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1、北京國電誠信招標代理有限公司 招標編號:GDCX-FJZB08-102 PAGE 第 PAGE 13 頁 共 NUMPAGES 39 頁合 同CONTRRACT合同正本/ORIGGINALL 編號(Coontraact NNo.) :GDWWZ-ZYY-08- 簽訂日期:20088年 月 日 Conttractt Datte: , 20088簽訂地點:中國,北北京 CContrract Addrress: BEEIJINNG, CCHINAA買方: 國電物資資集團有限限公司The BBuyerr: Guoodiann Matteriaal Coo., LLtd.地址: 北京市西西城區(qū)阜成成門北

2、大街街6-8號B座2022室Add: Rooom 2202 BB Winng Noo.6-88 Fucchenggmen Str.(N) Beijjing, P.RR.Chiina電話(Teel): 00886-100-5866823116 傳真(Faax): 00086-110-5886823314電子郵箱(EMAIIL): wanggzhonngcggdc.ccom.ccn聯(lián)系人: 王王忠 Conntactt Perrson:Mr. Wangg zhoong賣 方: 有有限公司The SSelleer: 地 址: Addreess: 電話Tell: 傳真Faxx: 手機 Moobilee:

3、 電電子郵箱(EMAIIL): 聯(lián)系人: Conntactt Perrson: 最終用戶:國電 電廠The EEndusser: Guoddian Poweer Pllant本合同由買買賣雙方訂訂立,根據(jù)據(jù)本合同規(guī)規(guī)定的條款款,買方同同意購買,賣賣方同意出出售下述商商品:This Conttractt is madee by and betwween the Buyeers aand SSelleers, wherreby the Buyeer aggreess to buy and the Selller aagreees too selll thhe unnder-menttioneed

4、coommoddity accoordinng too thee terrms aand ccondiitionns sttipullatedd bellow:(1) 裝置: 生產(chǎn)國別和和制造廠商商:Couuntryy of Origgin aand MManuffactuures: 合同總金金額 (商品名名稱、規(guī)格格、數(shù)量、價等詳見見附件):Totall Vallue(The scoppe off suppply and the speccificcatioons aare ddetaiils aas peer atttachhed AAnnexx ):合同總價為為CIF中國國 港美圓 (美

5、圓 整)(根據(jù)INNCOTEERMS 20000)The TTotall Conntracct Vaalue is: CIF USDD SEEAPORRT, CCHINAA (U.S.Doollarrs only) (ass perr INCCOTERRMS 22000) 裝運條款款 Terrms oof Shhipmeent:提單日期被被視為合同同設(shè)備的實實際交貨日日期。The ddate of BBill of aairwaay Laadingg shaall bbe coonsidderedd as the actuual ddate of ddelivvery of tthe CCon

6、trract Equiipmennt.到港時間: 20 年 月 日 Arrriveed Tiime: , 20 賣方負責租租船訂艙,安安排運輸并并支付運費費。The SSelleer shhall be rrespoonsibble ffor bbookiing sshippping spacce annd arrrangging the shippmentt andd payy forr thee freeightt.不允許轉(zhuǎn)船船。Traansshhipmeent sshipmment is nnot aallowwed.不允許分批批交貨。PPartiial sshipmment is nn

7、ot aallowwed.要求提供主主提單,不不接受代理理提單Maasterr billl off loaadingg is acceeptedd andd Houuse bbill is nnot aallowwed.(CIF 廈門港箱箱點交貨方方式 CCIF Xiaamen Seapport Conttaineer Frreighht Sttatioon)(4) 裝裝運口岸 : 主要港口口 Portt of Loadding : MMain Port of 目的口岸:中國 港 Portt of Desttinattion: Seapport of P.R.C(6)保 險 Innsuraan

8、ce:由賣方按發(fā)發(fā)票總金額額110%投保一切切險和戰(zhàn)爭爭險。To bee efffecteed byy thee Selllerss forr 1100% (oone hhundrred tten pperceent) of iinvoiice vvaluee witth cuurrenncy oof thhe innvoicce cooveriing aall rriskss, warr rissk.如果合同設(shè)設(shè)備在海運運過程中發(fā)發(fā)生丟失或或損壞,賣賣方須協(xié)助助買方向保保險公司索索賠。In caase tthe CContrracteed Eqquipmment are lostt andd

