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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔傾情為你奉上專心專注專業(yè)專心專注專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔傾情為你奉上專心專注專業(yè)The Rhythm and T ypes of English Poetry英語詩歌的韻律與類型目錄上篇英語詩歌的韻律前言(第一章英語詩歌的韻步(第一節(jié)韻步的定義與類型(第二節(jié)韻步類型舉例(第二章英語詩歌的韻步數(shù)(第一節(jié)單韻步行(第二節(jié)雙韻步行(第三節(jié)三韻步行和四韻步行(第四節(jié)五韻步行(第五節(jié)六韻步行(第六節(jié)七韻步行(第七節(jié)八韻步行(第三章英語詩歌的押韻(第一節(jié)頭韻(第二節(jié)尾韻(第三節(jié)內(nèi)韻(第四節(jié)元韻(第五節(jié)和韻(第六節(jié)目韻(第四章英語詩歌的基本押韻格式(第一節(jié)基本押韻格式(第二節(jié)基本






7、辨認(rèn),字母靠視覺辨認(rèn),音素屬于讀音系統(tǒng),字母屬于拼寫系統(tǒng)。例如,scansion sknn由8個字母拼寫而成,只有7個音素。英語音素分為元音(vowel和輔音(consonant,共有48個。音節(jié)是英語的發(fā)音單位,由一個元音或者由一個元音同一個或若干個輔音構(gòu)成。音節(jié)可分為單音節(jié)、雙音節(jié)、多音節(jié)三類。單音節(jié):you,day,me,big,make,bar等。雙音節(jié):begin,open,foolish,summer,mountain等。多音節(jié):wonderful,revolution,satisfactory等。輔音也可構(gòu)成音節(jié),如people,rhythm中的ple和thm都屬于一個音節(jié)。每個

8、英語單詞都有一個重讀音節(jié),其重讀音節(jié)是固定的。如husband,共兩個音節(jié),第一個音節(jié)重讀;express有兩個音節(jié),第二個音節(jié)重讀;beautiful有三個音節(jié),第一個音節(jié)重讀; religion有三個音節(jié),第二個音節(jié)重讀;subterranean有四個音節(jié),第三個音節(jié)重讀。在短語或句子中,冠詞和介詞一般不重讀。如在in the morning,on a desk中,in、the、on、a都不重讀。弄清楚什么是音節(jié),就可以理解什么是韻步了。韻步是一個或兩個重讀音節(jié)和一個或兩個非重讀音節(jié)的排列組合。其類型如下:韻步類型表名稱英語名稱的形容詞形式例子(大寫表示重讀抑抑格pyrrhic pyrrh

9、ic in a抑揚格iamb iambic enGAGE揚抑格trochee trochaic ALways揚揚格spondee spondaic HOT STUFF抑抑抑格tribrach tribrachic and in the抑抑揚格anapaest anapaestic on the W AY抑揚抑格amphibrach amphibrachic eTERnal抑揚揚格baccius bachiac the WHOLE DAY揚抑抑格dactyl dactylic W ANdering揚抑揚格amphimacer or cretic cretic PIECE of CAKE揚揚抑格a

10、ntibachius antibachiac GOOD MORning揚揚揚格molossus molossic GREA T WHITE HOPE第二節(jié)韻步類型舉例一、抑揚格抑揚格是一個非重讀音節(jié)和一個重讀音節(jié)的排列組合。英語詩歌以抑揚格韻步為主,如莎士比亞十四行詩我可以把你比作夏天嗎?最后兩行的韻步劃分如下(每個韻步由豎杠|隔開,_代表非重讀音節(jié),/代表重讀音節(jié):_ /. _ / _ / _ / _ /So long |as men |can breathe |or eyes |can see,_ / _ / _ / _ / _ /So long |lives this |and this

11、 |gives life |to thee.(William Shakespeare: Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer Day每個韻步都是兩個音節(jié),且每個韻步都是一個非重讀音節(jié)加一個重讀音節(jié)構(gòu)成。又如華茲華斯的我獨自漫游,像一朵孤云第一詩節(jié):_ / _ / _ _ _ /I wan|dered lone|ly as |a cloud_ / _ / _ / _ /That floats |on high |oer vales |and hills,_ / _ / _ / _ /When all |at once |I saw| a crowd,_ / _ / _

