



1、Unit 1 How often do you exercise?Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì))StruuctuuressWhqquesstioons: Whatt doo,How ofttenAdveerbss off frrequuenccy: All/mosst/ssomee/nooneTargget lannguaageWhatt doo yoou uusuaallyy doo onn weeekeendss?I soomettimees ggo tto tthe beaach.How oftten do youu eaat vvegeetabb

2、less?Everry dday.Mostt sttudeentss doo hoomewworkk evveryy daay.Vocaabullaryyalwaays, ussuallly, offtenn, ssomeetimmes, haardlly eeverr ,nneveer, Howw offtenn, ooncee, ttwicce, thrree timmes a wweekk,evveryy daay, millk, junnk ffoodd, hheallth, unnheaalthhy, habbitLearrninng sstraateggiessUsinng cco

3、nttextt;Trannsfoormiing infformmatiionSECTION AGoalsTo tallk aabouut hhow oftten youu doo thhinggsTo impprovve sstuddentts abbiliity of commmunnicaatioonProcceduuressWarmmingg upp byy leearnningg grrammmarTo bbegiin wwithh leets tturnn too paage 2 tto llearrn tto uuse whqueestiionss Whatt doo,How of

4、tten andd addverrbs of freequeencyy: AAll/mosst/ssomee/noone.Whattdo youu ussuallly do oon wweekkendds?I ussuallly plaay ssocccer.Whattdo theeydoo onn weeekeendss?Whattdoees hhedoo onn weeekeendss?Theyy offtenn goo too thhe mmoviies.He ssomeetimmes wattchees TTV.How ofttenddo yyousshopp?I shhop oncc

5、e aa moonthh.How ofttenddoess Chhenggwattch TV?He wwatcchess TVV twwicee a weeek.Warmmingg upp byy diiscuussiingGoodd moorniing!Froom nnow on youu arre iin tthe eigghthh grradee. CConggrattulaatioons to youu annd II wiish youu a greeat succcesss iin yyourr sttudiies! Ill be youur nnew Engglissh ttea

6、ccherr thhis terrm. I hhopee weell gett allongg veery welll.Todaay wwe sshalll ttakee upp thhe ffirsst uunitt inn thhis neww teerm: Unnit11Howw offtenn doo yoou eexerrcisse? Pleaase opeen yyourr boookss att paage 1. Loook aat tthe piccturre aand ansswerr myy quuesttionn. T: Whaats tthiss? WWangg Wee

7、i, cann yoou nnamee itt?Wangg Weei: Yess. IIts aa caalenndarr.T: Verry ggoodd. LLookk, tthiss iss thhe wweekkendd. SSatuurdaay aand Sunndayy arre tthe weeekennds. Whhat do youu doo onn weeekeendss? NNow to leaarn morre aabouut tthe thiingss yoou ddo, pleeasee fiind outt moore witth yyourr paartnners

8、s abboutt thhe aactiivittiess.For exaamplle:Writtingg leetteers plaayinng ttennnis goiing shooppiing pplayyingg coompuuterr gaamessModeels:A: WWhatt doo yoou ddo oon wweekkendds?B: II offtenn pllay foootbaall.B: WWhatt doo yoou ddo oon wweekkendds?A: II soomettimees ggo sshopppinng.1a. Makkingg a li

9、sst Openn yoour boook aat ppagee 1. Leets llookk att 1aa. EEachh thhougght bubbblee shhowss soometthinng aa peersoon ddoess onn weeekeendss. NNow pleeasee loook at thee piictuure carrefuullyy annd ddesccribbe iit. Namee eaach acttiviity: T: GGoodd. PPleaase loook aat tthe piccturre aagaiin aand liss

10、t aall thee acctivvitiies. Iff yoou ffiniish it firrst, wrritee thhe aanswwer on thee booardd.Now letts cchecck tthe ansswerrs oon tthe blaackbboarrd ttogeetheer.Keyss: 11. ggo sskattebooarddingg 2. waatchhingg TVV 3. reeadiing 4. exxerccisiing 5. shooppiing1b LListteniing andd wrritiing Lookk att t

11、hhe ppictturees aagaiin aand telll wwhatt thhe ppersson doees oon wweekkendds.Goodd. NNextt, ppleaase lisstenn too thhe cconvverssatiion. Thhe ppeopple aree taalkiing aboout whaat ttheyy doo onn weeekeendss. FFirsst llistten to thee taape carrefuullyy annd ffindd hoow oofteen ttheyy doo onn weeekeen

12、dss. Nextt liisteen aagaiin aand wriite thee leetteer oof oone acttiviity aftter thee woord in thee liist. Foor eexammplee, oon tthe reccorddingg soomeoone sayys, “I aalwaays go shooppiing.” SShopppinng iis llettter a iin tthe piccturre iin aactiivitty 11a.SSo yyou putt ann a affterr thhe wwordd all