9、/or damaaged in tthe ccoursse off oceean ttranssporttatioon too anyy acccidennt, tthe SSelleer shhall assiist tthe BBuyerr appply ffor ccompeensattion withh thee inssurannce ccompaany cconceernedd.(7) 包包 裝 Paackinng:必須采用堅堅固的新木木箱包裝,適適合于長途途海運和陸陸運,防潮潮、防震、防銹、耐耐粗暴搬運運。由于包裝不不良所發(fā)生生的損失,由由于未采用用充分,或或不妥善的的防護措施施

10、而造成的的任何銹損損,賣方應應負擔由此此而產(chǎn)生的的一切費用用和/或損失。To bee paccked in nnew sstronng wooodenn casse(s), suuitabble ffor llong disttancee oceean aand iinlannd trranspportaationn andd welll prroteccted agaiinst damppnesss, mooistuure, shocck, rrust and rouggh haandliing. The Selller sshalll be liabble ffor aany ddamag

11、ge too thee gooods oon acccounnt off imppropeer paackinng annd foor anny ruust ddamagge atttribbutabble tto innadeqquatee or imprroperr prootecttive meassuress takken bby thhe Seellerr, annd inn succh caases any and all lossses aand/oor exxpensses iincurrred in cconseequennce tthereeof sshalll be bo

12、rnne byy thee Selller.(8) 裝裝運嘜頭 Shipppingg marrk:賣方應在每每個包裝箱箱表面用不不褪色的油油漆以英文文清晰地標標明箱號、尺寸、毛毛重和根據(jù)據(jù)貨物的特特性和運輸輸中的特殊殊要求,標標上警示語語:“保持干燥燥”、“小心輕放放”、“此面向上上”等以及以以下嘜頭: GDWWZ-ZYY-08- SSeapoort, CHINNA收貨人及通通知人: 待定定。地址: 傳真: 電話話: 聯(lián)系人: The SSelleer shhall agreee maark oon eaach ppackaage wwith fadeelesss paiint iin coo

13、nspiicuouus Ennglissh thhe paackagge nuumberr, grross weigght, meassuremment and the worddingss: “ KEEEP AWWAY FFROM MOISSTUREE”, “HANDDLINGG WITTH CAARE”, “THISS SIDDE UPP” etcc. acccordding to tthe ccharaacterristiics oof thhe gooods and the diffferennt reequirremennt inn traanspoortattion and the

14、 shipppingg marrk. GDDWZ-ZZY-088- Seapport, CHIINAConsiigneee & NNotiffy Paarty:.to be nnotiffied lateer. Addreess: Faax: TTel: Attn: (9) 付付款方式 :信用用證 電匯 Paymment by: L/C T/TT(10) 具體支付付條款 Termms off Payymentt:合同金額的的90% 以不可撤撤消即期信用證證支付。買買方應于裝裝運前300天,在中中國的知名名銀行開具具合同總額額90%(即即美元 )的不可可撤消即期期信用證,受受益人為賣賣方。買方方

15、在收到賣賣方提交的的下列單據(jù)據(jù)后付款。90% oof thhe tootal conttractt vallue sshalll be madee by an IIrrevvocabble LLetteer off Creddit aat siight (whiich iis oppenedd by a maain bbank in CChinaa 30 dayss beffore shippmentt, inn favvor oof thhe Seellerr andd in the amouunt oof USSD ), upoon thhe reeceippt byy thee Buyy

16、er oof thhe foollowwing docuumentts prrovidded tthey are in oorderr:a) 已裝裝運清潔提提單,空白白抬頭,空空白背書,注注明“運費預付付”并通知目目的港的國國電物資集集團有限公公司(三份正本本三份副本本)。Threee(3) origginalls annd thhree(3) ccopiees off cleean oon booard Oceaan Biill oof Laadingg marrked “freiight preppaid” andd madde ouut too ordder, blannk enndor

17、ssed aand notiifyinng Guuodiaan Maateriial CCo., Ltd at tthe pport of ddestiinatiion;b) 合同同金額900%的商業(yè)業(yè)發(fā)票正本本三份副本本三份,并并注明合同同號、嘜頭頭、載貨船船名,如果果分批裝運運,須注明明分批號;Threee(3) origginalls annd thhree(3) ccopiees off Commmerccial Invooice coveeringg 90% of the totaal coontraact vvaluee of thiss shiipmennt, aalso ind

