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1、8 A Module 2 Unit 5 EncyclopaediaFirst period Reading Look it up!Language Targets:1. To activate the knowledge to help the students understand the text.2. To help students understand the text quickly by using different reading skills , such as getting main idea and details, find facts etc.Ability Ta

2、rgets:1. Students learn to maintain an interaction by reading the article.2. Students learn to write the synopsis by paragraph.3. Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Emotion Targets:Students can know about the history of dinosaurs, a way to be happy and Disneyland.Language focus:

3、1. Vocabulary:1) article, dinosaur, exist, harmless, gentle,fierce,skeleton,Diogenes,Greece,amusement,creat,character,deliver2) a long time before, as small as chicken, leave behind, the way tobe happy, even happier, an amusement parkFunction: 1. It sometimes sat on Walt ' s desk while he was wo

4、rking.2. After leaving school and studying art at night, he soldnewspapers and delivered mail.Teaching aids:1. A recorder, a cassette2. S tudent ' s book 8A page 74-77.Teaching steps:PRODEDURECONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation1. Show some interesting pictures.Ss enjoy some pictures abo

5、ut dinosaurs and Disneyland and so on.Students would like to enjoy it with classmates and will make the atmosphere of English.And we can lead in the new words.2. Learn new vocabulariese.g We went to an amusement park. Here Amusement means something that gives people pleasures or fun. Character means

6、 a person, animal in a book, play, film, etc.Ask students to learn to express the meaning in EnglishII. While- task procedureA. Encyclopaedia 1.What is an enclopaedia ?2.Think, say andlearn3.Different typesof encyclopaedias4. In which volumes of the encyclopaedia on theright would you find the infor

7、mation listed below? Write the number of theAn encyclopaedia is a book that gives you information about a lot of different things.Have you got an encyclopaedia at home?Have you ever read an encyclopaedia in the library?Do you know any types of encyclopaedias?arouse students ' interest in the top

8、ic Develop the skill of using encyclopaed ias.Learn some news words and phrases and get familiar with part of the textThis is partof the skillof predicting,It is good for Ss tomake intelligentguesses about whatmight be in thearticle.Develop the skill of guessing and working out the likely meaning of

9、 a word from the study of its context. Get more practice and learn more information about the topic Develop students ' abilities of creation, listening and reading andvolume for each topic.5.Encyclopaedias on different topics6.How to find the information we need B. Text Dinosaurs 1.What do dinos

10、aurs make you think of? Choose and think of some adjectives and tell your classmates about your ideas.2.Finish Reading A What do you know about?4. How much do you know about dinosaurs?5. Listen and fillin the blanks.6. Learn the text7.Surf the Internet 8.StrategyWhen we meet some new words, sometime

11、s we can know about their meanings by looking at the suffixes.C. Diogenes 1.Search the Internet and find some information about Diogenes.2 .Listen and fill in the blanks.3 . Learn the text.Brains Typhoons Computers Weather Korea Pandas When we use an encyclopaedia, we should know what kind of inform

12、ation we need to look for first. Sometimes, we do not understand some important words (we call them key words) in the sentences. Then we can look in an encyclopaedia and try to find them. large, brave, fierce, small, shy, gentle, beautiful, powerful, harmful, ugly, weak, harmless.4.Search the Intern

13、et again.D. Disney Walt1 . Cartoon characters2 . Who created these cartoon characters?3 .What else did Walt Disney create?4 .How many Disneyland Park in the world?5 .There will be another Disneyland park inShanghai soon. What do you think it will be like?6 .Listen and fill in the blanks.7 .Put the s

14、entences in the correct order.8 .Surf the Internet9.What is your favourite cartoon character?E. Exercises1. Match the words with the pictures.2. Find words in the articles on page 75 tocomplete the following dialogue. The words must be similar in meaning to the words in brackets.3. Work in groups fo

