



1、國際貿(mào)易名詞解釋Expla nati on1. Neutral Packaging: Neutral packaging is the one that makes no men tio n at all the n ame of the country which produces the goods and the n ame of the manu facturer on the commodity and on the outer and inner packages.2. Demurrage: it is the cost of delaying a ship , to the sh

2、ip-owner paid by the charterer.3. Dispatch Mon ey: Dispatch money is an amount of compe nsati on paid by the ship-ow ner to the charterer whe n the load ing an d/or uni oad ing can be completed in less time allowed in the voyage charter party. Dispatch money is no rmally based on, or as a fracti on

3、of, the rate of demurrage.4. Foreign Exchange: Foreign Exchange is the currency of any foreign country which is the authorized instrument and the basis for record keeping in that country. In the con text of intern ati onal trade, foreig n excha nge means thein strume nts expressed in foreig n curre

4、ncy and employed in making payme nts between countries paper currency, notes, checks, bills of exchange, and electronic notifications of international credits and debits.5. B/L (Bill of Lad in g): It is a shipp ing docume nt that serves as a proof ofdelivery of goods to the carrier , a means of tran

5、sferring rights t the goods by the transfer of the paper document to another party, and an evidenee of thecon tract of carriage betwee n the shipp ing compa ny and the shipper 。6. Draft: A draft ( also called bill of excha nge ) is an uncon diti onal order in writ ing sig ned by one party (drawer) r

6、equest ing a sec ond party (drawer/payer)to make payme nt in lawful money immediately or at a determ in able future time to a third party (payee). I n the con text of intern ati onal trade, the drawer and payee is usually the seller and the drawee and payer is usually the buyer.7. Presentation: Pres

7、entation means the holder of the draft lets the drawee sight the draft for payment or acceptanee, depending on whether a sight draft or a time draft is prese nted.8.SWIFT: (SWIFT is short for Society for Worldwide in terba nk Finan cial Telecom muni cati on) which is in Chin ese and the in dustry-ow

8、 ned co-operative suppl ying secure, sta ndardized messagi ng services in terface software to n early 8,100 financial institutions in 2007 countries and territories. SWIFT members in clude ban ks, broker-dealers and inv estme nt man agers. The broader SWIFT com munity also en compasses corporates as

9、 well as market in frastructures in payments, securities, treasury and trade. Over the past ten years, SWIFT message price have bee n reduced over 80%.9. En dorseme nt: En dorseme nt is a legal term that refers to the sig ning of a document which allows for the legal transfer of a negotiable from on

10、e party to ano ther.10Collection: Documentary collection is a means of ensuring that goods (title documents) are only handed over to buyer (by a bank) when the amount show n on a bill of excha nge is paid or whe n the customer accepts the bill as a con tract to pay by a specific date.二 International

11、 currency system1 International monetary system is broadly defined as the set of conventions, rules, procedures and in stitutio ns that govern the con duct of finan cial relati ons between nations. Narrowly speaking, it refers to international exchange rate system. ? There are three international ex

12、change rate systems in history: the gold sta ndard, the Brett on Woods, and the floati ng excha nge.2 Classification of international monetary system:All international monetary systems, whatever their form, have much in com mon and differ only in certa in respects .Eco no mists usually use sever cri

13、teria for classifying the various possible international monetary system. The role of exchange rate (flexibility or rigidity of F-X/ fixed, floating)? The nature of the reserve asset (commodity reserves; fiduciary (fiat) reserves-inconvertible paper sta ndard; mixed sta ndards-gold excha nge sta nda

14、rd)3 The characteristics of a good intern ati onal mon etary systemTo answer how to choose, which is good and what criteria, we must identify what the monetary system does. The ultimate objective of the IMS is to en able the fun dame ntal econo mic processes of producti on and distributi on to opera

15、te as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Adam Smith IMS-great wheel (effortless relati ons become incon spicuous, con sta nt flow of goods and services that go to satisfy human want in the whole world) esp. awing the significance of IMS during crisis4 Types of Intern ati onal mon etary systemExch

16、a nge rate system(1) Fixed excha nge rate system Adjustable Peg Crawli ng Peg Ma naged Float(5) Float ing excha nge rate systemMon etary sta ndard (reserve asset)(1) Commodity Sta ndard (Gold Sta ndard)(2) Credit Sta ndard (inconv ertible paper mon ey)(3) Mixed Stan dard (gold excha nge sta ndard)5T

17、he Gold Sta ndard(1)The gold sta ndard had its orig in in the use of gold coins as a medium of excha nge, un it of acco unt, and store of value. The gold sta ndard as a legal institution dates from 1819, when the British Parliament passed the Resumpti on Act-excha nging curre ncy no tes for gold on

18、dema nd at a fixed rate.(2)Later in the nineteenth century, Germany, Japan, and other coun tries also adopted the gold sta ndard. The Un ited States effectively joined the gold standard in 1879 when it pegged to gold the paper“greenbacks ” issued during the Civil War. The U. S. Gold Standard Act of