18、iicatiing CContrract No., Shiippinng Maarks, namme off carrryinng veessell andd shiipmennt nuumberr in casee of parttial shippmentts.c) 裝箱箱單正本三三份副本三三份,并注注明合同號號及嘜頭,逐逐件列明毛毛重、凈重重和尺碼;Threee(3)oorigiinalss andd thrree(33) coopiess of detaailedd Pacckingg Lissts iindiccatinng Coontraact NNo., Shipppingg M

19、arrk, MMeasuuremeent, grosss annd neet weeightts off eacch paackagge.d) 賣方方的品質(zhì)及及數(shù)量/重量證明明書和試驗驗報告各兩兩份;Two ccopiees off Cerrtifiicatee of Quallity and Quanntityy/Weiight of tthe ccontrracteed gooods, andd Tesstingg Repportss isssued by tthe SSelleer;e) 以買買方為收益益人的保險險單正本一一份副本一一份,按形形式發(fā)票金金額的1110%投保保一切船運運險、

20、罷工工險和戰(zhàn)爭爭險,空白白背書,注注明索賠可可以合同同同種貨幣在在目的地償償付。One (1)orriginnal aand oone(11) coopy oof Innsuraance poliicy wwith the Buyeer ass benneficciaryy covverinng 1110% oof thhe prroforrma iinvoiice vvaluee, shhowinng cllaimss payyablee in desttinattion, in currrencyy of the conttractt, bllank endoorsedd, cooveri

21、ing OOceann marrine/All Riskk & WWar RRiskss.f) 由賣賣方出具的的IPPCC熏蒸標志志已刷在木木質(zhì)包裝的的3個面上上的聲明或或無木質(zhì)包包裝材料的的聲明正本本一份副本本三份;One (1) oorigiinal and threee(3) coppies of SStateementt/Cerrtifiicatiion tto sttate thatt IPPPC maark hhas bbeen stammped on tthreee (3) siddes oof alll paackagges oor noon-wooodenn paccking

22、g decclaraationn isssued by SSelleer. g) 發(fā)運運后傳真給給買方的明明細發(fā)運通通知一份,注注明發(fā)運日日期,航班班號,預計計到貨日期期,提單號號,包裝尺尺寸及毛凈凈重。Shippping adviice ggivenn to the Buyeer affter comppletiing oof looadinng thhe gooods, nottifyiing tthe nname of ccarryying vesssel aand ddate of iits ssailiing, estiimateed arrriviing ddate, nummbe

23、r of tthe BBill of LLadinng, ppackiing ddimennsionn andd grooss wweighht.h) 金額額為發(fā)運設(shè)設(shè)備部分的的合同價格格90%的即即期匯票兩兩份;Two ccopiees off sigght ddraftt to be ddrawnn on the issuuing bankk in Chinna, ccoverring 90% of tthe rrelevvant amouunts for the deliivereed Gooods;i)原產(chǎn)地地證書一正正 四副O(jiān)ne (1) OOrigiinal and Fourr (

24、 44 ) CCopiees off Cerrtifiicatee of Origginj) 制造造廠出具的的產(chǎn)品檢驗驗報告一份份One (1) ccopy of IInspeectioon Reeportts isssuedd by the releevantt mannufacctureek) 正本本金額為合合同總價1100%的的形式發(fā)票票一式四份份Four(4)orriginnals of pprofoorma invooice coveeringg onee hunndredd(1000) peercennt off thee tottal ppricee forr thee conn

25、tracct gooods.發(fā)生在買方方的銀行費費用由買方方承擔,發(fā)發(fā)生在賣方方的銀行費費用由賣方方承擔。 The bbankiing cchargges iincurrred by tthe BBuyerr shaall bbe boorne by tthe BBuyerr andd thoose iincurrred by tthe SSelleer shhall be bbornee by the Selller.貨物裝運后后七天內(nèi),賣賣方應傳真真上述一套套傳真給買買方。Withiin 7 dayss aftter sshipmment is eeffeccted, thee Selll

