大學(xué)英語精讀Where do we go from here課文翻譯課后習(xí)題答案_第1頁
大學(xué)英語精讀Where do we go from here課文翻譯課后習(xí)題答案_第2頁
大學(xué)英語精讀Where do we go from here課文翻譯課后習(xí)題答案_第3頁
大學(xué)英語精讀Where do we go from here課文翻譯課后習(xí)題答案_第4頁
大學(xué)英語精讀Where do we go from here課文翻譯課后習(xí)題答案_第5頁
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1、? K Key to exercises:I. VocabularyALookappears: aa : to Questions on AppreciationDrKinggo3a a He By yatransitionalparagraphAsa ,6a DrKingAB a4them1,Asa 3Let :aKey to ExplanationV. Explain the following in your own out anyimplied meaningsjob of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught f

2、or somany centuries that they are nobody is not easy.Itisnoeasyjobtoeducateapeoplewhohavebeentoldovercenturiesthat they were inferior and of no importance to see that they arehumans, the same as any other people.freedom,afirmsenseofself-esteem,isthemostpowerfulweaponagainstthe long night of physical

3、 slavery.Ifyoubreakthementalshacklesimposedonyoubywhitesupremacists,if you really respect yourself, thinking that you are a Man, equalto anyone else, you will be able to take part in the struggle againstracial discrimination.Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths ofhis own

4、being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood hisown emancipation proclamation.The liberation of mind can only be achieved by the Negrohimself/herself. Only when he/she is fully convinced that he/she isa Man/Woman and is not inferior to anyone else, can he/she throw offthe manacles of se

5、lf-abnegation and become free.at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justiceat its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.Power in the best form of function is the carrying out of the demandsof justice with love and justice in the best form of function is

6、theovercoming of everything standing in the way of love with power.that time economic status was considered the measure of theindividuals ability and talents.Atthattime,thewaytoevaluatehowcapableandresourcefulapersonwas to see how much money he had made (or how wealthy he was).6.theabsenceof worldly

7、goods indicated a want of and moral fiber.A person waspoor becausehe was lazyand nothard-working and lackeda sense of right and wrong.is not the work of slaves driven to their tasks either by the task,by the taskmaster, or by animal necessity.This kind of work cannot be done by slaves who work becau

8、se the workhas to be done, because they are forced to work by slave-drivers orbecause they need to work in order to be fed and clothed.8.whenthe unjust measurement of human worth on the scale of dollarsis eliminated.when the unfair practice of judhing human calue by the amount ofmoney a person has i

9、rs done away with.whohatesdoesnotknowGod,buthewhohaslovehasthekeythatunlocksthe door to the meaning of ultimate reality.Those who harbor hate in their hearts cannot grasp the teachings ofGod. Only those who have love can enjoy the ultimate happiness inHeaven.us be dissatisfied until America will no longer have a high bloodpressure of creeds and an anemia of deeds.LetusbedissatisfieduntilAmericanolongero


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