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1、黃田中學(xué)八年級英語閱讀競賽試卷Class _ Name _ Score _(1)讀圖表,回回答問題題 LLivee MuusiccLaate Nigght Jazzz EEnjooy rreall Ammeriicann jaazz froom HHerbbie Davvis, thhe ffamoous truumpeet pplayyer. Hee iss knnownn too pllay welll iintoo thhe eearlly hhourrs, so donnt wannt tto gget mucch ssleeep.PLACEE: TThe Jazzz CClubb D

2、DATEES: 15-223 JJuneePRICEE: $1000-1500 TTIMEE: 110 pp. mm. ttilll laate!Scotttishh DaanciingScotttishh daanciing is nicce aand eassy tto llearrn. Thee woondeerfuul ddancce ffromm Enngliish willl bbe ggiveen.PLACEE: JJackk Stteinns DAATESS: 110-200 MaayPRICEE: $1500 TTIMEE: 77-10 p.mm. TEEL:44021187

3、77Showss Anhhui MusseummTheree arre 112,0000 pieecess onn shhow herre. Youu caan ssee thee whholee off Chhineese hisstorry.PLACEE: AAnhuui MMuseeum DDATEES: 1 MMar.300 Juun.PRICEE: $600($330 ffor stuudennts) TTIMEE: MMondday-Friidayy 9 aam5 ppm TEL: 488868888 WWeekkendds 9 aam9pmmYour penn-frriennd

4、iis ccomiing froom AAusttrallia to youur ccityy foor aa hoolidday. Yoou ssendd hiim tthiss E-maiil tto ttelll hiim ssomeethiing aboout thee hootellsSUN HHOTEEL Datees Priicess ( a nnighht ) 1 Octt.331 DDec $11681 Jann. -331 MMar. $ 1448 1 Aprr-30 Aprr(clloseed) - 1 Mayy-31 Mayy $ 18881 Junn. -330 SS

5、ep. $ 2008 ROSEE HOTTEL Prricees ( a nigght)$198$178-$218$248 ( )11.If youu waant to wattch danncinng, youu caan ccalll _.A. 466687736 B. 400218877 CC. 4488668888 D. 466867788( )2.Youu caan ssee thee whholee off Chhineese hisstorry aat iin AApriil iinAnhuii Musseumm.A.3pmm evveryy daay B.9pmm frrom

6、Monndayy too Frridaay C. 7aam aat wweekkenddsD.7pmm evveryy daay( )3. YYou cann ennjoyy _ att Jaack Steeins.A. Ammeriicann jaazzB. Scoottiish danncinng C. 122,0000 ppiecces on shoow D. youurseelf alll niightt( ) 44. SSun Hottel andd Roose Hottel aree oppen forr _ monnthss off thhe yyearr.A. niine B.

7、 tenn CC. eelevven D. tweelvee( )5. YYou havve $1488, aand youu caan _ inn Maay.A. liisteen tto jjazzz B. wattch Scoottiish danncinng C. goo too Annhuii Musseumm D. sttay in Sunn Hootell foor aa niightt(2)One dday a vvisiitorr caame to Wallleyys houuse. “II amm yoour couusinn frrom Lonndonn,” he sai

8、id, “annd I hhavee brrougght youu a gooose to cellebrratee thhe vvisiit.” Wallleyy waas vveryy exxcitted. Hee asskedd hiis wwifee too coook thee gooosee annd mmadee a finne ddinnner.The nnextt daay aanottherr viisittor arrriveed. “Im tthe friiendd off thhe mman whoo brrougght youu thhe ggoosse.” He

9、saiid. Wallly invviteed hhim in andd gaave himm a goood mmeall. Thhe nnextt daay aanottherr viisittor arrriveed, andd saaid he wass thee frriennd oof tthe friiendd off thhe mman whoo brrougght thee gooosee. AAgaiin WWallly iinviitedd hiim ffor a mmeall. HHoweeverr, hhe wwas getttinng aannooyedd. HHi

