1、PAGE PAGE 1121中華人民共和國合同法Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China(Adopteed at the SSecondd Sesssion oof thee Nintth Nattionall Peopples Congrress oon Marrch 155, 19999 andd prommulgatted byy Ordeer No. 15 oof thee Pressidentt of tthe Peeoples Reppublicc of CChina on Maarch 115, 19999)頒布日期:199990
2、3115 實施施日期:1999910001 頒布布單位:全國國人民代表大大會 ConteentsGenerral PrrovisiionsChaptter I Commoon ProovisioonsChaptter III Makiing off the ContrractChaptter IIII Vallidityy of tthe CoontracctChaptter IVV Fulffillmeent off the ContrractChaptter V Modifficatiion annd Traansferr of tthe CoontracctChaptter VII Te
3、rmminatiion off Righhts annd Oblligatiions uunder the CContraactChaptter VIII Liaabilitty forr Breaach off ConttractChaptter VIIII Miiscelllaneouus ProovisioonsSpeciific PProvissionsChaptter IXX Purcchase and SSale CContraactsChaptter X Contrracts for tthe Suupply and CConsummptionn of EElectrricity
4、y, Watter, GGas orr HeattChaptter XII Donaation Contrracts Chaptter XIII Loaan ConntracttsChaptter XIIII Leease CContraacts Chaptter XIIV Conntractts forr Finaanciall LeasseChaptter XVV Workk ConttractssChaptter XVVI Connstrucction Projeect CoontracctsChaptter XVVII Caarriagge ConntracttsChaptter XV
5、VIII TTechnoology ContrractsChaptter XIIX Conntractts of DepossitChaptter XXX Wareehousiing CoontracctsChaptter XXXI Enttrustmment CContraacts Chaptter XXXII Brrokeraage CoontracctsChaptter XXXIII IIntermmediattion CContraactsSuppllementtary PProvissions Generall ProvvisionnsChaptter I Commoon Proov
6、isioonsArticcle 1 This Law iis enaacted for tthe puurposee of pproteccting the llegitiimate rightts andd inteerestss of tthe paartiess to ccontraacts, mainttaininng thee sociio-ecoonomicc ordeer andd prommotingg the sociaalist moderrnizattion. Articcle 2 For tthe puurposee of tthis LLaw, aa conttrac
7、t meanss an aagreemment oon thee estaablishhment, alteeratioon or termiinatioon of a civvil riight-oobligaation relattionshhip beetweenn natuural ppersonns, leegal ppersonns or otherr orgaanizattions as suubjectts witth equual sttatus. Agreeementss on eestabllishinng succh perrsonall relaationsships
8、 as maarriagge, addoptioon andd guarrdiansship sshall be gooverneed by the pprovissions of otther llaws. Articcle 3 The ppartiees to the ccontraact haave eqqual llegal statuus, annd neiither partyy may imposse itss willl on tthe otther. Articcle 4 The ppartiees shaall, ppursuaant too law, havee the
9、rightt to eenter into a conntractt on ttheir own ffree wwill, and nno uniit or persoon mayy unlaawfullly intterferre. Articcle 5 The ppartiees shaall obbservee the princciple of eqquity in deefininng eacch othhers rightts andd obliigatioons. Articcle 6 The ppartiees shaall obbservee the princciple o
10、f goood faaith iin exeercisiing thheir rrightss and fulfiillingg theiir oblligatiions. Articcle 7 The ppartiees shaall, iin makking aand fuulfillling tthe coontracct, abbide bby lawws andd admiinistrrativee reguulatioons annd resspect sociaal ethhics, and mmay noot dissrupt the ssocio-econoomic oord
11、er nor iimpairr sociial annd pubblic iintereests. Articcle 8 A leggally execuuted ccontraact haas leggal biindingg forcce on the ppartiees. Thhe parrties shalll fulffill ttheir obliggationns as contrractedd, andd may not aarbitrrarilyy modiify orr termminatee the contrract. A leggally execuuted ccon
12、traact iss prottectedd by llaw. Chaptter IIIMakinng of the CContraactArticcle 9 The ppartiees shaall, wwhen mmakingg a coontracct, haave coorresppondinng cappacityy for civill righhts annd civvil coonductt. A parrty maay, inn accoordancce witth thee law, entrrust aan ageent too makee a coontracct. A