15、ur to six. Look at thefollowing words and1. Ss try this quiz alone.2. Check theiranswers.Say something about them. If you do not know much, you can ask your classmates for help.Mayis listening to the article about dinosaurs on CD-ROM. Listen carefully and help her complete the following notes for he

16、r school project.1. Ask Ss to read the text by themselves and find out the new words, and try to guess the meanings by reading the words around them so that they can know the main idea of the text.2. Read after the tape.speaking. Studentscan express their ideas completely and clearlyGet famliar with

17、 part of the text through some exercisesHave a review of the whole text through reading and answering questions3. Read the text together.makenewwords using the letters fromsome of the words in the checklist.4.Comprehension4. Synopsis by paragraph.Surf the Internet and find more information about din

18、osaurs. Tell your classmates about the lives of dinosaurs on the Earth.For example, harmful is an adjective which means (causing harm' and harmless is also an adjective which means ' not causing harm '. Do you know the meanings of 'careful ', 'careless ', 'useful '

19、;, (useless ', 'helpful ' and (helpless ' ?e.g.Where did he come from?Where did he live?1. Ask Ss to read the text by themselves and find out the new words, and try to guess the meanings by reading the words around themso that they can know the main idea of the text.2. Read after the

20、 tape.3. Read the text together.Someone called Diogenes 'a dog' . Surf the Internet and find more information about him and tell why people called him 'a dog'. Once, Alexander the Great went to visit Diogenes. He offered to help Diogenes. What do you think Diogenes said? Give your re

21、asons. Then surf the Internet to find the answers. Mickey Mouse Donald Duck GoofySnow White Walt Disney amusement park Surf the Internet and find more information about Mickey Mouse. Tell your classmates how Mickey Mouse came into being. Discuss in your groups and tellyour classmates and give your r

22、easons.Example: character act, are, art,cart, cat, race,rat, rate, reach, teach, tear, etc. create deliver exist own harmful finally amusement park I.May has madesome notes below about the articles in the encyclopaedia, but some of the facts are wrong. Readthe articles and correct May ' s notes

23、where necessary.2.May is making statements about some of the things in the articles. If you agree with them, write A (agree). If you do not agree, write D (Disagree).III. Post-task activityI.Act out the text. 2.Peter is doing a quiz about the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. 3.Have

24、a debate.Select several groups to act out the dialogue. Listen and circle the correct answer.The FORside thinks whatDiogenes said wasConsolidate the new knowledge point by practing.right and the AGAINST sidethinks that the way to be happy is to own as many things as possible.IV. Assignment1 .Write a

25、 summary about dinosaurs.2 .Write a summary about Diogenes.3 .Write a summary about Walt Disney 4.Workbook 8A, pages 39, 40 and 41.Read and write.Go over the knowledge they have learned.教學反思:Second Period Grammar 1 Countable and uncountable nounsLanguage Targets: 1. The plural of most countable noun

26、s.2. Use somecountable nouns + of before uncountable nounsto show amounts.Emotion Targets: Students try to express their ideas in Englishfluently.Language focus: 1. New words: t3. Functions:The plural of most countable nouns.Usesomecountable nouns + of before uncountable nounsto show amounts.Materia

27、ls:1. Student' s Book 8A page 78.4. Cassette 8A5. Cassette playerTeaching steps:PRODEDURECONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparationIn English, we can count some things, e.g., elephants, stamps, cars.We cannot count other things, e.g., meat, water, music.We call nouns like elephants, stamps and

28、 cars countable nouns.We call nouns like meat, water and music uncountable nouns.Most dictionaries use the letters C and U to tell if aGo over the knowledge they have learned.noun is countable or uncountable.II. While- task procedure1.Countable nouns A countable noun refers to something we can count

29、. Here are some examples. 2. To form the plural form of most countable nouns, we add '-s' to the singular form.However, there are some exceptions 3.Uncountable nouns An uncountable noun refers to something we cannot count. Here are some examples.4. We can also use some countable nouns + of b

