【cs教程】cs source控制臺命令([CS tutorial] CS source console commands)_第1頁
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1、【cs教程】cs source控制臺命令(CS tutorial CS source console commands)The following command closes most, and 1 opens. It is recommended to save the input as autoexec.cfg and put it onCounter-Strike Sourcecstrikecfg(Note: the autoexec.cfg load order takes precedence over config.cfg, and if the two configuratio

2、n files have the same parameters, but the settings are different, the game will be based on the autoexec.cfg parameter.)Version. See the version of CS:SAdjust_crosshair. Every time you hit one, your heart will change colors. There are five colors. Choose a brighter one!Ah 1:. does the setting start

3、automatically?Bgmvolume 1. Background sound, volume of musicBudget_show_history 0. Shows the history of the arrangementBot_allow_shield 1. Robot IQBot_allow_rogues 1. Robot rogue commandBot_chatter 3. Robot command 3 and 2 are radio calls and 1 are offBot_difficulty 3. Robot difficultyBot_kill. Kill

4、 the robotBot_quota 31 . Adding more robots.Connect. Connect to the server and enter the servers IP after the spaceCl_allowupload 1. Allows users to upload their own data, such as logoCl_allowdownload 1. Allows users to automatically transmit data about sever, such as mapCl_autowepswitch 0. Automati

5、cally converts the powerful weapon 1 to turn offCl_cmdrate 30:.Modem users 30, broadband 4050, LAN 50Cl_crosshair_color 255255255. The color of.HUD (RGB)Cl_crosshair_usealpha 0. quasi transparentCl_detailfade 1. The minimum 1, the desalination effect should be uselessCl_download_ingame 1. Allows use

6、rs to automatically pass data on sever in game, such as logo, mapCl_dynamiccrosshair 0. In the running star will change to open 1Cl_ejectbrass 0. Disable shells when shooting flying barrel effectCl_hidefrags 1. set is hidden except for a few other people outside their kills and deathsCl_lw x. with w

7、eapon free animations, its best to set x=1Cl_lb 0. This and blood related, 1 more real, but will reduce the speedCl_lc 1. And CSs new network technology, its best to set x=1Cl_minmodels 1. The unified character model, to help more people. After the input, CT is all helmet male, T is all mask male, i

8、n paradise seems to be uselessCl_observercrosshair 1. When the observer pattern set. Whether to open sightCl_phys_props_enable 0. Close the physical effects of the scene small object (disable the performance of the game props on the client)Cl_phys_props_max 0 closes the physical effects of the objec

9、t (setting the range of the item)Cl_radartype, 1. solid radarCl_radaralpha 0-255. Choose the transparency of radar, 0 for full transparency, and 255 for curingCl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0. player is killed, the character model disappears immediately; saves CPU resources used to animate dying processe

10、sCl_ragdoll_collide 0.This parameter allows each module of the body to closely contact each other, thus avoiding mutual embedding, so that physical contact in the game looks much betterCl_show_splashes 1. Will close the splash effect of the reclaimed water. Individuals are not advised to passCl_show

11、_bloodspray, 1. with this command, the bullet hits the human body without bleeding. You dont even know what youre hittingCl_showfps 1. the top left corner of the screen shows FPSCl_solid_players 1. the switch fixed player model is not currently availableCl_updaterate 20. Upload speed, if it is broad

12、band 3040, if in more than 25 stations, Modem=30, LAN =50Disconnect. Leave the game and stay in the CS console stateDM 1. set 1 to open the message at the beginning of the gameDrawradar 1:. Shows the radar, and sometimes the radar will suddenly disappear. You can use it. (sometimes SERVER turns off

13、and you dont press.)Exit. Left the game, closed CS, and went back to the desktopFastsprites 0. Smoke effects, 0 realistic, 1 medium, 2 worstFog_enable 0. Smoke effects switch off will increase visibility as well as the clarity of the map, especially in the de_dust Series MapsFog_enable_water_fog 0.

14、Turn off the fog effectFps_max 101. The maximum number of FPS output to the display card, and the default is 72, and if there is an error or a mouse to slip and slide, it will be greatly improved when you set it lowGl_clear 1. Will shut down the engines coherent rendering of the parts on the screen,

15、 so that the screen feels broken, but the FPS value is raisedHideradar. Shut down radar (test you know how to identify teammates, lest TK)Hisound 1. Sets the maximum volume, and the actual volume is (volume/hisound)Hud_fastswitch 1. fast switching weaponsHud_centerid 0. When set to 1, the player ID

16、will appear in the center of the screen. No, it will appear in the lower left corner of the picture.Hud_fastswitch 0. Fast changing weapons, digital direct change, no more mouseKeys:. Displays your CD-KEY information (CS doesnt work?)Kill. suicide! When its time to die. Break yourself.Jpeg_quality 1