26、er shalll faax onne seet off thee afooresaaid ddocummentss to the Buyeer.合同設(shè)備總總金額的110,即即 美美元,應在在買方對所所有合同設(shè)設(shè)備最終驗驗收并收到到以下單據(jù)據(jù)并經(jīng)查核核無誤后付付款。10% oof thhe tootal conttractt vallue sshalll be madee by T/T, in favoor off thee Selller and in tthe aamounnt off USDD ), uppon tthe rreceiipt bby thhe Buuyer of tthe

27、 ffolloowingg doccumennts pproviided theyy aree in ordeer:a)金額為為合同設(shè)備備總金額110的商商業(yè)發(fā)票五五正三副,注注明合同號號。b)由雙方方簽署的合合同設(shè)備最最終驗收證證書副本四四份。c)向北京京中國主要要銀行開立立的,以買買方銀行為為抬頭的金金額為合同同設(shè)備總價價10的即即期匯票一一式二份。Five (5) origginalls annd thhree (3) copiies oof Coommerrciall Invvoicee covverinng 100% off thee tottal ccontrract valuue

28、 off thiis shhipmeent, alsoo inddicatting Conttractt No., Shhippiing MMarkss, naame oof caarryiing vvesseel annd shhipmeent nnumbeer inn casse off parrtiall shiipmennts.Four (4) copiies oof thhe Fiinal Acceeptannce CCertiificaate oof thhe coontraact eequippmentts wiith ssignaaturee of bothh parrties

29、sc) Twwo (22) orriginnals of ssightt draaft tto bee draawn oon thhe isssuinng baank iin Chhina, covverinng 100% off thee rellevannt ammountts foor thhe deeliveered Goodds;(11) 技術(shù)規(guī)范范和技術(shù)資資料 TTechnnicall Speecifiicatiions and Techhnicaal Doocumeents:詳見附件三三。Thee dettailss of techhnicaal sppecifficattion

30、ss andd tecchniccal ddocummentss reffers to AAnnexx 3.(12) 裝運通知知 Shhippiing AAdvicce:賣方應于裝裝船后3天內(nèi),立立即將船名名、提單號號、裝運日日期、合同同編號、商商品名稱、數(shù)量、重重量、貨物物金額、裝裝運港及目目的港傳真真給買方。The SSelleers sshalll, wiithinn 3 ddays uponn thee commplettion of ggoodss, addvisee by facssimille thhe Buuyerss of Namee of Vesssel, B/L No.,

31、 Shiippinng Daate, Conttractt No., Coommoddity, Quaantitty, WWeighht, VValuee of Shippmentt, Poort oof Looadinng annd poort oof Deestinnatioon.(13) 質(zhì)量保證證 Guuaranntee of QQualiity:賣方保證本本合同的設(shè)設(shè)備是用符符合該產(chǎn)品品質(zhì)量標準準的材料和和合理的工工藝制造的的,新制的的、未曾使使用過,并并符合本合合同中質(zhì)量量和規(guī)格的的各方面要要求。質(zhì)保保期應從設(shè)設(shè)備在初步步驗收證書書簽署之日日記起122個月,但但不得超過過裝運日起起

32、的18個月,以先到者者為準。The SSelleer shhall guarranteee thhat tthe eequippmentt herreof is mmade withh reaasonaable workkmansship and stanndardd matteriaal whhich is iin coonforrmityy witth thhe quualitty sttandaard oof thhis eequippmentt, brrand new and unussed, and comppliess in all resppectss witth thhe qu

33、ualitty annd sppecifficattion in tthis conttractt. Thhe guuaranntee periiod sshalll be twellve (12) montths ccountting fromm thee datte onn Accceptaance Certtificcate signned bby thhe ennd-usser bbut nnot llaterr thaan eiighteeen (18) montths ffrom the datee of shippmentt, whhicheever comees eaarlie

34、er.在保證期內(nèi)內(nèi)如果由于于維修、更更換有缺陷陷或損壞的的由賣方提提供的貨物物而造成合合同設(shè)備停停機,且賣賣方對此負負有責任,則則該設(shè)備的的保證期將將延長,其其延長時間間等于停機機時間。修修復及更換換的貨物的的保證期僅僅為重新投投運之后112月。賣賣方有責任任處理在保保證期以后后發(fā)現(xiàn)的任任何貨物因因設(shè)計或制制造引起的的缺陷。If thhe Coontraact EEquippmentt is shutt dowwn duuringg thee guaaranttee pperiood duue too reppair or rreplaacemeent oof deefecttive and/