30、efore uncountable nouns to show their amounts.5.ExercisesWe use ' a' or an' before a singular countable noun. If the noun starts with a vowel sound, we use an .+s -y+ies +es O: +s or +es -f or - fe +ves Uncountable nouns cannot have plural forms.a packet of salt two cups of coffee three

31、bags of rice four kilos of meat six cartons of milk 1. Read the sentences below and decide whether the nouns in italics are countable or uncountable. Make two lists in your notebook.2. Read these conversations and then work in pairs to make similar conversations about the pictures below. Use the wor

32、ds in the box. Make them singular or plural as necessary. S1 (Timmy) asks theThe chart mayhelp the students learn the knowledge pints. It will impress the Ss a lot about what they have learnt for it ' s very useful in their writing. Arouse Ss ' interests and they ' re interested in namin

33、g the countable nouns and the uncountalbe nouns. To practise more about the target language correctly. Develop students ' abilities of creation, listening and reading and speaking.questions and S2 (June) answers. Then change parts and do the conversations again.3. Jane has invited six people to

34、a party at her home. Here is part of the shopping list that she wrote for the things she needs. Look at the picture and complete the list. The first one has been done for you. Rita, Mayand Danny are in a fast food restaurant. They each chose something from the menu on the right. Look at their pictur

35、es and complete the sentences with a(n) or some, and the names of the food and drinks. Put one word in each blank.III. Post-task activityImagine that you went to the restaurant too. Work in pairs and tell each other what food you chose.Consolidate and show what the Ss have learned by writing.IV. Ass

36、ignmentWorkbook 8A, pages 41 and 42.Go over the knowledge they have learned.教學反思:Third Period Grammar Using another and the othersLanguage Targets: 1. Using another and (the) other(s) to refer to something or something else.Emotion Targets: Students try to express their ideas in English fluently.Mat

37、erials:1. Cassette 8A and a cassette player2. Students ' book 8A 80Teaching steps:PRODEDURECONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation1.IntroductionWe can use another and (the) other(s) to refer to something else or someone else.We need another (=an extra one) computer. One is not enough for us

38、. I do not like this pair of shoes. I am going to get another (pair) (=a different pair).Students will show interest in it and be more lively.II. While- task procedure1.Ask the students to read the chart carefully.2.Summary Explain to the students that 3.Exercisesother may be an adjective or a prono

39、un. As an adjective it is invariable; as a pronoun it is countable and has the plural form others. the other (singular) means the second of two. the other(s) means the remaining (ones). other(s) may simply mean different, additional, remaining. another means: a) an additional one; b) a different one

40、. 1.Look at the pictures and complete theThe chart will help Ss understand these words easily. Help the Ss to maste the uses of these words.sentences with another or (the) other(s).III. Post-task activity1.Complete the sentences with another or (the) other(s).I have three daughters. Oneis a nurse,is

41、 a teacher and the third is a worker.DoH t walk on this side of the road, walk on .This chemical is poisonous. are poisonous too.students get interested in English.IV. AssignmentWorkbook 8A, pages 43 and 44.Go over the knowledge they have learned.教學反思:Fourth Period ListeningLanguage Targets:1. Using

42、 formulaic expressions to guess the meaning of a word.2. Using formulaic expressions to work entirely in English.3. Using formulaic expressions to practise the skill of scanning.Ability Targets:1. Develop the students ' listening skill.2. Gather and share information, ideas and language and so o

43、n.3. Students can express the instructions and statements about numbers.Emotion Targets:Students can know something about the famous place 'The Memorial toDr Sun Yat-senLanguage focus:1. Vocabulary: memorial, attraction, republic, hectare, governmentTeaching aids:1. A recorder, a cassette2. Stud

44、ents ' book 8A page 81PROCEDURECONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSE1.Pre-taskpreparation1. Listening1. This exercise presents students a quiz. First ,teach the Ss to understand somenewwords in the listening.2. Explain the task to the students. Make sure they write a figure or one word in each blank .3. Play t