10、s houuse seeemedd too bee a resstauurannt.Anothher vissitoor ccamee, aand saiid hhe wwas thee frriennd oof tthe friiendd off thhe ffrieend of thee maan wwho brooughht tthe gooose. Waallyy innvitted himm too eaat ddinnner witth hhim. Hiis wwifee brrougght somme ssoupp too thhe ttablle aand thee viisi

11、ttor tasstedd itt. “WWhatt kiind of souup iis tthiss? “aaskeed tthe vissitoor. “Itt taastees jjustt liike warrm wwateer.” “Ahh!”saiidWWallly, “Thhat is thee sooup of thee sooup of thee sooup of thee gooosee.”( ) 66. HHow manny oof tthe vissitoors brooughht aa gooosee?A.1B.3C.44 D.22 ( ) 77.GGuessstt

12、hemeaaninngoof“aannooyedd”aaccoordiingtotheepaassaage. A.煩惱惱 B.高興興 CC.憤憤怒 D.喜歡歡 ( ) 88.WWhicchooftthefolllowwinggissNOOTttruee? AA.WWalllykknewwthheffirsstvvisiitorr. B.Theeseeconndvvisiitorrissthheffrieendoftheefiirsttviisittor. C.Theelaastvissitoorddidnntdriinktheesooupoftheegooosee.D.Thhellasttvi

13、isittordraanktheesooup.( ) 9.WWhydiddWaallyygeetaangrry? A.Hediddntllikeeeaatinngggoosse.B.Thhevvisiitorrsaatehissfoourgeeese.C.Thheffirsstvvisiitorrbrrougghtaggoosse,buttthheootheersdiddnttbrringganythhingg.D.Hiishhoussesseemmedtobearresttaurrantt.( ) 110.HowwdiidWWalllyssolvvettheproobleem? A.Hese

14、rrveddsooup,buutiitttasttedofnotthinng,sothaatnnovvisiitorrsWouldd likkettoccomeetoohiishhousseaagaiin.B.Heeseerveedggooddsooup,soothhateveeryoonewouuldwanntttoeeatathisshoousee.C.Heeoppeneedaareestaauraant. DD.HHeddidnntserrvetheelaastvissitoor.(3)Jack is a ttwennty-yeaar-oold youung mann. TTwo yea

15、ars agoo, wwhenn hee fiinisshedd miiddlle sschoool, hee fooundd woork in a sshopp. UUsuaallyy hee woorkss unntill teen oocllockk inn thhe eevenningg. HHe iis vveryy tiiredd whhen he getts hhomee. AAfteer aa quuickk suuppeer hhe ggoess too beed aand sooon ffallls aasleeep. Hiis ggranndmaa whho llivee

16、s ddownnstaairss iss saatissfieed wwithh hiim.Onne dday, onn hiis wway homme, he mett Maary. Thhey werre bbothh haappyy. HHe aaskeed tthe girrl tto hhis houuse, shhe aagreeed happpilly. He bouughtt soome fruuit andd drrinkks ffor herr. AAnd theey ttalkked aboout theeir schhooll, tteaccherrs, claassm

17、matees aand theeir futturee. TTheyy taalkeed ffor a llongg tiime.“HHavee a loook aat yyourr waatchh, ppleaase,” ssaidd thhe ggirll. “WWhatt tiime is it noww?”“SSorrry, sommethhingg iss wrrongg wiith my wattch,” saiid JJackk. “WWherress yoourss?”“II leeft it at homme.”Jack thought for a moment and fo

18、und a way. He began to stamp his foot on the floor, “Bang! Bang! Bang!”The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, “Its twelve oclock in the night, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?”( )11. Jack was _ when he finished middle school. A. sixteenB. eighteenC. twentyD. fiftee

19、n ( )12. The old woman is satisfied with Jack because _. A. hes her grandson B. hes clever C. he can keep quiet D. he gets home on time ( )113. Froom tthe stoory, wee caan kknoww thhat Marry iis JJackks _. A. claassmmatee B. collleaaguee C. aunnt D. wiffe( )114. Thee woord “sttampp” iin tthe stoory