12、 / _ _A host, |of gol|den da|ffodils;_ / _ / _ / _ /Beside | the lake, | beneath | the trees,/ _ _ _ / _ _ _ /Fluttering |and dan|cing in |the breeze.(William Wordsworth: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud除了第一行第三韻步,第四行第四韻步,第六行的第一、三韻步,其他韻步都是抑揚格。英詩的韻步不是機械的一成不變,而總是有拗變(variation,幾乎所有的英詩都有拗變,只要絕大部分韻步屬于某種類型即可。再

13、如朗費羅的金色夕照第一詩節(jié):_ / _ / _ / _ /The gol|den sea | its mi|rror spread_ / _ / _ /Beneath | the gol|den skies,_ _ _ / _ / _ /And but | a na|rrow strip | between_ / _ / _ /Of land | and sha|dow lies.(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: The Golden Sunset除了第三行第一韻步屬拗變,其他韻步都是輕重音節(jié)的排列組合,屬抑揚格。二、揚抑格揚抑格是一個重讀音節(jié)與一個非重讀音節(jié)的排列組合

14、。最為人們熟知的是簡泰勒的兒童詩星:/ _ / _ / _ /Twinkle, | twinkle,| little | star,/ _ / _ / _ /How I |wonder | what you | are./ _ / _ / _ /Up a|bove the | world so | high,/ _ / _ _ _ /Like a | diamond | in the | sky.(Jane Taylor: Star每行的最后一個韻步省略了非重讀音節(jié),仍然屬于揚抑格。只有第四行的第三個韻步是拗變,被抑抑格代替。也為人們熟悉的布萊克的老虎,其第三詩節(jié)如下:/ _ / _ / _

15、/What the |hammer?| What the | chain?_ / / _ _ _ /In what |furnace | was thy | brain?/ _ / _ / _ /What the |anvil? | what dread | grasp/ _ / _ / _ /Dare its |deadly | terrors | clasp?(William Blake: The Tyger每行的最后一個韻步省略了非重讀音節(jié),仍然屬于揚抑格。第二行的第一個韻步被抑揚格代替,第三個韻步被抑抑格代替。下面這首詩的韻步以揚抑格為主:/ _ / _ / _ /Timely | b

16、lossom, | infant | fair,/ _ _ _ / _ /Fondling | of a | happy | pair,/ _ / _ / _ /Every | morn and | every | night_ _ / _ _ _ /Their so|lici|tous de|light,/ _ / _ / _ /Sleeping, |waking, |still at | ease,/ _ _ / / _ /Pleasing, | without | skill to | please;/ _ / _ / _ /Little | gossip, | blithe and |

17、 hale,/ _ / _ _ / _ /Tattling | many | a bro|ken tale,/ _ / _ _ / _ /Singing | many| a tune|less song,/ _ _ _ / _ /Lavish | of a | heedless | tongue;(Ambrose Philips: To Charlotte Pulteney三、揚揚格揚揚格是兩個重讀音節(jié)組成的韻步。由于在同一個韻步中兩個音節(jié)同時重讀幾乎完全限定在組合詞或者兩個相鄰的單音節(jié)詞上,因此英語詩歌中揚揚格的詩行很少。這種韻步不是為了組成詩行,而是用來代替抑揚格或揚抑格,目的在于使詩歌的

18、節(jié)奏發(fā)生變化,追求新的節(jié)奏美感。如丁尼生的尤利西斯中的第55行第57行:_ / / / _ / / / _ /The long |day wanes:| the slow | moon climbs:| the deep_ / _ / _ / _ / _ /Moans round |with ma|ny voi|ces. Come|, my friends,_ / _ / _ / _ / _ /Tis not | too late | to seek | a new|er world.(Alfred Tennyson: Ulysses這里第一行的第二、四韻步為揚揚格,第一、三、五韻步是抑揚格。

19、因此,這行詩是揚揚格和抑揚格相互組合的詩行。又如彌爾頓失樂園第二卷第618行至第623行:_ / _ _ / _ / _ /Through ma|ny a dark| and drea|ry vale_ / _ / _ _ / _ / _ _They passed, | and ma|ny a re|gion do|lorous,_ / _ _ / _ / _ _ / _ /Oer ma|ny a fro|zen, ma|n y a fie|ry alp,/ / / / / / _ / _ /Rocks, caves|, lakes, fens|, bogs, dens|, and shade

