1、實用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)文檔Adaptive Welding for Heavy Plate FabricationFANUC Robotics America11/23/2010This application note describes a strategy for adjusting weld deposition rate to varying volume weld joints based on measurement of the weld joint gap and weld center location at two ends of a straight weld seam in ord
2、er to produce a uniform layer thickness. The weld joint in this example is a half-vee joint with root backing:The basic approach to welds of this type uses either Touch Sensing or iRVision to measure the weld joint gap at the root opening at either end of the weld joint. The welding programs use TAS
3、T with Multipass/RPM to accommodate seam tracking requirements. The gap measurements are used to calculate the volume of weld metal required to fill the gap for each weld pass and set the weave amplitude and weld travel speed to accomplish this goal.ConditionsR-30iA Controller with V7.40P/11 (or lat
4、er) ArcTool software Options Required:Touch Sensing or iRVision 2D packageArc Ramping (included in Standard ArcTool beginning in V7.40P/09) TAST + MP/RPM optionSystem Variable Settings:Set the following system variables:$AWERAMP1.$RAMP_ENABLE = TRUE$AWERAMP1.$RAMP_TO_POS = TRUE$WVCFG.$RAMP_ENB = TRU
5、E$WV_OTF_GP1.$OTF_ENABLE = TRUE$WV_OTF_GP1.$GET_AMP = TRUE$SCR_GRP1.$M_POS_ENB = TRUE$SCR_GRP1.$M_DST_ENB = TRUEThe $SCR_GRP variables are not necessary for operation but are enabled so Data Monitor can be used to record the actual position and travel speed during operation. The program SETSYSVAR.TP
6、 can be used to set these variables.TP Program StructureMAINWEL(Dshell program to control overall sequence)- CALL MEASGAP(CSollects the joint measurement routines)o CALL INITGAPS(zeros the gap width registers)o CALL FIND_JT1 (finds joint and measures gap at position 1)o CALL FIND_JT2(finds joint and
7、 measures gap at position 2)- CALL REGMAT(HCalculate Travel Speed)- CALL ADPTW(VCalculate weave amplitude)- CALL CALC_TVL(Set travel speed in weld schedules)- CALL PASSES(Performs the welding operation)o CALL SCALEGA(Padjusts the gap measurement for fill passes)Detail listing:MAINWELD.TP1: CALL MEAS
9、INE ;12: CALL FIND_JT2 ;13: PR150:TEMP=LPOS ;14: PR150,3:TEMP=PR150,3:TEMP+100 ;15:J PR150:TEMP 30% FINE ;16:J P1 30% FINE ;17: DO5:Wire Inch Bkwd=PULSE,0.7sec ;INITGAPS.TP1: R140:GAP 1 mm=0 ;2: R141:GAP 2 mm=0 ;3: R144:Multipass Index=0FEEDWIRE.TP1: PR10=LPOS ;2:J PR10 5% FINE ;3: LBL1 ;4: DO3:Touc
10、h ON=ON ;5: DO4:Wire Inch Fwd=ON ;6: IF DI2:Touch Input=ON,JMP LBL2 ;7: WAIT .01(sec) ;8: JMP LBL1 ;9: LBL2 ;10: DO4:Wire Inch Fwd=OFF ;11: WAIT .10(sec) ;12: DO3:Touch ON=OFF ;13: DO5:Wire Inch Bkwd=ON ;14: WAIT .10(sec) ;15: DO5:Wire Inch Bkwd=OFF ;FIND_JT1JT2.TPThe FIND_JTx.TP programs are the sa
