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1、詞匯句法語義變異第1頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三In coining new words, it may be said that the literary writer is not so much breaking rules of word-formation as extending the rules. In the coinage of new words, the literary writer usually extends three major rules of word-formation: affixation, compounding an

2、d conversion. 第2頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三2.3.1 Affixation Affixation is the addition of a prefix or suffix to an item which already exists in the language. The following lines contain some typical examples of words coined by extension of this rule:第3頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三(1)There was a balc

3、onyful of gentlemen. (Chesterton)(2) We left the town refreshed and rehatted . (Fotherhill)第4頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三后綴- ful 經常與bowl ,basket ,spoon 等表示容器的名詞連用,表示“滿. 的”,此處與balcony 連用,生動形象地描繪出“陽臺好像容器一樣擠滿了人”這樣一幅畫面。英語是形合型語言,對詞匯的形態(tài)變化有嚴格的要求,為了使表達更形象生動,直接在名詞后添加形容詞詞尾,使描述更具物象感,也起到了填補詞匯缺項的作用。第5頁,共86頁,2022

4、年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三(3)It is easier to marry than unmarry. 第6頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 這一句中的unmarry 是根據(jù)marry創(chuàng)造出來的,意思是divorce,但作者沒有用divorce,卻用了臨時詞unmarry,這不僅與marry 押韻,而且生的地說明了在作者所處的時代離婚是一件非常困難的事,修辭效果不言而喻。第7頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g. “ the widow-making unchilding unfathering deeps” (英國十九世紀詩人霍普金斯

5、描寫大海的詩)widow-making:大海吞噬了妻子的丈夫;unchilding:奪去了老人們的孩子;unfathering:葬送了孩子們的父親第8頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g (4) The orangemostest drink in the world.第9頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三orange 一詞后面連續(xù)用了兩個最高級詞綴most 和est ,給人以深刻的印象。廣告商為了體現(xiàn)廣告語言的表意功能,使用詞匯變異手段來實現(xiàn)廣告的注意、興趣和記憶的語用目的。第10頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三例:滿心

6、“婆理”而滿口“公理“的紳士們的名言暫且置之不論不議之列 -魯迅第11頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 2.3.2 CompoundingCompounding is the combination of two or more items to make a single compound one. Consider the following examples:第12頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 (1) They were else-minded then, altogether, the men. (G. M. Hopkins)第13頁

7、,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三(2) They lowed about her whom he knew, dewsilky cattle. . (James Joyce: Ulysses)第14頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三這是小說尤利西斯中描寫一群奶牛的語句。在這里,喬伊斯巧妙地將dew和 silky組合在一起,形成了一個新奇而又自然的復合詞 dewsilky,簡潔生動地為讀者傳達了“露水”和“絲綢般光亮”這兩個意象,形象地描繪出清晨奶牛身有耳目一新的感覺。第15頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三(3)the wago

8、n beginning to fall into its slow and mileconsuming clatter. -William Faulner第16頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三(4) To lighten the burden of womankind.第17頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 (5)They my-loved and my-deared each other. - William Thackeray第18頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三作者創(chuàng)造了my-loved , my-deared兩個臨

9、時用的復合動詞,句子即變得妙趣橫生。第19頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三2.3.3 Conversion Conversion, which is often described as zero affixation, is the adaptation of an item to a new grammatical function without changing its form. 第20頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 (1) Dont be such a harsh parent, father! Dont father me! (H

10、. G. Wells)第21頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g (2) My mother and father toted the luggage from car to cottage , exclaiming over how well the place had wintered , no broken windows winter 通常作名詞使用, 此處則將它們用作動詞, winter 意為“經受了冬天的考驗”。第22頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三(3)The coffee-er coffee.此廣告把名詞coffee當形容詞用,

11、別出心裁地使之有了比較級形式“coffee-er”,用以表達“咖啡千杯好,此品味更濃”的意思。第23頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 (4) A world of made is not a world of born. 創(chuàng)造的世界并非是原生的世界。 (動詞轉名詞)卡明斯這句詩意在把物化的文明世界與原始的世界進行對比,表達了他對文明世界的一些創(chuàng)造物如摧殘人性的機器的真實感覺。第24頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三(5) Fainter, dimmer, stiller, each moment, now night. 愈近黃昏,暗越暗,靜越靜,每

12、刻每分,已入夜境?!皀ight”這兒用作動詞使這首小詩意蘊深遠,在讀者面前展現(xiàn)了一幅夜暮時分,萬籟寂靜,萬物沉寂的恬淡的畫面。第25頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三如在雅虎網站的一則廣告語 “Do you Yahoo ?”“Yahoo”一詞就被前景化或凸顯(foregrounded) ,因為此詞的詞性發(fā)生了偏離。第26頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三再如一則宣傳食用油的廣告:“饞在眼里,香在心里”用了非常規(guī)的詞語搭配,從而勾起了人的無限聯(lián)想和欲望。第27頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三其他方法諧音造詞法英語中有時利用一些發(fā)

