1、分類買賣合同(中英文對照名稱買賣合同(中英文對照)(供進口合同用)編號日期No. Datte:買受人:The Buyyers: 電報:傳傳真:Cabble: FFAX出賣人:The Selllers: 電報:電傳:傳真:Cabble: Teleex: FAXX本合同由買賣賣雙方訂立,根根據(jù)本合同規(guī)規(guī)定的條款,買買方同意購買買,賣方同意意出售下述商商品:This CContraact iss madee by aand beetweenn the Buyerrs andd Selllers ,whereeby thhe Buyyers aagree to buuy andd the Sellee
2、rs aggree tto selll thee undeermenttionedd commmodityy accoordingg to tthe teerm annd connditioons sttipulaated bbelow.貨名及規(guī)格COMMODIITYANNDSPEECIFICCATIONNS(2)數(shù)量(3)單價(4)總價(5)生產(chǎn)國別別和制造廠商商:COUNNTRYOOFORIIGINAANDMAANUFACCTURERRS:(6)裝運期限限:TIMEEOFSSHIPMEENT:(7)裝運口岸岸:PORTTOFSSHIPMEENT:(8)到貨口岸岸:PORTTOFDDESTI
3、NNGATIOON:(9)保險險:INSUURANCEE:由買方投保。To be ccoverdd by tthe Buuyers.(10)包裝:PACKIING:須用堅固的新木木箱/紙箱包包裝,適合長長途海運,防防濕、防潮、防防震、防銹,而而粗暴搬運。由由于包裝不良良所發(fā)生的損損失,由于采采用不充分或或不妥善的防防護措施而造造成的任何銹銹損,賣方應(yīng)應(yīng)負擔(dān)由此而而產(chǎn)生的一切切費用和/或或損失。To be ppackedd in nnew sttrong wodenn casee (s) / carrton (s) suuitablle forr longg disttance oceann t
4、rannsporttationn and well proteected againnst daampensss, mooisturre, shhock, rust and rrough handlling. The SSellerrs shaall bee liabble foor anyy damaage too the goodss on aaccounnt of improoper ppackinng andd for any rrust ddamagee attrributaable tto inaadequaate orr imprroper proteectivee meassu
5、res takenn by tthe Seellerss, andd insuuch caase orr casees anyy and all llossess and/or exxpensees inccurredd in coonsequuence thereeof shhall bbe borrne byy the Selleers.(11)嘜頭:SHHIPPINNGMARRK:賣方應(yīng)在每件包包裝上,用不不褪色油墨清清楚地標刷件件號、尺碼、毛毛重、凈重、“此端向上”、“小心輕放”“切勿受潮”等字樣,并刷有下列嘜頭:On the surfaacee oof eacch pacckage,
6、 the packaage nuumber ,meassuremeents, grosss weigght, nnet weeight, the liftiing poositioons, ssuch ccautioons ass “DONOOTSTAACKUPPSIDEEDOWNN”,“HANDLLEWITTHCARRE”;“KEEPAWAYFROMMOISTTURE”and tthe foollowiing shipinng marrk shaall bee stennciledd legiibly iin faddelesss painnt:(12)付款條條件:TERRMSOFFPAYM
7、MENT:甲、信用證付款款貨物裝運前前一個月,買買方應(yīng)由上海海中國銀行開開立以賣方為為受益人的不不可撤銷的信信用證,憑本本合同第133條甲項規(guī)定定的裝運單據(jù)據(jù)交到上海(銀銀行)后付款款。乙、托收付款:貨物裝運后后,賣方應(yīng)將將以買方為付付款人的匯票票連同本合同同第13條甲甲項所列各種種裝運單據(jù),通通過賣方銀行行寄交買方銀銀行即上海中中國銀行轉(zhuǎn)交交買方,并托托收貨款。丙、信匯付款:買方收到本本合同第133條甲項所列列單據(jù)后,應(yīng)應(yīng)于天內(nèi)內(nèi)信匯祭款。A. Paymment bby L/CC: Onee montth beffore sshipmeent, tthe Buuyers shalll est
8、aablishh withh Bankk of CChina, Shannghai an Irrrevoccable L/C iin favvour oof thee Selllers, to bee avaiilablee agaiinst ppresenntatioon in Shangghai oof thee shippping documments stipuulatedd in CClausee 13 hhereoff.B. Paymment bby Colllectiion: AAfter delivvery iis madde, thhe Selllers shalll sen
