1、北京2020年中考英語試題學(xué)校:姓名:班級:考號:My IittIe brotherWith his toy Car now.A. Will PlayB. is playingC. PlaySD.Played11 The kitein China more than 2000 years ago.A. inventsB. inventedC. is inventedD.WaS inventedA. hisB. herC. IhCirD. your2 USUallV I make breakfast for mv familySatUrdaVSA. AtB. inC. OnD. to3. WaS
2、h your hands before meals,VOU may Set ill.A. andB. butC. OrD. SO4.you give me a hand? I can,t move the box by myself.NO problem.A. COUldB. ShOUIdC. MUStD. NCCd5.do you ViSit your grandparents, Tom?TWiCe a month.A. HOW muchB. HOW OftenC. HOWlongD HOWSOOn6. ZhaOZhOU Bridee is One OfStOne bridges in th
3、e WOrIdA. OldB. OIderC. OkICStD. the OldeSt7. If VOU take this train. VOUin Shanehai in five hours.A. arriveB. Will arriveC. arrivedD. have arrived8. IOn the COmPUter When Frank CanCd me IaSt night.A. WOrkB. Will WOrkC. WaS WOrkingD. am WOrking9. Weeach OthCr SinCe I Came to Beijing, but We Send ema
4、ils Very OftenA. don,t SeeB. didn't SeeC. won't SeeD. haven't Seen1 Mr. JaCkSOn is a POPUlar WriteL and We all Iike readingbooks.10. WilatS that noise, Sam?12. DO you know,At 9:00 tomorrow morning.試卷第9頁總10貞A When the VideO meeting beganB When did the VideO meeting beginC. When the VideO
5、meeting Will beginD. When Will the VideO meeting beginAt the end Of my first year Of high SChOOL I realized I needed to find a SUlnnlerjOb. I WaS tired Of having to ask my ParentS for 13 I Wanted to go to the ShOPPing Center Ormovies With friends WithOUt having to ask for S20 from my ParentS. I imag
6、ined having a job at a StOre Or at a SUmmer CamP Where I COUld Play games With Children. Bllt What actually happened WaS 14 The OnIyjOb I Inanaged to find WaS Cleaning UP tables at a IOCalrestaurant At first, the idea Of Clearing tables UPSet me. ThC thought Of getting UP at dawn(黎明)to go Clean UP a
7、fter PeOPle made me 15 ever asking for a job. The first day WaS terribly busy. I WaS running around, racing to get a table ready for the Waiting CUStOmerS l never forget how 16 I felt that day, but ll also never forget Sitting down for IUnCh With my CO-WOrkerS forthe first time PeOPle my age Or ten
8、years Older all Sat together and talked about their days. All Of a SUddCn I WaS a Part Of that, and it felt good to be SO 17ve now WOrked at the restaurant for almost OnC year. I've Iearned to be happy about getting UP SO early, because I know there,re going to be a few good 18 every day there.F
9、rOm Starting there as a Shy student, ve been able to grow into a PCrSOn that Can go UP and 19anyone, at WOrk Or anywhere else .I'm also not as SCnSitiVC(敏感白勺)as I USed tobe-getting an impolite CUStOmer might Inake me feel bad, but VCry SOOn I Can IaUgh it Off With my co-workers. The IittlejOb ha
10、s given me SO much, and I can,t Wait to go back and COntinUe to 20from Iny experience13. A. foodB. moneyC. attentionD advice14 A. excitingB. encouragingC. COnfUSingD disappointing15 A. forgetB. enjoyC. regretD imagine16. A. tiredB. happyC. CUriOUSD. relaxed17 A. IOVedB. missedC. neededD. included試卷第
11、10頁,總10頁18. A. dishesB. ChOiCeSC. momentsD CUStOmerS19. A. findB. greetC. PUSh20 A. growB. StandC. restD. StOPD. hide0o 回園O Q 0 B訃743邛0L 3 IqWJ<r<c*.reip ,hr cl'1rfl'HelPing SeniOrs(老年人)POSted 5/15/20 4:53PMI Created TeenS HelPing SeniOrS With my friends. The group has about 200 volunt
12、eers.The VOIUnteerS deliver food Or Other SUPPIieS for the elderly in town. I SPend SiX to eighlMatthours a Week buying food and making deliveries By now We have COmPleted 350deliveries POSted 5/15/20 6:25PMI OrganiZed Mittler SeniOr Technology, a PrOgram to help the elderly Iearn how to USeCOnIPUte