11、me except for the search start location, the gap register, and the position register index for saving the found joint center location. The lines shown in REDchange for as many gap measurement locations are needed.1: UFRAME_NUM=0 ;2: UTOOL_NUM=1 ;3: R145:Z - Zero Plane=0 ;4:J PR151:Search Pos 1 30% F
12、INE ;5: PR150:TEMP=PR151:Search Pos 1 ;6: LBL1 ;7: !FIND JOINT ;8:J PR150:TEMP 30% FINE ;9: Search Start 1 PR40 ;10:J PR150:TEMP 30% FINE Search-Z ;11: Search End ;12: R145:Z - Zero Plane=PR40,3 ;13: IF R145:Z - Zero Plane<(-2),JMP LBL2 ;14: PR150,1:TEMP=PR150,1:TEMP+3 ;15: JMP LBL1 ;16: !FIND ED
13、GE 1 ;17: LBL2 ;18: PR150:TEMP=PR32 ;19: PR150,1:TEMP=PR150,1:TEMP+3 ;20:J PR150:TEMP 30% FINE ;21: Search Start 1 PR40 ;22:J PR150:TEMP 30% FINE SearchX ;23: PR150:TEMP=PR32 ;24: Search End ;25: PR150,1:TEMP=PR150,1:TEMP-2 ;26:J PR150:TEMP 20% FINE ;2728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849J!F
14、IND ROOT GAP ;Search Start 1 PR40 ;J PR150:TEMP 30% FINE Search-Z ;Search End ;PR150,3:TEMP=PR32,3+2 ;J PR150:TEMP 30% FINE ;Search Start 1 PR40 ;J PR150:TEMP 30% FINE SearchX ;PR150:TEMP=PR32 ;Search End ;WAIT .10(sec) ;Search Start 1 PR40 ;J PR150:TEMP 30% FINE Search-X ;Search End ;R139:TMP=PR150
15、,1:TEMP-PR32,1 ;R139:TMP=R139:TMP+R150:Wire Diameter ;R140:GAP 1 mm=R139:TMP ;R139:TMP=R139:TMP/2 ;PR150,1:TEMP=PR32,1+R139:TMP ;PR150,2:TEMP=PR32,2 ;PR150,3:TEMP=PR32,3-2 ;PR155:Pos 1=PR150:TEMP ;50:J PR155:Pos 1 30% FINE ;/POS/ENDREGMATH.TP1: !Deposit Volume ;2: ;3: R154:Wire CSA=(R150:Wire Diamet
16、er/2*(R150:Wire Diameter/2)*R151:PI) ;4: ;5: R155:WSPD (from sch 1=$AWESCH1,1.$CMD_VOLTS ;6: R157:Wire Vol/min=R156:Transfer eff.*R155:WSPD (from sch 1*R154:Wire CSA ;7: ;8: ;9: !Pass Layer Volume ;10: R146:Gap 1 in inches=R140:GAP 1 mm/25.4 ;11: R147:Gap 2 in inches=R141:GAP 2 mm/25.4 ;12: R163:Lay
17、er (thk) inch=R161:Mtl. thk (inch)/R162:Num of passes ;13: R164:Area of A=(R249:TAN 45 degrees*R163:Layer (thk) inch*R163:Layer (thk) inch)/(2) ;14: R167:Gap 1 area=R146:Gap 1 in inches*R163:Layer (thk) inch ;15: R168:Gap 2 area=R147:Gap 2 in inches*R163:Layer (thk) inch ;16: R171:Pass area at 1=R16
18、7:Gap 1 area+R164:Area of A ;17: R172:Pass area at 2=R168:Gap 2 area+R164:Area of A ;18: ;19: !Travel Speed Calc ;20: R175:Travel spd at 1=R157:Wire Vol/min/R171:Pass area at 1 ;21: R176:Travel spd at 2=R157:Wire Vol/min/R172:Pass area at 2 ;ADPTWV.TP1: R130:WV SCH 1=R140:GAP 1 mm-1 ; /NOTE: the“ 1”
19、 is 1 mm less than gap Youmay wish to change to a different value.2: R130:WV SCH 1=R130:WV SCH 1/2 ;3: !* ;4: R131:WV SCH 2=R141:GAP 2 mm-1 ; /NOTE: the“ 1” is 1 mm less than gap5: R131:WV SCH 2=R131:WV SCH 2/2 ;6: !SET WEAVE SCHEDULE ;7: $WVSCH1.$AMPLITUDE=R130:WV SCH 1 ;8: $WVSCH2.$AMPLITUDE=R131:
