1、義務教育教科書英語(廣州版)義務教育教科書英語(廣州版) 六年級上冊六年級上冊Module 5 Changes制作:海珠區(qū)寶玉直實驗小學制作:海珠區(qū)寶玉直實驗小學 董鶯董鶯 廣州市教育研究院廣州市教育研究院 趙淑紅趙淑紅Period 3本節(jié)課實現目標本節(jié)課實現目標1. 能聽懂讀懂描述人物過去與現能聽懂讀懂描述人物過去與現在不同生活狀態(tài)的對話。(課本在不同生活狀態(tài)的對話。(課本P60 Story Time),并能用第三),并能用第三人稱描述人物過去與現在的不同人稱描述人物過去與現在的不同變化。變化。2. 能在第二課時的基礎上,聽懂能在第二課時的基礎上,聽懂描述場所過去與現在不同狀態(tài)的描述場所過去
2、與現在不同狀態(tài)的文段。文段。3. 能在第一、二課時的基礎上,能在第一、二課時的基礎上,讀懂不同情境,而引起過去與現讀懂不同情境,而引起過去與現在發(fā)生不同狀況的文章。在發(fā)生不同狀況的文章。PK Game學生分成兩大組,輪流說出描述學生分成兩大組,輪流說出描述人物的形容詞以及描述場所的形人物的形容詞以及描述場所的形容詞(容詞(PK時要求所說形容詞不時要求所說形容詞不重復。這同時也是一個重復。這同時也是一個brainstorm的過程。)的過程。)描述人的形容詞描述人的形容詞beautiful, healthy, naughty, pretty, lovely, fit, strong, kind,
3、funny, young, slim, thin, heavy, good-looking, famous描述場所的形容詞描述場所的形容詞small,bright, large, dark, near, close, pretty, comfortable, clean, messy, tidy學生小組學生小組PK結束之后,可出此結束之后,可出此頁頁PPT讓學生讀一讀,此環(huán)節(jié)是讓學生讀一讀,此環(huán)節(jié)是對本模塊對本模塊Changes所涉及內容所涉及內容的一個回憶,同時也為之后文段的一個回憶,同時也為之后文段中形容詞的出現做一個鋪墊。中形容詞的出現做一個鋪墊。Fast response此環(huán)節(jié)涉及到描
5、述現在的句子:相反看見屏幕上的現在的句子:相反看見屏幕上的描述人物現在的句子就快速說出描述人物現在的句子就快速說出相應的描述過去的句子。例如:相應的描述過去的句子。例如:看見看見There are 1000 pupils in our school.就立刻說出:就立刻說出: There were 1000 pupils in our school. 本環(huán)節(jié)可以依據學生的本環(huán)節(jié)可以依據學生的程度做適當的調整。也可不滾動程度做適當的調整。也可不滾動字幕,固定字幕讓學生做出快速字幕,固定字幕讓學生做出快速反應。反應。ChantThis is a puppy, just three days old.
6、He was small, soft and light.He loved his mummy, but he was also bold.He was not afraid to walk in the moonlight.This is a puppy, three years old.Hes bigger, harder and heavier.He runs around everywhere, hot and cold.He likes to chase the ball and gets happier and happier.Listen to the story學生瀏覽問題,帶
7、著問題學生瀏覽問題,帶著問題聽錄音,了解課本聽錄音,了解課本P60Story time的內容的內容,獲獲取對話大意。取對話大意。6/18/20216/18/20211.What was Kate like when she was five?2.What did Ben always do?3.What was Aki like before? And what about him now?Answer these questions:Read the story學生在第一次聽的基礎上,學生在第一次聽的基礎上,進行故事的閱讀,找到并進行故事的閱讀,找到并確認答案。確認答案。6/18/20216
8、/18/20216/18/20216/18/20211.What was Kate like when she was five?2.What did Ben always do?3.What was Aki like before? And what about him now?Answer these questions:When she was five, she didnt like school. She wanted to stay at home with her mum.Before Ben had the Internet, he went to the library al
9、l the time.When Aki live on Ding Dong he wasnt very clever. Many pupils knew more than him. But here on Earth, he knows more than everyone else.Role-play the story學生將已理解的故事,分學生將已理解的故事,分角色進行扮演閱讀。角色進行扮演閱讀。Listen and Choose本屆六年級學生經歷過五本屆六年級學生經歷過五年級舊教材的學習,已經年級舊教材的學習,已經對形容詞的比較級有了一對形容詞的比較級有了一定的基礎,在第二課時描定的基
10、礎,在第二課時描述場所變化的基礎之上,述場所變化的基礎之上,學生聽含有形容詞比較級學生聽含有形容詞比較級的、描述場所地點過去與的、描述場所地點過去與現在不同狀態(tài)的文段?,F在不同狀態(tài)的文段。Listening scriptLin Yan moved to her new apartment from her old one last month. Now her bedroom is much larger and brighter than her old one. The windows in her new bedroom are much larger. Lin Yan says the
11、 bed in her new bedroom is prettier and more comfortable. In her new bedroom there is a wardrobe, a desk, a chair and two sofas. But there werent any wardrobes, desks or sofas in her old bedroom. There was only one small bed and an old chair. Lin Yans new bedroom looks clean and tidy. She likes it v
12、ery much.Listen to the passage and choose the right answers.( ) 1.When did Lin Yan move to her new apartment? A. Last weed B. Last year C. Last month D. Last night( ) 2. Is her new bedroom much larger and brighter than her old bedroom? A. Yes, it is. B. Its larger than the old bedroom, but it is dar
13、ker. C. Its smaller than the old bedroom, but its darker. D. Its much smaller and darker than the old bedroom.CA( ) 3. Is Lin Yans new bed worse than the old one? A. Yes, it is. B. No, its prettier than the old one. C. No, its more comfortable than the old one. D. Both B and C.( ) 4. Are there any s