13、rS and SnlartPhOneS NOW there are 50 IOCal SeniOrS in the Weekly technologyLindaClaSSeS I Want to make SUre that the SeniOrS COUld Stay COnneCtCd to the WOrldPOSted 5/16/20 5:2OPM>I Canle UP With a Way to help IOnely SeniOrS With my friends. We Call it the JOy 4 AllProject. By dialing 569-4255, t
14、he elderly Can hear pre-recorded jokes and POemS ThCJOrdanhotline has received more than I, 800 PhOne CanSPOSted 5/16/20 7:46PM-I heard that the SenIOrS i the musing home COUIdil t See tleir families ad &IendS Veryoften, SO my friends and I decided to Cheer UP the elderly by Writing them letters
15、. WeKathyWant them to know that nobody is being forgotten By now more than IOO StUdentS in mySChOOl have joined us.試卷第9頁總10貞21 WhO Created TeenS HeIPing Seniors?A. Kathy.B. Linda.C. JOrdanD. Matt.22 HOW Inany IOCal SeniOrS are there in the Weekly technology classes?A. 50.B. 100.C. 200.D. 350.23 To h
16、elp the elderly in the nursing home, Kathy and her SChOOlmateSA. taught them how to USe COmPUterSB recorded jokes and POem for themC. WrOte them IetterS to Cheer them UPD delivered food Or Other SUPPlieS for themA Day at the NatUre Center,qielIEnIma s(arcd(凝視)SadIy OUt Of the WindOW Of the bus. Only
17、 50 miles OUtSidC town WaS the farm. She thought about the farm all the time especially IhC animalsWhen her family SOld the farm and moved to nearby town, Emma WaS excited BUt When She got to the new school, She felt Very lonely.With a Sigh(I嘆氣),Emma turned her attention back to the present. The bus
18、 Came to a stop."Welcome to die LeinWeber NatUre Center/5 her teacher said.八A guide Will give US a PreSentatIOn about animals, and then you'll help to feed the baby SqUirrels, now, I Want everyone to find a Partller. ',EnIma dd,t have any friends yetWhO WOUld be her partner? Einnla got
19、ClOSe to JUIia, a talkative and OUtgOiilg girl. ZCOlIld I be your partner?'' Emnla asked uncertainly."Sue," SaId JUIia warmly.TOgethen the girls WalkCd into the center. After the PreSentatiOn a keeper ShOWed them how to hold the bottle Of milk for baby SqUirrelS. Then the girls Sta
20、rtCd to feed their OWn baby SqUirrelS.試卷第10頁,總10頁After IhC babies finished eating. the keeper asked, "Wbuld you IIke to IlelP feed the adult SqUlrrels, too?"EmIna WaS quick to VOklnteeE but When the keeper OPCned the first cage, the Squirrel inside jumped out. Emnla remained Calm(鎮(zhèn)靜的),held
21、 OUt her hand. made quiet sounds, and then quickly got it.fckWow! ' JUlia said. 4kYbu,re always SO quiet, I thought you vere afraid Of everything、but you Were bra'e."ft4I know that Whell annuals are friglitened or excited, you have to Stay calm."The keeper nodded In agreement and a
22、sked Emma, wfcWould you be interested in volunteering to help OUt With the animals at the center?"ItereSted? I WOUld IOVe to WOrk here! What an opportunity!'、Emma WaS excited.That afternoon, in the bus On the Way back to school, Emma Sat next to JUlia. her new friend. A rush Of newfound hap
23、piness WaShed OVer her.24 HOW did Emma feel When She got to the new school?A. Lonely.B. Lucky.C. SUrPriSedD. Angry.25 At the nature CenteE EnIIna and JllIiaA took a ChanCe to be tour guidesB helped to feed the baby SqUirrelSC. asked the keeper many questionsD made a PreSentatiOn about nature26 On Ih
24、C Way back to SChOOL Emma felt happy because.A the VOlUnteerS Warmly WelCOmed herB the teacher PraiSed her for her braveryC. She found a PlaCe to Care for animals and Inade a friendD. She Went back to the farm and Iearned a IOt about animalsThCrC are millions Of rccipcs(菜譜)hidden in the boxes and he