13、rticcle 100 The partiies maay, whhen maaking a conntractt, usee writtten fform, verbaal forrm or any oother form. The wwritteen forrm shaall bee adoppted iif lawws or adminnistraative regullationns so requiire. TThe wrrittenn formm shalll be adoptted iff the partiies soo agreee. Articcle 111 Wriitte
14、n form as uused hhereinn meanns anyy formm whicch rennders the iinformmationn conttainedd in aa conttract capabble off beinng repproducced inn tanggible form such as a writtten aggreemeent, aa lettter, oor eleectronnic teext (iincludding ttelegrram, ttelex, facssimilee, eleectronnic daata innterchha
15、nge and ee-maill). Articcle 122 The conteent off a coontracct is deterrminedd by tthe paartiess and generrally incluudes tthe foollowiing cllausess:(1) ddesignnationns or namess and addreesses of thhe parrties;(2) tthe taargeteed mattter;(3) qquantiity;(4) qqualitty;(5) pprice or reemunerrationn;(6)
16、 ttime, placee and mode of fuulfilllment;(7) lliabillity ffor brreach of coontracct; annd(8) ddisputte setttlemeent. The ppartiees mayy makee conttractss withh refeerencee to vvariouus moddel coontracct forrms. Articcle 133 The partiies shhall, in maaking a conntractt, takke thee formm of ooffer and
17、 aaccepttance. Articcle 144 An offerr is an inntent indiccationn showwing tthe deesire to ennter iinto aa conttract with otherrs, annd thee inteent inndicattion sshall confoorm too the folloowing proviisionss: (1) tthe coontentt indiicatedd shalll be concrrete aand deefinitte;(2) tthe offferorr shal
18、ll, ass is iindicaated, be boound bby thee inteent inndicattion uupon iits accceptaance bby an offerree. Articcle 155 An iinvitaation for ooffer is ann inteent inndicattion sshowinng thee desiire too receeive oofferss fromm otheers. MMailedd or ddeliveered pprice catallogs, auctiion annnounccementts
19、, innvitattions for bbid, ccapitaal-raiising prosppectuss and commeerciall adveertiseementss are such invittationns forr offeer. A commmerciial addvertiisemennt shaall, iif itss conttent cconforrms too the proviisionss regaardingg offeers, bbe deeemed aan offfer. Articcle 166 An ooffer becommes efff
20、ectiive whhen itt reacches tthe offfereee. If a contrract iis madde in the fform oof texxt in electtronicc dataa and the rreceivver haas dessignatted a speciial reeceiviing syystem to reeceivee suchh dataa textt, thee timee at wwhich the ttext iin eleectronnic daata ennters the ddesignnated speciial
21、 syystem shalll be tthe tiime off arriival; if noo speccial rreceivving ssystemm is ddesignnated, the time at whhich tthe teext inn elecctroniic datta firrst ennters any oof thee receeivers sysstems shalll be tthe tiime off arriival. Articcle 177 An ooffer may bbe witthdrawwn. Thhe witthdrawwal noot
22、ice of ann offeer shaall reeach tthe offfereee befoore orr at tthe saame tiime ass the arrivval off the offerr at tthe offfereee. Articcle 188 An ooffer may bbe revvoked. The revoccationn notiice off an ooffer shalll reacch thee offeeree bbeforee the dispaatch oof an accepptancee notiice byy the off
23、erree. Articcle 199 An ooffer may nnot bee revooked uunder any oof thee folllowingg condditionns:(1) tthe offferorr has speciified a timme limmit foor thee acceeptancce, orr has expliicitlyy indiicatedd in aany otther mmannerr the irrevvocabiility of thhe offfer; (2) tthere are ggroundds forr the of