13、音相同或相近的字母或字母組合互相替代,來臨時創(chuàng)造一些詞語,用以表達原詞所無法表達的含義。比如,一則低價銷售冬裝的廣告為: GoodBuy Winter ! 100 % Cotton Knit wear 49. 95第28頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g. Britainnia Rues the Waves 這是一篇文章的標題,詼諧模仿英國海軍進行曲中歌詞Britannia Rules the Waves 所產生的變異效果,將“rule”調換成“rue”,意思從“統(tǒng)領”轉為“懊悔、嘆息”。這樣的標題有吸引力,耐人尋味。第29頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點

14、50分,星期三另一方面,如果新造的詞匯在形式上背離常規(guī),那么往往能產生奇特的藝術效果,可令讀者體會到一種全新的、陌生的、甚至是扭曲的美。例: It soared, a bird, it held its flight, a swift pure cryof the high vast irradiation every where all soaring all around about the all, the endlessnessnessnessness (James Joyce: Ulysses)第30頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三小說中布魯姆在一家酒吧里想入

15、非非,而他想象中的情人瑪莎正在眾人面前展現(xiàn)她那美妙的歌聲。顯然,“endlessnessnessness”一詞是作者利用英語后綴的習慣新造的詞?!皀ess”的四次重復似乎能產生一種聽覺上的藝術效果,讓讀者也感受到歌聲的美妙悠揚,余音繚繞,回味無窮。同時,讀者似乎也能切身體會到布魯姆那虛無縹緲的精神世界以及他在優(yōu)美歌聲中浮想聯(lián)翩的心理狀態(tài)。第31頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三分析: E.g. Dont dear me. 第32頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 E.g.-You have a lovely wife. -She is a workh

16、olic.第33頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三這幾種詞匯變異都超越了正常語言的詞匯,這些詞匯使詩人的想象得以自由發(fā)揮,縱橫自如,不受現(xiàn)有詞匯的束縛和限制。變異只是一種手段,不是目的。在任何變異的背后,總是隱藏著作者或說話人的意圖。了解語言使用中的變異,對于我們進行文體分析會起到很大的幫助作用,也在不知不覺中提高了文學鑒賞能力。第34頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三2.4 Syntactic Deviation Syntactic deviation refers to departures from normal (surface) gramm

17、ar. These include a number of features such as unusual clause themes, unusual phrase structures. 第35頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三2.4.1 Unusual Clause Theme The initial unit of a clause may be called its theme. Apart from the last stressed element of the clause structure which most naturally bears the

18、 information focus, the theme is the most important part of a clause from the point of view of its presentation of a message in sequence. The theme may be characterized as the communicative departure for the rest of the clause. In English, the expected or “unmarked” theme (無標記主位)of a main clause is:

19、第36頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三1. Subject of an indicative clause: E.g. (She) got a new dress.2. Auxiliary in a yes-no question: E.g (Did) she get a new dress?第37頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三3. Wh-element in a wh-question: e.g. (Which) dress did she get? 4. Main verb in an imperative clause: e.g (Get

20、) a new dress for her.第38頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 However, the literary writer can go beyond this and may place any of the rest of clause elements in the thematic position in order to achieve certain literary effect. The theme thus produced is unusual and is therefore called a marked theme. (有標記

21、主位)第39頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三因此,在句法上,較為常見的變異(或偏離)是違反常規(guī)的句子結構。第40頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 e.g(1) My opinion of the coal trade on that river is, that it may require talent, but it certainly requires capital. Talent Mr. Micawber has, capital Mr. Micawber has not. (Dickens, David Copperfield)此句為

22、強調賓語talent和capital,并用排比的方法將其自然地進行對比,表達了Mr. Micawber徒有才華卻缺乏資金的遺憾。第41頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三Adverbials in the initial position: E.g. (2) Alone she cuts and binds the grain, And sings a melancholy strain; 第42頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三Notes: The use of alone first makes it possible for the line t

23、o rhyme with the next one, and bestow a musical quality to the poem. Secondly, this fronting of the adjunct makes the element highly noticeable and reinforce the theme of the poem.第43頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三2.4.2 Deviant Phrase Structure To employ phrases that are structurally deviant for the pu

24、rpose of certain communicative effects. 第44頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 e.g. Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night (Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night)(Dylan Thomas, “Do Not Go Gentle into That Night”) 第45頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 Good night here means death Gentle here means one should not ac

25、cept death without resistance. Such deviant use of gentle attracts much attention to the line itself and makes the reader pause to think seriously about the meaning of the line and meaning of death.第46頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三分析:語序混亂Me up at does out of the floorquietly Stare a poisoned mousestil

26、l who alive is asking Whathave i done that You wouldnt have ( e.e. cummings , “Me up at Does”) 第47頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 This is a short poem containing only 8 lines and 26 words and is composed exclusively of everyday words and expressions. Nevertheless, it is not easy to understand at a firs

27、t reading. The difficulty in understanding the poem is caused by the extremity in syntactic deviation in the first part of the poem and by the graphological deviation as is manifest in the capitalization of the first letter of certain words and the de-capitalization of the pronoun i. 第48頁,共86頁,2022年