14、ofas in Lin Yans bedroom? A. No, there arent any. B. Yes, there is one sofa. C. Yes, there are two sofas. D. Yes, there are three sofas.DC( ) 5. Were there any wardrobes in Lin Yans old bedroom? A. No, there werent. B. Yes, there was one. C. Yes, there were two. D. Yes, there were three.( ) 6. What
15、does Lin Yans bedroom look like? A. Its clean and dirty. B. Its clean, but it isnt tidy. C. Its tidy, but it isnt clean. D. Its messy.AARead &Reconstruct教師將閱讀材料設計成教師將閱讀材料設計成A、B兩個部分,借助案件重兩個部分,借助案件重現重構的方式激發(fā)學生的現重構的方式激發(fā)學生的閱讀興趣。全班分為閱讀興趣。全班分為A、B兩大組,各自對應閱讀兩大組,各自對應閱讀材料材料A、B上的內容。上的內容。A、B同學存在信息差,通過同學存在信息差,通過相
16、互之間的詢問,獲取自相互之間的詢問,獲取自己想要知道的另一半信息,己想要知道的另一半信息,并用圖的方式重構物品的并用圖的方式重構物品的過去和現在的位置和狀態(tài)。過去和現在的位置和狀態(tài)。閱讀材料來源:趙淑紅主編閱讀材料來源:趙淑紅主編拓展讀與寫六年級拓展讀與寫六年級When he left home in the morning, he closed all the windows. The books were on the shelves. The photo of Mr Chen and his wife was on the wall. The wardrobe was in the be
17、droom. There was a small box in the wardrobe. There were two watches and 7000 yuan in the box. But now Its 6:30 in the afternoon. Mr Chen is coming home from work. He is opening the door. He is shocked.Mr Chen is angry. He doesnt know what to do. Now he is rushing back to the living room. He is call
18、ing the police.AA ask B1. Is the window of the living room closed now?2. Where are the books now?3. Where is the photo of Mr Chen and his wife?4. Is the small box in the wardrobe?5. Whats in the small box?A同學:請根據你所詢問的內容,畫出同學:請根據你所詢問的內容,畫出文中所描述的事物現在的位置和現在文中所描述的事物現在的位置和現在的狀態(tài)。的狀態(tài)。Before Now the window
19、of the living room is open. The books are all on the floor. The photo of Mr Chen and his wife is on the sofa and it is broken. Mr Chen is rushing into the bedroom. The wardrobe is in the bedroom. The door of the wardrobe is wide open! A small box is on the bed! Mr Chen is opening the box. It is empt
20、y now!Its 6:30 in the afternoon. Mr Chen is coming home from work. He is opening the door. He is shocked.Mr Chen is angry. He doesnt know what to do. Now he is rushing back to the living room. He is calling the police.BB ask A1. Did Mr Chen open all the window when he left home in the morning?2. Whe
21、re were the books before?3. Where was the photo of Mr Chen and his wife?4. Where was the small box before?5. What was in the small box?B同學:請根據你所詢問的內容,畫出同學:請根據你所詢問的內容,畫出文中所描述的事物過去的位置和過去文中所描述的事物過去的位置和過去的狀態(tài)。的狀態(tài)。Word bank:shocked: 震驚震驚 broken:破了;壞了:破了;壞了rush:沖:沖 wide open: 大開著大開著本頁本頁PPT提供上面文段中提供上面文段中可能出
22、現的生詞,教師可可能出現的生詞,教師可連同上面的連同上面的A、B文段一文段一并打印供學生閱讀學習。并打印供學生閱讀學習。Read and Choose教師將教師將A、B文段進行整文段進行整合,學生閱讀由于生活中合,學生閱讀由于生活中的突發(fā)事件,而引起生活的突發(fā)事件,而引起生活秩序發(fā)生變化,從而出現秩序發(fā)生變化,從而出現過去與現在的兩種不同狀過去與現在的兩種不同狀態(tài)的完整文段。(此過程態(tài)的完整文段。(此過程讓學生體會不僅是場所的讓學生體會不僅是場所的變更,會引起不同的變化,變更,會引起不同的變化,生活中的意外,也會引起生活中的意外,也會引起過去現在不同狀態(tài)的變過去現在不同狀態(tài)的變化。)化。)Re
23、ad the passage and choose the right answer.Its 6:30 in the afternoon. Mr Chen is coming home from work. He is opening the door. He is shocked. When he left home in the morning, he closed all the windows. But now the window of the living room is open. The books were on the shelves, but now they are a
24、ll on the floor. The photo of Mr Chen and his wife was on the wall, but now it is on the sofa and it is broken. Mr Chen is rushing into the bedroom. The door of the wardrobe is wide open! A small box is on the bed! Mr Chen is opening the box. There were two watches and 7000 yuan in the box, but it i
25、s empty now! Mr Chen is angry. He doesnt know what to do. Now he is rushing back to the living room. He is calling the police. Word bank:shocked: 震驚震驚 broken:破了;壞了:破了;壞了rush:沖:沖 wide: 大開著大開著本頁本頁PPT提供上頁文段中提供上頁文段中可能出現的生詞,教師可可能出現的生詞,教師可連同上面的文段一并打印連同上面的文段一并打印供學生閱讀學習。供學生閱讀學習。( ) 1.What is the room like when Mr Chen comes home? A. It is tidy. B. It is clean. C. It is messy. D. It is crowded.( ) 2. Wher
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