Channel Pathways Acupuncture School Massage School Miami 信道通路針灸按摩學校邁阿密校_第1頁
Channel Pathways Acupuncture School Massage School Miami 信道通路針灸按摩學校邁阿密校_第2頁
Channel Pathways Acupuncture School Massage School Miami 信道通路針灸按摩學校邁阿密校_第3頁
Channel Pathways Acupuncture School Massage School Miami 信道通路針灸按摩學校邁阿密校_第4頁
Channel Pathways Acupuncture School Massage School Miami 信道通路針灸按摩學校邁阿密校_第5頁
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1、channel pathwaysacr class 9hand taiyin lung channelthe lung primary channel connects with the stomach, large intestine, and lung.a branch separates from lu-7 and travels to the tip of the index finger at l.i.-1originates in the middle jiao and descends to the large intestineascends to the throatlung

2、: from lu-7 the luo-connectingchannel travels to the palm and thenar eminence.ascends across the throatconnects with the lung and dispersesin the large intestinethe lung divergent channelthe lung sinew channeloriginates on the thumb at lu-11emerges in the region of st-12 and travels laterally to the

3、 shoulder, anterior to l.i.-15,returns to the st-12 region and descends into the chest,spreads over the diaphragm and converges in the region of the floating ribs.hand yangming large intestine channelthe large intestine primary channel connects with the large intestine & lung.passes through si-1

4、2 to du-14connects withthe lung anddescends to thelarge intestinedescends to the lower he-seapoint of the large intestine at st-37large intestine: from l.i.-6 the luo-connecting channel travels to the jaw, teeth and s medially to the spinal column,descends to the thorax, breast, lung and l

5、arge intestine and ascends along the throatthe large intestine divergent channelthe large intestine sinew channelbegins at the tip of the index finger at l.i.-1attaches to theupper thoracic spinecrosses over the top of the head toconnect with the opposite mandiblebinds at the side of the nosefoot ya

6、ngming stomach channelthe stomach primary channel connects with the following zangfu: stomach and spleen.a branch connects withthe big toe at sp-1meets with bl-1, l.i.-20, du-26, du-28, ren-24, gb-3, gb-6, gb-5, gb-4, du-24 and du-14meets with the conception vessel at ren-13 and ren-12a branch conne

7、ctswith the middle toethe stomach luo-connecting channel originates on the lateral side of the lower leg at st-40, travels to the medial aspect of the lower leg to join with the spleen channel, ascends to the nape of the neck where it converges with the other yang channels, then travels internally t

8、o terminate at the throat.the stomach divergent channel branches from the primary channel in the thigh, ascends and enters the abdomen, travels to the stomach and disperses in the spleen, ascends to penetrate the heart, ascends along the esophagus and emerges at the mouth, continues along the nose t

9、o connect with the eye and then unites with the primary stomach channel.binds in front of the earthe stomach sinew channelbegins on the middle three toesbinds at the hip and connects with the spinebinds above the genitalsjoins with the bladder sinew channel to form a muscular net around the eyefoot

10、taiyin spleen channelthe spleen primary channel connects with the following zangfu: spleen, stomach, heart.enters the spleen andconnects with the stomachat 8 cun superior to the medialmalleolus, crosses and then runsanterior to the liver channelpasses through gb-24, liv-14 and lu-1spreads over the l

11、ower surface of the tonguelinks with the heartintersects the conception vessel at ren-3, ren-4and ren-10the spleen luo-connecting channel originates at gongsun sp-4, connects with stomach channel, enters the abdomen and connects with the intestines and stomach.the spleen divergent channel branches f

12、rom the primary channel in the middle of the anterior thigh, follows the stomach divergent channel to the throat where it penetrates the tongue.converges at the genitalsand binds at the umbilicusbinds at the ribs and spreads inthe chestadheres to the spinebegins at sp-1the spleen sinew channelhand s

13、haoyin heart channelthe heart primary channel connects with the following zangfu: heart, lung and small intestine.ascends alongside the esophagus, crosses the face and cheek and connects with the tissues surrounding the eyeoriginates in the heart, emerges from the blood vessels surrounding the heart

14、, enters the lung and emerges from the axilladescends to connect with the small intestinethe heart luo-connecting channel separates from the heart channel at he-5 and connects with the small intestine channel, follows the heart channel to the heart zang then continues to the root of the tongue and t