24、ferree too mainntain the iirrevoocabillity oof thee offeer andd the offerree haas madde preeparattions for tthe fuulfilllment of thhe conntractt. Articcle 200 An ooffer losess its effecct undder anny of the ffollowwing ccondittions:(1) aa rejeectionn notiice off the offerr has reachhed thhe offferor
25、;(2) tthe offferorr has revokked thhe offfer puursuannt to law;(3) wwhen tthe fiixed ttime llimit for aaccepttance expirres, tthe offfereee undeertakees no accepptancee; or(4) tthe offfereee makees a ssubstaantiall channge off the conteent off the offerr. Articcle 211 An aaccepttance is ann asseent
26、inndicattion oof thee offeeree tto an offerr. Articcle 222 An aaccepttance shalll be mmade iin forrm of a nottice, unlesss, inn lighht of tradee praccticess or aas inddicateed by the ooffer, the offerree maay inddicatee the assennt by perfoormingg an aact. Articcle 233 An aaccepttance shalll reacch
27、thee offeeror wwithinn the time limitt fixeed by the ooffer. If noo timee limiit is fixedd by tthe offfer, the aaccepttance shalll reacch thee offeeror iin acccordannce wiith thhe folllowinng proovisioons: (1) iif an offerr is mmade oorallyy, accceptannce shhall bbe madde proomptlyy unleess thhe par
28、rties stipuulate otherrwise; and(2) iif an offerr is nnot maade orrally, the accepptancee shalll reaach thhe offferor withiin a rreasonnable periood of time. Articcle 244 If aan offfer iss madee throough aa lettter orr a teelegraam, thhe timme limmit foor accceptannce coommencces onn the date shownn
29、 on tthe leetter or onn the date the ttelegrram iss handded inn for dispaatch oor, iff no ssuch ddate iis shoown onn the letteer, frrom thhe datte shoown byy the postmmark oof thee lettter. IIf an offerr is mmade bby meaans off insttantanneous commuunicattions such as teelephoone orr facssimilee, th
30、ee timee limiit forr acceeptancce commmencees at the mmomentt thatt the offerr reacches tthe offfereee. Articcle 255 A coontracct is execuuted aat thee timee whenn the accepptancee becoomes eeffecttive. Articcle 266 The accepptancee becoomes eeffecttive wwhen tthe accceptaance nnoticee reacches tthe
31、 offferorr. If an accceptaance nneeds no nootice, it bbecomees efffectivve wheen an act oof accceptannce iss perfformedd in llight of trrade ppractiices oor as indiccated by thhe offfer. Wheree a coontracct is made in thhe forrm of text in ellectroonic ddata, the pprovissions of Paaragraaph 2, Artii
32、cle 116 of this Law sshall be appplicaable tto thee timee of aarrivaal of the aaccepttance. Articcle 277 An aaccepttance may bbe witthdrawwn. Thhe witthdrawwal nootice of thhe accceptannce shhall rreach the oofferoor beffore oor at the ssame ttime aas thee acceeptancce nottice rreachees thee offeero
33、r. Articcle 288 If tthe offfereee makees an accepptancee beyoond thhe timme limmit foor accceptannce, iit shaall coonstittute aa new offerr unleess thhe offferor notiffies tthe offfereee in ttime tthat tthe accceptaance iis efffectivve. Articcle 299 If aan offferee makess withhin thhe timme limmit f
34、oor accceptannce ann acceeptancce thaat couuld reeach tthe offferorr in ttime uunder normaal connditioons buut happpens to reeach tthe offferorr beyoond thhe limmit duue to otherr reassons, the aaccepttance shalll be eeffecttive nnotwitthstannding unlesss thee offeeror nnotifiies thhe offferee in ti
35、ime thhat thhe accceptannce iss deniied duue to its ddelayeed arrrival.Articcle 300 The conteent off an aaccepttance shalll be cconsisstent with the ccontennt of the ooffer. If tthe offfereee propposes any ssubstaantiall channge too the conteent off the offerr, it shalll consstitutte a nnew offfer.
