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1、pep小學(xué)英語(yǔ)六年級(jí)下冊(cè)期末試卷listening part (20 分)i listen and choose (聽音,選擇你聽到的內(nèi)容)10()1. a cold)2.a 124809)3. a skateb)4. a read newspapers)5. awashed clothes)6. a potato)7. a elephant)8. a doctor)9. a dictionary)10. a purpleb oldb 412908skirtbbc coatc 142089c shirtempty the trash c sweep the floorwatched tvb t

2、omatob squirrelb driverb engineerb paperc took picturesc carrotc strawberryc nursec accountantc pictureii listen and choose (聽問句,選答句)10()1. a she is a teacher.b she is thirty-nine.( )2. a they are listening to the music.b they go the park in the morning.()3. a yes, it is.b yes, there is.()4. a we ha

3、ve english class.b we have four classes.()5. a fifteen english books.b yes, i have fifteen english books.( )6. a the green one is mine.b yes, it s mine.()7. a she is a driver.b he s an office worker.( )8. a they are from england.b they are in america.( )9. a we have an english class at eleven fiftee

4、n.b we have an english class at ten forty-five.( )10. a our school is near the bus station.b the bank of china is near a school筆試部分(50分)b、 book c、 bagb、pig c、motherb、grapes c、tvb、cold c、warmb、swimc、fly出、選出不同類的單詞(io分)() a、pen() a、cat() a、apple()a lake() a、playiv、句子排序)(10分)1. where last you god、elepha

5、ntd、sperm whaled、watermelond、coold、yellowweekend did2. matter with you what s the3. the do you what on weekend do usually ?4. him am than i taller5. visit i m tomorrow my going grandparents tov、look and choose.(根據(jù)問句,選擇正確的答句)10%a. he is 165cm tall.b. she is tall and thin.c. very well.( )1. how are yo

6、u feeing now?( )2. what s your nemusic teacher like?( )3. does your uncle go to workby bike every day?( )4. where does your mother work? d. by plane.( )5. what s your friend s hobby?no, there isn t.( )6. where is your school?f. he likes taking pictures( )7. when are you going to the g. no, he doesn

7、t.library?( )8. is there a bank h. near the post office.near here?( )9. how do people go to new york? i. she works in a bank.( )10. how tall is your father? j. on sunday afternoonvi、閱讀理解(20分)a、閱讀短文,判斷下列句子是否符合短文內(nèi)容,符合的打“t;不符合的打“f” (10 分)it was saturday. i got up early. i sometimes stay in bed until lu

8、nch time. i looked out of the window. it was dark outside. whata day! ”i thought.“it sraining again. just then, the telephone rang. it was my aunt lisa. the park, she said.clock!“but i m still having breakfast, i said.“ dear me, she said. “ do you always get up so late? it s one o 1.() the man gets

9、up early on saturdays.2. ()it was a beautiful day last saturday.3. ()it was raining outside.4. ()lisa is his aunt s name.5. ()the man had breakfast then.b、根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇(10分)on christmas evethe night before christmas day children are very happy.they put their stockings at the end of their beds before they

10、 go to bed. they want father christmas to give them some presents.mr green tells his children that father christmas is a very kind man. he comes on christmas eve. he lands on top of each house and comes down the chimney into the fireplace and brings them a lot of present.christmas day always begins

11、before breakfast. the children wake up very early. they can t wait to open the presents in their stockings. then they wake up their parents and call: merry christmas!do you know what christmas means? christmas day is the birthday of jesus christ. when christ was born, many people gave him presents.