25、arts Of grandmother and ParentS TheSe family recipes are a SPeCial Part Of OUr family history. SOme Of them have been PaSSed down from generation(-RA) to generation.1 realized I couldn't go home every Wreekend for my moms delicious dishes/' SayS SlIreya, WhO IS about to enter UniVerSity Shre
26、ya has recently StartCd following her InOther around the kitchen taking notes On how to Inake her "masala chai” and tasty kachoris.nThose SPeCial tastes Can immediately UnlOCk a WhOle flood Of emotions, memories and feelings Of family, Iove5 and comfort,” SayS She試卷第9頁總10貞She adds, ,I am IOOkin
27、g to the day When my kids Will COme to know Of their grandmothers through the dishes they COOked.BUt Inany Of US find it difficult to keep the food COnnCCtiOn With OUr busy Iife EVen if We have time. not many Of US take the effort to COlleCt and record the recipes from our grandmothers and ParCntS W
28、e Often get a recipe On the PhOnC and take it down quickly On a PieCe Of PaPCr. We just StiCk it OntO the fridge for a Week Or two and forget about it as SOOn as the PaPer disappears from thereActually, there are SimPle WayS to keep family recipes, SCraPbOOkS (剪貼?。゛re easily found in the market. YOU
29、 Can even add PhOtOS to record every detail Of your memories about the recipe With the help Of SOme POPUIar apps Iike StOry Scans, recording family recipes has never been easier. What is needed is to SCan (掃描)the recipes and record the StOry behind each Of them. It Can become the most IneaningfUl WO
30、rk you have ever done With and for your family.KeCPing family recipes is SaVing and honoring OUr tradition SO that future generations Can COntinUe to make family ties StrOnger. EVery time you remember your IOVed ones, recreate One Of the dishes from your COlleCtiOn and Iet the memories from the good
31、 Old days COnlfOrt you. SO Why not gift your kids a family recipe book WhCn they are Starting a new life?27 Why does Shreya follow her mother around the kitchen?A TO Clean UP the kitchen.B TO note down recipesC. TO PrePare family dinners.D TO talk about family rules.28 What Can We Iearn from the pas
32、sage?A. WayS to record recipes Can be easy.B MoSt PeOPle Iike Writing recipe booksC. ReCiPeS have become POPUlar With kidsD. PeOPle Often buy recipe books in the market.29 WhiCh Of the following WOUld be the best title for the passage?A Family Recipes: SeCretS Of COOkingB Family ReCiPeS ArC at a CrO
33、SSrOadSC. Family Recipes: COnneCtiOnS to IntereStSD Family ReCiPeS Are MOre than JUSt RCCiPeS試卷第10頁,總10頁TOday We Can do everything With apps: Pay bills, Order food and ShOP for anything. MObile technology IneanS We Can hold the WOrld in OUr hands. HOWeVeE When it COmeS to technology and health Care
34、OPPOrtUnitiCS and ChallengeS COmC together.Let,s Start With the WayS to get health care. TelemedlClne Call allow a Patient to USe technology to See the doctor Online and get a diagnosis (診斷)and instructions WithOUt IeaVing home.In addition, there are many Patient WebSiteS TheSe allow for different k
35、inds Of interactions about OUr health needs WithOUt involving the medical team Setting a date With doctors and reading Iab results are readily achieved by technology.A WhOle new age Of medical Care SeemS Iikely (可能的)to COme in the future BUt every COin has two SideS. What might be On the Other Side
36、Of techno-health care?Firstly, We ShOUld think about the health Care experience as a WhOle A USUal ViSit to a doctor begins With a rcccp(ionisi (接待員),who Can See and tell how a PatiCnt is doing, ThiS may IIIflUellCe the treatment efiect. It IInlIkely that a PatIent WebSite Will have SUCIl iiHuilion.
