1、2016考研英語一真題答案解析2016年全國碩士研究生入學(xué)統(tǒng)一考試英語(一)真題及答案(完整版)(注:以下選項(xiàng)標(biāo)紅加粗為正確答案)etii use ofenlisdiection: re hefllowgtet. chooeheeswod() fo ehnubered bak and mark a, b, cord he answer seet. (10 pois)in camodi h hoice f a spouse i acompex one r the yongme. it y vlve not onl hs arents ad hisfens,thoe of he ong on,t
2、lso a mtchmaker. yog ma can 2 ikey pouse on is on ndhem k hsparents to 3th marge negtaions. ort young ns arnts ay make the choice ofa spouse, givig th cildlittle to ay n thseltion 4, girl ay veto the spoue heparetshave hosn 5 souse has been slected, ehfaly invesigateteterto ae reits chld is maring 6
3、 a goo fy. he tadialwedding s a lng ad lrl ffrfomrl tlasedthe days by h 190s t oe commonlyld dn hlf. buddhis pries offe a hort ermo an 8 rayers of blessn. prts theceremonyinle ritualhair cuttg, ottonhreadssod iol wte roundbdes and gooms wrists,an 10 andlearuna ile of hppiy mrried and respecd coulest
4、o bl he 11 .newlyweds trdtionlly mven wth he ifes rens and may2 wth te upto ayea, 1 tey c bld lewhous nary.dvorce s leal n es o14 ,bt no cmmo divorce perso are h some disapprova.each spouse rtns 6 pperh or sh 17intoth marriage,ad jintl -cquredpropeyis 18equaly.divocd peon may remry, but genderpjudic
5、e 19 thedivord ale doesnt have a itng ed before he can remarr 20thwman u ai he moths.1aby waofb as well asc on beaf of ih rgardto 2.a dpt o proidforccompet wihd deeon .a clseb enecarrangepostpoe. n horyb aove allc n imed fo ee5. toghb les ferdnes 6.inwithincfromdthrough7. a sneor utdso. a estbopycre
6、cte cree . a lnb ilngc aping yng1.alghtng pasigc idng d sering 11 meing associationc colectionduno 2. grw parc deal dli 13. wheasuntilc frif 14a btain llw chlleavoid 5 iolatdb pruadedcviewedd xposed . aheerb howevercwhenverdhaever 17.achangb rugtc sed d ue 18a iddb nvsdc dnatdd ihdawn .cersb warmcow
7、d braks 20.whileb so whtccd n thatsetioiirang cprhnson part dieions: red th followi for texts. answr theuetobelow ach ex bchosin , , c r d. mak you answrs on the anse seet (40 points)text 1 ran,wich prs itself as te gloal inovto of fsio,ha decde t ashion dsry has ls anabsoute rght to defie phialbeau
8、y fr oman.it lamakr gave reiminryaproval last wee t w tat woud mak it a cie to empoy ultathi mdels on rnays. thepaiamentasaree to banwbit that incite xcessive tine byrootin extreme detng.s measres havea coup of uplifting oivthey suggst beauty soudnot bedefneby loks thtend pwith impinging o heth. tha
9、ts a strt. and te ban on la-thn mdelsseem o go bed protig moels fom taring thmelvsthet - some have dne. i tellheahon ndusty thtt moe take reposibity forthesinal it ens women, espeially eenaggi,ao thesocil tap -meaur themust ue to dterin thei ndiidualwort. t bans, i fll eforcd ,oudsggest twomn (and m
10、anme )ta thy suld nt let oths orbtes f their beuty .and pehaps ainly, thy hint that people hould ook tinangbleqalits lecharactr nd intellc rthertan dieiteir wy tosi zero wspwaist phsqes the renh measures, oevr,rlto muh ser punihento hange a ctue tatil regars bays skn-deepadne-showing. uder te law, s
11、inga fason odel that does ntmee a goverment-denedindxof o mcd resutin $85,00 fie d s onths i prion. te fahinustry know ihsan inerent oblem i focusin o mateial adorment d ielied ody tye. indenar, enited state, nd feothercountris, it s tying tostvountary tandard fr model ad fsho imaes ther rely mreon
12、ear resre for enfrcement. in contrastofrce action,enmaks fshn ndusy agred last mnth on rle and santions regrdg ag, hl,ad her carctesics ofmods the newlyreieddaisfasn thcl carte clearly ate,we are aa n tkeesponsibiityfor the imactthe ashin inurys n boy deals, ecilly on unpeople. te crtrs mai tol o or
13、ceentis den accefor designeran mdelng agnces o copnhgn.ashio eek, whihis me btheanishfhion insitute .b in genrl i relies on a name-an-shame etod ocompliance relin on ehcal persuasonratherthan a t dress he misuseo dyde ay e thebst t. evenbeter ul be to hlp eevatnotion f ety byo the materal sadrds oa
14、particular ndstr. 21. according to the firs paragaph,what would hpe in france? a physil beaty wod berdeie b newnways wudbe contructd websie about ietng would thre d te fasion industry wodeclne 22. th pase imingingon(le2 ra2) sclosesin anng toa heiteng the value f b indcating the stte of c losing ait