45、he recording twice if necessary, and explain any problems.Develop the students ' listening skill.2. Review:Naming things1. We use nouns to name things.2. Wecan use this and these with nouns to show the things are near us. We can use that and those with nouns to show the things are further away.3

46、. Wecan count things. Countable nouns have plurals.Uncountable nouns do not have plurals. We can use a or an before singular countables but not before uncountables.We can use some with both of them.Revise the basic use of the imperative sentence.2.While-task1. Ss read them together.Examine whetherpr

47、ocedure2. Ss complete the dialogues withSs have graspedthis, that, these and those inthe nouns.pairs.2. Exercise B11.Read the sentences on Page 671. Ss read the sentences and make two lists of nouns in their notebook.2. Check the answers.3. Exercise1. Ss read these conversationsB2and then work in pa

48、irs to makesimilar conversations.2. Do pair-work.3.Post-taskHomework:Workbook 8A, page 44.Studentsactivitiesconsolidate thenew contents.教后感:Fifth Period SpeakingLanguage Targets:1. To learn how to pronouce the endings of plural nounsAbility Targets:2. To be able to pronounce the endings of plural no

49、uns correctly3. To be able to ask and answering questions by maintaining an interaction Emotion Targets:1. To be interested in cartoon charactersLanguage focus and difficult points:1. three common ways of pronoucing the endings of plural nouns./s/ /z/ /iz/3. Teaching Aids:1. Workbook 8A page822. Mul

50、ti-mediaPROCEDURECONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparationdaily talkAn apple a day keeps the doctor away.I like eating apples.I like to eat two apples a day.Whatdo you think of the idea?an apple two apples to show we use plural forms of nounsII.While-ta sk procedure1. general introduction2. intro

51、duce the three ways3. practice1) How do you read the following three words?boots, trees, watches/s/ /z/ /iz/are the threecommon ways fo pronouncing the endings of plural nouns2) 1) when a word ends in /p/ /f/ /t/ /k/ or / /, the new'(e) s ' ending is pronounced /s/.maps cooks boots3) whena w

52、ord ends in a vowel sound or a voiced consonantsound ( expect / /, / /, and / /), the new' (e) s 'ending is pronounced /z/songs plays trees4) when a word ends in /s/z/ / / / / / / or / /, the new ' (e) s ' ending is pronounced /iz/oranges boxes houses3. 1) Practise saying the singula

53、rs and plurals of these nouns. Take special care with the endings.to get the general knowledge of the ruleshave some practicean ant ant san elephantelephantsa parkpark sa pilotpilot sa plantplant sa shipship sa dogdog sa dreamdreamsan egg-eggsa headhead sa charactercharactersa starstarsa box-boxesa

54、bridgebridg esa roserosesa facefacesa horsehors esa beachbeach es2) Practise saying the following sentences.a. Ants on plants,Flies on dogs, Matches in boxes, Eggs from frogs.b. Stars in the sky, Roses on the floor, Walks in the park, Knocks on the door.3) Say whether the endings of the words are pr

55、onounced / s/, /z/ or / Iz /.Ill.Post-ta sk activitiesspeak upWhat is your favourite cartoon character? Tell your classmates about it and give some reasons.have more practiceWork in pairs and tell your partner about your favourite cartoon character.p82教學反思:Sixth Period WritingLanguage Targets:1. to

56、finishing writing a short story2. to write a compositon with information gainedAbility Targets:1. to be able to gather ideas and make them into a complete story2. to be able to find out missing information with the information owned Emotion Targets:1. to get interested in telling storiesLanguage foc

57、us and difficult points:2. simple past tense3. some phrases: e.g. go for a walkTeaching Aids:1. Workbook 8A page 83 &842. Multi-mediaPROCEDURECONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparationthink about how to write a story with the key wordsOne day, May saw the advertisement on the right in a newspaper. She looked up the three words in her encyclopaedia, thought for a


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