20、s | of death_ / _ _ _ / _ / _ /A u|niverse | of death |, which God | by curse_ / _ / _ _ / _ / _ /Crea|ted e|vil, for e|vil on|ly good.(John Milton: Paradise Lost這里的第四行前六個音節(jié),分為三個韻步,都重讀,屬揚揚格,后面兩個韻步是抑揚格,因此,這行詩是揚揚格和抑揚格相互組合的詩行。四、抑抑揚格抑抑揚格是由兩個非重讀音節(jié)和一個重讀音節(jié)組成的韻步,屬于三音節(jié)韻步。抑揚格韻步和抑抑揚格韻步是從非重讀音節(jié)到重讀音節(jié)的組合,因此它們被稱為升調(diào)

21、韻步行(rising meter。前面所引的失樂園詩行中,第一行第三韻步、第二行第三韻步、第三行第三韻步是抑抑揚格。又如柯珀的亞歷山大塞爾扣克的孤獨:_ _ / _ _ / _ _ /I am mo|narch of all | I survey;_ / _ _ / _ _ /My right | there is none | to dispute;_ _ / _ _ / _ _ /From the cen|ter all round | to the sea_ _ / _ _ / _ _ /I am lord | of the fowl | and the brute._ / _ _ /

22、_ _ /O so|litude! Where | are the charms_ / _ _ / _ _ /That sa|ges have seen | in thy face?_ _ / _ _ / _ _ /Better dwell | in the midst | of alarms,_ / _ _ / _ _ /Than reign | in the ho| rrible place.(William Cowper: The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk每行詩由兩個非重讀音節(jié)加一個重讀音節(jié)組成韻步,每行詩分三個韻步。其中第二、五、六、八行都有首音節(jié)省略

23、的特點,于是第一個韻步就從抑抑揚格變成了抑揚格。這種省略被稱為首行省略(truncation。五、揚抑抑格揚抑抑格是由一個重讀音節(jié)加兩個非重讀音節(jié)組成的韻步,與抑抑揚格韻步對應(yīng)。單純用揚抑抑格寫作的詩歌很少,以此步格為基礎(chǔ)的詩行大多同其他形式的步格組合在一起。如托馬斯胡德嘆息橋第一詩節(jié):/ _ _ / _ _Take her up |tenderly/ _ _ /Lift her with |care/ _ _ / _ _Fashiond so |slenderly/ _ _ /Y oung, and so | fair(Thomas Hood: The Bridge of Sighs這里的第

24、一個詩節(jié)的第一行和第三行由兩個揚抑抑格韻步組成,第二行和第四行由一個完整揚抑抑格韻步加一個重音節(jié)(其后省略了兩個非重讀音節(jié)構(gòu)成。羅伯特勃朗寧的誤解,每行詩最后一個韻步都省略了一個非重讀音節(jié):/ _ _ / _ / / _This is a | spray the Bird | clung to,/ _ _ / _ _ / _Making it | blossom with | pleasure,/ _ _ / _ _ / _Ere the high | tree-top she | sprung to,/ _ _ / _ _ / _Fit for her | nest and her | tr

25、easure._ / _ / _ / / _O, what a | hope beyond | measure/ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ / _Was the poor | sprays, which the | flying feet | hung to,/ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ / _So to be | singled out, | built in, and | sung to!(Robert Browning: Misconceptions在這個詩節(jié)里,前五行每行八個音節(jié),劃分為三個揚抑抑格韻步,第六、七行有十一個音節(jié),劃分為四個揚抑抑格韻步,每行最后一個韻步在省略

26、了一個非重讀音節(jié)后,用揚抑格代替了揚抑抑格。六、多種步格在一首詩歌中的同時運用如:Woman | wants mo|nogamy;Man de|lights in | novelty.Love is| womans | moon and sun.Man has | other | forms of fun.Woman | lives but | in her lord.Count to | ten, and | man is bored.With this | the gist | and sum | of it.What earth|ly good |can come | of it?(Do