17、00. Screenshot quality, the default screenshot button is F5Lefthand 0. the player on the screen is left handed, or armed with his right handListmaps. Shows the map schedule for serverListplayers. Show your numbers and namesMaps begins. lists the installed map names (listing only the names of the spe

18、cified letters, * all maps)Mat_antialias 0. Reverse signalMat_bloom 0. steel effectMat_bufferprimitives 1. Buffer base (open up FPS)Mat_bumpbasis, 0. collision baseMat_bumpmap 1 bump map opens (visual /fps is less affected, but because it has to be opened)Mat_clipz 0. the effect of closing the water

19、 surface increases FPSmat _ fastnobump 1. 無快速沖撞mat _ fastspecular 1. 快速反射, 根據(jù)官方的信息好像是對了負荷測試才有效mat _ filterlightmaps 1. 過濾光圖mat _ forcedynamic 0. 強制動態(tài)光影, 建議關掉mat _ mipmaptextures 1. 使用mip貼圖 (開啟提高fps, fps影響大, 注意是開啟才提高fps)mat _ reducefillrate 1. 降低場景反光質量, 開啟后只有木地板和aztec水道小部分石塊反光 (視覺 / fps影響大)mat _ show

20、watertextures 0. 顯示水紋理mat _ show _ texture _ memory _ usage 0. 不顯示當前材質的使用數(shù)量mat _ specular 0. 關閉細節(jié)的反射帖圖, 可以消除dx9下手套反光的bug, 使用后會在控制臺出現(xiàn)紅色字樣的提示, 不影響mat _ trilinear 0 三線形過濾, 抗鋸齒的, 關mat _ vsync 0 垂直同步, 推薦關max _ sheils 子彈的最大顯示數(shù)量 (50. 0 - 500 太多會lag.)max _ smokepuffs 50. 最大的可見煙霧顆粒數(shù)量, 0 - 500the ilo _ forced

21、ata 1. 在載入模型的時候將所有的模型材質載入到緩存, 打開之后有助于提高游戲中的讀取速度mp _ decals 0. 對帖圖的質量進行定義, 默認是300, 最低是0, 最高是4096; 數(shù)值越高, fps越低, 設成0地上不會有血, 但是噴圖也會消失muzzleflash _ light 1. 控制槍火是否照亮周圍環(huán)境at 新名字. 換名字, 活著的時候才能用nav _ generate 制作地圖路點. net _ graph 0. 網(wǎng)速模式、顯示當前詳細的帶寬、數(shù)據(jù)包、fps資料, 0關閉, 13顯示, 開啟 (此項多少會減少fps)net _ graphpos 1. 設置顯示網(wǎng)絡信

22、息工具的位置 (13)net _ graphsolid 1. 顯示信息為實心net _ graphwidth 192 工具的大小.nightvision 開關夜視鏡.nightvision +. 增加夜視鏡亮度nightvision -. 降低夜視鏡亮度ping ping client值 顯示server.顯示client ping server值 pingservers.quit. 離開游戲, 關閉cs, 回到桌面rate of 2500. 從server接受信息的速度, 太大太小都會lag, 要選適合的reconnect 不離線直接重組聯(lián)機.retry 離線并重新聯(lián)機.r _ 3dsky

23、0. 關閉3d天空紋理, 個人不建議關, 因為有些地圖需要天空的襯托r _ decals 100. 0為關閉地面上的彈痕, 但是噴圖也顯示不出來, 即是貼花法, 這在資源里面無論如何都不可能真的看出效果, 所以讓我們關閉這個, 最大2048r _ dispusestaticmeshes 0. 文件信息服務程序使用固定網(wǎng)絡r _ drawlights 0. 描繪光線r _ drawdecals 1. 渲染貼圖彈痕r _ drawbatchdecals 1. 渲染批量貼圖彈痕r _ drawparticles 0. 這個命令會關閉dust2地圖的霧化效果, 提高在那個地圖上的fps, 但他有個嚴重

24、的缺陷, 就是用這個命令后槍口的火光會消失不說, 子彈打到物體上的效果也沒了, 完全沒意義r _ drawrain 0. 去除雨點的效果r _ drawviewmodel 0. 是否顯示武器r _ dynamic 0. 關閉動態(tài)光影, 開槍時的墻壁反光r _ fastzreject 1. 打開z軸快速清除功能, 增加數(shù)據(jù)的吞吐量r _ lod 5. 人物模型看起來很糟糕, 但會節(jié)省cpu資源.如果設為 - 5, 任何距離的人物模型游戲都將以完美的質量表現(xiàn)r _ propsmaxdist 1. 對多遠的物體進行渲染, 數(shù)值越低, fps越高r _ rainsimulate 0. 關閉模擬下雨的效

25、果, de _ aztec這幅圖效果突出r _ rainspeed 1. 雨的速度, 目前功效未明r _ or 1. 是否繪制陰影 (但我不提倡這個, css的人物動態(tài)陰影是個很好的東西, 能夠有效的防止敵方偷襲, 你要用了整個陰影就沒了, 而且關了你連手電筒也開不了, 關掉陰影立體感差了很多, 不過這個不是很影響fps, 開著吧)r _ shadowrendertotexture 是否繪制高質量陰影 (1 or 1 只有在r _ 的情況下才起作用, 關閉的話物體的陰影就只有個小黑團, 這個fps影響也不是很大)r _ speeds 0. 強制工作! 對網(wǎng)速能稍做改善 有沒有效果, 自已看吧!