9、dd throough tthe Seellerss, bannk draaft drrawn oon thee Buyeers toogetheer witth thee shippping documments apeciified in Cllause 13 heereof, to tthe Buuyers throuugh thhe Buyyers bbank, the BBank oof Chiina, SShanghhai, ffor coollecttion.C. Paymment bby M/TT: Payyment to bee effeected by thhe Buyye
10、rs nnot laater tthan dayss afteer recceipt of thhe shiippingg docuumentss speccifiedd in CClausee 13 hhereoff.(13)單據(jù)據(jù):DOCUUMENT:甲、賣方應(yīng)將下下列單據(jù)提交交付款銀行議議付貨款/托托收付款,如如為信匯付款款,下列單據(jù)據(jù)應(yīng)徑寄買方方:1.全套可議議付的潔凈已已裝運海運提提單,空白抬抬頭,空白背背書。注明“運費到付”,并通知到到貨口岸中國國對外貿(mào)易運運運輸公司。2.由包收據(jù)據(jù)注明由費/空運提單。3.保險單或保保險證明書注注明投保兵險險,一切險包包括TPNDD。破碎,滲滲漏。
11、無百分分比限制,并并注明貨物到到達后倘發(fā)現(xiàn)現(xiàn)殘破碎,滲滲漏。無百分分比限制,并并注明貨物到到達后倘發(fā)現(xiàn)現(xiàn)殘破碎,滲滲漏。無百分分比限制,并并注明貨物到到達后倘發(fā)現(xiàn)現(xiàn)殘損情況,須須向到貨口岸岸之中國商品品檢驗局申請請檢驗。4.發(fā)票五份份,注明合同同號,嘜頭。5.裝箱單兩份份,注明毛、凈凈重、尺碼和和所裝貨物每每項的品名數(shù)數(shù)量。6.按照本合同同第18條甲甲項規(guī)定由制制造廠簽發(fā)的的質(zhì)量和數(shù)量量/重量證明明書及檢驗報報告各兩份。A. The Selleers shhall ppresennt thee folllowingg docuumentss to tthe paaying bank for n
12、negotiiationn/colllectioon, orr to tthe Buuyers in caase off paymment bby M/TT.1. Fulll set of Neegotiaable CClean on Booard OOcean Billss of LLadingg markked “FREIGGHTTOOCOLLLECT”and maade ouut to orderr ,blaank enndorseed,andd notiifyingg the chinaa Natiional Foreiign Trrade TTranspportattion CCor
13、porrationn at tthe poort off desttinatiion. 2. parceel posst Recceipt,indiccatingg posttage/AAir Waay Billl3.Insurrance Policcy or Certiificatte,covveringg War risk and aall riisks iincludding TTPND,BBreakaage annd Leaakage irresspec-ttive oof perrcentaage annd inddicatiing “In thhe eveent off losss
14、 or ddamagee,requuest ffor suurvey upon arrivval off the cargoo at tthe poort off desttinatiion bee madee to tthe Chhina CCommoddity IInspecction Bureaau of that port”.4.Invoiice inn quinntupliicate,indiccatingg conttract numbeer andd shippping mark.5.Packiing Liist inn dupllicatee withh indiicatioo
15、n of both grosss and net wweightts,meaasuremments and qquantiity off eachh itemm packked.6.Certiificatte off Quaality and QQuantiity/Weeight and TTestinng Repport,eeach iin dupplicatte isssued bby thee manuufactuurers as sppecifiied inn itemms of Clausse 18 hereoof.7.A truue coppy of cablee to aadvi
16、see the Buyerrs of shipmment iim-meddiatelly thee goodds aree loadded onn shipp as sspeciffied iin Claanus 115 herreof.乙、貨物裝運后后十天內(nèi),除除上述裝運通通知電報副本本外,賣方應(yīng)應(yīng)另外準備各各種單據(jù)副本本三套,以空空郵將其中一一套寄交買方方,另外兩套套寄交到貨囗囗岸中國對外外貿(mào)易運輸公公司。b. Withhin 100 dayss afreer shiipmentt is eeffectted,thhe Selllers shalll preppare tthree set