27、rothy Parker: General Review of the Sex Situation這首短詩使用了幾種步格,前六行是三韻步行,其中第一行至第六行的前兩個步格都是揚抑格,第一、二行的第三步格,即| nogamy |、| novelty | 屬于揚抑抑格;第三、四、六行的第三步格,即|moon and sun |、| forms of fun |、| man is bored | 屬于揚抑揚格;第五行第三步格| in her lord | 屬于抑抑揚格;第七、八行則屬于抑揚格韻步。第二章英語詩歌的韻步數(shù)第一節(jié)單韻步行單韻步詩行(monometer是由一個韻步構(gòu)成的詩行。例如斯科若的希

28、臘古甕頌總結(jié),就是由單韻步詩行寫成的詩:Gods chaseRound vase.What say?What play?Dont know.Nice, though.(Desmond Skirrow: Ode on a Grecian Urn Summarized完全由單韻步詩行構(gòu)成的詩很稀有,單韻步詩行往往出現(xiàn)在多韻步詩行中間,如下面兩個詩節(jié)中的第七、八詩行:Go and catch a falling star,Get with child a mandrake root,Tell me where all past years are,Or who cleft the Devils fo

29、ot,Teach me to hear mermaids singing,Or to keep off envys stinging,And findWhat windServes to advance an honest mind.(John Donne: Song第二節(jié)雙韻步行雙韻步詩行(dimeter是由兩個韻步構(gòu)成的一行詩。例如:Razors | pain you;Rivers | are damp;Acids | stain you;And drugs | cause cramp.Gun s arent | lawful;Nooses | give;Gas smells | awfu

30、l;Y ou might | as well | live.(Dorothy Parker: Rsum除了最后一行,其他詩行都是雙韻步,而第六詩行的第二個韻步省略了非重讀音節(jié)。單韻步和雙韻步組合的詩行,威廉斯的紅色手推車是個代表性例子:so much | dependsupona red | wheelbarrowglazed | with rainwaterbeside | the whitechickens.(W. C. Williams: The Red Wheelbarrow第三節(jié)三韻步行和四韻步行三韻步詩行(trimeter和四韻步詩行(tetrameter是由三個韻步和四個韻步構(gòu)成

31、的詩行,例如: While I | am ly| ing on | the grassThy two|fold shout | I hearFrom hill | to hill | it seems | to passAt once | far off | and near.And I | can li|sten to | thee yet!Can lie | upon | the plainAnd li|sten, till |I do | begetThat gol|den time | again.(William Wordsworth: To the Cuckoo在這首詩歌中,每個詩

32、節(jié)的第一、三行是由四個韻步構(gòu)成的詩行,而第二、四行則是由三個韻步構(gòu)成的詩行。又如:The Ma|riner, | whose eye | is bright,Whose beard | with age | is hoar,Is gone:| and now | the We|dding-GuestTurned from | the bride|grooms door.He went | like one | that hath | been stunned,And is | of sense | forlorn :A sa|dder and | a wi|ser man,He rose |

33、the mo|rrow morn.(Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner同樣,每個詩節(jié)的第一、三行是由四個韻步構(gòu)成的詩行,而第二、四行則是由三個韻步構(gòu)成的詩行。三韻步詩行不但常與四韻步詩行交叉使用,也常與雙韻步詩行交叉使用。例如:Winter|time nighs;But my | bereave|ment-painIt can|not bring | again:Twice no | one dies.Flower |-petal | flee;But, since | it once | hath been,No

34、more | that se|vering | sceneCan ha|rrow me.Birds faint | in dread:I shall | not lose | old strengthIn the | lone frosts | black length:Strength long | since fled!(Thomas Hardy: In Tenebris幾乎每個詩節(jié)的第一、四行是雙韻步行(其中第二詩節(jié)第一行為三韻步行,第三韻步省略了非重讀音節(jié)。第二、三行為三韻步行。四韻步行還用于抑抑揚格和揚抑抑格韻步。如拜倫描寫圣經(jīng)中的亞述王在宮廷政變中被殺的詩歌賽納克里布的毀滅第三個詩

35、節(jié),就是標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的抑抑揚格四韻步詩行:_ _ / _ _ / _ _ / _ _ /For the An|gel of Death | spread his wings | on the blast,_ / _ _ / _ _ / _ _ /And breathed | in the face | of the foe | as he passed;_ _ / _ _ / _ _ / _ _ /And the eyes | of the slee|pers waxed dead|ly and chill,_ _ / _ _ / _ _ / _ _ /And their hearts | but o

