1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)專心-專注-專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)跨文化交際學(xué)復(fù)習(xí)大綱既要點I Choose the most correct answer from each of the following. 1. It is no exaggeration to say that communication is a) something that happens now and then. b) the way humans talk to each other. c) life, and life is communicat
2、ion. d) a life giving energy resource. 2. Communication is a) easy to define. b) difficult to define. c) unable to be defined. d) an inability to speak. 3. Communication occurs if a) there are at least two or more people. b) an exchange of information has taken place. c) there is verbal contact betw
3、een two people. d) all of the above occur. 4. Researchers have identified _ basic types of communication. a) one b) three c) five d) seven 5. The expression “Its all Greek to me” means a) Its something I dont understand! b) I dont speak Greek! c) I dont understand: Do you speak Greek? d) I understan
4、d: Why are you speaking Greek? 6. A telephone is an example of a a) signal. b) encoder. c) code. d) channel. 7. Language communication between two people of the same culture is called a) multi-cultural communication. b) bi-cultural communication. c) mono-cultural communication.d) cultural communicat
5、ion. 8. Language communication between two people of different cultures is called a) multi-cultural communication. b) bi-cultural communication. c) mono-cultural communication. d) cultural communication. 9. It is quite common in many English speaking countries for a) students to ignore their profess
6、ors. b) students to address their professors by the title “Mr.” c) students to ignore any form of address for their professors. d) students to address their professors by their first name. 10. In America if a student and professor meet who should greet the other first? a) The professor. b) The stude
7、nt. c) Either. d) Neither (students and professors dont meet socially). 11. The following is NOT an example of a non-verbal signal a) crossing the fingers. b) shaking hands. c) saying hello. d) pointing. 12. In inter-cultural Communication one often finds the other persons behaviour a) very exciting
8、. b) difficult because of language. c) easy to understand. d) odd and sometimes distasteful. 13. In Britain, hospitality is measured by a) the number of dishes you are given. b) the number of drinks you are given. c) freedom to look at whatever you want. d) freedom to choose what you eat or drink. 1
9、4. Foreigners usually form the habit of a) respecting important people. b) respecting young people. c) respecting all people. d) respecting elderly people. 15. Westerners do not feel comfortable talking about a) religion. b) relatives. c) weather. d) economics. 16. “Westerners” do not like a) talkin
10、g while someone is cooking. b) talking while someone watches TV. c) talking at the dinner table. d) taking their children to the movies. 17. Culturally, British children seem to be more _ than Chinese children a) dependable. b) dependent. c) independent. d) indestructible. 18. “Western” culture is s
11、aid to focus on a) individualism. b) freedom. c) revisionism修正主義. d) collectivism. 19. Western” culture can be traced to a) liberalism. b) independence. c) Lincolnism. d) Confucianism. 20. Collectivist theory is linked to _ culture. a) American b) Western c) Eastern d) Chinese 21. Which of the follo
12、wing is NOT a girls name?: a) Angela b) Jenny c) Brenda d) George 22. Which of the following is NOT a boys name: a) Michael b) Rachel c) Richard d) Edward 23.A Christian name is also called a: a) given name b) surname c) family name d) last name 24. Which of the following is NOT true: a) surnames we
13、re used to indicate family relationships b) surnames were used to indicate occupations c) surnames were used to indicate year of birth d) surnames were used to indicate location 25. One can assume from Margaret Thatchers family name that her ancestors: a) sold candles b) made clothes c) made barrels
14、 d) made roofs 26. Today, many Chinese people: a) pay a lot of attention to origins of surnames b) are very aware of the meaning of given names c) are mostly unaware of the meaning of given names d) search for the origins of surnames 27. In China, the term comrade is: a) still widely used b) becomin
15、g more and more popular c) common in written Chinese d) widespread but diminishing in use 28. Today, in England, people usually call each other by their first names in: a) formal meetings at work b) informal situations outside work c) formal situations outside work d) informal meetings with bosses 2