17、s,each comprrisingg one copy each of thhe aboove meentionned doocumennts wiith thhe excceptioon of the ccable shippping aadvicee one set tto be airmaailed to thhe Buyyers aand thhe othher twwo Setts to the CChina Natioonal FForeiggn Traade Trranspoortatiion Coorporaation at thhe porrt of destiinatio
18、on.(14) 技術(shù)術(shù)資料:TEECHNICCAL DOOCUMENNTS:每次發(fā)貨進,賣賣方應(yīng)將下述述英文技術(shù)資資料一整套與與貨物一起裝裝箱,運交買買方:1.基礎(chǔ)圖2布線說明,電電氣及/或氣氣動及/或液液壓接線圖3易損零件制制造圖4零件目錄5本合同第118條甲項規(guī)規(guī)定的品質(zhì)證證明書6安裝、操作作和維修說明明書a. One compllete sset off the lolloowing technnical documments writtten inn Engllish sshall be paacked and ddepatcchde tto-getther wwith eeach c
19、consiggnmentt:Foundattion ddrawinngs2. Wiriing innstrucctionss,diaggrams of ellectriical cconnecctionss and/of pnneumattic annd/or hydraaulic conneectionns 3. Manuufactuuring drawiings oof eassily wworn pparts4.sparee partts cattaloguues5.Certiificatte of qualiity ass stippulateed in Item a of Claus
20、se 18 hereoof6.Erecttion,ooperattion, serviice annd reppair iinstruuctionn bookks 乙、個月月前,賣方應(yīng)應(yīng)將本條甲項項所列1.各種技術(shù)術(shù)資料2套,以以空郵寄交買買方。b.moonths beforre shiipmentt ,thee Selllers sshall air-mmail tto thee Buyeers twwo commpletee setss of tthe teechniccal doocumennts meentionned inn poinnts 1,2,3,44,5
21、andd 6 unnder iitems of thhis Cllause. (F.U.MM.P)(15)裝運條條款:TERRMSOFFSHIPPMENT:甲、每次發(fā)貨如如毛重超過兩兩公噸,賣方方應(yīng)于本合同同第8條規(guī)定定的裝運期六六十天前,將將合同編號、商商品名稱、數(shù)數(shù)量、價值、件件數(shù)、毛重、尺尺碼以及及貨貨物在裝貨口口岸備舀日期期函/電告買買方,以便買方訂艙艙。如毛重不不超過兩公噸噸,則賣方應(yīng)應(yīng)與裝貨口岸岸的買方超前前享受運代理理人直接聯(lián)系系裝運事宜。a. For each shipmment eexceedding ttwo meetric tons in grross wweightt,
22、 thee Selllers sshall, 60 ddays bbeforee the date of shhipmennt stiipulatted inn Clauuse 8 hereoof, addvise the bbuyerss by ccable/letteer of the ccontraact nuumber name of coommodiity, qquantiity, vvalue, numbber off packkages, grosss weiight aand meeasureementss and date of reeadineess att the por
23、t of shhipmennt in orderr for the bbuyerss to bbook sshippiing sppace. For eeach sshipmeent noot oveer twoo metrric toons inn grosss weiight, the SSellerrs shaall geet in direcct touuch wiith thhe buyyers sshippiing aggent aat thee loadding pport.乙、每發(fā)貨毛重重超過兩公噸噸時,其訂艙艙事宜將由買買方裝運代理理人北京中國國租船公司(電電報掛號:ZZHO
24、NGZZUBEIIJING)辦辦理,買方與與該公司密切切聯(lián)系有關(guān)裝裝運事宜。賣賣方則應(yīng)與在在裝貨口岸的的中國租船公公司裝運代理理人密切聯(lián)系系。b. Bookking oof shiippingg spacce forr eachh shippment exceeeding two mmetricc tonss in ggross weighht willl be attennded tto by the bbuyerss shippping agentt, Chiina Naationaal Chaarteriing Coorporaation, Beijjing, Chinaa (Cabbl
25、e Adddresss: ZHOONGZU BEIJNNG) wiith whhom thhe Buyyers sshall keep in cllose ccontacct in the mmatterr of sshipmeent. TThe Seellerss shalll keeep in closee conttact wwith ZZHONGZZUS shiippingg agennt at the lloadinng porrt.丙、北京中國租租船公司或其其港口代理人人于估計承運運船到達裝貨貨口岸日期十十天以前,將將船名、預(yù)計計裝船日期、合合同編號初步步通知賣方,以以便賣方安排排