20、WV SCH 2 ;CALC_TVL.TP1: $AWESCH1,1.$CMD_WSPEED=R175:Travel spd at 1 ;PASSES.TP1: UTOOL_NUM=1 ;2: LBL10 ;3: IF R144:Multipass Index=1,JMP LBL24: IF R144:Multipass Index=2,JMP LBL35: IF R144:Multipass Index=3,JMP LBL46: IF R144:Multipass Index=4,JMP LBL57: !* ;8: ! PASS 1 ;9:J P1 30% FINE ;10:J P2 30%
21、 FINE ;11:J P21 20% FINE ;12:J PR155:Pos 1 30% FINE: Arc Start E11 ;13: Weave Sine1 ;14: Track TAST1 RPM1 ;15:L PR156:Pos 2 WELD_SPEED FINE: Arc End E11 WV2 RampTo R176 ;16: Weave End ;17: Track End ;18:J P22 20% FINE ;19:J P1 30% FINE ;20: PAUSE ;21: R144:Multipass Index=1 ;22: JMP LBL10 ;23: ;24:
22、LBL2 ;25: ! PASS 2;26: !* ;27: CALL SCALEGAP ;28: CALL REGMATH ;29: CALL ADPTWV ;30: CALL CALC_TVL ;31:J P1 30% FINE ;32:J P2 30% FINE ;33:J P21 20% FINE ;34: LOCK PREG ;35: MP Offset PR160 RPM1 ;36:L PR155:Pos 1 600mm/sec FINE: Arc Start E11 ;37: Weave Sine1 ;38:L PR156:Pos 2 WELD_SPEED FINE: Arc E
23、nd E11 WV2 RampTo R176 ;39: Weave End ;40: MP Offset End ;41:J P22 20% FINE ;42:J P1 30% FINE ;43: UNLOCK PREG ;44: PAUSE ;45: R144:Multipass Index=2 ;46: JMP LBL10 ;文案大全47:48:49:50:51:52:53:54:JLBL3 ;! PASS 3;!* ;CALL SCALEGAPCALL REGMATHCALL ADPTWV ;CALL CALCTVL55:J P1 30% FINE ;56:J P2 30% FINE ;
24、57:J P21 20% FINE ;58: LOCK PREG ;59: MP Offset PR162 RPM1 ;60:J PR155:Pos 1 30% FINE: Arc Start E11 ;61: Weave Sine1 ;62:L PR156:Pos 2 WELD_SPEED FINE: Arc End E11 WV2 RampTo R176 ;63: Weave End ;64: MP Offset End ;65: UNLOCK PREG ;66:J P22 20% FINE ;67:J P1 30% FINE ;68:69:70:71:72:73:74:75:76:77:
25、R144:Multipass Index=3 ;JMP LBL10 ;J!ADD PASSES AS NEEDED ;LBL4:1ST CAP PASS ;R144:Multipass Index=4 ;JLBL5:2ND CAP PASS ;JR144:Multipass Index=0 ;SCALEGAP.TP1: IF R144:Multipass Index=0,JMP LBL100 ;2: IF R144:Multipass Index=1,JMP LBL1 ;3: IF R144:Multipass Index=2,JMP LBL2 ;4: IF R144:Multipass In
26、dex=3,JMP LBL3 ;實用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)文檔5: LBL1;6: R140:GAP 1 mm=R140:GAP 1 mm+4 ;7: R141:GAP 2 mm=R141:GAP 2 mm+4 ;8: END ;9: LBL2;10: R140:GAP 1 mm=R140:GAP 1 mm+3 ;11: R141:GAP 2 mm=R141:GAP 2 mm+3 ;12: END ;13: LBL3;14: R140:GAP 1 mm=R140:GAP 1 mm+3 ;15: R141:GAP 2 mm=R141:GAP 2 mm+3 ;16: END ;17: LBL100;SETSYSVA
27、R.TPOr reference)1: $AWERAMP1.$RAMP_ENABLE =1 ;2: $AWERAMP1.$RAMP_TO_POS =1 ;3: $WVCFG.$RAMP_ENB=1 ;4: $WV_OTF_GP1.$OTF_ENABLE=1 ;5: $WV_OTF_GP1.$GET_AMP=1 ;6: $SCR_GRP1.$M_POS_ENB=1 ;7: $SCR_GRP1.$M_DST_ENB=1 ;NUMERIC REGISTERSR130WV SCH 1 amplitudeR131WV SCH 2 amplitudeR139|TMPR140-GAP 1(mm)R141-GAP 2(mm)R144MultipassIndexR145Z - Zero PlaneR146GAP 1 (inches)R147GAP 2 (inches)R150| Wire Diameter (inches)R151 -IPI (3.1416)R154Wire CSAR155R156WSPD (from sch. 1)Transfer efficiency (.95)R157Wire Vol/minR160Bevel AngleR161Mtl. Thk. (inch)R162Num of passesR163Layer (thk) inchR164Area of' AR1
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