20、meaans _ inn Chhineese. A. 蓋印 BB. 跺跺 C. 貼郵票票 D. 承認(rèn)( )115. Jacck sstammpedd hiis ffoott onn thhe fflooor iin oordeer (為了) _. A. too waake hiss grranddma up BB. tto mmakee hiis ggranndmaa anngryy C. thaat hhis graandmma wwas goiing to telll hhim thee tiime DD. tthatt hiis ggranndmaa waas ggoinng tto b

21、buy himm a wattch (4)When youu arre ffeellingg unnhapppy or forrgett hoow ggreaat yyou aree, tthesse aare sixx waays to makke yyou feeel ggoodd abboutt yooursselff.1) Loook in thee miirroor aand sayy too yooursselff, “I aam aa sppeciial perrsonn annd ttherres nno oone in thee woorldd liike me. I can

22、n doo annythhingg!” Itt maay nnot souund so goood, butt itt reeallly wworkks!2) Doo soometthinng nnicee foor ssomeeonee. HHelppingg ottherrs aalwaays makkes youu feeel goood.3) Smmilee! BBe ffrieendlly tto ppeopple youu meeet. Loook forr thhe ggoodd thhinggs iin yyourr frriennds andd faamilly.4) Lee

23、arnn soometthinng nnew! Haave youu allwayys wwantted to deccoraate youur oown rooom oor llearrn hhow to swiim? Neww chhalllengges aree fuun aand givve yyou a ssensse oof aaccoompllishhmennt wwhenn yoou hhavee fiinisshedd.5) Reead andd sttartt a diaary. Tuurn offf thhe TTV aand lett yoour imaaginnati

24、ion flyy! WWritte ddownn yoour thooughhts, drreamms oor aanytthinng yyou wannt! Wriitinng aalwaays hellps to exppresss yyourr feeeliingss.6) Sttay witth yyourr faamilly. We alll neeed ourr faamilly ttimee. TTalkk wiith youur MMum or Dadd orr maaybee evven youur ccoussin.16. TThiss paassaage mayy bee

25、 taakenn frrom .A. a sciiencce bbookk B. a stoory boook C. a mmagaazinne D. scchoool rrulees17. AAccoordiing to thee paassaage, whhen youu arre hhelppingg ottherrs, youu wiill .A. bee sppeciial B. bee suure C. feeel nnicee D. bee reememmberred18. WWhatt doo thhe uundeerliinedd woordss inn 4) “a ssen

26、sse oof aaccoompllishhmennt” meean?A. 成就就感 B. 憂傷傷感 C. 挫折感感 D. 信任任感19. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg shhoulld yyou sayy “NO” too whhen youu arre uunhaappyy?A. Yoou sshouuld alwwayss loook forr thhe ggoodd thhinggs oof ootheers.B. Sttay aloone at homme aas mmuchh ass poossiiblee.C. Leearnn soometthinn

27、g nnew andd goo foor iit!D. Keeep a ddiarry tto eexprresss yoour feeelinngs.20. TThe besst ttitlle(標(biāo)標(biāo)題) forr thhe ppasssagee iss .A. Doo Yoour BesstB. Sixx Waays to Feeel GGoodd abboutt YooursselffC. Itts NNeveer ttoo Latte tto LLearrn D. Alwwayss Smmilee too Yooursselff(5)Mr. KKingg waas tthe manna

28、geer oof aa hootell. OOne weeekennd aall thee hootells iin tthe citty wweree fuull beccausse ttherre wwas a llargge mmeettingg. OOn FFridday nigght, thhreee meen ccamee innto thee hootell annd aaskeed ffor roooms. Mrr. KKingg saaid theere werre nno rroomms rreaddy bbecaausee off thhe mmeettingg. TTh

29、e menn weere unhhapppy.Mrr. KKingg waanteed tto hhelpp thhem. Hee reememmberred thaat RRoomm 4118, a vveryy smmalll rooom, waas eemptty. He askked theem iif ttheyy woouldd shharee a rooom. Thee thhreee meen ssaidd thhey wouuld. Mrr. KKingg saaid thee rooom wouuld be thiirtyy doollaars: teen ffor eac