26、裝運。事先先指定的承運運船如有變更更,或其估計計到達日期提提前或延期時時,買方或其其裝運代理人人應(yīng)及時通知知賣方,如果果該船未能于于買方或其裝裝運代理人所所通知的到達達日期后三十十天內(nèi)到達裝裝運口岸,則則從第三十一一天起貨物的的倉租和火災(zāi)災(zāi)保險費用應(yīng)應(yīng)由買方負擔(dān)擔(dān)。c. Chinna Nattionall Charrterinng Corrporattion, Beijiing, CChina, or ttheir shippping aagent at thhe loaading port, willl sendd the Selleers, 110 dayys beffore tthe e
27、sstimatted daate off arriival oof thee carrrying vesseel at the pport oof shiipmentt a prrelimiinary noticce inddicatiing thhe namme of vesseel, esstimatted daate off loadding, contrract nnumberr in oorder for tthe Seellerss to aarrangge shiipmentt. In case the ccarryiing veessel previiouslyy desiig
28、nateed is to bee repllaced by annotherr vesssel orr in ccase tthe esstimatted daate off arriival oof thee carrrying vesseel is to bee advaanced or poostponned, tthe Buuyers or thheir sshippiing aggent sshall advisse thee Selllers tto thaat efffect iin timme. Shhould the vvessell faill to aarrivee at
29、 tthe poort off loadding wwithinn 30 ddays aafter the aarrivaal datte advvised by thhe buyyers oor theeir shhippinng ageent, tthe buuyers shalll bearr the storaage annd firre inssurancce exppensess incuurred from the 331st dday.丁、承運船及時時到達裝貨口口岸時,如賣賣方未將貨物物備妥待裝,因因此而發(fā)生的的空艙費和延延滯費均應(yīng)由由賣方負擔(dān)。d. The selleers
30、shhall bbe liaable ffor anny deaad freeight or deemurraage coonsequuent uupon ttheir failuure too havee the goodss readdy forr loadding aafter the ccarryiing veessel has aarriveed at the pport oof loaading in tiime.戊、在貨物越過過船舷并從吊吊鉤上卸下以以前,所有在在搬運中發(fā)生生的一切費用用和風(fēng)險均由由賣方負擔(dān)。在在貨物超過船船舷并從吊鉤鉤上卸下以后后,所發(fā)生的的一切費用均均由買方負
31、擔(dān)擔(dān)。e. The Selleers shhall bbear aall exxpensees andd riskks andd riskks invvolvedd in tthe haandlinng of the ggoods beforre theey passs oveer thee vesssels raiil andd are releaased ffrom tthe taackle, wherreas aall exxpensees invvolvedd in tthe looadingg of tthe gooods aafter they have passeed oveer
32、 thee vesssels raail annd havve beeen relleasedd fromm the vesseels tacckle sshall be foor thee Buyeers acccount. (16)裝運通通知:SHIIPPINGG ADVIICE:貨物全部裝船后后,買方應(yīng)立立即將合同編編號、商品名名稱、數(shù)量、毛毛重、發(fā)標金金額、船名和和開航日期電電告買方。如如單件貨物的的重量超過99公噸或闊度度3400超超過毫米,或或兩旁調(diào)試22350超過過毫米,則賣賣方應(yīng)將該件件重量和尺碼碼告知買方。如如由于賣方未未及時將裝運運通知電告買買方,以致貨貨物未及時保保險而發(fā)
33、生的的一切損失應(yīng)應(yīng)由賣方負擔(dān)擔(dān)。如貨物系系屬危險品,賣賣方應(yīng)將其性性質(zhì)及處理辦辦法電告買方方和到貨口岸岸中國對外貿(mào)貿(mào)易運輸公司司。Immediaately the ggoods are ccompleetely loadeed,thee Selllers SShall cablee to nnotifyy the Buyerrs OF the ccontraact nuumber ,namee of ccommoddity,qquantiity,grross wweightt,invooiced name of thhe carrryingg vesssel annd thee datee o