26、r _ waterdrawreflection 0. 關閉水面反射r _ waterdrawrefraction 1. 似乎是和水面渲染 (折射) 有關的項目, 默認是1, 不能關閉, 否則水面出錯r _ mmx 1. 支持cup指令r _ is 1. 支持cup指令r _ sse2 1. 支持cup指令r _ 3dnow 1. 支持cup指令 (mmx, am, sse2都是cpu的增強指令集, cpu支持當然要開咯)rope _ smooth 0. 關閉繩索的平滑效果rope _ shake 0. 關閉繩索的搖擺模擬效果sv _ noclipspeed 2. 設置死后鬼魂模式飛翔的速度,

27、默認為5太快了sensitivity 0 - 20 . 鼠標移動速度, 2010年7月大更后選項里的鼠標移動速度最高只能設6, 輸入這指令就可解決setinfo ah 1 是否提供自動說明的功能.setinfo dm 1 換地圖后開啟地圖的簡介.setinfo ghosts 0. 觀察模式時是否鬼魂關掉, 對lag有幫助setinfo lefthand 0 of 設定屏幕上的玩家是左撇子, 或是右撇子.setinfo vgui _ menus 1 (圖形化選單開關sizedown 縮小屏幕.sizeup 放大屏幕.timeleft 讓你知道還有幾分鐘換地圖.Version. displays

28、version informationVolume 0.8. Adjust the volume size, and the actual volume is (volume/hisound)Votekick number. for TKer, Camper, and Cheater, vote out, and 6 of the people voteVotemap map names. Players can vote for a mapZoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.200000. Sets the movement speed of the mouse when us

29、ing sniper mirror-The following commands are mentioned individually:R_drawdecalsR_drawbatchdecalsThese two commands are combined with r_decals and mp_decals these two commands, the default is 1, I noticed that the CSS will shut down the blood and close the bullet spray LOGO, and their tubes are not

30、the same, there is a close to the wall, there is another tube map on other materials. And the blood will be closed if occasionally cannot see.Enabling graphics cards to support a version of DirectX can greatly optimize Fps! The console enters the following command:Mat_dxlevel 90 - DirectX 9Mat_dxlev

31、el 81 - DirectX 8.1Mat_dxlevel 80 - DirectX 8Mat_dxlevel 70 - DirectX 7Here are some commands that will make your CS:S look more dazzling and cool:command 1Mp_decals 4096 the parameter set a maximum number of visible map, at the maximum of 4096, to avoid a large number of blood spilled on the wall,

32、the map will suddenly disappear phenomenon.Command 2Cl_ragdoll_collide 1, which allows each module of the body to be in close contact with each other, thus avoiding mutual embedding, so that physical contact in the game looks much mand 3Cl_c4dynamiclight 1, which makes C4s lights flicker d

33、ynamically and looks really mand 4R_lod -5 this parameter can make the character in the game to maintain the best mapping effect at any distance, so when youre near them when not suddenly see people who mand 5R_decal_cullsize 0 setting this parameter makes the game in the map can be

34、seen at any distance, not just when you are mand 6Jpeg_quality 100, this parameter is used with the JPEG command, and at 100 JPEG, your screen looks mand 7The r_propsmaxdist 5000 parameter sets the farthest visible distance of the props in the game. This can make props with distance

35、 change to a flickering effect.You * * the following command does not need to add, because they can be set in the video options. The added advantage is that you dont have to go back and forth each time you enter the game and then manually adjust it:Mat_bilinear sets bilinear filtering, 0 is disabled

36、, and 1 is enabledMat_picmip sets texture precision 0= high, 1=, 2= lowMat_reducefillrate tonal adjustment, 0 for high, 1 for lowR_rootlod set model accuracy 0= high, 1=, 2= lowR_shadowrendertotexture sets shadow detail, 0 for low and 1 for height-Heres the Launch options command, and if youre pirat

37、e, add it to the target bar of the game shortcut (note space). Genuine, click start the game.Right click on cs:source. (select) Properties (property). Launch Options (launch options). Join in the edit bar (edit box)-dxlevel sets the hardware DirectX for the graphics card, where settings do not confl

38、ict with autoexec.cfg.Enter the version of DirectX after the space. Individuals dont recommend setting him up as 70, because some servers you set your hardware DirectX to less than 80, hell kick you out-noforcemaccel restores to desktop mouse acceleration settings, that is, to use the mouse acceleration set by the drive. In games, most of the time your mouses acceleration is not s


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