30、ch oone. Eaach mann gaave himm thhe mmoneey aand theen wwentt upp too thhe rroomm.Mr. Kiing sooon bbegaan tto ffeell soorryy. “TThirrty dolllarrs iis aa loot tto aask as priice forr thhat smaall rooom.” he thooughht. He callledd hiis aassiistaant oveer aand saiid, “Heere is fivve ddolllarss. TTakee

31、itt too thhe mmen in Rooom 4418. I askked tooo muuch forr thheirr rooom.”Thhe aassiistaant toook tthe monney. Whhilee hee waas oon tthe wayy thheree, hhe sstarrtedd too thhinkk, “HHow cann thhreee meen ddiviide fivve ddolllarss? IIlll giive theem eeachh onnly onee doollaar aand keeep tthe twoo dooll

32、aars forr myysellf. Thee meen wwilll bee haappyy too geet ssomeethiing bacck, andd Mrr. KKingg wiill nevver knoow.” So thee asssisstannt rretuurneed oone dolllarr too eaach mann.Eaach mann haad aat ffirsst ppaidd teen ddolllarss. AAfteer tthe asssisttantt reeturrnedd thhem onee doollaar eeachh, eeac

33、hh haad ppaidd niine. Thheree weere thrree menn, $ 93 = $ 27. Thhe aassiistaant keppt $ 2. $ 277 + $ 22 = $ 229. Wheere is thee miissiing dolllarr?( ) 221. Thee thhreee meen wweree noot hhapppy bbecaausee _. A. theere wass a larrge meeetinngB. itt waas wweekkenddC. thheree waas oonlyy onne ssmalll r

34、roomm D. theey wwoulldnt hhavee a plaace to staay( ) 222. Witth tthe hellp oof tthe mannageer, thee thhreee meen _. A. wennt tto aanottherr hootellB. eaach gott a smaall rooom ffor thee niightt C. staayedd toogettherr inn a smaall rooomD. goot aa smmalll rooom Mr. Kiing keppt ffor himmsellf( )233. A

35、At ffirsst _. A. $ 27 wass paaid by thee thhreee meenBB. $ 300 waas ppaidd byy eaach of thee thhreee C. $ 25 wass paaid by thee thhreee meenDD. $10 wass paaid by eacch oof tthe thrree ( ) 244. TThe asssisttantt_. A. hellpedd thhe mmen to divvidee thhe mmoneey B. keept twoo doollaars forr hiimseelf C

36、. retturnned thrree to thee thhreee meen aand twoo too thhe mmanaagerr D. kkeptt thhreee doollaars forr hiimseelf( )225. Wheere is thee miissiing dolllarr? A. theere wassntt anny mmisssingg doollaar.B. Itt waas ttakeen bby tthe asssisttantt, ttoo.C. Itt waas ttakeen bby MMr. KinngD. Itt waas ttakeen

37、 bby tthe thrree menn.(6)My grranddfattherr waas aa fiine mann. II loove himm veery mucch. Butt onne dday I ttoldd hiim aa liie. I ccan nott teell youu noow wwhatt thhe llie wass. II waas oonlyy seevenn yeearss olld tthenn.Granddfattherr waas nnot crooss witth mme Ask Jimm too geet aa loong laddderr

38、, he saiid. Myy booy nnow jummps froom tthe topps oof hhousses, upp too thhe rrooff.Jim bbrouughtt thhe bbig laddderr. TThenn Grranddfattherr saaid, “MMy bboy noww juumpss frrom thee toops of houusess. TThe laddderr iss foor hhim. I kneew aat ooncee whhat he wass teelliing me. I hadd offtenn heeardd

39、 thhe oold sayyingg, A llie is a jjumpp frrom thee toop oof aa hoousee I saiid nnothhingg .BBut I ffeltt liike cryyingg. The mminuutess weent by. Whhat wouuld peooplee thhinkk abboutt thhe lladdder? Itt sttoodd byy thhe ffronnt ddoorr. II waas aafraaid it migght be theere a llongg tiime. I hadd too

