Comparison between Chinese and French pronunciation and intonation in French Pronunciation Teaching_第1頁
Comparison between Chinese and French pronunciation and intonation in French Pronunciation Teaching_第2頁
Comparison between Chinese and French pronunciation and intonation in French Pronunciation Teaching_第3頁
Comparison between Chinese and French pronunciation and intonation in French Pronunciation Teaching_第4頁




1、comparison between chinese and french pronunciation and intonation in french pronunciation teaching abstract tone of voice is a very important part in french, is an important guarantee for the success of communication. in france, french foreign teaching, the tone plays an important role in teaching.

2、 however, in the current voice of the french university teaching, teaching is often the tone ignored. this paper will similarities and differences between chinese and french to sum up the tone contrast, chinese students trying to find out the difficulties in french intonation, the tone of french tea

3、ching and learning to bring enlightenment. keywords: tone of voice tone of french intonation teaching chinese tone in any language are present, according to the change in the language it can pass different information and express different intentions and thoughts and feelings. even for the same stat

4、ement, in a different tone will be able to express the conditions different meanings and attitudes. intonation is a very important part of french-speaking voice is an important guarantee for the success of communication. in france, french foreign teaching, the tone plays an important role in teachin

5、g. however, in the current voice of the french university teaching, tone of voice teaching or training, because of his lack of class is often inadequate or neglected. in fact, in the tone of communication is more important than the pronunciation, speech is the language of the body, the tone is the s

6、oul (roger kindon). therefore, to enhance teaching intonation the direction of future efforts in voice teaching. this paper will similarities and differences between chinese and french to sum up the tone contrast, chinese students trying to find out the difficulties in french intonation, the tone of

7、 french teaching and learning to bring enlightenment. in phonetics intonation is a complex concept. in short, the tone is usually the so-called tone of voice is speaking cadence. the speaker to use the cadence of the tone that he said something to the feelings or attitudes. we learn french we must l

8、earn french accent. french intonation and tonal languages are very different, the following sub-syllable, stress, rhythm, intonation and sentence variety of functions in french intonation analysis and comparison of five parts. first, the syllable chinese and french, the language is different. chines

9、e syllables of chinese characters relatively fixed, the initial and final composition, so a word is a syllable. french word a vowel phonemes can form a syllable, several sounds in a word the vowel phonemes have several syllables. with music terms, the term segment is playing chinese-style, continuou

10、s issue between the various sound stopped. the french are legato sound. french language stream, so long as it is not the place to pause, between words, between the sound and tone, to be together, and can not read off, or add noise. this phenomenon is called the even tone. in the same rhythm section,

11、 the top end of the word the word consonants changed by the silent sound, and the following vowel synthesis of a syllable, a phenomenon called the united chant. even the sound together chanting in french and chinese different places. mandarin chinese for beginners by a syllable of the word, easy to

12、french read off one by one syllable, word with the word convergence is not coherent. in the teaching and learning process, should pay attention to french language audio stream associated with chanting, conscious training and imitation. only to master the correct sound associated with chanting, to ac

13、curate the completion of the verbal communication. second, the stress in essence, stress is the common language is a language inherent essential component stress control is not accurate, and directly affects the degree of realization of oral communication. chinese, mandarin word no repeat of the voi

14、ce phenomenon, only four different tones to distinguish words. stress, including word stress and sentence stress. monosyllabic words in chinese non-syllable reading than a heavier, relatively longer, the called word stress syllable. stress is on the word position is not fixed, and the position of st

15、ress can bring about different changes in meaning, such as angry word. if, after re-ranging, said before the pronunciation of vitality, vigor; such as pronunciation, said before the light after are not favored because of unpleasant. sentence stress and stress can be divided into logical stress gramm

16、ar. some sentences, mundane, no special emotional, there is no special emphasis on the means. this kinds of sentence stress can be determined according to its grammatical structure, in general, need to re-read a phrase in the predicate, object, adverbial, complement, and some pronouns. such stress i

17、s called the syntax of stress. some of the sentence or because of complex structure twists and turns the tables or views, or because of special feelings, which often can not immediately determine the stress, you must contact the context, it refine observation, careful scrutiny, in particular, make i

18、t into a specific language environment to be examined to determine their stress, usually called the logic of this type of stress accent (emphasis accent), and emotional stress. it is sometimes accented with the same syntax, and sometimes inconsistent. when the logic of stress (emotional stress) and

19、the syntax is inconsistent accent, the latter must obey the former. comparison of fixed-french accent. french accent of each word in a pronunciation falls on the last syllable. and chinese are different in french, the word stress does not represent a phoneme, stress changes do not affect the underst

