-on38 0 tfyrt e svers
2、ion. B. 2. 3 (in± e:cr±±y)!' so f tvareinuaffe file -flaEhO:/£lash/rp 1- 2. 8- pck!compi1cdon Jun 12 20 1 0,I5s59;42±nt er'f ce cel lul ar 3/ 0erLC a.p sial art ± on pppppp cliap password ZTKLIPUKtlKUQUPLIKUYIJQUQURU TKUPUKUppp chap Hostnifte car dip address:iat
3、 cdbajridwidTli 384.d± alez" inb landd.± al e r g ar oxip 1d.i a.1 e h itio de aixt odi al e r st r niff #7 77script di aler s 3di aexi'1該端口為啟用狀態(tài)通過以下操作,停用該端口:ddconl T賽 Enter configurat ion. ccunjnkandsj one per line End with CNTL.+Z*dd(config)tfint cellular 3/0dd (confiff-if-cellu
4、lar3/0)#shutdd. (conf ig-if-eellular3/0)和.再輸入sh run int cellular 3/0命令,該端口顯示配置信息如下:r on iicvt csHiulI ar3/ OI 匚*u r r urrt 1鼻斫證1:= 1 3o±"±war e1 compile dBu.i 1 d.JLi-Lg (Zoiri'f ig.iJ.1: "at Xon - dc o.±' . g o. it aiHt x on :33lJ Jyt umvc rsi QT% 5m 2L S (intimae T
5、ile T1 astiO: Z'f lash/rp 10 i 6, 2- 8- jsck on Tun 12 201 015: 5S ; 42inT erf ace ce llu.1 直工3/Oeixc :ap siali on pppppp chap password ZTRIIPUKU1<UQUFUKUTUQUQLIRU TRUPUKH j-jpfip clfap tic trL 113114? c uir dLxp nddLc e 2*=" nu 宕口 ±. i ait e- d.Hhijrt dowmdialer inb aiiddial ear mo
6、de ant o d±atler sit r ±ne iffTT7 scr ipt dial er e 3d.i s. eMi/tb an dwi d± K. 3 :B也該端口為停用狀態(tài)2、ADSL撥號線路所使用的端口是:interface dialer。在配置模式下輸入:sh run int dialerO,顯示該端口的配置信息,如下圖:dd#sh rim int dialer 0Building Confi juration+ *! Current ctmfiguration ; 405 bytesI software version G, 2, Biinte
7、gritr)! soft ware iuga file flashD: /f Luh/cplO-i-S 2. S.pck'compiled on Jun 12 2010> 16:59:42interface dialerOEncapsulation pppppp chap password OSKOSJISTSSSVSKVppp chap hostnams ddddppp pap sent-username dddd password TPU IPU TPU IPUQUPUFUPUSUPU0U5Uip address negotiatedutu 1492dialer in-ban
8、ddialer pool 1dialer-group 1ip tep adjust-nss 1452瑕辻該端口為啟用狀態(tài)通過以下操作,停用該端口:ddfleonf t% Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL+Z dd(config)#int erf ace dialerOdd(config-if-dialerO)#shut再輸入sh run int dialerO命令,該端口顯示配置信息如下:dd#sh run int dialer 0 Building Conficuration H -! Current conf
9、iguration : 415 bytesI software version 2+ S(intDjrity)! software image file flashO: /flash/rp 10-i6. 2. 8.pck!compiled an Jun 12 2010 15:59:42interface dialerOencapfulation pppppp chap password OSNSOSNSTSSSVSRVppp chap hostname ddddppp pap sent-use mane dddd password TPU TFU TPU TFUQUPUPUPUSUPUOUSU
10、 ip address negotiatedmtu 1492shutdodialet in-banddialer pool 1dialer-group 1ip tep adjust-mss H52X該端口為停用狀態(tài)3、局域網(wǎng)線路線路所使用的端口是:interface fastethernet 0在配置模式下輸入:sh run int fastethernet 0 ,顯示該端口的配置信息,如下圖:4d4=L#wh x-lutj. zlit.± £ nw奄 u七 jn.ume七 OX iLLj-inLg: U 口xt£N't 工亠 亠! Cur irem-T
11、!0 oft war & !s oft war &coixf ±£iLir i on ±2:27&sioil 曰 121. 3 tin"t e-giti"ty)imaff e Tile f l aslniO : /TlasK/r110i6. 21. S. poleon Jnrt 1 2 S'O 1 O,15:59 s 42xn± e- ir-f ac e £"e ± h e m. e ± <d= 3-cr.ijp-t i Dn JN ATjS"Si
12、i_t. J 也 idzip NddL匸DET 192.1 68.1.2002S5. 2SS. 255. O與騫±11該端口為啟用狀態(tài)通過以下操作,停用該端口:ddifeonf t% Enter configuratian cocmuands, one per line. End with CNTL+Z,dd(confie)#interface fastethernet0 dd (,c enf i g-i.f-f ast et he met 0)# shut dd (c onf i g-i.f-f ast et he met 0)#再輸入sh run int dialerO命令,該端