40、doo soometthinng! At laast I wwentt too Grranddfattherr. HHe wwas reaadinng aa boook. I wennt tto hhim andd puut mmy ffacee onn hiis aarm. Granndfaatheer, I saiid, I willl nnot telll aa liie aagaiin. We donnt neeed tthe laddderr noow. Granddfattherr seeemeed vveryy haappyy onnce agaain. Hee caalleed

41、 JJim. TTakee thhe lladdder awaay, hee saaid,Myy booy ddoess noot jjumpp frrom thee toops of houusess. His wwordds mmadee mee haappyy onnce agaain. ( )266.Frrom thee reeadiing we cannnott knnow _.A. whhethher thee booy ttoldd a lieeB. whaat tthe liee waas C. whhat Graandffathher didd wiith thee booy

42、 D. hoow tthe stoory endded ( )277.Thhe wwordd ccrosss in thee reeadiing meaans _. A. anngryyB. surrpriiseddC. happpyD. kkindd( )288.Grranddfattherr asskedd Jiim tto gget a lladdder to _. A. seee wwhettherr thhe bboy couuld jummp ffromm thhe ttop of a hhousse B. heelp thee booy tto cclimmb tto tthe

43、topp off thhe hhousse C. leet tthe boyy knnow it wass wrrongg too teell a llie D. mmakee thhe bboy cryy. ( )299.WWhatt woouldd peeoplle tthinnk aabouut tthe laddderr?”sshowws tthe boyy waas aafraaid peooplee woouldd _. A. knnow whaat hhad happpennedB. takke tthe laddderr awway C. coome to cleean the

44、e rooofD. comme tto ttakee caare of Graandffathher ( )300.Att thhe eend of thee sttoryy thhe rresuult is _. A. unntruueB. saddC. nott cllearrD. enjjoyaablee(7)Almosst aall peooplee liike floowerrs. Somme ppeopple likke fflowwerss beecauuse of theeir smeellss, sshappes, coolorrs aand so on. Ottherrs

45、llikee flloweers beccausse ttheyy thhinkk diiffeerennt fflowwerss meean diffferrentt thhinggs. Floowerrs hhavee thheirr owwn llangguagge. Forr exxampple, reed rrosees mmeann “l(fā)lovee” aand sunnfloowerrs mmeann “l(fā)loyaaltyy”. So peooplee inn moore thaan 1100 couuntrriess haave choosenn thheirr owwn nna

46、tiionaal fflowwerss whhichh saay ssomeethiing aboout theeir couuntrriess sspirrit. Inn 19994, Chhinaa taalkeed aabouut cchooosinng aa naatioonall flloweer. Somme ppeopple likked thee peeonyy butt ottherrs llikeed tthe pluum bblosssomm. TTheyy cooulddntt aggreee wiith eacch ootheer. So it hass noot b

47、beenn deecidded yett. Peoplle llikee too buuy ddifffereent floowerrs iin ddifffereent seaasonns. Wheere do alll thhe bbeauutifful floowerrs iin sshopps ccomee frrom? Thhey mayy coome froom ffar awaay, so theeir priice is higgherr.a. Faarmeers groow fflowwerss inn thheirr fiieldds.b. Pllanees oor ttr

48、aiins or busses takke tthe floowerrs tto ddifffereent plaacess.c. Flloweer sshoppkeeeperrs bbuy floowerrs ffromm thhe fflowwer marrketts. Theey llookk att thhe fflowwerss annd tthroow aawayy thhe bbrokken or badd onnes. Thhey cutt thhe fflowwerss too maake theem mmoree beeauttifuul.d. Yoou ggo tto b

49、buy thee flloweers in thee shhopss. WWhenn yoou bbuy a fflowwer, yoourre ppayiing lotts oof ppeopple: thhe ffarmmer, thhe ddrivver of thee pllanee orr trrainn orr buus. Thee seelleer iin tthe floowerr maarkeet aand thee flloweer sshoppkeeeperr.So yooudd beetteer kkeepp yoour floowerrs ffromm faar aa

50、wayy foor aa loong timme. Butt hoow? Whyy noot ddry theem? Its eeasyy! SSandd drryinng iis aa waay. Dryy, ccleaan ssandd iss onne oof tthe olddestt thhinggs ffor dryyingg flloweers. Annd iitss onne oof tthe cheeapeest.Filll a boxx haalf-wayy wiith sannd.Put thee flloweers on topp off thhe ssandd.Put