28、,5月20日,7點50分,星期三There is a lot to be said about the syntactic deviation here but for the moment let us simply rearrange the order of some words and lines so as to give some idea of what the poem is about, realizing though that any alteration in syntax would mean some change in meaning.第49頁,共86頁,2022

29、年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 a poisoned mouse who still alive does Stare quietly out of the floor up at Me is asking what have i done that You wouldnt have第50頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 From this rearrangement, we may see that Me in the poem is a human being and the addresser of the poem from whose point of v

30、iew this scene is presented. It is perhaps this Me that has poisoned the mouse. We may also notice that What have i done that You wouldnt have is in fact a case of free direct speech. For clarity, let us transform it into direct speech by putting it into a pair of quotation marks. is asking What hav

31、e i done that You wouldnt have第51頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 It is clear then that i refers to the poisoned mouse and You the human being - Me. Now we have come to the point. According to the convention of verse composition, the first letter of each line should be capitalized. 第52頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日

32、,7點50分,星期三However, cummings here breaches the convention by only capitalizing the first letter of the opening line and that of the closing line so that the two words Me and You stand out and become stylistically prominent. Me and You are also in strong contrast with i, Thus, they have acquired great

33、 significance in this poem.第53頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 How might we interpret the capitalization and de-capitalization of the pronouns in the poem? A possible interpretation for capitalizing the first letter of Me is that the poet may intend to have the reader see that the addresser considers hi

34、mself to be superior to the mouse. 第54頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 However, the addresser does not seem to be so calm and sober as the poisoned mouse, for the mouse speaks much more grammatically than he does. This then shows satirically the fact that those who appear to be important and powerful an

35、d are in a position to manipulate others destinies may in fact be very weak inwardly. In other words, when they do evil against their own conscience, they cannot help revealing their uneasy feelings.第55頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 Since i is the self-address of the mouse, the decapitalization may de

36、monstrate that the mouse wishes to show its humbleness. The capitalization of You on the other hand manifests that the mouse pays much respect to the addresser (the human being - Me), at least outwardly.第56頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三分析(1)Bus StopAnonymousI ran up the doorOpen the stairs,Said my paj

37、amasAnd put on my prayers,Turn off my bedTumble into the light,And all becauseYou kissed me good night第57頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三分析(2)E.g. I see in the street where strong men are digging bread. -(e. e. cummings)第58頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三2.2.5 Semantic Deviation Semantic deviation belongs t

38、o deep-structure deviation , which may be defined as linguistic effects involving something odd in the cognitive meaning of a certain linguistic unit, e.g., a word or phrase (Leech, 1969: 131). 第59頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 E.g. The child is the father of the man第60頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g.

39、 More haste, less speed. (欲速則不達)第61頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三Figures of speech usually used in semantic deviation are: Oxymoron, Paradox, Irony.第62頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三(1) Oxymoron 矛盾修辭法 Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms are combined to produce an epigra

40、mmatic effect.所謂矛盾修辭法是指將語義截然相反對立的詞語放在一起使用,來揭示某一項事物矛盾性質的一種修辭手法。換言之,它使用兩種不相協(xié)調,甚至截然相反的特征來形容一項事物,以增強語言感染力。 第63頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g. He passed an existence of competitive tranquility.第64頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g. Parting is such a sweet sorrow.第65頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g. Can enem

41、ies become mortal friends?第66頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g. He sat there and watched them, so changelessly changing, so bright and dark, so grave and gay.第67頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g. (New York) has the poorest millionaires, the littlest great men, the haughtiest beggars, the plainest beauti

42、es, the lowest skyscrapers, the dolefulest pleasures of any town I ever saw. (O.Henry)這座城市(指紐約)里有心里最空虛的百萬富翁,人格最渺小的偉人,最目空一切的草包,最使人瞧不上眼的美女,最卑鄙齷齪的摩天大樓,和最令人悲哀的娛樂。比我所見到過的任何城市都有過之而無不及。第68頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g. a wise fool idiotic wisdom cruel kindness victorious defeat crowded solitude 第69頁,共86頁

43、,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 bitterly happy tearful joy proud humility loving hate 第70頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三(2) Paradox 雋語Paradox is a Greek word meaning contrary to expectation, apparently absurd or a self-contradictory statement. In rhetoric, paradox is a statement that appears to be logically con

44、tradictory, apparently absurd or self-contradictory and yet may be true. Its purpose is to provoke fresh thought.第71頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g Failure is the mother of success.The more you give, the more you have. 多施多得第72頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g This suspense is terrible. I hope it will

45、last.第73頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三 E.g Cheapest is the dearest. 第74頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g Everybodys business is nobodys business.第75頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三E.g. Nurse: His name is Romeo, and a Montague, The only son of your great enemy.Juliet: My only love sprung from my only hateToo early seen unknown, and known too late!Prodigious birth of love it is to me,That I must love a loathed enemy.(Shakespeare)第76頁,共86頁,2022年,5月20日,7點50分,星期三乳媼:他的名字叫羅密歐,是蒙太古家里的人,咱們仇家的獨子。朱麗葉:我鐘情所致的是我唯一的世仇, 早已相見不曾相知, 而今相知已太遲, 涌泉的愛浪噴自胸膛, 愛之所至是


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