36、nce heaved|, and for e|ver grew still!(Lord Byron: The Destruction of Sennacherib每行詩共十二個音節(jié),劃分為四個韻步,每個韻步由兩個非重讀音節(jié)加一個重讀音節(jié)組成。其中第二行第一個韻步省略了一個非重讀音節(jié)。第四節(jié)五韻步行五韻步詩行(pentameter是由五個韻步構(gòu)成的詩行。英語詩歌中的五韻步詩行一般都是由五個抑揚格韻步組成,這樣的詩行叫抑揚格五韻步詩行(iambic pentameter,這種詩行迄今為止,仍然是英語中使用最多的詩行。例如丁尼生的提脫諾斯第一詩節(jié):The woods | decay|, the wo

37、ods | decay | and fall,The va|pors weep | their bur|then to | the ground,Man comes | and tills | the field | and lies | beneath,And af|ter ma|ny a | summer | dies the | swan.Me on|ly cru|el im|morta|lityConsumes: | I wi|ther slow|ly in | thine arms,Here at | the qui|et li|mit of | the world,A white|

38、-haird sha|dow roa|ming like | a dreamThe e|ver-si|lent spa|ces of | the East,Far-fol|ded mists|, and glea|ming halls | of morn.(Alfred Tennyson: Tithonus每行詩都是十個音節(jié),幾乎每個韻步都是抑揚格。當(dāng)然,抑揚格韻步行的詩歌并非每個韻步都是抑揚格,往往有非抑揚格韻步的變化,如上面這個詩節(jié)的第五行,第三、五韻步就屬于抑抑格,具體分析如下:_ / _ / _ _ _ / _ _Me on|ly cru|el im|morta|lity莎士比亞的十四

39、行詩都是抑揚格五韻步詩行,但幾乎每首十四行詩中都可以找到至少一個非抑揚格韻步。以最著名的我可以把你比作夏天嗎?為例:_ / _ / _ / _ / _ /But thy | eter|nal sum|mer shall |not fade,_ / _ / _ _ _ / _ /Nor lose | posse|ssion of | that fair | thou owst.這里第二行的第三個韻步是抑抑格。甚至第一行第一、四個韻步都可以讀成抑抑格,第五個韻步可以讀成揚揚格。除了抑揚格韻步,五韻步還用于其他步格的韻步,如阿諾德的靠自己第一詩節(jié):/ _ _ _ / _ / _ / _Weary |

40、 of my|self, and | sick of | asking/ _ / _ / _ / _ /.What I | am, and | what I | ought to | be,_ / / _ / _ / _ / _At this | vessels | prow I | stand, which | bears me/ _ / _ / _ / _ /Forwards, | forwards, | oer the | starlit | sea.(Mathew Arnold: Self-Dependence這個詩節(jié)的基本節(jié)奏是揚抑格,但第一行的第二個韻步被替換成了抑抑格韻步,第二、

41、四行最后一個韻步是尾省略韻步,省略了一個非重讀音節(jié)。第五節(jié)六韻步行六韻步詩行(hexameter是由六個韻步組成的詩行。其特點有二,一是往往通過停頓將一行六韻步詩行分為兩個半行詩,二是它的韻步常使用替換,例如錫德尼的十四行組詩奧斯特洛菲爾與斯苔拉第一首中的前四行:/ _ _ / _ / _ / _ / _ /Loving | in truth |, and fain | in verse | my love | to show,_ / _ / _ / _ / _ _ _ /That she |(dear She | might take | some plea|sure of | my pai

42、n:/ _ _ / _ / / _ _ / _ /Pleasure | might cause | her read|, reading | might make | her know,/ _ _ / _ / _ / _ / _ /Knowledge | might pi|ty win|, and pi|ty grace | obtain;(Sir Philip Sidney: Astrophel and Stella這四行詩的第一個特點是,每行都由一個停頓把一行詩分成兩個半行詩,其中有三行的中間出現(xiàn)標(biāo)點符號;第二個特點是替換。四行詩的基本節(jié)奏是抑揚格,但第一、三、四行的第一個韻步被替換成了揚

