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1、文檔來(lái)源為 :從網(wǎng)絡(luò)收集整理 .word 版本可編輯 .歡迎下載支持Part I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each d

2、ialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spokenonly once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet w

3、ith a single line through the center.Example: You will hear:You will read: A) New York City.B) An evening party.C) An air trip.D) The man josb.From the dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New York. Therefore, C) An air trip is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the Answer Sh

4、eet with a single line through the center.Now the test will begin.1. A) Production planning. C) Public relations.B) Financial affairs. D)Import and Export.2. A) More workers are needed. C) Raw materials are more expensive.B) Advertising costs more. D) Workers salaries are higher.3. A) To look for a

5、dream job. C) To continue his study.B) To visit his friends.D) To find a chance to do business.4. A) He is good at programming.B) He is suitable for the job.5. A) Interviewer and interviewee.B) Buyer and seller.C) He is nice and kind.D) He finds the job difficult.C) Doctor and nurse.D) Shop assistan

6、t and customer.5Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a questi

7、on, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Now the test will begin.Conversation l6. A) He was too busy.B) He got a new offer.

8、7. A) To have his own business.B) To do social work.Conversation 2C) His company has moved away.D) His company has closed down.C) To move to another city.D) To go to study abroad.8. A) The chief engineer.B) The manager assistant.C) The office secretary.D) The sales manager.9. A) Hes giving a lecture

9、.B) Hes atte nding a meeti ng.10. A) Telli ng him to meet tomorrow.B) Telli ng him to Send a sample. SeCtiO n CC) He S SPeaking on another PhOneD) He S away on a bus in ess trip.C) ASk ing him to call back.D) ASk ing him to atte nd a party.DireCtions: In this SeCtion you will hear a recorded short p

10、assage. The PaSSage is Printed in the test paper, but With some words or PhraSeS missing. The PaSSage will be read two times. You are required to PUt the missing words or PhraSeS on the AnSWer Sheet in order of the nu mbered bla nks accord ing to What you hear. Now the PaSSage will beg in.LadieS and

11、 Gen tleme n,It S mhonor to be the guide to show you around our company. FirSt of all, I ll in troduce our factory to you.OUr company JJ_ in the 1980s. We mainly PrOdUCe electronic goods and export them all over the world. We 12 of about US$80 million last year, and our bus in ess is grow ing steadi

12、ly. We now have OffiCeS in Asia, North AmeriCa and EUrope, With about 1500 employees, and We are working gladly to 13 of our customers. In order to further develop our OVerSeaS market, We n eed more age nts to 14_ our products.I hope you will 15 doing bus in ess With us. Thank you.SeCtiO n DDireCtio

13、ns: ThiS SeCtion is to test your ability to COmPrehend short passage. You will hear a recorded PaSSage After that you ll hear five questions. Both the PaSSage and the questions will be read two times When you hear a question, you should complete the anSWer to it With a word or a short PhraSe (in no

14、more than 3 words). The questi OnSand in complete an SWerS are Prin ted in your test paper. You should Write your an SWerS on the An SWer Sheet COrreSP ondin gly.Now liste n to the passage.16. What did the SPeaker talk about last time?Theof an oral PreSe ntatio n.17. What does the SPeaker Want to ta

15、lk about today?Theof a PreSe ntatio n.18. What does a typical PreSe ntatio n con SiSt of?The begi nning,.19. Why is the beg inning of a PreSe ntati on the most importa nt part, accordi ng to thespeaker?BeCaUSe it is theto your liste ners.20. What is the role an effective beg inning Can play in your

16、PreSe ntati on?It Can drawand Set the PrOPer tone.Part II StrUCtUre(10mi nu tes)DireCtions: ThiS Part is to test your ability to conStrUCt grammatically COrreCt Senten ces. It con SiStS of 2 SeCt ions.SeCtiO n ADirections: In this section there are 10 incomplete sentences.You are required to complet

17、e each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.2l. the number in full-time employment fell by 2 million, the number ofpeople in part-time