13、wayys iin tthiss liist. Thenn liisteen tto tthe tappe tthe thiird timme aand cheeck thee annsweers.Finaallyy yoou aare to reaad tthe tappesccrippt, undderlliniing alll thhe eexprresssionns aand cirrclee alll tthe Whqueestiionss.Answwerss: aalwaays: a ussuallly: c offtenn: eesomeetimmes: d haardlly e

14、everr: dd neeverr: aa1c DDoinng ppairrworrkAfteer ttalkkingg abboutt thhe ppictturee, wwe gget to unddersstannd tthe acttiviitiees. Nowwin paiirs askk yoour parrtneer aabouut tthe peooplee inn thhe ppictturee.Whatt doo thhey do on weeekennds?or2a LListteniing andd nuumbeerinngNow letts go to pagee 2

15、. LListten to thee taape andd nuumbeer tthe acttiviitiees yyou heaar.Thiss iss ann innterrvieew aabouut wwhatt a boyy naamedd Chhengg ussuallly doees. Lisstenn too thhe rrecoordiing andd nuumbeer tthe acttiviitiees iin tthe ordder theey ttalkk abboutt thhem in thee innterrvieew. Thee fiirstt thhingg

16、 thhey tallk aabouut iis wwatcchinng TTV, so youu puut aa nuumbeer iin ffronnt oof wwatcchinng TTV. Youu muust payy moore atttenttionn too thhe aactiivittiess.Now youu reead thee liist.Listten to thee taape thee fiirstt tiime. Yoou oonlyy liisteen. Listten to thee taape a ssecoond timme. Thiis ttime

17、e yoou sshouuld wriite a nnumbber in froont of eacch aactiivitty. Let chheckk thhe aanswwerss.Keyss:Finaallyy leets rreadd thhe ttapeescrriptt, uundeerliininng aall thee exxpreessiionss annd ccirccle alll thhe WWhqueestiionss.2b LListteniing andd maatchhinggListten agaain andd maatchh eaach acttivii

18、ty witth hhow oftten Cheeng doees tthatt acctivvityy. WWhille llistteniing, paay aatteentiion to thee heeadiing Howw offtenn? intheechaart. 2c DDoinng ppairrworrkHow oftten do youu doo thhe aactiivittiess? LLookk att thhe ccharrt. Zhanng LLi: Cann yoou rreadd thhe llistt off acctivvitiies to thee cl

19、lasss.Zhanng LLi: Yess.goo too thhe mmoviies, waatchh TVV, sshopp, eexerrcisse, reaad.T: GGoodd. DDo yyou knoow tthe meaaninng oof tthe voccabuularry?Ss: Yeaah.T: OOK. Howw offtenn doo yoou ddo tthesse aactiivittiess? NNow filll iin tthe chaart.Afteer ffiniishiing thee chhartt, mmakee coonveersaatio

20、ons liike thiis wwithh yoour parrtneer.3a RReaddingg thhe mmagaazinne aartiiclee annd ffilllingg inn thhe bblannksWe aare goiing to reaad ttheaartiicleeon pagge 33. FFirsst wwe sshalll rreadd too thhe ccharrt ttogeetheer. Pleeasee paay aatteentiion to thee deefinnitiionss annd tthe perrcenntagges. T

21、hiss chhartt shhowss hoow oofteen GGreeenHiigh Schhooll sttudeentss exxerccisee, aand offtenn thhey do hommewoork, annd sso ffortth.T: WWhatt acctivvityy doo niinetty-ffivee peerceent of GreeenHHighh Scchoool sstuddentts ddo eeverry dday?Ss: Do hommewoork.T: RRighht. Ninnetyy-fiive perrcennt oof GGr

22、eeenHiigh Schhooll sttudeentss doo hoomewworkk evveryy daay. (Mosst sstuddentts mmeanns mmoree thhan hallf. Somee sttudeentss meeanss leess thaan hhalff.) Now, leets rreadd thhe aartiiclee annd ffilll inn thhe bblannks in thee arrticcle acccorddingg too thhe ssurvvey. Whhilee yoou aare reaadinng ttr

23、y to blaackeen aall thee exxpreessiionss.T: HHavee yoou ffiniisheed iit?S: YYes.T:Goood.Whoo reeadss hiis aanswwer to thee cllasss? PPleaase raiise up youur hhandd. LLi WWen.4 Dooingg grrouppworrkT: EEngllishh iss diiffiicullt, but it cann bee eaasy if yyouhhavee soome goood mmethhodss. HHow do youu sttudyy Enngliish? Hoow oofteen ddo yyou stuudy Engglissh? Pleeasee woork in grooupss off foour an


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