43、抑格,第二行的第五個韻步被替換成了抑抑格。第六節(jié)七韻步行七韻步詩行(heptameter是由七個韻步組成的詩行。文藝復(fù)興時期英國詩人有時用抑揚格七韻步詩行寫詩,遵守由十四個音節(jié)組成抑揚格節(jié)奏,因此這類詩被稱為抑揚格七韻步詩(fourteeners,例如騷斯維爾的燃燒的嬰孩前幾行:_ / _ / _ / _ / / / _ _ _ _ /As I| in hoa|ry win|ters night | stood shi|vering in |the snow,_ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ /Surprised | I was | with su|dden heat | w

44、hich made | my heart | to glow;_ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ /And lif|ting up | a fear|ful eye | to view | what fire | was near,_ / _ / / / _ / / _ _ / _ /A pre|tty babe | all bur| ning bright | did in | the air | appear;(Robert Southwell: The Burning Babe由于七韻步詩行較長,一般都把它分為一個四韻步詩行和一個三韻步詩行,于是上面的詩行就被排列成:As

45、 I| in hoa|ry win|ters nightstood shi|vering in |the snow,Surprised | I was | with su|dden heatwhich made | my heart | to glow;And lif|ting up | a fear|ful eyeto view | what fire | was near,A pre|tty babe | all bur| ning brightdid in | the air | appear;用揚抑格寫成的七韻步詩行比較少見,以下是丁尼生食蓮人第八詩節(jié)(也是最后一個詩節(jié)中間四行:/ _

46、 / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ /Like a | tale of | little | meaning | tho the | words are | strong;/ _ _ _ / _ / _ / _ / _ /Chanted | from an | ill-used | race of | men that | cleave the | soil,/ _ / _ / _ / _ _ _ / _ /Sow the | seed, and | reap the | harvest | with en|during | toil,/ _ / _ / _ / _ / _ / _ /S

47、toring | yearly | little | dues of | wheat, and | wine and | oil;(Alfred Tennyson: The Lotus-Eaters每行前六個韻步都是標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的揚抑格,第七個韻步通過行尾省略的方法省去了一個非重讀音節(jié),因此它是一個缺損的韻步,這在詩歌中很常見。第七節(jié)八韻步行八韻步詩行(octameter是由八個韻步組成的詩行。這種詩行很少,也能找到例句,如愛德華茲的設(shè)計精美的天堂中的某些詩行:If plea|sures be | in pain|fullness|? in plea|sures doth |my bo|dy rest

48、,If joys | accord | with care|fullness |? a joy|ful heart | is in | my breast:If pri|son strong | be li|berty |? in li|berty | long have | I been,If joys | accord | with mi|sery |? who can | compare | a life | to mine.(Richards Edwards: The Paradise of Dainty Device這些詩行都是標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的八韻步詩行。又如丁尼生的梅爾頓之旅中以下詩行:Hi

49、s fa|thers have| slain thy | fathers | in war | or in | single | strife,Thy fa|thers have | slain his | fathers, | each ta|ken a | life for | life,Thy fa|ther had | slain his | father, | how long | shall the | murder | last?Go back | to th e | Isle of | Finn and | suffer | the past | to be | past.An

50、d we | kissed the | fringe of | his beard | and we | prayd as | we heard | him pray,And the | Holy | man he |assoild | us, and | sadly | we saild | away.(Alfred Tennyson: The V oyage of Maeldune前四行的第八韻步屬拗變,省略了一個非重讀音節(jié)。后兩行是標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的八韻步詩行。由于音節(jié)太多,詩人們傾向于將八韻步詩行分成兩個四韻步詩行。另外,九韻步詩行(nonameter和十韻步詩行(decameter是分別由九個和

51、十個韻步組成的詩行。但這種詩行十分罕見,暫無例句可舉。第三章英語詩歌的押韻押韻(rhyme是指一個音節(jié)的讀音在以后音節(jié)讀音中的重復(fù),或是一個單詞的最后一個音節(jié)或幾個音節(jié)的讀音在以后音節(jié)相應(yīng)位置的讀音重復(fù)。從押韻的位置看,押韻主要有頭韻(alliteration、尾韻(end rhyme和中間韻或腹韻(internal rhyme。尾韻又分全韻(perfect rhyme和非全韻(imperfect rhyme兩種。全韻要求押韻的輔音和元音都相同,非全韻又包括只是元音相同但輔音不押韻的元韻(assonance和只押輔音不押元音的和韻(consonance,另外,還有從拼寫上看起來似乎押韻但實際讀