37、Next, Sharing the details Of one,s Iife requires trust, WhiCh takes time to build. ThiS is CertainIy true in health Care Where SOIne Of life,s best and WOrSt moments involve doctors The human touch ShOUld not be UnderVaIUed and is Unlikely to be there OVer the SmartPhOneLastly, test results Can be C
38、IiffiCUlt to UnderStand. When SOmeOne WithOUt a medical degree SeeS a flagged result With no explanation On the website, there,s room for all kinds Of StOrieS to form in their mindsand also great worry.SO how does InediCine adapt (適應(yīng))to the new technology age? Very talented COmPanieS are WOrking On
39、il.There is InCdiCal CqUiPmCm(設(shè)備)that Can be USed at home to Send necessary SignS and heart SOUndS through telemedicine It SeemS Iikely that SOnlC COmPanieS WiIl find a Way to CXPlain test results.BUt What it Will not achieve is the Wannth Of human interaction and touch. PatientS Often need SOmeOne
40、to IiStCn to and Care aboutIheirjourney story. WhiCh Will never be realized through a human-less technology. TeChnOlOgy ShOUId be a tool, but depending On it totally Will 試卷第9頁,總10貞most Certainly have UneXPeCted effects Lets not allow OUr humanity to be One Of them.30 ACCOrding to the passage, how d
41、oes technology help health care?A. 1( encourages doctors to VOiCe their needs On the WebSiteSB It OfferS the Patient a COnVenient Way to get a diagnosisC. It improves relations between doctors and PatientSD. Il PrOVideS an OPPOrtUnity to build a medical team31 The Word "intuition'、In Paragr
42、aPh 5 PrObably means.A. an ability to UnderStandB an interesting experienceC. a ChanCe to WinD a fair decision32 What do you know about techno-health Care from the passage?A. Patient WebSiteS require trust from doctorsB TaIented COmPanieS Can give InediCal adviceC. Flagged results may CaUSe WOrry fo
43、r patients.D. MedICal equipment COlleCtS patients' stones.33 ThC Writer PrObably agrees thatA. technology Can deal With UneXPeCted effectsB telemedicine Can take the PIaCe Of USUal health CareC. it is difficult for PatientS to adapt to the new technology ageD techno-health Care ShOUld take human
44、ity into COnSideratiOn.ThiS 12-year-old Girl BUilt a RObOt to Find PlaStiCS in the OCeanAnna DU WaS WaIking along the beach When She noticed PlaStiCS there She reached down to PiCk them up. and quickly realized there Were many more tiny PieCeS than She COUld deal With It Seemed impossible to CIean t
45、hem all UPDu, 12 years Old at the time, tried to SOlVe the PrOblem Iike any good SCientiStfirst, by doing a Iittle IeSearch. That's how She Ieanled that 8 IllIllIOn tons Of PIaStiCS end UP m the試卷第10頁,總10頁 OCeanS CvCry year.ThCn She got to WOrk building SOmething that COUld help SOlVe the PrOble
46、nK a remote-operated VehiCle(遙控潛水器),Or R0V. Her ROV Can InOVe through Water and find PlaStiCS On the OCean floor.The actually COOl Part OfDU s ROVIS the d亡tecton(探M!J) SyStem She USeS a Camera along With three different kinds Of Iight to find the plastics. She also USeS ViSible(可見的)Iight to find Unn
47、atUral COlOrS that Inight Inake the PlaStiCS Stand out.44She has a Very good engmeering SenSe to break down a PrOblem IIke this and then go after it/' SayS engmeer CaSey MaChadO. It SOUndS simple, but it's a IeVel Of thinking that,s Ieany amazing.,DU Started attending PUbliC events and WOrkShOPS at a UniVerSity When She WaS five years old, and SO She PiCked UP the engineering SkiIlS necessary to build her ROV. She Say
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