12、so today, people still do the same thing to each other.1. christmas eve is .a the night before december 24 b the night after december25c.the night of december 25d the night of december 242. father christmas often puts the presents.a into children s hats b into children s stockingsc under children s

13、bedsd into children s shoes3. father christmas comes into the house through the_.a window b front door c chimney d back door4. on the morning of christmas day, children wake up their parents very early and say.a good morning!b happy new year!c best wishes for you! d merry christmas!5. on christmas d

14、ay, people often to each other.a give money b ask for money c ask for presents d give presents春節(jié)作文寫春節(jié)作文前,我們可以先回憶下過春節(jié)是我們參加過的活動(dòng),如貼倒福、分壓歲錢、吃餃子、撣揚(yáng)塵、貼年畫、貼剪紙、放鞭炮、守歲、給壓歲錢、掛千千結(jié)、 貼春聯(lián)等, 然后挑一個(gè)我們印象深刻的上網(wǎng)查些資料, 可以到百度搜春節(jié)的八個(gè)習(xí)俗, 春節(jié)的由來與傳說等, 也可以上作文網(wǎng)作文素材頻道找到相關(guān)資料再進(jìn)行介紹。作文題目可以自擬,如歡度春節(jié),春節(jié)游文廟,除夕之夜,美麗的春節(jié),春 節(jié)花會(huì)開頭部分:大致介紹一下春節(jié),及春

15、節(jié)的一些習(xí)俗,點(diǎn)明你所要介紹的習(xí)俗。(略寫)第二部分:介紹這一習(xí)俗的來歷、象征意義等,像剪紙、年畫、千千結(jié)等還 可以寫寫這些物品的種類、樣子等。(詳細(xì))第三部分:回憶自己參與這一活動(dòng)的情景。(詳細(xì))結(jié)尾結(jié)尾部分:寫寫自己對(duì)這一習(xí)俗的感受。每個(gè)部分舉例:開頭部分:大致介紹一下春節(jié),及春節(jié)的一些習(xí)俗,點(diǎn)明你所要介紹的習(xí)俗。(略寫)例:元宵節(jié)是我國(guó)的四大節(jié)日之一,元宵節(jié)一過,春節(jié)也就算過完了,所以 這一天是非常隆重和熱鬧的。過元宵節(jié)的節(jié)目豐富多彩,有充滿樂趣的看花燈猜 燈謎,有喜氣洋洋的舞龍,還有熱鬧非凡的賽龍船。不過,最吸引我們小孩子的 卻是那多姿多彩的煙花。第二部分:介紹這一習(xí)俗的來歷、象征意義

16、等,像剪紙、年畫、千千結(jié)等還 可以寫寫這些物品的種類、樣子等。(詳細(xì))例:春聯(lián)代表著歡樂祥和。在我們中國(guó),每逢春節(jié),無(wú)論城市還是農(nóng)村,家 家戶戶都要精選一副大紅春聯(lián)貼在門上, 為節(jié)日增加喜慶的氣氛。一幅幅春聯(lián)不 僅帶來了吉祥和祝福,還帶來了中國(guó)古老的濃濃的文化氣息。 瞧!“大地春光好,、 “歲歲皆如意, 年年盡平安” 、 “江山萬(wàn)里如畫, 神州四時(shí)皆春” 、“春風(fēng)送春處處*美,喜鵲報(bào)喜家家喜事多”幅幅春聯(lián)讓千家萬(wàn)戶喜氣盈門。春聯(lián)的種類比較多。按照使用場(chǎng)所,可分為門心、框?qū)?、橫批、春條、斗方等。因此,貼的位置也不同,如“門心”貼在門板上端中心部位;“橫批”貼在門楣的橫木上。第三部分:回憶自己參與

17、這一活動(dòng)的情景。(詳細(xì))例: 記得去年元宵節(jié)的晚上爸爸媽媽帶我去工人體育館看煙花。 八點(diǎn)整, 只聽見幾聲沉悶的聲音, 一個(gè)個(gè)煙花帶著紅紅的火星竄上了天空, 幾聲脆響, 夜空綻放出幾朵美麗的花朵。 它們的形狀和顏色各不相同, 有五顏六色的滿天星, 金黃色的蒲公英,紫色的牽牛花,火紅的玫瑰花,粉紅的月季、銀色的百合,真是絢麗多彩。隨著一聲聲的炮響,人們?cè)隗@呼,在贊嘆,夜色中,人們微微揚(yáng)起的臉上也變幻著多姿的色彩,露出了幸福的笑容結(jié)尾結(jié)尾部分:寫寫自己對(duì)這一習(xí)俗的感受。例:我看著那散發(fā)著傳統(tǒng)文化芳香的中華結(jié),仿佛品味到了中華民族遠(yuǎn)古的神秘和東方的靈秀。它的古香古色,它的千變?nèi)f化,讓我神往,讓我遐想春