15、he eye.the heart divergent channelseparates from the primary channel at the axilla, connects with the heart,connects with the small intestine channel at the inner canthusthe heart sinew channelterminates atthe umbilicusenters the axilla, intersects the lung sinew channel and travels medially across

16、the breast region to the center of the chest,originates at the radial aspect of the little finger hand taiyang small intestine channelthe small intestine primary channel connects with the following zangfu: heart, stomach and small intestine.descendsthrough st-12, then throughthe heart, stomach and s

17、mall intestinedescends to thelower he-seapoint of thesmall intestine atst-39begins on the ulnarside of the little fingerand ascends along theulnar side of the armmeets the largeintestine channelat l.i.-14meets withgb-1, sj-20,sj-22, gb-11and bl-1the small intestine luo-connecting channelseparates fr

18、om the small intestine channel at si-7 and connects with the heart channel,connects with the shoulder at l.i.-15the small intestine divergent channelseparates from the primary channel at the shoulder, enters the axilla, crosses the heart and descends to the abdomen where it connects with the small i

19、ntestinebinds at the mastoid process, the mandible,the outer canthus and corner of the heada sub-branch enters the earoriginates on the dorsum of the little fingersurrounds the scapulathe small intestine sinew channelfoot taiyang urinary bladder channelthe bladder primary channel connects with the f

20、ollowing zangfu: kidneys, bladder.meets with gb-7, gb-8, gb-9, gb-10, gb-11 and gb-12meets with du-20, du-24 and gb-15connects with the kidneysand links with the bladdermeets with gb-30enters the brain and then meets with du-17, du-14 and du-13the bladder luo-connecting channelseparates from the pri

21、mary channel at bl-58 and connects with the kidney channel.the bladder divergent channeldiverges from the primary channel in the popliteal fossa and ascends to a point five cun inferior to the sacrum, then winds round the anus, connecting with the bladder and dispersing in the kidneys,ascends alongs

22、ide the spine and disperses in the cardiac region, then emerges at the neck to rejoin the bladder primary channel.penetrates to bind at the root of the tonguebinds at the cheekbone and the bridge of the nosethe bladder sinew channelbinds at the lateral and medial aspect of the popliteal fossabegins

23、at bl-67foot shaoyin kidney channelthe kidney primary channel connects with the following zangfu: kidney, bladder, liver, lung, heart.meets with ren-3, ren-4 and ren-7begins beneath the little toemeets with du-1threads through the spine, enters the kidney and connects with the bladderascends through

24、 the liver and diaphragm, enters the lung, joins with the heart and links with the pericardium channel and ren-17intersects the spleen channel at sp-6the kidney luo-connecting channel begins at kid-4 on the posterior aspect of the medial malleolus, encircles the heel and enters internally to connect

25、 with the bladder channel, ascends along with the kidney primary channel from kid-4 to a point below the pericardium where it travels posteriorly to and spreads into the lumbar vertebrae.the kidney divergent channel separates from the kidney primary channel in the popliteal fossa, intersects the bla

26、dder divergent channel on the thigh, ascends to connect with the kidneys, crosses the girdling vessel in the region of the second lumbar vertebra, ascends to the root of the tongue, continues upwards to emerge at the nape of the neck and converge with the bladder primary channel.ascends the inner as

27、pect of the spinethe kidney sinew channelbegins beneath the little toebinds at the occipital bonebinds at the genitalshand jueyin pericardium channelthe pericardium primary channel connects with the following zangfu: sanjiao.a branch followsthe radial side ofthe ring finger to its tiporiginates in t

28、hecenter of the chest andconnects with the pericardium descends through thediaphragm passing throughthe upper, middle and lower jiaothe pericardium luo-connecting channel begins at p-6, ascends along with the pericardium primary channel to the pericardium and then connects with the heart.the pericar

29、dium divergent channel separates from the primary channel on the arm, at the level of a point below the axilla and 3 cun inferior to gb-22, enters the chest and communicates with the three jiao, a branch ascends across the throat and emerges behind the ear to converge with the sanjiao channel.disper