19、1900 institutionalized the dollar-gold link. Merits of InternationalGold Sta ndard6 (1) the react ions of cen tral banks to gold flows across their borders furni shed another mechanism to help restore balanee of payment equilibrium. Central banks that were persiste ntly losi ng gold were motivated t

20、o con tract their domestic asset holding, pushing domestic interest rates upward and attracting in flows of capital from abroad. Cen tral banks gaining gold had much weaker incentives to eliminate their own imports of the metals. The main incentive was the greater profitability of interest-bearing d

21、omestic assets compared with “ barren ” gol(2) The practices of selling domestic assets in the face of a deficit and buying domestic assets in the face of a surplus. This term ino logy is coined by Keynes. Because such measures speeded the movement of all countries toward their exter nal bala nee go

22、als, they in creased the efficie ncy of the automatic adjustme nt processes in here nt in the gold sta ndard. The incen tives to obey the rules applied with greater force to deficit than to surplus countries.Target: To ensure the national trade and world economic stability and orderly develop, and r

23、esources of every coun tries can be exploited effectively.Function : To establish exchange rate mechanism in order to prevent circular malignantdepreciationand provide favorable method of solution forintern atio nal trade imbala nces and to accelerate coord in atio n of world econo mic policies.三.Wh

24、ats the procedure of L/C ?1 The seller and the buyer con clude a sales con tract provid ing for payme nt by docume ntary credit.s, to2 The buyer instructs his bank, the issuing bank , to issue a credit in favor of the seller .3 The issu ing bank asks ano ther bank, usually in the country of the Sell

25、er advise or con firm the credit.4 The advis ing or conforming bank in forms the seller that the credit has bee n issued.5 As soon as the seller receives the credit and is satisfied with the terms and conditions , he is in a position to load the goods and dispatch them .6 The seller the n sends the

26、docume nts evide ncing the shipme nt to the bank where the credit is available.7 The bank exam ines the docume nts aga inst the credit . If the docume nts meetthe credit requirements, the bank will pay, accept or negotiate, according to the terms of the credit.8 The ban k, if other tha n the issu in

27、g bank, sends the docume nts to the issu ing bank.9 The issuing bank examines the documents and , if they meet the credit requirements , effects payment in accordanee with the terms of the credit .10 The issuing bank releases documents to the buyer upon the amount due , or upon other terms agreed be

28、twee n the issu ing bank and the buyer.11 The buyer sends the tran sport docume nts to the carrier who will the n proceedto delivery the goods.四 summary1 In this course we ve learned international trade practice and it s necessary fous get familiar with some related intern ati onal trade practice, c

29、onven tio ns andrules, and regulati ons of related law. Besides, it is also the basic requireme nt that every bus in ess pers on of foreig n trade should use these trade practices, conventions and rules and regulations of law as well as trade policy with flexibility to the advantage of our country.

30、In accordanee with the above-me ntio ned requireme nts, the textbook lays stress on the specific clause of a con tract for the intern ati onal sale of goods, both the sig ning and fulfillme nt of a con tract and its usual practice2 Traditionally, the import and export practice or the international t

31、rade bus in ess confines to the import and export of goods. However, i n the Uruguay Round of the Gen eral Agreeme nt on Tariffs and Trade starti ng from 1986, the traditi onal defi niti on of intern ati onal trade is for the first time exte nded to the import and export of tech no logies and servic

32、es on acco unt of the developme nt of the intern ati onal econo mic excha nge. Up to now, many coun tries have accepted the new definition. In our country, the new definition has been adopted into law. Foreign Trade Law of the People Republic of China adopted at the SeventhSession of the Standing Co

33、mmittee of the Eighth National People s Congress onMay 12, 1994 defines in the Article 2 that“For the purposes of this Law, foreig ntrade refers to import and export of goods and tech no logies and the intern ati onal trade in services. ”3 The international trade is more or less the same with the do

34、mestic trade in that are both essentially commercial activities with the same purpose of sale and purchase of goods which are restricted by the rules of econo mics. But they differ from each other in the following aspects: First, since the international trade is done between two countries, it is lik

35、ely to be affected by the foreign trade policy, trade measures and foreign exchange control of the countries concerned. Naturally, it is more difficult to do intern ati onal trade bus in ess. Sec ond, the trade bus in ess betwee n two coun tries certa inly invo Ives the problem of application of rel

36、ated trade law and regulations of different countries which gives rise to the discrepancies and conflicts between two legal systems and practices. In fact, the application of laws for the protection of international tradeis more complicated than we can imagine. Moreover, both the quantities and sums

37、 of the international trade in goods are usually larger than those of the domestic trade. There is always a long time span between the signing of a con tract and fulfillme nt of it since it takes quite a long time to tran sport goods from one country to another. Under the circumstances, there exists inevitably greater risk in intern ati ona


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