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1、英語八年級(上)人教版 Go for itUnit7 Will people have robots ? Section A(II )教學設計交大附中分校 王永潔Analysis of the teaching material:The topic of this unit is Will people have robots? This unit is designed to teach students how to make predictions by using the simple present tense. This lesson is not so closely relat

2、ed to students daily lives. But it encourages students to use their imagination. It s quite easy to arouse students interests in communicating with each other by using the English learnt in this unit. In the process of learning, students are encouraged to express and share their own ideas on describ

3、ing what they think will happen to the world, the life and the earth and so on. Students are expected to go on learning the key words and target language learnt in the first period of Section A of this unit.Analysis of the students:Students in Grade 8 are eager to get new information. They are inter

4、ested in the prediction about the future. So they must be interested in the topic of thiswill ” and the structureunit. Because they have learnt the first part of Section A, Unit 7. They are supposedto understand how to use the simple future tense withof “there be ” to make predictions.However it s d

5、ifficult for many students tounderstand the differences betweenless ” andfewer ”. The class aims to talkabout the future life by using ?more” I?less ”and “ fewer ” correctly.Teaching aims:Knowledge Objectives: By the endof thisclass, Ss will be able to make predictionsby using the wordslike“” |”| r”

6、I X|more”, “l(fā)ess ” and “fewer ” and thesimple future tense withwill ”Ability Objectives:By the end of this class, Ss learn to use the target languageby listening and speaking and learn how to get information from a the recording.(Learn some listening strategiesMoral Objectives:By the end of this cla

7、ss, Ss lear n to have imagi natio n and learnto care our earth.Type of less on:A new less onClass period:45m inu tesImportant points:a) Ss learn to use “will ” to talk about the life in the future;b) Ss learn to use“ more” ,“ less ” and “fewer ” ;c) Stude nts lear n some liste ning strategies.Diffic

8、ult points:Use “there will be” and“more” ,“l(fā)ess ”“fewer ”correctly.Teachi ngmethods: Direct method, Task-based Ian guageteach ingapproach,Commun icative method and real scene method.Lear ning methods:a) Ss are en couraged to speak freely.b) Ss are guided to lear n some liste ning strategies;c) Ss ar

9、e leaded to use the target Ian guage correctly.Resources of teaching:Teacher s book ; Students book & chalkTeachi ng Procedures:Teachi ng ProceduresWhat T does in classWhat Ss do in class(T s expectation)Purpose of thedesig nStep 1. Greeti ngs1. Greet the Ss and askThey an swer T sIt s designed toan

10、d revisi on:how s their life now.questi ons by usinghelp Ss reviewAsk:How s your2. Ask them to give somewhat they learnt inthe simple futurelife now?predicti onsaccord ingthe last class.tense and arouseHow will the worldto what they lear nt intheirin terestsbe different in 100the last class.in what

11、they areyears from now?lear ning in thisclass.Step 2. Liste ning:The teacher shows themThey are able toHelp Ss lear n to1. Pre-liste ningthe illustrati on andtell what they seepredicttheLet stude nts describe what they can see in the illustrati on.let them describe what they can see in this illustra

12、ti on.accord ing to illustrati on.thecontent of the liste ningwiththe aid of the illustrati on.2. While liste ningThe tasksare1)Liste n for theAsk stude nts to liste nMost studentsaredesig nedtofirst time to circleto the con versati onable to circle thedevelopSsmore ,lesswhile fulfilli ng theexact w

13、ords afterliste ningor “ fewer ” . Checktask the teacherthefirstskills.the an swers bydesig ns.liste ning.1) Predict ingask ing them to readwhat they willthe completehear by watch ingsenten ces.theillustrati on.2) Ask Ss to watchLead stude nts to lear nThey are also able2) Un derli ningthe five sent

14、en cesto watch and analyze byto find outthethe key wordsand pay atte nti ontothemselves.structureofthewhich can helpthe structure of thefive sentences andthem get thefive sentences andwhe nweusecorrect an swerswhe n we useaa .more ,lessby liste ning.more ,lessa rorfewerandor “ fewer ” andan alysis t