18、節(jié)的街頭今天,是中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日春節(jié)。早晨我還沒醒,就聽到了鞭炮的聲音。平靜的社區(qū), 今日顯得熱鬧非凡。 這熱鬧的喧囂, 把我的睡意一股腦的全都打撒開來。 于是, 起床穿上了新衣服連早飯都來不及吃就沖到門外, 看著各家各戶的炮竹,煙花。接著就是跟爸爸媽媽一起去走街串巷拜年!李伯伯,新年快樂”“王阿姨,工作順了” “劉奶奶,身體健康”.跟所有的長(zhǎng)輩們拜過年之后,媽媽提議說:一會(huì),去街上看看,感受下新年的氣氛。一上街, 街上可就更熱鬧了。 人們手里有提著大袋大袋的菜, 身邊的孩子手上握著一大把小花炮,蹦蹦跳跳地跑著。看!我左邊的一位四、五歲左右的小女孩, 跑到前面去。 一下子又轉(zhuǎn)過頭對(duì)一位滿手是鼓鼓的

19、袋子的大人喊著: “爸爸,快點(diǎn)!我要回去放炮玩呢!”。有拿著那邊超市發(fā)的小氣球的,紅的,黃的,綠的,還有藍(lán)的。也有三五成群,手挽著手說說笑笑的姑娘們,小伙子們,忙綠了一年,辛苦了一年,我想這個(gè)時(shí)候應(yīng)該是大家最放松,最高興的時(shí)候。你看,路燈上還掛著兩個(gè)小紅燈,喜氣洋洋的。就像在說, “我們也要過新年,我們也要過新年”。一進(jìn)菜市場(chǎng), 那才更熱鬧呢! 人流竄動(dòng), 一眼望去, 什么也看不見, 全是人。還有那翠綠的黃瓜, 可真新鮮哪, 你看, 那金黃色的小花在太陽(yáng)的照射下顯得多么的生機(jī)勃勃啊。那鯽魚,鰱魚,青魚,草魚等等在水里游來游去,真是印證了我們中國(guó)的老話:年年有魚(余)!黃的韭菜,紅的番茄,黑的木

20、耳,白的蘿卜 真是要什么有什么呀。 “哎喲!可真夠擠的?!蔽亦止玖艘痪洹8鴭寢屬I了幾個(gè)我愛吃的菜,結(jié)完帳就走出了菜場(chǎng)。超市里的收銀臺(tái)前也早已排起了長(zhǎng)龍。傍晚時(shí)分,街上,又漸漸安靜下來。店主們把店子關(guān)了,超市也比往常早了些許關(guān)門。大家都提著東西回家過年去了。到了晚上 6 點(diǎn)左右,社區(qū)漸漸安靜,孩子們都回家吃團(tuán)圓飯去了。吃完團(tuán)圓飯 7 、 8 點(diǎn)的樣子社區(qū)又重新熱鬧起來。 孩子們?nèi)汲鰜矸呕ㄅ诹恕?這個(gè)放個(gè) “降落傘,”那個(gè)又放個(gè)“天女撒花” 各式各樣的花炮全有。每放完一個(gè)都會(huì)聚集好幾個(gè)孩子, 他們?cè)谟懻撜l(shuí)的花炮最美麗, 誰(shuí)的花炮顏色最多, 之后又是陣陣歡笑。大人們或幾個(gè)坐在一起打牌,打麻將;或幾個(gè)坐在一起嗑瓜子,剝花生;或 看著自己的孩子放花炮,偶爾還要幫他們一下。大多數(shù)的孩子,都是自己獨(dú)立操 作完成。夜,更深了。人們陸陸續(xù)續(xù)的回家了,有些不肯回家的孩子也在父母的勸說 下,不情愿的回了家,一天的熱鬧景象漸漸被夜幕包圍。我不禁感嘆又是一年到, 時(shí)間過得可真快呀!春節(jié)見聞“當(dāng)、當(dāng)、當(dāng)”新年的鐘聲敲響了,家家戶戶的門上早已


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