13、口顯示配置信息如下:dd# sh.iiVt f aS± ei!: he r iYfti: OEt"ux Idxrig Conf igiuLsralt xqxIb. - I Current I softwareI software! coinpiledconf igur a"t ion :237 byt esversion 6. 2« 8(imt e®ri±y)image file £lasKO; /flasK/rp 1 i6, 2. 8*pck on Jun. 12 201015:59:42irrt e r< ac e
14、 f ast e± tie rne± descr ip11 on tklT后端上網(wǎng)土也址ip address 192108.1.200 dl ©winex i±該端口為停用狀態(tài)三、配置修改1、3G線路默認情況是3G線路,不需要進行配置修改dd#sh int cellular 3/0 (顯示該端口狀態(tài),如下圖)dditsh int cellular 3/0cellular3/0:line protocol is uplFlags: (axcQaanf1) POIin-IO-POINT MULTICAST RUN
15、UnJGType: PPPIrtsrntt addrsss: 182. 14<L 170, 142/32Destination Irrtexnert address: L72, 22. 212, 171Metric: 0, MTU: 1500, E忙 3S4 Kbps, DLY: 1D0000 use YRF: global Reliability 255/2B&, Titloid l/255? Rxload 1/255Last clearing erf " mhovr interface" counters never5 Jinnutes mpu+ rat*
16、 0 bit/seca packet/sec5 minutes output rarte 0 bit/sec 0 paGket/sec93 packets received; 86 packets sent Jitnilt least p&ckat s received mult least packet? sen3 input errars; 4 aurtpirt errors collisions; 0 dropp«dLCP:OPENED攻P:OPENEDMD SPCP:STOPPEDencaptype: simply PFFRx chars: 3533j Tx char
17、s 2705Rx overrun 0 Tx underrun 0line protocol is up表示該端口協(xié)議已經(jīng)UP 了2、ADSL撥號線路ADSL撥號方式要修改 ADSL撥號的用戶名和密碼,以及把 dialerO端口的狀態(tài)設置為啟用 具體操作如下:DD#CONF Tdd(config)#int cellular 3/0dd(co nfig-if-cellular3/0)#shutdow ndd(c on fig-if-cellular3/0)#exitdd(c on fig)# int dialer 0dd(c on fig-if-dialer0)# no shutdd(c on f
18、ig-if-dialer0)# pppchap password adsl 撥號密碼dd(c on fig-if-dialer0)# ppp chap host nameadsl 撥號用戶名dd(config-if-dialer0)# ppp pap sent-username adsl 撥號用戶名 password adsl 撥號密碼dd(c on fig-if-dialer0)#exitdd(c on fig)#exitdd#sh int dialer 0(顯示該端口狀態(tài),如下圖:)dditsH intOdiLlearO :lirie pr o± ocolTip (spoo
19、9;fxrig:)Flaes: COxleOOSOSl) POTNT-TO-POIWT MULTICAST ARPTyp®= PPPHer ric= 口上 TfTTUs K192,56 Kbps DLY s 2QQOD usec VKF - globalReliability 25S/255, Txload 1/255, Reload 1/255L 包;si: clearing 口士 sKow int e vf ac e " c onn± e it s iiev&r5 jninut es input naX e O bit /O packet/sec5 m
20、inurt 呂厲 o"crtpi_i± r e 0 bit./ secj! 0 packc±Zsec packet s r ecaived; O pckeT s sen±0 mi-ilt i caLSl: p ack s ireceivedO inxzl± _ c ais± p :ajck e± s wO input errors ;3 oui:put errorsO co 11 isions ; 2S diroppedLline protocol is up(spoofing) 表示該端口協(xié)議沒起來3、局域網(wǎng)線路局域網(wǎng)線路
21、要修改3G端口、ADSL撥號端口狀態(tài)為 shut,修改局域網(wǎng)端口的IP地址以及路由,具體操作如下:dd#conf tdd(config)#int cellular 3/0dd(co nfig-if-cellular3/0)#shutdow ndd(con fig-if-cellular3/0)#exitdd(c on fig)# int dialer 0dd(c on fig-if-dialerO)#shutdow ndd(c on fig-if-dialer0)#exitdd(c on fig)# int fastether net 0dd(c on fig-if-fastether net
22、O)# no shutdow ndd(co nfig-if-fastethernet0)#ip address X.X.X.X 255.255.255.X(X.X.X.X為對應局域網(wǎng)的IP地址,255.255.255.X為局域網(wǎng)的子網(wǎng)掩碼)dd(c on fig-if-fastether net0)#exitdd(config)#ip route X.X.X.X 10( X.X.X.X 為對應局域網(wǎng)的網(wǎng)關地址)dd#sh int fastethernet 0(顯示該端口狀態(tài),如下圖:)-£ act1-i.ei lrite-'t :l idr- n