34、f ssailinng.If any ppackagge is abovee 9 meetric tons in weeight,of ovver 34400mmiin widdth,off overr 23500mm onn bothh sidees in heighht,thee Selll-ers shalll adviise thhe Buyyers oof thee weigght annd meaasuremments of suuch paackagee.in ccase tthe gooods aare noot inssured in tiime ovving tto the
35、e Selllers hhavingg failled too givee timeely addvice,any aand alll connsequeent loosses shalll be bborne by thhe Selllers. In tthe caase off danggerouss goodds ,thhe Selllers SHALLL cablle TO noti-fy thhe Buyyers aand thhe Chiina Naationaal Forreign Transsportaa-tionn Corpporatiion att the port of
36、deestinaation of thheir nnaturee and the mmethodd of hhandliing thhen.(17) 質(zhì)量量保證:CUUARANTTEEOFFQUALLITY:賣方保證訂貨系系用最上等的的材料和頭等等工藝制成,全全新,未曾用用過,并完全全符合本合同同規(guī)定的質(zhì)量量、規(guī)格和性性能。賣方并并保證本合同同訂貨在正確確安裝、正常常使用和維修修的情況下,自自化物到達到到貨口岸之日日起十二個月月內(nèi)運轉(zhuǎn)良好好。The Selllers shalll guarranteee thatt the goodss are made of beest maateriaal
37、s,wiith fiirst cclass workmmanshiip,braand noow,unuused aand coorresppond iin alll resppects with the qqualitty,speecificca-tioons annd perrflrmaance aas stiipulatted inn thiss Conttract.The ssellerrs shaallalsso guaaranteee thaat thee goodds wheen corrrectlly mouunted and pproperrly opperateed andd
38、 mainntaineed,willl givve sattisfacctory perfoormancce forr a peeriod of 122monthhs staartingg fromm the date on whhich tthe gooods aarrivee at tthe poort off des-tinattion.(18) 檢驗驗和索賠:IINSPECCTIONANDCCLAIMSS:在交貨以前,制制造廠就訂貨貨的質(zhì)量、規(guī)規(guī)格、性能、數(shù)數(shù)量/重量作作出準確和全全面的檢驗、并并出具貨物和和本合同規(guī)定定相符的證明明書,該證書書為議付/托托收貨款而應(yīng)應(yīng)上交銀行的的單據(jù)的
39、組成成部分,但不不得為貨物的的質(zhì)量、規(guī)格格、性能和數(shù)數(shù)量/重量的的最后依據(jù)。制制造廠應(yīng)將記記載試驗細節(jié)節(jié)和結(jié)果的書書面報告附在在質(zhì)量證明書書內(nèi)。The mannufactturerss shalll beffore mmakingg deliivery,make a preecise and ccompreehensiive innspecttion oof thee goodds as regarrds thheir qqualitty ,sppecifiicatioons ,pperforrmancee and quanttity/wweightt,and issuee certtific
40、aates ccertiffying that the ggodds are iin connformiity wiith thhe stiipulattions of thhis Coontracct.Thee certtificaates sshall from an inntegraal parrt of the ddocumeents tto be preseented to thhe payying bbank ffor neegotiaation/colleectionn of ppaymennt butt shalll nott be cconsiddered as fiinal
41、 iin resspect of quualityy,speccificaationss,perfformannce annd quaatity/weighht.Parrticullars aand reesultss of tthe teest caarriedd ou bby thee manuufactuurers must be shhown iin a sstatemment tto be attacched tto thee saidd Quallity CCertifficatee.貨物到達到貨口口岸后,買方方應(yīng)申請中國國商品檢驗局局(以下稱商商檢局)就貨貨物的質(zhì)量、規(guī)規(guī)格和數(shù)量