18、 work doubled to over 4 million.A) Unless B) Until C) While D) Since22. It was your recommendation enabled me to be an engineer in thisworld-famous company.A) when B) who C) what D) that23. Now the pollution caused by the increasing number of cars more andmore serious in many cities.A) become B) bec

19、ame C) is becoming D) had become24. We understand you need easy accessup-to-date information about youraccounts in our bank.A) in B)to C)for D)with25. It is common practice a battery when it still has some life in it.A) to charge B) charge C)charged D) having charged26. We have to investigate as cus

20、tomers as possible in order to make sure ofthe potential of the market.A) many B) much C) more D) most27. As long as you keep on hard, you11 get promoted sooner or later.A) work B) be working C) worked D) working28. There are 4.9 million businesses in the UK, 99% of are small businesses.A) which B)

21、that C) whose D) it29. by all the team members, they finally got the big project for theircompany.A) To be supportedC) SupportingB) Having supported D) Supported30. This article tells the readers they can look for inan employee s abilities.A) that B) what C) which D) howSection BDirections: There ar

22、e 5 incomplete statementshere. You should fi11 in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.31. The proposal that the head of the team made at the meeting sounds (reason)32. Generally speaking, once you (make

23、) the payment, the goods should bedelivered within a week.33. It is said that advertising is the (expensive) of all the promotionalactivities undertaken by businesses.34. The company suffered greatly during the economic crisis, with considerable loss Of its (inv est).35. It is reported that an inter

24、natiOnal COnferenCe (hold) in LOndOn nextFriday.Part InReading COmPrehension (40minutes)DireCtions: ThiS Part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the read ing materials carefully and do the tasks as you are in StrUCted.TaSk 1DireCtions: After readin

25、g the following passage. You will find 5 questions or Unfini Shed Stateme nts, nu mbered 36 to 40. For each questi on or Stateme nt there are 4 ChOiCeS marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the COrreCt ChOiCe and mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter on the AnSWer Sheet With a Single Iine through the Ce

26、nter.We try to enSUre that GFL Solid WaSte HaUIage (清運(yùn))DiViSiOn is a company that acts SafeIy and responsibly at all times and in all places. We never tolerate any con duct that PUtS our CUStOmerS and the com mun ities We SerVe at risk. At GFL, Safety is more than a program; it is a core value of ou

27、r company. GFL is equally COmmitted to improving the enVirOnment for the future of the communities We live in and We serve. We believe that our SerViCeS play an essential Part in improving the enVirOnment and We are always mindful of having the most cost-effective WaSte man ageme nt soluti ons for o

28、ur customers.We are COmmitted to the Safety of our WOrkerS and have PrOgramS in place to con ti nu ally UPgrade our WOrker Safety and en Vir onmen tal practices. We have highly qualified staff, We USe the best available equipment and We are fully COmmitted to keep ing our workplace Safe and the en V

29、ir Onment clea n.OVer the PaSt years, SerViCe requests have Cha nged dramatically from basic WaSte disposal to COmPrehe nsive WaSte man ageme nt or greenprograms. OUr new green” WaSte man ageme nt PrOgram is now gai ning respect and popularity in the com muni ty.For more in formati on, con tact GFL

30、at .36. ACCOrd ing to the passage, GFL doesallow any con duct that will.A) CaUSe any no ise to the en Vir OnmentB) PrOdUCe WaSte in the com mun itiesC) WaSte more n atural resourcesD) do harm to its CUStOmerS37. The core value of GFL Solid HaUIage DiViSiO n isA) PrOfit B) SafetyC) efficie ncyD) resp

31、 on SibiIity38. In the first paragraph, we are always mindfulof ” means “”.A) We are a1ways WOrriedabOUt B) We always look forward to C) We are always awareof D) We always PUt UP With 39. What does GFL do With its WOrker Safety and en Vir onmen tal practices, accord ingto the SeC ond paragraph?A) Co

32、n ti nu ally UPgrade them.B) KeeP USing the traditi onal methods.C) Hire new WOrkerS to clea n the en Vir Onment.D) ImPOrt new tech no1ogy from OVerSeaS compa ni es.40. What can we learn about the company snew “green” waste management program?A) The quality of waste management has become worse.B) Th