30、ses in thechest and bindsat the diaphragmoriginates at the tip of the middle finger disperses over the anterior and posterior aspects of the ribsthe pericardium sinew channelhand shaoyang sanjiao channelthe sanjiao primary channel connects with the following zangfu: sanjiao (upper, middle & lowe

31、r), pericardium.connects with gb-11, gb-6, gb-5, gb-4, gb-14, si-18, si-19, gb-3 and gb-1connects with si-12, bl-11, du-14 and gb-21descends to connect with the lower he-sea point of the sanjiao at bl-39disperses at ren-17, connects with the pericardium and descends viaren-12 through the upper, midd

32、le and lower jiaothe sanjiao luo-connecting channel separates from the sanjiao primary channel at sj-5, proceeds up the posterior aspect of the arm and over the shoulder, converging with the pericardium channel in the chest.the sanjiao divergent channel separates from the primary channel on the head

33、 and branches to the vertex, descends into the supraclavicular fossa and across the three jiao, dispersing in the chest.the sanjiao sinew channelbegins at the ulnar side of the ring fingerlinks with the root of the tonguebranches to the outer canthus and binds at the corner of the foreheadfoot shaoy

34、ang gall bladder channelthe gall bladder primary channel connects with the following zangfu: gall bladder and liver.connects with the liver and gall bladdermeets with sj-17, si-19, st-7, bl-1 and st-9, and passes close to st-5 and st-6encircles the genitals, enters deeply and emerges on the sacrumme

35、ets with sj-15, du-14, bl-11, si-12 and st-12descends through points bl-31 to bl-34 and to du-1 and then emerges at gb-30a branch separates from gb-41 and meetsthe liver channel on the big toeenters thesupraclavicular fossa and meets with p-1begins near the outer canthus at gb-1meets with sj-22, sj-

36、20 and st-8the gall bladder luo-connecting channel separates from the primary channel at gb-37, connects with the liver channel, descends and disperses over the dorsum of the foot.the gall bladder divergent channel diverges from the primary channel on the thigh, converges with the liver divergent at

37、 the pubic hairline, enters the flank between the lower ribs, connects with the gb and liver, crosses the heart and esophagus, emerges at the jaw, disperses in the face, connects with the eye and rejoins the gb primary channel at the outer canthus.begins at the fourth toebinds at the side of the nos

38、e and the outer canthusthe gall bladder sinew channela branch binds at the sacruma branch links with the breastmeets with its bilateral counterpart at the vertexfoot jueyin liver channelthe liver primary channel connects with the following zangfu: liver, gall bladder, lung, stomach.spreads in the lu

39、ng and meets with p-1intersects the spleen channel at sp-6runs anterior to the spleen channel to the area 8 cun superior to the medial malleolus, then runs posterior to itmeets with ren-2, ren-3 and ren-4meets with sp-12 and sp-13 and encircles the genitalscurves around the stomach, enters the liver

40、 and connects with the gall bladderascends to the vertex to meet with du-20ascends along the neck and throat to the nasopharynx and the tissues surrounding the eyedescends through the cheek and encircles the inner surface of the lipsthe liver luo-connecting channel separates from the primary channel

41、 at liv-5on the medial aspect of the lower leg, connects with the gall bladder channel, ascends to the genitals.the liver divergent channel separates from the primary channel on the dorsumof the foot, ascends to the pubic region where it converges with thegall bladder primary channel.the liver sinew

42、 channeloriginates on the dorsum of the big toeconnects with the other sinew channels at the genitalspenetrating vessel originates inside the lower abdomen emerges at the perineum (ren-1)ascends inside the spinal columncoalescent points: ren-1, ren-7, st-30, kid-11, kid-12, kid-13, kid-14, kid-15, k

43、id-16, kid-17, kid-18, kid-19, kid-20, kid-21.pathological symptoms of the penetrating vessel:counterflow qi, abdominal urgency, dyspnea, gynaecological disorders, atrophy disorder of the leg. originates in the region of liv-13, circles round just below the hypochondriac region, runs obliquely downw

44、ards through gb-26, gb-27 and gb-28, encircling the waist like a belt.pathological symptoms of the girdling vessel:abdominal fullness, a sensation at the waist as though sitting in water, pain around the umbilicus, abdomen, waist and lumbar spine, red and white leukorrhoea, irregular menstruation, infertility, insufficient sperm, shan disorder.coal


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