52、音并不押韻的目韻(eye rhyme, visual rhyme or sight rhyme等。第一節(jié)頭韻頭韻是指一行(節(jié)詩中幾個詞開頭的輔音相同,形成押韻。如克里斯蒂娜羅塞蒂的歌前兩詩節(jié):When I am dead, my dearest,Sing no sad songs for me;Plant thou no rose at my head,Nor shady cypress tree:Be the green grass above meWith showers and dewdrops wet;And if thou wilt, remember,And if thou wil

53、t, forget.(Christina Rossetti: Song第一行的dead / dearest,第二行的sing / sad / songs,第五行的green / grass,第六行的with / wet押頭韻。又如柯爾律治的古舟子詠第103第106行:The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,The furrow followed free,We were the first that ever burstInto that silent sea.(Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Anc

54、ient Mariner前三行里,頭韻f重復(fù)七次。這個摩擦送氣的清輔音模仿柔風(fēng)輕濤的聲音,創(chuàng)造出一種寧靜的意境。第四行里的兩個s音宛如和風(fēng)吹過沉寂海面而發(fā)出的咝咝聲。頭韻在這里的使用,令讀者有身臨其境之感。另外,中間韻blew / flew,first / burst,furrow / followed,尾韻free / sea形成悅耳動聽的韻味和節(jié)奏感。再如莎士比亞編號為71的十四行詩前八行:No longer mourn for me when I am deadThan you shall hear the surly sullen bellGive warning to the wor

55、ld that I am fledFrom this vile world with vilest worms to dwell.Nay, if you read this line, remember notThe hand that writ it; for I love you soThat I in your sweet thoughts would be forgotIf thinking on me would make you woe.每行都有不同的頭韻。第一行為mourn / me,第二行為surly / sullen,第三行為warning / world,第四行為world

56、 / worm,第五行為read / remember,第八行為me / make和would / woe。第二行、第三行和第五行為than / that / this,第七行和第八行為thoughts / thinking。這樣的不同首字母交替出現(xiàn)在一個詩節(jié)中,可以稱為交叉頭韻。詩人在使用頭韻時,還使用一種聲音的重復(fù),通過這種聲音的重復(fù)表達(dá)一種獨特的情感。如多恩的歌:When thou sighst, thou sighst not windBut sighst my soul away;When thou weepst, unkindly kind,My lifes blood doth

57、decay.It cannot be,That thou lovst me, as thou sayst,If in thine my life thou waste,Thou art the best of me.(John Donne: Song此詩節(jié)使用的頭韻有when / wind / weep / waste,sigh / soul / say,doth / decay,blood / be / best,thou / then / that等。另外,在sigh、kindly、thine、my和life中有頻繁的元音字母i,此音暗示悲傷和抑郁,加上它是一個長元音,自然就減緩了詩行自然

58、的快節(jié)奏運動,哀傷和抑郁之情得到了充分的表現(xiàn)。同樣的詩歌技巧也體現(xiàn)在愛倫坡的烏鴉之中,如該詩的最后一節(jié):And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sittingOn the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon that is dreaming,And the lamp-light oer him streaming throws his shadow on the flo

59、or;And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floorShall be lifted nevermore!(Allan Poe: The Raven此詩節(jié)中除了各行的頭韻(still / sitting,pallid / Pallas,his / have,lamp / light,from / floating / floor,還有內(nèi)韻(flitting / sitting,seeming / dreaming等,貫穿整個詩節(jié)的短元音、,長元音i:、o:和雙元音u生動地傳達(dá)出了主人公的痛苦和絕望。第二節(jié)尾韻尾韻(

60、end rhyme指行尾押韻單詞最后的重讀元音及其后面的輔音在讀音上相同,而元音前面的輔音則不能相同。也就是說,元音以及元音后面的輔音押韻,而元音前面的輔音則不押韻。這種韻又被稱為全韻(perfect rhyme。根據(jù)音節(jié)的數(shù)量,可分為單音節(jié)尾韻(single rhyme、雙音節(jié)尾韻(double rhyme和三重音節(jié)尾韻(triple rhyme。單音節(jié)尾韻又稱男韻或陽韻(masculine rhyme,是在詩行結(jié)尾重讀音節(jié)之間出現(xiàn)的最普遍的押韻。如米勒在太平洋之濱第二詩節(jié):Above yon gleaming skies of goldOne lone imperial peak is s


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