35、or ddamagged GGoodss suppplieed byy thee Selller for whicch thhe Seellerr is respponsiible, thee guaaranttee pperiood off succh Coontraact EEquippmentt shaall bbe exxtendded ccorreesponndinggly bby a periiod eequall to the timee of suchh shuut doown. The guarranteee peeriodd of suchh reppaireed annd

36、/orr repplaceed Gooods shalll bee exttendeed to twwelvee (122) moonthss aftter tthesee parrts aare pput iinto operratioon. IIf anny Gooodsdefeectioon shhall be ffoundd aftter tthe gguaraanteee perriod due to ddesiggn orr mannufaccturiing rreasoon soolelyy atttribuutablle too Selller, thee selller is

37、 iin duuty bboundd to deall witth itt.(14) 檢驗 IInspeectioon:甲:在交貨貨以前,制造廠應應就訂貨的的質(zhì)量、規(guī)規(guī)格、性能能、數(shù)量/重量作出出正確和全全面的檢驗驗,并出具貨貨物和本合合同規(guī)定相相符的證明明書,該證書為為議付貨款款而應提交交銀行的單單據(jù)的組成成部分,但不得作作為貨物的的質(zhì)量、規(guī)規(guī)格、性能能和數(shù)量/重量的最最后依據(jù),制造廠應應將記載試試驗細節(jié)和和結(jié)果的書書面報告附附在質(zhì)量證證明書內(nèi)。A:Thee mannufacctureers sshalll beffore makiing ddelivvery, makke a precci

38、se and comppreheensivve innspecctionn of the goodds ass reggardss theeir qqualiity, speccificcatioons, perfformaance and quanntityy/weiight, andd isssue ccertiificaates certtifyiing tthat the goodds arre inn connformmity withh thee stiipulaationns off thiis Coontraact. The certtificcatess shaall bbe

39、 frrom aan inntegrral ppart of tthe ddocummentss andd preesentted tto thhe paayingg bannk foor neegotiiatioon/coollecctionn of paymment but shalll noot bee connsideered as ffinall in resppect of qqualiity, speccificcatioons, perfformaancess andd quaantitty/weeightt. Paarticcularrs annd reesultts off

40、 thee tesst caarrieed ouut byy thee mannufacctureers mmust be sshownn in a sttatemment to bbe atttachhed tto thhe saaid QQualiity CCertiificaate.乙:貨物到到達到貨目目的港或現(xiàn)現(xiàn)場后,買方可以以申請中華華人民共和和國出入境境檢驗檢疫疫局及其分分支機構(gòu)(以下簡稱稱商檢局)就貨物的的質(zhì)量、規(guī)規(guī)格和數(shù)量量/重量進行行初步檢驗驗,如果發(fā)現(xiàn)現(xiàn)到貨的規(guī)規(guī)格或數(shù)量量/重量與合合同不符,除應由保保險公司或或船公司負負責外,買方于貨貨物在到貨貨口岸卸貨貨后1800天內(nèi)憑

41、商商檢局出具具之檢驗證證書有權(quán)拒拒收貨物或或向賣方索索賠。B:Aftter aarrivval oof thhe gooods at tthe pport of ddestiinatiion oor att thee sitte, tthe BBuyerr mayy appply tto thhe Peeoplees RRepubblic of CChinaa forr Insspecttion Entrry-exxit IInspeectioon annd Quuaranntinee Burreau (herreinaafterr callled the “Bureeau”) foor a

42、prelliminnary insppectiion oof thhe gooods in rrespeect oof thheir quallity, speecifiicatiions and quanntityy/weiight or bboth, exccept thosse foor whhich eithher tthe iinsurrancee commpanyy or the shipppingg commpanyy is respponsiible, thee Buyyers shalll, wwithiin 1880 daays aafterr disscharrge oo

43、f thhe gooods at tthe pport of ddestiinatiion, havee thee rigght eeitheer too rejject the goodds orr to claiim aggainsst thhe Seellerrs onn thee strrengtth off thee insspecttion certtificcate issuued bby thhe Buureauu.丙:在合同同第13條規(guī)定定的保用期期限內(nèi),如發(fā)現(xiàn)貨貨物的質(zhì)量量及/或規(guī)格與與本合同規(guī)規(guī)定不符或或發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物物無論任何何原因引起起的缺陷包包括內(nèi)在缺缺陷或使用用不良的原

