1、中英文資料(文檔含英文原文和中文翻譯)中英文資料外文翻譯Fundamentals Of Machinery DesignThis introductory chapter is a general survey of machinery First it presentsthe definition and major role of machinery designthe relationship between machinery1中英文資料and its componentsThen it gives an overview of machinery design as a fundam
2、entalcourse and outlines a general procedure of machinery design followed by all theFinally, it lists the contents of the course and the primary goals to be11 The role of machinery designMachinery design is to formulate all engineering planEngineering in essence is toutilize the existing resources a
3、nd natural law to benefit humanityAs a major segmentof engineerin,machinery design involves a range of disciplines inmaterialsmechanicsheatflowcontrolelectronics and productionAlthough manyhightechnologies are computerized and automated,and are rapidly merged into Our dailylife,machines are indispen
4、sable for various special work that is difficult orimpracticable to be carried out by Moreover,machinery can significantlyimprove efficiency and quality of ,which is crucial in current competitiveglobal marketIn the modern industrialized world,the wealth and living standards of a nation areclosely l
5、inked with their capabilities to design and manufacture engineeringproductsIt can be claimed that the advancement of machinery design andmanufacturing can remarkable promote the overall level of a sindustrializationThose who do not perform well in design and manufacturefields,are not competitive in
6、world marketsIt is evident that several countries thatused to be leaders in the design and manufacturing sectors until the l 960s and the1 970s hadby the l990sslipped back and lost their leadershipOn the contrary, ourCountry is rapidly picking up her position in manufacturing industry since the l 9
7、80sand is playing a more and more vital role in the global To accelerate such anindustrializing process of our country, highly skilled design engineers havingextensiveknowledge and expertise are That is why the course of machinery design is ofgreat significance for students of The course of machiner
8、y design is considerable different from those backgroundsubjects in science and mathematicsFor many students,it is perhaps one of theirbasic professional engineering courses concerned with obtaining solutions to practicalproblem Definitely these solutions must clearly represent an understanding of t
9、heunderlying science,usually such an understanding may not be ,empiricalknowledge or engineering judgement has to be also involvedFurthermoredue to beprofessional nature of this subject,most design problems may not have one rightsolutionNevertheless it is achievable to determine a better design from
10、 all feasiblesolutions12 Machinery and componentsA state-of-the-art machine may encompass all or part ofmechanicalelectricalcontrolsensormonitoring and lubricating subsystemsIn2中英文資料termsof the functions of those parts,the machine can also be viewed to be comprised oftransmissionexecution and contro
11、lmanipulation partsRegardless of thecomplexity, however,the major functional part may be still the mechanicalForconvenience of analysisthe mechanical system can be decomposed mechanismsthat are designed to execute some specific tasksAnd the mechanism can be furtherdecomposed into mechanical componen
12、tsIn this sensethe mechanical componentsare the fundamental elements of On the ,mechanical components can be classified as universal and specialcomponentsBolts,gear and chains are the typical examples of the universalcomponents which can be used extensively in different machines across variousindust
13、rial sectorsTurbine ,crankshaft and aircraft propeller are the examplesofthe special components,which Can be used extensively in different machines acrossvarious industrial sectorsturbine blades,crankshaft and aircraft propeller arethe examples of the special components,which are designed for some s
14、pecificpurposesIn addition to this,if a number of components aremanufacturedassembled and even equipped as an individual systemgleaf springsetin a ,it is also termed as a mechanical partA good machine definitely requires quality individual Thus,the designof components is very importantWhen designing
15、 a machine,on the otherhand,engineers invariably find that requirements and constraints of its componentsareinterrelatedAs a local portionthe component is expected to play a certain role on themachine and therefore must be appropriately restrained by the whole systemThedesign of a gear drive in a re
16、ducer,for instance,depends upon not only thestrength and ,but also the space available for the gears in the shaft andrelation with other transmission driveThis means that the design of the mechanicalcomponents inevitably requires a whole view in the whole systemDue to relationship between a machine
17、and its components,the process ofmachinery design usually covers interconnected designs of machine,parts,andcomponentsAny modification and adjustment in one component may considerablyaffect the designs of other components or To present the best possible designsolution,the iteration of evaluation,ana