42、/重量進行初初步檢驗。如如發(fā)現(xiàn)到貨的的規(guī)格或數(shù)量量/重量與合合同不符,除除應(yīng)由保險公公司或船公司司負責(zé)者外,買買方于貨物在在到貨口岸缺缺貨后1200天內(nèi)憑商檢檢局出具之檢檢驗證書有權(quán)權(quán)拒收貨物或或向賣方索賠賠。After aarrivaal of the ggoods at thhe porrt of destiinatioon,thee Buyeers shhall aapply to thhe Chiina Coommodiity innspecttion BBureauu(hereeinaftter caalled the BBureauu)for a preeliminnary iin
43、specction of thhe gooods inn resppect oof theeir quualityy,speccificaationss and quanttity/wweightt.If aany diiscreppanciees aree founnd by the BBureauu regaardingg the speciificattions or thhe quaantityy/weigght orr bothh,exceept thhose ffor whhich eeitherr the insurrance compaany orr the shippping
44、 ccompanny is respoonsiblle,thee Buyeers shhall,wwithinn 120 days afterr discchargee of tthe gooods aat thee portt of ddestinnationn,havee the rightt eithher too rejeect thhe gooods orr to cclaim againnst thhe Selllers on thhe strrengthh of tthe innspecttion ccertifficae issueed by the BBuren.在合同第17
45、條條規(guī)定的保證證期限內(nèi),如如發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物的的質(zhì)量及/或或規(guī)格與本合合同規(guī)定不符符或發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物物無論任何原原因引起的缺缺陷包括內(nèi)在在缺陷或使用用不良的原料料,買方應(yīng)申申請商檢局檢檢驗,并有權(quán)權(quán)根據(jù)商檢證證向賣方索賠賠。Within the gguaranntee pperiodd stippulateed in Clausse 17 here-of shhould the qqualitty andd /or the sspecifficatiions oof thee goodds be foundd not in coonformmity wwith tthe coontraccted sstip
46、ullationns ,orr shouuld thhe gooods prrove ddefecttive ffor anny reaasons,incluuding latennt deffect oof thee use of unnsuitaable nnateriials,tthe Buuyers shalll arraange ffor ann insppectioon to be caarriedd out by thhe Burreau aand haave thhe rigght too claiim agaainst the SSellerrs on the sstreng
47、gth off the inspeectionn cer-tificcate iissuedd by tthe Buureau.丁.賣方收到買買方索賠通知知后,如果在在三十天內(nèi)不不答復(fù),應(yīng)視視為賣方同意意買方提出的的一切索賠。d. Any and aall cllaims shalll be rregardded ass acceepted if thhe Seellerss faill to rreply withiin 30 days afterr receeipt oof thee Buyeersclaimm.(19)索賠解解決方法:SSETTLEEMENTOFCLLAIMS:如貨物不符
48、合本本合同規(guī)定應(yīng)應(yīng)由賣方者。同同時買方按照照本合同第117條和第118條的規(guī)定定在索賠期限限或質(zhì)量保證證期限內(nèi)提出出索賠,賣方方在取得買方方同意后,應(yīng)應(yīng)按下列方式式理賠。In casee the Selleers arre liaable ffor thhe disscrepaanciess and a claaim iss madee by tthe Buuyers withiin thee periiod off claiim or qualiity guuaran-tee pperiodd as sstipullated in Cllausess 17 aand 188 of tthis
49、Coontracct.thee Selllers sshall settlle thee claiim upoon thee agreeementt of tthe Buuyers in thhe folllowinng wayys:甲、同意買方退退貨,并將通通貨金額以成成交原幣償還還買方,并負負擔(dān)因退貨而而發(fā)生的一切切直接損失和和費用,包括括利息,銀行行費用,運費費,保險費,商商檢費,倉租租,碼頭裝卸卸費以及為保保管退貨而發(fā)發(fā)生的一切其其它必要費用用。a.Agreee to tthe reejectiion off the goodss and refunnd to the BBuy-err