15、hin d doing ham to3. whhof he olowng i true of te ashon idustry ahe renh eaureshae alread aileb nw standards rebing et in denark models ar no lngr unde peer esure its inherent poblems ae getti orse4. adesignri s ikel to e rejtedy cw or a ettingprfect phyca cditions b caing to muh ab modls charater c
16、 sowig itlcocrn forhltfactors ursuinga igha thsholdo moels 25 whch f te folwingmaybe th est t o te text? a a chllegeo the aion itrs by idals b diemma o the taving des in fran c just nother rn of tggle or euty d thre theats to the asion industryext 2 fo thefistime in th istory moe ppe liv n wnsha he
17、couty. n briai th as had auriusesultwhile o show brioat countysde alongsid theoyl amly. skepeare and the ntioalelh sevice (nhs) a watmkthemprudest fher coutr, tis as limted pitcal suppor.aturygo ocavia hi aunchedthe nationaltrustnot to eu stylsh houses bu oae the eauy of aural plaefor eveyone frer.i
18、t ws secifcaly to poideity dwells with space or leisurehr th cod experene rresh ar. hlls preurelt led t he caionof nationl parks and greents they dot make ontyden more, ande yer orete conme more ft .it edcontant guardianhi tthe nxt election one ofte b aris seemy to eore this setimen te consrative pl
19、annig rer xplicily ives develpmentprioriy ve onservation,ev authorizinoff-planbuiling wher lcal peoplmigt oet te concep ofsustnable developmen haseendefined s potal. lor likw want to discontiu loc plannn were coucil oppos deelomnt. the iberal demoa areln ony u sensing itschnce,a sesith tos leng r mo
20、recoieredapproach ing green land its cmpaignt prott rural england strk error it many ocalonsevativ pties. thesble pace tobuid new house factorie andofics is here poplearein iies ad towns wher infrsructure isin place.te london agents stiring acroye enty inifieden siteo al of mllohouse i the lando a a
21、ne h no itrusion ongren bets wht truef londoisen truer ofthepvinch iea that housing crsis equal concrte eads is pur loby talk. the iu is ot th ned fo mrhuses but,as always, whreto putthem uder bby pressure, gorg osborefaour ruraew-ild aganst uranrnvtn and renal. he fvorsut-of-ton shopngsits agaist i
22、g streets.thi s not eeaket bu a biad one rrl twnsad vilages have grw anwi alwys grow. they o s be where building sicks toter dge and espects eirchrcter. e do norin urban onsevain es hy ruin rural ones? eelopentshould be plad,noletrip, aer e nethrlads,britainis euroe mst rowd couny. hal a centu ofon
23、andconry planing a enabet to retan a enviblerurl cherence, while still permiting owdenstyurbnivng. teis no doubt of te aernative-he ruted landcapes of suthe porgal, sainor ielan. avoidngthirtherthanprmoting ihol nte th eftandrigf theoliicl spetrum.26. britis public sentimentabot t countsde a is ot e
24、l releted n oticb isfully bckb he royal amly c didnsart fill the shakearean age d has ughtmucheefit to the n 7. ccdig to aagap ,thahevemets f he ntionl trst areno being a largely vshdowb perly proected c effecly rencd gaduly detroyed 28which ofth folloingan ffeed fompragraph 3alabr i under ttackforo
25、pposg developmentb th nservaie may abnon offplan builing cukip mayain from tssupor r ura cnsevation dteliberademora ae losing plital influce the ator hodthat goge osbornessrefrce shows hiisrega fo t caracte of ura are b sresst ecesityof eain the houi crisc higlights his irm stand agitloby pressued r
26、als a tg preudice gisurban areas 30. n he last prgrh the atho showhis preciation of a te sz of oin in brita b the eviale uban lfesle in ritan c thto-n-ountry planning initaind the otica liein todaysbitintex 3 theeis onend oy e socialsponibiyf busness wrote milto friedman,abel prize-wng ecom that , u
27、e it reurs and egag ntivites dsined to ncease its proits.butvenyou pt ians pemise an regad corpoae sal resonibilit(r) picies s awase of sarhlersmoney,in my ot b outelyear-act. new resarc ugestsa s my ceatonetary vau focompanies at lswhntey arrscuted focorruptin. thelret irms n americaand ritain togh
28、er n more than $15 blion ayer on cs, codng o a etia by pg, a cnsutngfim this cold add vlue otei bsinessesin the wayfirst,consumers maytaksrspndin asa gal th ompans producsareofhiguality. scon,customes may b lig t buy pany rodcts s anindrty t donate othgodcases ithlps. d tird,throua mo difsealo efet