36、Changges reelatedd to tthe taargeteed mattter, quanttity, qualiity, pprice or reemunerrationn, durrationn of ffulfilllmentt, plaace annd modde of fulfiillmennt, liiabiliity foor breeach oof conntractt and methood of dispuute seettlemment iin a ccontraact arre subbstanttial cchangees to the ccontennt
37、 of an offfer. Articcle 311 If aan accceptannce maakes nnon-suubstanntial changges too the conteent off the offerr, thee acceeptancce shaall bee effeectivee notwwithsttandinng andd the conteent off the contrract sshall thus be baased oon thee conttent oof thee acceeptancce, unnless the oofferoor ind
38、dicatees in time its oobjecttion ttheretto, orr as iindicaated iin thee offeer, thhe accceptannce maay nott makee any changge to the ccontennt of the ooffer. Articcle 322 If tthe paartiess enteer intto a ccontraact inn the form of a contrract iinstruument, the contrract iis exeecutedd at tthe tiime
39、whhen booth paartiess put theirr signnaturees or affixx theiir seaals thheretoo. Articcle 333 If tthe paartiess enteer intto a ccontraact inn the form of leetter or teext inn elecctroniic datta or any oother formss, a cconfirrmatioon insstrumeent maay be requiired pprior to thhe exeecutioon of the c
40、contraact. TThe coontracct is execuuted aat thee timee whenn the confiirmatiion innstrumment iis siggned. Articcle 344 The placee wherre thee acceeptancce beccomes effecctive shalll be tthe pllace wwhere the ccontraact iss execcuted. Wheree a coontracct is made in thhe forrm of text in ellectroonic
41、ddata, the rreceivvers majorr placce of businness iis thee placce of execuution of thhe conntractt; in the aabsencce of a majjor pllace oof bussinesss, thee receeivers habbituall resiidencee is tthe pllace oof exeecutioon of the ccontraact. WWhere the ppartiees stiipulatte othherwisse, suuch sttipul
42、aationss shalll govvern. Articcle 355 If tthe paartiess adoppt thee formm of aa conttract instrrumentt to mmake aa conttract, the placee wherre botth parrties sign or sttamp tthe coontracct is the pplace of exxecutiion off the contrract. Articcle 366 Wherre thee partties ffail tto makke a ccontraact
43、 inn writtten fform aas proovidedd for by laaws orr admiinistrrativee reguulatioons orr as aagreedd by tthe paartiess, butt a paarty hhas allreadyy perfformedd the majorr obliigatioons annd thee otheer parrty haas accceptedd the perfoormancce, thhe conntractt shalll be consiideredd as eexecutted.Art
44、iccle 377 If, in maaking a conntractt in tthe foorm off a coontracct insstrumeent, aa partty hass alreeady pperforrmed tthe maajor oobligaationss pendding tthe siignatuure orr seall and the oother partyy has acceppted tthe peerformmance, the contrract sshall be coonsideered aas exeecutedd. Articcle
45、388 If tthe Sttate ggives, accoordingg to tthe neeeds, mandaatory assiggnmentts or Statee purcchase orderrs, thhe leggal peersonss and otherr orgaanizattions conceerned shalll concclude contrracts in acccordaance wwith tthe riights and oobligaationss provvided for bby thee releevant laws and aadmini
46、istrattive rregulaationss. Articcle 399 If sstandaard cllausess are used in maaking a conntractt, thee partty thaat proovidess the standdard cclausees shaall deetermiine thhe rigghts aand obbligattions betweeen thhe parrties in acccordaance wwith tthe prrincipple off fairrness, and shalll calll in a
47、a reassonablle mannner tthe otther ppartys atttentioon to the eexempttible and rrestriictivee clauuses rregardding iits liiabiliity, aand giive exxplanaationss of ssuch cclausees at the rrequesst of the oother partyy. Stanndard clausses mmeans the cclausees thaat aree formmulateed in anticcipatiion
48、byy a paarty ffor thhe purrpose of reepeateed usaage annd thaat aree not a ressult oof connsultaation with the oother partyy in tthe maaking of thhe conntractt. Articcle 400 Stanndard clausses shhall bbecomee invaalid iif theey falll undder anny of the ccircummstancces seet forrth inn Artiicles 52 a