44、原材料,買方應申申請商檢局局檢驗,并有權(quán)根根據(jù)商檢證證向賣方索索賠。C:Witthin the guarranteee peeriodd stiipulaated in CClausse 133 herre of shouuld tthe qqualiity aand/oor thhe sppecifficattionss of the goodds bee fouund nnot iin coonforrmityy witth thhe coontraactedd stiipulaationns, oor shhouldd thee gooods pproveed deefecttive f

45、or any reassons, inccludiing llatennt deefectt or the use of uunsuiitablle maateriials, thee Buyyer sshalll arrrangee forr an insppectiion tto bee carrriedd outt by the Bureeau aand hhave the righht too claaim aagainnst tthe SSelleer onn thee strrengtth off thee insspecttion certtificcate issuued bb

46、y thhe Buureauu.?。嘿u方收收到買方索索賠通知后后,如果十天天內(nèi)不答復復,應視為賣賣方同意買買方提出的的一切索賠賠。D:Anyy andd alll claaims shalll bee reggardeed ass acccepteed iff thee Selllerss faiil too repply wwithiin 100 dayys affter receeipt of tthe BBuyerrs cclaimm.(15) 索賠: CClaimms:A)如果合合同設(shè)備在在設(shè)計、制制造、交貨貨、檢驗、安裝、調(diào)調(diào)試、試運運行、性能能驗收試驗驗和保證期期內(nèi)賣方未未能履行其

47、其在本合同同項下所承承擔的義務務,買方有有權(quán)向賣方方提出索賠賠并自行選選擇下列一一項或多項項補救措施施:A)In casee thee Selller faills inn perrformming any of iits oobliggatioon unnder the conttractt durring the desiign, manuufactture, delliverry, iinspeectioon, EErecttion, Commmisssioniing, Reliiabillity Testt Runn, Peerforrmancce Teest aand WWarraa

48、nty Periiod, the Buyeer haas thhe riight to llodgee claaims agaiinst the Selller aand SSelleer shhall setttle tthe cclaimm witth thhe aggreemment of tthe BBuyerr in one or aa commbinaationn of the folllowinng waays:按照本合同同的規(guī)定,由由賣方向買買方支付違違約金。1) Paay liiquiddatedd dammagess to the Buyeer acccordding to

49、 tthe sstipuulatiions of tthe CContrract.由賣方自負負費用修理理有缺陷的的合同設(shè)備備或消除合合同設(shè)備的的缺陷或不不符合合同同之處。如如果賣方不不能派遣人人員到工作作現(xiàn)場,或或賣方不能能在買方限限定期限內(nèi)內(nèi)修復有缺缺陷的合同同設(shè)備,買買方有權(quán)自自行或請其其他合格供供貨商消除除缺陷或不不符合合同同之處,由由此產(chǎn)生的的一切費用用和風險均均由賣方承承擔。2) Reepairr deffectiive CContrract Equiipmennt orr eliiminaate tthe ddefeccts oor diiscreepanccies of tthe

50、 CContrract Equiipmennt att thee Selllers exxpensses. In ccase the Selller ffailss to disppatchh hiss perrsonnnel tto thhe Prrojecct Siite, the Buyeer haas thhe riight to eelimiinatee thee deffectss or disccrepaanciees hiimsellf orr othher qqualiifiedd suppplieers. All costts annd riisks thuss occcu

51、rreed shhouldd be bornne byy thee Selller. 由賣方自負負費用以新新設(shè)備替換換有缺陷的的合同設(shè)備備或用新的的技術(shù)資料料替換有錯錯誤的技術(shù)術(shù)資料,或或者補供遺遺漏的合同同設(shè)備或技技術(shù)資料,同同時賣方應應在重新起起算的保證證期內(nèi)對替替換后的設(shè)設(shè)備作出質(zhì)質(zhì)量保證。賣方應自自負風險和和費用將替替換后的設(shè)設(shè)備或補供供的設(shè)備運運抵工作現(xiàn)現(xiàn)場。對于于急需的設(shè)設(shè)備,賣方方應自負費費用將其用用最快的運運輸方式運運到工作現(xiàn)現(xiàn)場。3) Reeplacce thhe deefecttive Conttractt Equuipmeent oor innaccuuratee Tec