18、lysis and optimization across all the processseem indispensable13 Overview of machinery designThis course is primarily concerned with the design of specific components ofmachines or mechanical systemsCompetence in this area is basic to the considerationand synthesis of complete machines and systems
19、in subsequent courses andprofessional practiceIt Can be seen that even the design of a single bolt or springneeds the s thorough understanding of the principles and methods of3中英文資料machinery design together with empirical information,good judgment and even adegre3e of ingenuity in order to produce t
20、he best product for the society It is natural that designing engineers give first consideration to the functional andeconomic aspects of new products or devicesMachinery design needs to ensuresafetyand reliability in a prescribed lifetimeTo address such a problem thetechnical consideration of the me
21、chanical component design is largely centeredaround two main areas of :(1) strength-stiffness-stability criteria involvingthe bulk of a solid member and (2) surface phenomena includingfrictionlubricationweal7and environmental deteriorationHoweverin comparisonwith such relatively straightforward comp
22、utations as stress and deflection,the designdetermination of safety and reliability is likely to be an elusive and indefinitemattercomplicated by psychological and sociological factorsIt must be kept in mindthat safety and reliability are inherently relative to each other,and the valuejudgmentsmust
23、be made with regard to tradeoffs between ,reliability,cost,and soforthOn the other ,a practical design needs to reflect clearly manufacturability andeconomy to make sure of the lowest cost as well as the least consumption of energyand materialsOtherwise,the products or devices designed will be of no
24、 furtherengineering or commercial interestsNowadays,the simultaneous considerations ofmanufacturing and assembly factors phases including design,manufacturing,inspection,asassembly and other is considered in such a parallel fashion that the quality and costarebest satisfied concurrentlyIn addition t
25、o these traditionally technological and economic considerationsfundamental to the design and development of mechanical components andsystems,the modern engineers have become increasingly concerned with the broaderconsiderations of sustainabilityecologyaestheticsmaintainability,andoverall quality of
26、It is clear that a greater than ever engineering effort is beingrecently devoted to broader considerations relating to the influences of engineeredproducts on people as well as on the environmentThe following is a list of general factors for engineers to consider in the designprocess,which from a di
27、fferent viewpoint shows us a panoramic picture with regardto the design-related activities and tasks(1)Cost of manufacturingWill the selling price be competitive? Are therecheaper ways of manufacturing the machine? Could other materials be used? Are anyspecial tools,dies, jigs,or fixtures needed? Ca
28、n it easily be inspected? Can theworkshop produce it? Is heat treatment necessary? Can parts be easily welded?第 4 頁Cost of operationAre power requirements too large? What type of fuel4中英文資料will be used? Will operation cost be less expensive?(3)needed? Can common tools be used? Can replacement parts
29、be available?(4) Safety featuresIs a suitable factor of safety used? Does the safety factorCost of maintenanceAre all parts easily accessible? Are access panelsmeet existing codes? Are ,or safety valves used? Are shear pinsneeded? Is there any radiation hazard? Any overlooked”stress raithere anydang
30、erous fumes?(5) Packaging and transportationCan the machine be readily packaged forshipping without breakage? Is its size suitable to parcel post regulations, freight cardimensionsor trailer truck size? Are shipping bolts necessary? Is its center of gravityin a desirable location?(6) LubricationDoes
31、 the system need periodic checking? Is it automatic? Isit a sealed system?(7)MaterialsAre chemical,physical,and mechanical properties suitable toits use? Is corrosion a factor? Will the materials withstand impact? Is thermal orelectrical conductivity important? Will high or low temperatures present
32、any problem?Will design stress keep parts reasonable in size?(8)Have dimensions of components been carefully calculated? Haveall the load cases be taken into account? Have the stress concentrations been carefullyconsidered? Has the fatigue effect be computed?(9)KinematicsDoes it provide necessary mo
33、tion for moving parts? Arerotational speeds reasonable? Could linkages replace cams? What will be the best,the belts,chains or gears? Is intermittent motion needed?(10) Does the color have eye appeal? Is the sharp desirable? Is themachine well proportioned? Are the calibrations on dials easily read?