49、nnd 53 of thhis Laaw or if thhe parrty thhat prrovidees thee stanndard clausses exxemptss itseelf frrom thhe liaabilitty, immposess heavvier lliabillity oon thee otheer parrty, oor preecludees thee otheer parrty frrom itts maiin rigghts. Articcle 411 If aa disppute aarisess overr the underrstandding
50、 oof a sstandaard cllause, the clausse shaall bee inteerpretted inn accoordancce witth itss commmon unndersttandinng. Iff a sttandarrd claause hhas moore thhan onne intterpreetatioon, thhe claause sshall be innterprreted in a manneer unffavoraable tto thee partty proovidinng thee clauuse. IIf a ssta
51、ndaard cllause is innconsiistentt withh the non-sstandaard cllause, the non-sstandaard cllause shalll be aadopteed. Articcle 422 In tthe maaking of a contrract, the pparty that fallss undeer anyy of tthe foollowiing ciircumsstancees, caausingg thuss losss to tthe otther pparty, shalll holld thee lia
52、bbilityy for the lloss. (1) eengagiing inn conssultattion wwith mmaliciious iintenttion iin namme of makinng a ccontraact; (2) cconceaaling intenntionaally kkey faacts rrelateed to the mmakingg of tthe coontracct or proviiding falsee infoormatiion; oor (3) ttakingg any otherr act contrrary tto thee
53、prinnciplee of ggood ffaith. Articcle 433 Neitther pparty may ddiscloose orr inappproprriatelly expploit businness ssecretts obttainedd in tthe maaking of a contrract nno mattter tthe coontracct is execuuted oor nott. Thee partty thaat dissclosees or inapppropriiatelyy explloits the ssaid bbusineess
54、 seecretss caussing tthus lloss tto thee otheer parrty shhall hhold tthe liiabiliity foor thee losss. Chaptter IIIIValiddity oof thee ConttractArticcle 444 A coontracct leggally execuuted sshall becomme efffectivve upoon exeecutioon. Wheree a coontracct mayy becoome efffectiive onnly affter tthe coo
55、mplettion oof appprovall and regisstratiion prroceduure acccordiing too the proviisionss of llaws aand addminisstratiive reegulattions, suchh provvisionns shaall goovern. Articcle 455 The partiies maay agrree too attaach coonditiions oon thee valiidity of thhe conntractt. A ccontraact wiith coollate
56、eral ccondittions on itts enttry innto efffect shalll becoome efffectiive uppon thhe fullfillmment oof thee condditionns. A contrract wwith ccollatteral condiitionss on iits diissoluution shalll losee its validdity uupon tthe fuulfilllment of thhe connditioons. Wheree eithher paarty, for tthe saake
57、off its own iintereests, unjusstifiaably pprevennts thhe fullfillmment oof thee aforresaidd condditionns, thhe connditioons shhall bbe deeemed aas fullfilleed; whhere eeitherr partty unjjustiffiablyy hasttens tthe fuulfilllment of thhe connditioons, tthe coonditiions sshall be deeemed as noot fullfi
58、lleed. Articcle 466 The partiies maay agrree too attaach a time limitt for the eentry into effecct of a conntractt. A ccontraact wiith ann attaached time limitt for its eentry into effecct shaall beecome effecctive upon expirry of the ttime llimit. A coontracct atttachedd withh a tiime liimit ffor i
59、tts terrminattion sshall lose its eeffectt uponn expiiry off the time limitt. Articcle 477 A coontracct enttered into by a persoon witth limmited civill capaacity may bbecomee valiid onlly aftter raatificcationn by hhis leegal aagent. Howeever, a conntractt of ssuch kkind wwhich is puurely profiit-m
60、akking oor thee makiing off whicch is compaatiblee to tthe agge, inntelliigencee and mentaal heaalth oof thee persson cooncernned neeeds nno rattificaation by hiis leggal aggent. The ccounteerpartt may urge the llegal agentt to ggive rratifiicatioon witthin oone moonth. Wheree the legall agennt doee
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