33、e program is becoming more and more popular.C) Waste management has remained unchanged.D) More workers are involved in the program.Task 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.Many jobs have been lost and they may not be coming bac

34、k. Some occupations had already been declining for years due to advances in technology and changes in the global economy. The following is a list of careers that are disappearing. Stage PerformersThe five-year decline for this career was a surprising 61%. Stage performances have fallen out of fashio

35、n and have been almost entirely replaced with movies and home entertainment technologies.Postal Service Mail Sorters (分揀員)After losing almost 57,000 jobs between 2004 and 2009, a further 30% decline in this occupation can be seen by 2018. With more automatic processes for mail sorting and increasing

36、 correspondence via e-mail and fax, this job is quickly becoming unnecessary.Office Support WorkersAbout 300,000 office support jobs disappeared between 2004 and 2009. Secretaries and file clerks are no longer in demand as companies cut costs. Moreover, technologies like voicemail and easy-to-use wo

37、rd processors have enabled professionals to do their own office work.Photo ProcessorsWith the rise of digital photography and automatic printing, positions for manual photo printers are rapidly disappearing. The occupation has been steadily losing jobs in the last five years and there might be a 24%

38、 decline by 2018. Radio operatorsAs technology advances, the need for workers to monitor communications via radiotelephone equipment is disappearing. This already small field saw a five-year decline of 43%.41. According to the first paragraph, because of the advances in technology and global economi

39、c changes, .A) many jobs are disappearing sharplyB) many new occupations are emergingC) people are attracted to higher-paying jobsD) part-time jobs have become more popular42. One reason why the career of stage performers is declining so fast is that .A) stage performers can no longer earn big money

40、B) fewer people are qualified as stage performersC) there is less investment in stage performancesD) Stage PerfQrma nces have become IeSS POPular43. The ben efit Qf USing new tech no IQgieS in the QffiCe is that.A) QffiCe WQrkerS Can WQrk On a flexible WQrk SyStemB) PrQfeSSi On aS are able tQ do the

41、ir OWn OffiCe WQrkC) SeCretarieS and file CIerkS are badly in n eedD) employeeS Can enjoy better SQCiaI WeIfare44. The author expects that by 2018 the QCCUPati On Of PhQtQ PrQCeSSQrS might decli neby.A) 61% B) 43% C) 30% D) 24%45. WhiCh Qf the foIIoWing might be the best title Qf the passage?A) AdVa

42、 need TeCh no IQgieSB) RiSing Un employme ntC) DiSaPPeari ng CareerSD) Global ECQnQmyTaSk 3 DireCtions: The foIIoWing is a ShQrt introduction to all sales representatives. After reading it, you are required to CQmPIete the outline beloW it (No. 46 to No. 50). YQU ShQUId Write your anSWerS briefly (i

43、n not more than three WQrdS) Qn the AnSWer Sheet CQrreSP Qndin gly.In AmeriCa n In CQme Life In SUra nce CQmPa ny (AIL), sales represe ntatives have SerVants hearts. OUr team members make every effort to PrQteCt hard-Working, middle-income families With inSUrance CQVerage (承保范圍) .We also believe WhQ

44、Ie-heartedly in giving back to the CQm mun ities in WhiCh We operate. AmeriCa n InCQme Life gives Qff its time and resources to help make the World a better place.Sales experience is not required to be a representative.Just the Willingness to WQrk hard. What makesAmerican InCQme Life UniqUe is that

45、QUr WQrk SyStem enables QUr sales team to focus Qn selling, WhiCh is What makes this Career truly QPPQrtUnity Un limited. SimPIy said, you earn What youre WQrth based Qn hoW hard you WQrk and hoW fast you Want to advance. At AmeriCan InCQme Life you Will find a career, not a job. YQU Will also find

46、free training QPPQrtUnities, and IeaderShiP experience, too. AmeriCa n In CQme Lifes in depe ndent age ncy QffiCeS PrQVide sales trai ning focused Qn in SUra nce sales. Training in CIUdeS WQrk ing Qne-Qn-Qne With experie need sales age nts both in the CIaSSrQQm and in the field.Sales RePreSe ntative

47、s Qf AILAims: I) to PrQteCt middle-i ncome families2) to give back to 46 Features: 1) hav ing SerVa nts hearts2) Willi ngness to 473) being able to focus Qn 48Benefits: 1)49 sales training QPPQrtUnities2)50experienceTaSk 4DireCtions: The folloWing is a list Qf terms related to QnIine jobs from home.