34、 Are the controlseasy to operate?(11) DrawingsAre standardized parts used? Are the tolerances realistic? Is thesurface finish over-specified? Must the design conform to any standards?(12) Has the operator of the equipment been considered? Are thecontrols conveniently located to avoid operator fatigu
35、e? Are ,grab bars,handwheels,levers,and dial calibrations of proper size to fit the average operator?14 A general procedure of machinery designWhatever design tasks the designers are expected to complete,theyalways,consciously or unconsciously,follow the similar process which goes asfollows:(1)Studi
36、es of feasibilityAfter understanding the product functions,operational conditions,manufacturingconstraints and key technologies,go on to uncover existing solutions to some similarproblems so as to clarify the design ,understand the needs,present the majorfunctional parameters and evaluate design tas
37、ks,proposal of design aims,andfeasibility (2) Conceptual design of configurationAccording to the design of tasks and functional parameter,designs need toextensively search for various feasible configurations and alternativesFor5中英文資料convenienceusuallythe system can be analyzed comprehensively by dec
38、omposingitinto power sources,transmission and work mechanismsA great effort needs to be devoted to the analysis and synthesis of these differentpartsFor example,the power source may be selected from motor,engine andturbineEach power source may have a range of power and kinematicalparameters Similarl
39、y, power trains may have numerous optionsavailable,belts,chains,worm gears and many otherdrivesObviously selecting an appropriate configuration would guarantee the Successof the whole design and the quality of the productsTo make a best possibledecision,an iterative process is normally required to s
40、elect,analyze,compare andevaluate different At this ,the goals involve sketching ofconfiguration,determination of kinematical mechanisms,and evaluation offunctional parameter(power and kinematics)(3)Detailed technical designBased on the design of configuration and parameters,a number ofassembly and
41、component drawings will be completed to reflect the detaileddesign including kinematics,strength,dynamics,stability,fatigue and SO Consideration should also be given to manufacturingfactors by presenting structural details,materials,and both geometricand dimensional tolerancesThis part of work will
42、also be carried out ina repeated process in ,calculation,evaluation and modificationuntil a best possible design is achievedThe goal at this stage is tocomplete assembly and component drawings,structural details,designcalculations and detailed technical documentations(4)Modification of designAfter t
43、he design is completed,a prototype is usually made for a more realisticphysical assessment of the design qualityThis will help correct any drawback or faultthat may be overlooked or neglected during the design processAt this stagethe goalis to correct the design imperfection,test the potential manuf
44、acturing or assemblyflaws and refine /improve design15 Contents and tasks of the courseThe course Machinery Design will cover the following contents:(1)Preliminariesthe fundamental principles of machinery andComponents design,design theory,selection of materials,structure,friction,wear and lubricati
45、on(2)Connectionsandjointsfasteners,rivets,welds,bondsand adhesive and interference jointsscrews,chains,belts,gears,worms,bevelgearsAnd helical (4)Shaftsystemrollingcontactbearings,slidingbearings,clutches,couplings,shafts,axles and spindles(5)Other part springs,housings and frame sThe course centers
46、 on engineering design of mechanical components and6中英文資料is in a category of fundamental methodology and procedureIt is notfeasible or realistic for the students to become involved in the detaileddesign considerations associated with all machine components,thetextbook has its main focus on some typi
47、cal components and However,the methodologies and procedures to be developed in this course can beextended to more design For this reason,an emphasis will be laidon the methods and procedure s over the course so that the student s willgain a certain competence in applying these skills and knowledge t
48、odesigning more mechanical componentsAs a professional fundamental ,it will help students to acquirea sol id knowledge of mechanical design and engineering awarenessMorespecifically,the course will help to develop the studentscompetence inthe following facets:Competence of creative design and solvin
49、g practical problem;Competence of team work as well as professional presentation andcommunications:Competence of apprehending the design principles andregulations,synthesizing the knowledge to develop new designs:Competence of engineering research as well as using designcode ,handbooks,standards and
50、 references:Competence of doing experiments to solve problem in the design oftypical components:Competence of understanding newly introduced technological as well aseconomic codes to update the knowledge of machinery It is worth noticing that the course will also integrate a number ofpreceding relev
51、ant subjects at the universitylevel ,includingmathematics ,physics,electronics,solid mechanics,fluidmechanics,heat transfer,thermodynamics,computin9,and so It willcombine the knowledge about science and professional skills to solve somepractical engineering problems,which will significantly advances
52、tudentscompetence and enlarge their vision to the professionalIt should be pointed out that skills and experience could beacquired only by a great deal of hour after monotonous hour ofit It is acknowledged universally that nothing worthwhile in life canbe achieved without hard work,often tedious,dull and monotonous,andengineering is no exception機械設(shè)計的基本原則出課程的目錄和主要要達成的目標。7中英文資料1.1個機械設(shè)計的角色法則為人類謀利。作為工程學的一個主要部分,機械設(shè)計在材料、力學、熱、流上起著決定性作用。計工程師是不可或缺的。那就是機械設(shè)計課程對學習機械的學生的重要的原因。決辦法中確定一個更好的設(shè)計是可取的。1.2機械和組成部分監(jiān)聽和加油子系統(tǒng)。就這些部分的功能來說,機器也可以看作是由動力、傳動、
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