52、chniccal DDocummentaationn witth neew onne orr suppplemment the omittted Conttractt Equuipmeent oor Teechniical Docuumenttatioon att thee Selllers exxpensses aand tthe SSelleer shhall at tthe ssame timee guaaranttee tthe qqualiity oof thhe reeplacced GGoodss forr a ffurthher ccorreesponndingg guaara

53、nttee pperiood. TThe rreplaaced and/or ssuppllemennted equiipmennt shhall be ddelivveredd to the Projject Sitee at the Selllerss cossts aand rriskss. Thhe Seellerr shaall, at hhis oown eexpennses, delliverry thhe coomponnentss or equiipmennt urrgenttly nneedeed byy thee Buyyer tto thhe Siites by tth

54、e mmost effiiciennt trranspportaationn metthod.賣方按質(zhì)量量低劣的程程度、買方方受損害的的程度及損損失的數(shù)額額對合同設(shè)設(shè)備進行降降價。4) Deevaluue thhe eqquipmment accoordinng too thee deggree of iinferrioriity, exteent oof daamagee andd amoount of llossees suufferred bby thhe Buuyer.5)如果,賣賣方采用上上述2)或3)或4)條措施施不能進行行補救賣方方的錯誤,賣賣方將同意意買方退收收貨和收回回已付拒

55、收收設(shè)備相同同貨幣的金金額,并且且賣方應承承擔買方的的損失和所所發(fā)生的費費用,包括括但不限于于利息、銀銀行費、運運費、保險險金、檢驗驗費、貯存存、裝卸費費和其它用用于被拒設(shè)設(shè)備保管和和保護的費費用。5) Iff aboove rremeddies 2), 3), 4) iin thhis cclausse haave bbeen exhaausteed, tthe SSelleer shhall agreee too thee rejjectiion oof thhe Gooods and refuund tto thhe Buuyer the valuue off thee Equuipme

56、ent sso reejectted iin thhe saame ccurreency as sspeciifiedd in the Conttractt andd to bearr alll lossses and expeensess inccurreed inncludding but not limiited to iinterrest, acccruedd bannkingg chaargess, frreighht annd innsuraance premmiumss, innspecctionn chaargess, sttoragge, ssteveedoree chaar

57、gess andd othher nnecesssaryy exppensees reequirred ffor tthe ccustoody aand pproteectioon off thee rejjecteed Eqquipmment.B)如果賣賣方未能按按照最終交交貨計劃及及時交貨,賣賣方應按以以下比例支支付遲交貨貨違約金:從遲交的第第一周到第第四周,每每周違約金金為遲交的的合同設(shè)備備金額的11.0 %;從遲交的第第五周到第第八周,每每周違約金金為遲交的的合同設(shè)備備金額的11.5%;從遲交的第第九周起,每每周違約金金為遲交的的合同設(shè)備備金額的22.0 %。 遲交交貨違約金金的支付不

58、不能免除賣賣方繼續(xù)交交付相關(guān)合合同設(shè)備的的義務。B)In casee thee Selller faills too makke deeliveery ppursuuant to tthe FFinall Delliverry Sccheduule, the Selller sshalll payy thee liqquidaated damaages for latee delliverry att thee folllowiing rratess:1) Frrom tthe ffirstt to the fourrth wweek, thee liqquidaated damaage ss

59、halll be one perccent (1.00%) oof thhe vaalue of tthe ddelayyed CContrract Equiipmennt peer weeek. 2) Frrom tthe ffifthh to the eighhth wweek, thee liqquidaated damaage sshalll be one poinnt fiive pperceent (1.5%) off thee vallue oof thhe deelayeed Coontraact EEquippmentt perr weeek.3) Affter the ni

60、ntth weeek, the liquuidatted ddamagge shhall be ttwo pperceent (2.0%) off thee vallue oof thhe deelayeed Coontraact EEquippmentt perr weeek.The ppaymeent oof liiquiddatedd dammagess shaall nnot rreleaase tthe SSelleer frrom iits oobliggatioon too delliverr thee dellayedd Conntracct Eqquipmment.C. 賣方


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