51、 thee boox iin aa waarm, drry pplacce.Leavve tthe floowerrs ttherre ffor onee too thhreee weeekss.Takee thhem outt annd ttheyy wiill be dryy.( )31.Thhe uundeerliinedd woordss “nnatiionaal fflowwerss” mmostt prrobaablyy meeanss .Athee flloweers of thee coounttry BBthhe fflowwerss off thhe sseassonCth

52、ee moost beaautiifull flloweers DDthhe sstroongeest floowerrs( )32Peeoplle uusuaallyy chhoosse ttheiir oown “naatioonall flloweer” acccorddingg too(根據(jù)據(jù))thhe fflowwers .Asmeell BBshhapee Cccoloor DDmeeaniing( )33Thhe CChinnesee naatioonall flloweer hhas nott beeen deccideed yyet, beecauuse .Ano floow

53、err caan sshoww Chhinaas spiiritt BChiina hassntt taalkeed aabouut cchooosinng ooneCnobbodyy aggreees tto cchooose thee naatioonall flloweerDpeooplee caantt aggreee too chhoosse tthe samme fflowwer( )34Yooudd beetteer kkeepp yoour floowerrs ffor a llongg tiime, beecauuse .Athee flloweers aree eaasy

54、to dryy Bthee faarmeer wwilll allso askk yoou tto ppayCthee flloweers aree exxpennsivve tto bbuyDthee shhopkkeepper hass maade theem mmoree beeauttifuul( )355Saand dryyingg iss evveryythiing herre iin tthe folllowwingg buut .Aeassy Bccleaan Coldd Dccheaap(8)A midddlee scchoool sstuddentt waas fforcc

55、ed to havve hhis lonng hhairr cuut ooff in a mmidddle schhooll inn Fooshaan CCityy, Guuanggdonng PProvvincce. It wass beeingg taalkeed aa loot aamonng tteaccherrs aand stuudennts in Fosshann ciity.All sschooolss haave theeir ownn ruuless. IIn mmostt scchoools, booy sstuddentts aare nott alllowwed to

56、 weaar llongg haair whiile girrls aree noot aalloowedd too dyye ttheiir hhairr. AAnd mosst sschoool rulles sayy thhat stuudennts shoouldd weear theeir schhooll unnifoormss att scchoool. No stuudennts cann diisobbey theese rulles so thaat sstuddentts ccan groow hheallthiily at schhooll.Most stuudennt

57、s aree foor tthesse rrulees. Butt soome stuudennts dissagrree theem sstroonglly. Theey tthinnk tthatt booy sstuddentts wwearr loong haiir ddoessntt meean thaat ttheyy arre nnot goood sstuddentts. Teeenaggerss waant to shoow oof ttheiir oown perrsonnaliity. Thhey likke ffashhionn. TTheyy addmirre ffa

58、moous staars, evven thee sttarss hhairrstyyle andd cllothhes.A girrl sstuddentt thhinkks tthatt shhe llookks mmuchh moore beaautiifull whhen shee weearss brrownn haair. Soo shhe hhad herr daark haiir ddyedd brrownn onne dday. Whhen shee weent bacck tto sschoool thee neext dayy, tthe teaacheer oof hh

59、er claass gott veery anggry witth hher. Whhen shee waas aaskeed wwhy shee haad hher haiir ddyedd, sshe jusst aanswwereed, “I likke iit.” Shee saays thaat sshe worrks harrd aat hher lesssonns aand doees wwelll inn evveryy suubjeect. Shhe jjustt dooesnnt knoow wwhy thee teeachher doeesnt aalloow hher

60、to dyee heer hhairr whhilee woomenn teeachherss caan ddye theeir lonng hhairr. SSomee booys thiink thaat ttheiir sstarrs oofteen wwearr loong haiir, so theey tthinnk tthatt thhey willl llookk coool tooo iff thhey weaar llongg haair andd weear thee haairsstylle llikee thheirr faavorritee sttarss.It i


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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