16、9. In England, to call a person by their last name only is regarded as: a) acceptable to most people b) friendly, but sometimes disrespectful c) neither friendly nor respectful d) common and quite friendly 30. Guys, in America is a collective informal term for: a) addressing a group of friends b) ad
17、dressing a group of girls c) addressing a group of men d) addressing a group of ladies 31. To which of the following would you not give a kin term such as Uncle or Aunt in an English speaking country?: a) Fathers brother b) Fathers sister c) Mothers brother d) Mothers friend 32. Compared to Chinese
18、people, English native speakers: a) do not use kin terms so extensively b) use kin terms just as extensively c) use them about half as much d) do not use them at all 33. Chinese people do NOT talk freely about: a) age. b) sex. c) salary. d) marital status. 34. Common topics of conversation in Britai
19、n do NOT include: a) weather. b) sports. c) television. d) salary. 34. Which of the following is a formal greeting?: a) Hows tricks? b) Hi there! c) How are you? d) Hows things? 35. Which of the following is NOT true of Chinese surnames: a) they come from ancestors birthdays b) they come from ancien
20、t kingdoms c) they come from historical events d) they come from official titles36. At English dinners hosts often ask what people like: a) just before they serve a meal. b) before they come to the dinner. c) as they are serving the meal. d) is a totally untrue statement. 37. The term RSVP means: a)
21、 please come early. b) please bring a friend. c) please reply. d) please write an answer. 37. The phrase footing the bill means: a) paying the cost of all meals. b) paying the cost of your meal only. c) paying the cost of some meals. d) refusing to pay for any meal. 38. Going Dutch means: a) paying
22、the cost of some meals. b) going out for a meal. c) paying for your own meal. d) paying for everyones meal. 39. In a Western dinner situation, a Western guest might bring: a) a bag of fruit. b) a bottle of wine. c) a gift for the host. d) a game to play. 40. Usually Westerners do not: a) drink while
23、 theyre eating. b) force their guests to eat or drink. c) drink while their guests are eating. d) drink or smoke. 41. English people usually ask for: a) green or red tea. b) red or black tea. c) black or white tea. d) white or red tea. 42 The phrase its not my cup of tea means: a) under no circumsta
24、nces. b) making a fuss unnecessarily. c) this tea is not mine. d) its not something Im interested in. 43. The Chinese custom of saying No!: a) is the same as the Western custom. b) is impolite and should never be used. c) is a polite and firm way of refusing. d) is polite and doesnt really mean no.
25、44. The phrase: How are you doing: a) is a polite way of enquiring after someones health. b) is a way of asking what a person is doing. c) is a polite way of asking someone to do something. d) is a polite way of enquiring how someone does something. 45. If a Westerner offers “to look into a matter”
26、it means: a) they are withdrawing gracefully from a dispute. b) they are going to take action now. c) they are going to investigate something. d) they are going to observe what happens. 46. A “white lie” is: a) a lie told with the intention of causing trouble. b) the intention to lie and not be caug
27、ht. c) a good lie told with bad intentions. d) a lie told with good intentions.47 An additional assistance in making cultural communication easier is: a) good body language b) washing your hands c) taking off your shoes d) wearing nice clothes 48. The origin of the custom of shaking hands has to do
28、with: a) giving a gift to someone b) reassuring strangers c) preparing for war d) congratulating people 49. Shaking hands today is a universal gesture for: a) pleasure b) happiness c) greeting d) love 50. Communication improvement between cultures requires an ability to: a) speak some of the languag
29、e and master some non-verbal behaviour b) speak some of the language and master all non-verbal behaviour c) speak the language and master all non-verbal behaviour d) speak the language and master some non-verbal behaviour 51. In western culture it is NOT the custom to: a) bow to the audience while t
30、hey are applauding b) stand still and smile at the audience while they are applauding c) clap at the same time that the audience is applauding d) wave ones hand to the audience when they applaud 52. In western countries hugging and kissing are: a) rarely seen in public b) often seen in public c) nev