48、 After read ing it, you are required to find the items equivale nt to (與等同)those give nin Chin ese in the table beloW. Then you ShQUId PUt the CQrreSP Qnding IetterS in the 文檔來(lái)源為 :從網(wǎng)絡(luò)收集整理 .word 版本可編輯 .歡迎下載支持brackets On the An SWer Sheet, nu mbered 51 through 55.A - Cost of goods soldB Cha nnel of di

49、stributi onC - COmmiSSiO n PerCe ntD - COmPetitiVe adva ntageE - Current assetsF - CUrre nt debtG - DireCt cost of salesH - Earning before taxes I - EffeCtiVe dema ndJ - AdVa nce Payme nt K - AdViSi ng bankL - Letter of CreditM - Payi ng bank N - CaPitaI marketO - Cost and freight P - ImPOrt lice ns

50、eQ - JOintVen tureEXamPles: (A)售出貨物成本(H)稅前收益51. ()現(xiàn)有債務(wù)52. ()信用證53. ()競(jìng)爭(zhēng)優(yōu)勢(shì)54. ()付款銀行55. ()直銷成本()預(yù)付款()合資企業(yè))有效需求)成本加運(yùn)費(fèi))資本市場(chǎng)TaSk 5DireCtions: The following is a letter. After reading it, you should give brief anSWerS to the 5 questions (No. 56 to No. 60) that follow. The anSWerS (in not more than 3 WOrd

51、S) should be Writte n after the COrreSP Onding nu mbers on the An SWer Sheet.ACt now to get a StUde nt loa nMake no Payments while in school With aWells Fargo PriVate StUdent loan.A college education is a WOrthWhiIe inVeStment, but SOmetimeS you need help COVering all the costs Wells Fargo PriVate S

52、tUdent loans may be able to help you Pay for all eligible educati on-related expe nses, in clud ing tuiti on, hous ing, books, a laptop, lab fees, and more.Other ben efits in clude:一 Make no Payme nts Un til SiX mon ths after leav ing school一 SeIeCt a COmPetitiVe fixed or VariabIe interest rate opti

53、on一 RedUCe your loan cost With our interest rate discoUntSAPPIyi ng With a CO-Sig ner (聯(lián)署人; 擔(dān)保人) may improve your Cha nce of getting approved and help you qualify for a lower interest rate, Learn more about Undergraduate StUdent Ioans for traditional colleges and UniVerSitieS or Career and community

54、 colleges. Or call our toll-free number 1-877-315-7721.OUr StUde nt Loa n SPeCiaIiStS are here to help you through the PrOCeSS - from help ing you make an in formed ChOiCe on the Ioa n that meets your n eeds, to help ing you estimate how much you may n eed to borrow.56. What is introduced in the pas

55、sage?A Wells Fargo loan.57. What expenses can be paid with the loan?All eligibleexpe nses58. What is the advantage of the loan in terms of the repayment period?No payment is made until six months after .59. Why are you advised to apply for your loan with a co-signer?To have a better chance of and be

56、ing qualified for a lower interestrate.60. What can the Students Loan Specialists do to help you in your application?They can help you through in your application.Part IVTran slati On En glish into Chin ese(25 mi nutes)Directions: This part, numbered 61 through 65, is to test your ability to transla

57、te English into Chinese. After each of the sentencenumbered 61 to 64, you will read three choices of suggested translationmarked A), B) and C). You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. And for the paragraph numbered 65, write your translation in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet.61. In order to increase cash flow and limit layoffs, the company has decided that salar


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