50、s thee valuue of the ggoods so reejecteed in the ssame ccurrenncy ass conttracteed herrein,aand too bearr all direcct lossses aand exxpensees in conneectionn therre witth inccludinng intterestt accrrued ,bankiing chhargess,freiight ,insurrance premiium,innapecttion cchargees,stoorage,steveedore char
51、gges annd alll otheer neccessarry exppensess requuired for hhe cusstody and pprotecction of thhe rejjectedd goodds.乙、按照貨物的的疵劣程度,損損壞的范圍和和買方所遭受受的損失,將將貨物貶值。b.Devalluate the ggoods accorrding to thhe deggree oof infferiorrity,eextentt of ddamagee and amounnt of lossees susstaineed by the BBuyerss.調(diào)換有瑕疵的
52、貨貨物,換貨必必須全新并符符合本合同規(guī)規(guī)定的規(guī)格、質(zhì)質(zhì)量和性能。賣賣方并負擔(dān)因因此而發(fā)生的的一切費用和和買方遭受的的一切直接損損失。對換貨貨的質(zhì)量,賣賣方仍應(yīng)按本本合同第177條的決定,保保證十二個月月。c.Replaace thhe deffectivve gooods wiith neew onees whiich coonformm to tthe sppecifiicatioons ,qqualitty andd perfformannce ass stippulateed in this Contrract ,and bbear aall exxpensees inccurredd
53、to aand diirect lossees susstaineed by the BBuyerss.The Selleers shhall ,at thhe samme timme,guaaranteee thhe quaality of thhe repplacemment ggoods for aa furtther pperiodd of 112 monnths aas speecifieed in Clausse 17 of thhis Coontracct.(20)人力不不可抗拒事故故:FORCCE MAJJEURE:由于人力不可抗抗拒事故,而而賣方交貨遲遲延或不能交交貨時,責(zé)任
54、任不在賣方。但但賣方應(yīng)立即即將事故通知知買方,并于于事故發(fā)生后后十四天內(nèi)將將事故發(fā)生地地政府主管機機關(guān)出給的事事故證明書用用空郵寄交買買方為證,并并取得買方認認可。在上述述情況下,賣賣方仍負有采采取一切必要要措施從速交交貨的責(zé)任。如如果事故持續(xù)續(xù)超過十個星星期,買方有有權(quán)撤銷本合合同The Selllers shalll not be heeld reesponssible for aany deelay iin delliveryy or nnondelliveryy of tthe gooods ddue too Forcce Majjeure.Howevver,thhe Selllers
55、 shalll adviise thhe Buyyers iimmediiatelyy of ssuch ooccurrrence and wwithinn fourrteen days thereeafterr, shaall seend byy airmmail tto thee Buyeers foor theeir accceptaance aa certtifi-ccate iissuedd by tthe coompeteent goovernmment aauthorritiess of tthe pllace wwhere the aaccideent occcurs as e
56、vvidencce theere off . Unnden ssuch ccircummstancces thhe Seeellerss,howeever,aare sttill uunder the oobligaation to taake alll neccessarry meaasuress to hhastenn the de-liivery of thhe gooods.Inn casee the acciddent llasts for mmore tthan tten weeeks,tthe Buuyers shalll havee the rightt to ccancell thiss conttract.(21) 遲交交和罰款:LLATEDDELIVEERYANNDPENNALTY:如延遲貨除人力力不可抗拒事事故者外,賣賣方應(yīng)會給買買方每一星期期按遲交貨物物總值的0。55%的遲交罰罰款,不足一一星期的遲交交日數(shù)作為一一星期計算,此此項罰款總額額不超過全部部遲交貨物總總值的5%,在在議付貨款時時由銀行代為為扣除,或由由買方在付款款時進行扣除除。如遲延交貨超過過原定期限十十星期時,買買方有權(quán)終止止本合同。但賣方仍應(yīng)向買買方繳付以上上規(guī)定之罰款款,不得推諉諉或
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