31、er seen in public d) not allowed in public 53. One of the most annoying things in China, for a foreigner, is: a) a Chinese person saying hello after passing in the street b) a Chinese person telephoning late at night c) a Chinese person wanting to practice speaking English d) a Chinese person asking
32、 if they can use chop-sticks 54. Non-verbal communication allows people to: a) convert feelings into conversation b) converse by using their feelings c) converse with their whole bodies have a bodily conversation 55. Gestures vary in meaning from: a) person to person b) group to group c) culture to
33、culture d) country to country 56. To show affection to a child in western countries people usually would: a) smile sweetly b) pat the head c) kiss the cheek d) hold hands 57. Patting a child on the head in Thailand would be: a) offensive because of religious beliefs b) shocking because touching chil
34、dren is illegal c) offensive because children are sacred d) shocking because of Thai moral values 58. As with spoken language, the language of the hands: a) differs from person to person b) differs from county to county c) differs from province to province d) differs from country to country 59. In M
35、exico and Germany means: a) something is vulgar b) something is excellent c) something is valuable d) something is valueless 60. The thumbs up sign in Britain means something is good OR: a) it is used to get a free ride b) it is used as an insult c) it is used to indicate wealth d) it is used to bec
36、kon someone 61. In England, holding your palm away from you with index and middle fingers raised is a) indicate victory b) insult someone c) indicate homosexuality d) indicate a resolved dispute 62. Extending your hand to someone palm up and beckoning would be culturally acceptable in: a) Russia and
37、 China b) China and Australia c) China and Britain d) Australia and Britain 63. Human beings are: a) frustrated animals b) emotional animals c) frustrated emotionally d) emotionally unstable 64. Which of the following is NOT a basic human emotion: a) happiness b) sadness c) anger d) pride 65. Facial
38、 expression is an example of: a) a non-verbal channel b) a verbal channel c) an emotional channel d) a means to hide emotions 66. If someone is said to be poker-faced they would be: a) having many faces b) gambling often c) expressionless d) tired and lifeless 66. In Britain it is expected that men
39、will: a) express emotional concern b) control their wives emotions c) express their emotions d) control their emotions 67. In Britain who are, generally, more likely to express their emotions openly?: a) men b) women c) children d) politicians 68. In British society you should avoid: a) walking up s
40、tairs b) staring at pop-stars c) staring at strangers d) giving strange stares 69. In a crowded lift in America people often stare at the ceiling to: a) check the lifts safety b) avoid strangers glances c) check the floor number d) glance at others reflections 70. In conversations, eye movements may
41、 indicate: a) you like someone b) your turn to talk c) you are tired d) youre talking too fast 71. Staring at people in Britain is considered: a) important b) unimportant c) polite d) impolite 72. If a child in Puerto Rico stared at an adult the child would be: a) under suspicion b) respected c) pun
42、ished d) impoverished 73. If a person is told to keep your distance this means that: a) they have far to run b) they want to go a long way c) they have gotten too close d) they are too far away 74. Males hugging and kissing other males is: a) quite all right if you are not the one kissed b) still to
43、 be fully accepted as a cultural norm c) to be hated today in sporting events d) accepted as normal today in sporting events 75. If you are welcomed with open arms you expect: a) people to ask you for money b) people to welcome you warmly c) people to applaud you loudly d) people to reach you easily
44、 76. Holding someones hand in western culture means you: a) are taking them somewhere b) are comforting someone c) are welcoming them d) are about to give them money 77. In China, western children, generally,: a) dislike being touched b) dislike Chinese people c) dislike being picked up d) dislike s
45、peaking Chinese 78. English is a language of _where many different words stand for the same thing: a) empathy b) sympathy c) synonyms d) antonyms 79. The reason for the use of different words standing for the same thing is: a) different words give wider language choice b) language use changes over t