29、hereby tood dees ea i greaer osideatio from consumers and oters. rvos studieon cr ha hd tble diferntiatng these eecs case onsumes an b actd y allhree a eent tdy attemps o parat tm by ookingat bribery rsectons underaerias foren corpt ractics t(fp).it arguestat since prosecutorsdo nt consu companys pc
30、 a part heir inestgatons,they coul benfleed ny b thehaleffect the sud fond tht,ang proecudfirms,toe ih hos cpehense csr proramm tedd tgt more lnienenalts.ther aalyi ruled outthepssibilty tha iwas fimspolitical nfluec, rather a thir csr sand,thatacounted for th leniency: ompanies tha coriute moreto p
31、oltical aainsdid not recive lowerins. in all, te study concludesthat whas proseutssuld oly eauatcase bsed onits merts,te semo beinlece by a compnys rcordi cr. etime tteihr eimiatng a btantial labur-righs cncrn, such as chld lbou, or ireaingcooae gng y about0 reult in fines tht generlly are % lower t
32、han the typicalpuishment frbriig feign officis. says oe resarcher. reseachradmit hat teir udy oe o answer h qusi ahowmuchbusiness oughtospnd on co de treveal how muc maie are banig n t halo effet, rathrhan e oher ossilebnefits,whnthey comanesgtinto troule with te lw,vidne ofood haractr can wi tha le
33、ss ostlypunshme 31 h authorvews milton friemansttement aotcs with aunranty bskptiism capprva dtoran3. acorng toaragraph 2, csr heps opany b aarinit ginst mapracices bpoecting it frm cosur cwinnig ru fom conumr. draisig thquality f its pous 33 theexpresio oe lenient(in ,par.4)scloest in maning t less
34、 conrovsia bore lasimo fective dless sevee 4.he prsects evalute a cse, acopycsr recoracomes acro as eiabe evidnce bhas animpon ir esion cnceses he hance of bn enalized constittpartof he invetgatn5. whic he lowing is tu of srccordng ohelst pararaph? a tecessary amun of omae spninon iisunknob copaies
35、fnancia capaciy for it has ben erestimatdcis negaive effect obusinesss ae ofen okeddit ha brough mu enefit to th baning ndustrytex therewill eventualycomea day when te nw yk timesceas to pblis soso newspri.xctly when hat day wlbs a atter fdbate. oetime in the fut, he papers ublishr ad a n 20nostlgia
36、for n on ppr ad teustle f ages asid,thers penty o incetive o ditc prit. thfasucturreqie mke a sical newspapr -pintg presss, delvry trucksisn just xpesive; itsxessivata ime wen onine - olycompettsdot hv the ame st f finnl onstaints. readers are gting awrpint anya.and though prin a slesstlldarf their
37、onle an mobilecutepar, reue frm prnt is till dclining.verhea mybe igh andircuation lowe, ut rhingtoeliiae is printeditionwuld e a miste, ays buzzfeed cjonh peeti. pereti ays the s shldntwate tmgeting out of theprint busins, utonif tey g about doin the rihta.figuringout a wy to aceleate hatransitio w
38、oldmke ens fr them,hesaid,ut if youdscotie,youre oin hve yourmostlolustomersreal p with yo someimsthat wrt making a cangeanyway perti gives th xamplofntlxdiscniuing t vdaiin seice to focus ostreaming. i ws seen sblunder, he sad temove tuned ot to b fesited. an i rett wee in hargat the tims? woulnt i
39、ck a ear to ed pin, he ad ioud raiseprce and a it into oe of a lgacprduc. the mostloal customrswouldstil et the rouct they favr, the iea goe, and heyd ee lie thy wereelingsutan the alty of somtin hy beiev in.so if oureoverpaying foprnt, you oud fee like yu were helpig, perett said. th incree it a a
40、hhrrae eanesentialy yo gneate additionl revene inoter word, if youre gongtom aprin pruct,ma it forhepeople wh arealready besed with it which ay be what he timesis ing aread.geting t print edition sevn ays a weekcosts nearl $500 a year - moe than tic s muchas ital nlysubcriptio its a rally hd thingod
41、o andis a tremndos uxury t buzzfee doesn hae a egac busines, pereti emarkd. ut ee ing t haveqestions letha whre e he tng wre doithatdont mke seshe the makethane and teworld chages inhossituains,ibetter t more agrssve tht les agresie.36. th new york imes sconsderingendng s rt dinpartly ue to a hncrasingonin and saes b the pressure from its ivestors c te coplat rm ts reades t hicot of ortio 37.prtti sugges tat ife o the presen siin,he timehoud a akestrategc jutmnts b end e prnt seditin foroo eek ew oueof leadeship im oefict ngement 3. can beinfere from paragraphs5and 6 tat a lacy prdu
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