23、+ r ir: = 1 -iirl wnIH-X sas: 3T itWLUJL T XCTAis T 孔KJr1 MUFOTXNCTzrpe = BTimEUyTETSHACD口 .ir1+ -L on = *HTA. T*禺1 L 戸珂"W虬"ftn I-Xx-t CEmc-t addx匚qw: ±1 SZ- 1 S3.1 .丘口口Z2 4Euro a.d.o acX a.dLd.ir e-sf l 192 11 x 255r ic= O, MTU? I 500 BV:I OOOOO 咒匕口芒工 L>LY? L OO 2芒刁口工 VKF ?X 1 j-t
24、 v ZCCXSS口f TmIcimiJ I ZZDG, FLm 工£JN1 Z2口日Itlc me-t zid.dire-f s x s O O 1 . 7c±t>c?cL -a, ff-:d-iB-airinc of ,T stxo-w :irvt 曰c o-ijm-: «=* r e: ttdu日匸口JM, i. E I 4. MV-L E l'|_l U t. K M. L >HC O 1_F JL L N I l-Z.口 |_1 MLI-Lc W tM-W U:EnujTmit 亡日ouk-t puft lr-a. e- UO'
25、; p -a.cl£X s e-Opmuk 日'"t "h 曰'Do Jlp日曰.: O auls 日弋 za;e-ifi:C th 1 "U + i e: SBiiX-t p« SHiirzlc i-cil x Fm 噸 mj i-i. rlU nLUkX-t - a:p 母uJf 亡t:s:mrtO xni-iTt eir it ors : O owtpijrt ear roar c1 if-: rTi 1 1 i 45: i oir> « _ 門 rl l n直n ji t rlLT'tlEk-EO
26、JiErCi-t Cbh2 Cf± UR Mt c- e aturt o D*u 1 sc zaj弋 oTst 工菱宜 曰 coll ifxon O, Tk zt"+ ra!n.Emi-Oj Tx njnd w c ri_in OTie un±7 if zL 口 e:Numid 日 口. Rj< 1Fl pjL 口 3.立七 jL =”. 口irL0t a.X xs*i-K.e-d- O,fZSuQ u疋 itoht Oj; 展盂 over it aruit Rx : oc e=wi3.1.1 Oj»_1 口匕 lbuf "f ai 1
27、Oline protocol is down表示該端口沒激活,網(wǎng)線不通一、 常用調(diào)試命令dd#sh ip route (顯示當前路由表)下圖是3G線路時的路由表:dd#sh i.:p routeCodes; C - connectedj S - staticj R - EIP0 - OSPFj OEPSPF Extemalj M - Management D - Redirect, E - IRMP, EX - IRMP external, o - SNSP, B - EGP, i-ISISGateway of last rtsort is 0.0.0. 0 to net work 0. 0.
28、 0. 0S 0. 0. 0. 0/0 1/26041 is directly connected DO: 0D:02j cellular3/0C 127, 0, Ox 0/3 is directly connededj 02:02:16, loOC 172. 22. 212.166/32 is directly connectedj 00:00:02j cellularVOC 182, 144. 139. 229/32 is directly connected, CO: 00:02, cellular3i/0下圖是ADSL線路時的路由表:dd#sh ip routeCodes; C - c
29、onnect edj 3 - st at i Cj R - RIPj 0 - OSPFj OE-OSPF Ext exnalj M - Management D - Redirect, E - IRMP, EX - IW external, o - SUSP, B - BCP, i-ISISGateway cf lastresortis 0. 0. 0. 0to network 0. 0. 0. 0S 0.0.0.D/0 1/178E7I is directly connect00:00;08j dialerOC 137, C, 0T C/3 is directly connected, 02
30、:03:51? loOF圖是局域網(wǎng)線路時的路由表: dd#sh ip routeCodes: C - connectedj S - static, R - EIP, 0 - OSPF, OE-OSPF Ezternalj K - ManagementD - Redirertj E - IRMP, EX - IRfltP external, - SNSP, B - ECPj i-ISISC-atevray of la?t resort 1.5 192, 163. 1. 1 to netvork Oi, 0. 0. 0S 0, 0. 0. tvo 10/100 via 192, 158, 1. 1
31、? 00;00: 12, fatethernetO匚127. 0* 0* 0/8 is directly connectedlj D2:0G:44j IcOC152. 168. 1» 0/24 is directly connected, 00: 00: 12, fast et he met 0dd#sh crypto ipsec sa (顯示 ipsec 隧道 sa 情況)如果顯示如下內(nèi)容,表示隧道連接正常:dd#sh crypto ipec sapolicy name : p3f (src, dst, pxfftocol, src port, dst port) :172. 28. 134. 128/26 0. 0. 0. 0/0 ip any anylocal tunnel endpoint : 116. 115* ISO*239 rsmote tunnsl endpoint : 125. 56. 20- 227 the
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- Unit10You'resupposedtoshakehandsSectionA(3a-4c)大單元教學課時設計2023-2024學年人教版九年級英語全冊
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