20、anding of language . however, in the french language stream, word stress is replaced by rhythmic stress. rhythmic accent falls on the rhythm section for each of the last syllable pronunciation. french accent is mainly refers to the rhythmic stress. such as: monsieur m ? sj ? monsieur philippe m ? sj

21、 ? fi lip monsieur philippe durand m ? sj (filipdyr ? french accent is the stressed syllable of the tone by extending the length to achieve. (stressed syllables than unstressed syllables general tone of length at least twice as long) or when reading the unstressed syllables with rising or falling to

22、ne. so by stress, can listen to of sentences to distinguish between those groups, easy to understand the speakers words. french accent also has the function of expression (laccent expressif), can express a certain feeling or attitude, the speaker can choose the location of stress. such as the stress

23、 on the word you want to emphasize the first syllable. in the stress, the novice four tones in chinese are vulnerable to the impact of third tone and the fourth tone in chinese to read the words; stress too much, often in a sentence, first word, accented on the preposition, which is wrong. third, th

24、e rhythm (rhythm) what is the rhythm from the rhythm of auditory perception point of view is the length of time from the voice pitch or reproduction of the severity of the laws of rhythm perception model generated (trask 1996) from the perspective of sound physiological rhythm is a rhythm when speak

25、ing of a festival off (paul er paxi 1933). chinese children in addition to audio and softly, and, each syllable clearly read, the pace of change mainly depends on four tones, on the basis of the tone, then use the word stress, sentence stress, mood and the rich variety of sentences to express the fe

26、elings of adjusting the color. links http:/ research papers download is characterized by rhythmic french unstressed syllable of each is the same length. in the same rhythm section in addition to the last syllable of drag a little bit longer, the other the strength of the pronunciation of syllables a

27、nd the length of the average. if, like music with a beat to number as if each syllable is equivalent to a film, a few syllables of each rhythm group there are a few shot. so to foster that sense of rhythm. in the rhythm, the students easily make as error: often appear to eat sound, add sound, or to

28、sound casually cut off, destroyed the french, the rhythm, for example, il travaille il-trava: j pronounced il-tava: je ; do not have the letter e read ? and non-pronunciation rules can also lead to damage to the rhythm of french, for example: je ne sais pas. french say ? ? n-se-pa, our learners migh

29、t say ? ? -n ?-se-pa; do not have the long sound rules, any change in long tones, but also can destroy the rhythm in french. for example: il na pas de livre. il-na-pad-li: vr made into a il-na-pad-livr fourth, sentence tone chinese, with the sentence patterns or emotional tone of the voice call tone

30、, which is the sentence tone. (luo changpei, wang 2002:159) sentence tone four forms: 1. lateral move. intonation stable, there is no repeat significant changes or stress. the general description, description, and that hesitation, reflection, cool, mourning, recalling sentences such as thoughts and

31、feelings, with this tone. 2. rising tone. gradually increased from a low tone. used to express doubt, rhetorical, surprise, order, calling, calling the sentence. 3. falling tone. tone gradually decreased from the high, low and short end of the word. the tone used to indicate positive, imperative, an

32、d exclamatory tone allowed. 4. tunes. tone twists and turns, some syllables of the sentence, in particular to increase, raised or extended, forming a zigzag down the tone. the tone used to indicate an exaggeration, emphasis, irony and other more specific tone. french and chinese, as are movements tu

33、ne. rising tone means that the questions or continue, as well as below. the last syllable pitch at the highest point. falling tone means the end. the last syllable pitch at the lowest point. french variety of sentence such as declarative sentences, questions, imperatives are relatively fixed tone. b

34、ut unlike the french, chinese is a tone language, tone of the sentence but also by the four tones of chinese, french is the tone of the language, typically, is reflected down adjustment in the last stressed syllable, unstressed syllable of other high and low tone is basically a more unified, neutral

35、. fifth, the function of intonation in french french intonation generally has three functions: separation of function (fonction d?marcative); distinction between function (fonction distinctive); expressive function (fonction). refers to the separation of functions allows the listener to draw the use

36、 of intonation rhythm group (linguistic group) between the boundaries, an accurate understanding of the speakers words. distinguishing feature that is through the use of tone, can make the listener can distinguish words who expressed a questions, is a statement or a imperatives. expressive function

37、are subjective category, the speaker can express the subjective tone of emotion, intent and attitudes. expressive manner is also diverse. with words, facial expressions of different tone to express the meaning is different. chinese students and easy to make mistakes .1 tone. in distinguishing featur

38、e of the errors, such as the tone will be read into the interrogative exclamatory tone, unclear distinction between the basic intonation patterns of different categories .2. students could not tell between the rhythm section boundaries. for example: the read as .3. the expressive function, the students often


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