15、hem withSome tasks arehelp them to analyzetheteachersdesig ned to helpthem by themselves.help correctly.Ss to un dersta ndthegrammarpoi nts well3) Lead Ss to readAsk stude nts to liste nStude nts do whatandcultivatethe in struct ions ofto the con versati onthe teacher guidestheir ability of2b and re

16、ad thefollowi ng 5 senten ces. Then ask them to listen and check the things they hear by liste ning to it for the sec ond time.4) Talk about the an swers with ss.3. Post readi ng Ask two stude nts to readthecon versatio n in 2c.Then ask them to work in pairs to talk about the five predictio nsin the

17、con versatio ns.while fulfilli ng the task the teacher desig ns.Check the an swers.Listen to themcarefully and give them some comme nts. The n walk around the classroom and give help if n ecessary.them to do.Check the an swers and correct the an swers.They will read the con versati on very well. And

18、 they will tell their opinions fran kly.watch ingandan alyz inglikeask ingSs towatch the five sentences and pay attention to the structure of the fivesenten cesand when we usea?more ,lessor“fewer”andhelpthemtoanalyzethembythemselves.It s designed to en courage stude ntsto usethetargetIan guageincon

19、versati ons.Step 3 Role-play1. Ask students to watch theillustratio nandlead them to learn some new words like: en vir onment;En courage stude nts to say more about the illustrati on.They can describe the illustrati on with the teacher s help.It s designedtohelpstude ntspredictwhatisinthecon versati

20、 on and lear n some new words to help Sspolluted;pla net;un dersta ndtheearth;plant;play acon versati onpart etc.well.2. Ask questio nslike:Helpstude ntstoIt s designed to1) What willtheun dersta ndthetwoThey will read thehelpSstofuture be likequesti ons.con versati onwithpracticetheaccordi ng to th

21、ethe two questionstargetIan guagebook about thein their hearts.by reading again.future?2) What can peopledo to save theearth?3.Ask stude nts toreadtheHelp and give comme ntscon versati onto stude nts.They can find outIt s designed toand answer thethean swershelpSstotwo questi ons.easily.un dersta nd

22、the4. Ask them tocon versati onliste nto thePlay the record ing forbetter.record ingandstude nts.It s designed toimitatetheThey do as thehelp Ss to read itinton ati onandteacher ask them nun ciati on.do.5.Ask stude nts toListe n and giveIt s designed towork incomme nts as well.help Ss to

23、 arousepairs to rolePractice in pairsstudents play thisfirstand the nin terestsincon versati on.several pairs willlear ningEn glish.show it whole class.totheStep 4.GrammarFocus1. Ask studentstoEn courage stude nts toSeveralstude ntsThey are designedreadthewatch and an alyze bywork togethertoto help

24、stude ntssenten cesincooperati ng withan alyzetheto understand theGrammarFocuspart ners.grammarpoi ntstargetIan hisunit2. Ask them to workGive help and comments.well.ingroupstoan alyzetheThey are alsostructureofthedesig ned to helpsimplefutureWalk in the classroomstude nts

25、toten se.and give help ifdeveloptheir3. Review what theyn ecessary.abilitiestoan alyzed aboutwatch and an alyzethe structurethe in formatio nfuture tense ofthey got.“ there be ” andwhe n we usea?more ,less ora rfewer .Step 5. Practice.1. Ask studentstoGive comme nts.Stude ntsdotheThey refulfill the

26、task in3a by themselves firstand then askthemtocheckan swers in pairs .2. Askseveralstude ntsto readtheir an swers one by one.3. Students read thefivesentencestogether.Help and give Sscomme ntsexercisescarefullyfirstand the n talk with eachothertodiscussthean swers.Make surethecorrect an swers.Pract

27、ice more.desig ned to help stude ntstopracticethetargetIan guagethey ve learnt.Step 6.Surveyonpredictio ns1. Tell Ss they aregoingtosurveyother stude ntsinclassforthepredictio ns.2. Distributethesheets of paper to each group of four stude ntsand tellthem they will work together and write as many pre

28、dicti onsfor the future asEn courage stude nts to use their imagi natio n and write more predicti ons about their own future; the environment;China; other coun tries, etc.Work in groups.and write.The nIt s designed to help Ss to use targetIan guagecorrectlyandfreely.It s designed to help Ss to lear n fromeachbycooperati ngwitheach other.possiblein3mi


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