46、ime c) to avoid verbal misunderstanding d) the need to avoid word repetition 80. Recreation emphasises things sometimes done during holidays, whereas a pastime can be anything done: a) with a friend b) at the weekend c) over time d) to kill time 81. Which of the following pairs of words are examples
47、 of American English?: a) janitor, elevator b) apartment, footpath c) post, gas d) nappies, trousers 82. Which of the following pairs of words are examples of British English?: a) lift, chemist b) sidewalk, wellingtons c) subway, mail d) petrol, apartment 83. The meanings of idioms can best be inter
48、preted and remembered by: a) using a dictionary constantly b) translating word for word c) asking a foreign teacher d) memorizing their meaning 84. A colour that is NOT associated with English language idioms is: a) green b) blue c) amber琥珀色 d) pink 85. If you are in the red at a British bank you wo
49、uld: a) get money from the bank b) owe the bank money c) be making a cash deposit d) be withdrawing money 86. A person treated with special favour by somebody is idiomatically called: a) a blue eyed boy b) a red faced boy c) a green eyed monster d) a yellow belly 87. British people would, idiomatica
50、lly, say someone is ascunning as a _: a) chicken b) fox c) dog d) goose 88. The King of the animals in English speaking cultures is: a) tiger b) lion c) dragon d) phoenix 89. Comparing Chinese and English cultures the bat has: a) similar cultural meaning b) different cultural meaning c) unclear cult
51、ural meaning d) no cultural relevance 90. English idioms using the word dog always have: a) a variety of meanings b) neutral meanings c) negative meanings d) positive meanings 91. _is often credited as being the source of English proverbs: a) Hemingway b) Jefferson c) Wordsworth d) Shakespeare 92. T
52、he literal meaning of the proverb a stitch in time saves nine, has to do with: a) a housewife making sure her family is well fed b) a housewife looking after her familys clothes c) a housewife mending her husbands clothes d) a husband telling his wife to take care while sewing 93. The proverb spare
53、the rod and spoil the child uses _ for effect: a) balanced structure b) metaphor c) alliteration d) rhyme 94. The proverb like father, like son uses _ for effect: a) balanced structure b) metaphor c) alliteration d) rhyme 95. In Britain if someone said that you used a four letter word they would be:
54、 a) shocked b) happy c) sad d) worriedII Indicate whether the following are True (T) or False (F) in English culture. 1. Asking a Westerner if he is a Christian is acceptable. 2. Asking a Westerner how big their flat/home is, is acceptable. 3. It is all right to comment on a Western womans weight. 4
55、. It is all right to ask a young persons age. 5. Asking a Westerner their marital status is not acceptable.6.“Thats a beautiful dress”/ “Oh really! Its just something cheap”:F 7. “Is that a new dress?” / “Yes! do you like it?” F 8. “Your English is so good.” / “Thanks!”: 9. “Youre a really good cook
56、.” / “My mothers better.”: T10“Thanks for the drink” / “It was my duty.”: 11. It is polite to ask American s questions about their salary.12. In the United States , saying “ thank you “ is a common way of reacting to a compliment.13. When invited to a birthday party in the US, you are expecting to g
57、ive a gift of money.F14. The word “ peasant “ has the same connotation as the Chinese “農(nóng)民“ F15Liberalism has a negative meaning in English as well as in Chinese.16. “Good night” is a greeting used at night when people leave each other.17. It is allowed to smoke at the table during a Western meal. F1
58、8. If the guests take no gifts when invited to a meal, most English Speakers would be Offended F19. It is important to eat almost everything that is served. T20. In the west, if they want to criticize someone , they usually do it to the persons face. TIn Britain, given names are frequently referred
59、to as Christian name. Surnames are also known in Britain as family name or first name Nowadays the title Ms is used for any woman ( single or married ) In formal situation, we usually address people by using given name Dont ask people their age. Queue in a line when you are waiting for a bus or tick
60、et. Hold the door open for a woman if you are a man. TIt is common for men to wear hats indoors. FSay “thank you” when you leave the table after a friend has given you a meal. TWrite or phone to say thank you when you get home after you have stayed with someone in another country. TAsians, Puerto Ri
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