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1、此文檔僅供收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除只供學(xué)習(xí)與交流賓語補足語練習(xí)題the1. The man ager discussed the pla n that they would like to seen ext year.(NMET2000)A. carry outB. carrying out C. carried outD. to carry out2. -There s a hole in your bag.I kno w, Im going to have itA. mendB. mendingC. men dedD. to be men ded3. Though he had

2、often made his little sister, today he was madeby his little sister.A. cry; to cry B. cry ing; cry ingC. cry; cry D. to cry; cryacross the en emy line.4. They would not allow himto risk goingrisk ing to goC. for risk to goD. risk going5. I found the dooropen/closedwhe n I got home.A.openedB. closeC.

3、 uni ocki ngD.open6. The boy wan ted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother toldhimA. not toB. not to doC. not doD. do not tocouldn t do my homework with all that noise.A. going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on8. With a lot of difficult problems, the n ewly-elected preside nt ishav in

4、g a hard time.A. settled B. settli ngC. to settle D. being settledadvisedat on ce.A. him to starti ng B. him to start C. to starti ngD. to startWhe n I put my hand on his chest, I could feel his heart still.A. beat B. to be beati ng C. beati ngD. was beati ngYou had better get a doctoryour bad tooth

5、.A. pull out B. to pull out C. pulled out D. pulli ng outHe man aged to make himself with hisEn glish.A. un dersta nd; break ingB. un dersta nd; broke nun derstood; break ingD. un derstood; broke nThe doctor asked him not to leave his wound.A. exposeB. exposedC. to exposeD. expos ingThey are going t

6、o have the service manan electric fan in theoffice tomorrow.in stallB. to i nstall C. to be in stalledD. i nstalledAfter a few rounds of talks, both sides regarded the territory disputebeing settled B. to be settledC. had settledD. as settledYou will see this productwherever you go.to be advertised

7、B. advertisedC. advertiseD. advertis ingHis remarks left meabout his real purpose.A. won dered B. won derC. to won derD. won deri ngWhe n I caught himme ,I stopped buying thi ngs there andstarted deali ng with ano ther shop.A. cheati ngB. cheatC. to cheatD. to be cheati ngDid you intend us _ the new

8、 method?A. using B. to use C. using D. are usingThe teacher en couraged us good compositi ons.A. Writ ingB. writte nC. to write D. is writi ngMrs. Brow n was much disappo in ted to see the washi ng machi neshe had hadwent wrong aga in.A .itB. it repairedC .repairedD. to be repairedWith a lot of diff

9、icult problems, the n ewly elected preside nt ishav ing a hard time.A .settledB. settli ngC. to settle D. being settledWith trees, flowers and grass_ everywhere, my n ative tow n had take n on a new look.A. pla nti ng B. pla ntedC. to pla nt D .to be pla ntedShe was glad to see her child wellcare of

10、.A. take B. to be take nC. take n D. taki ngThe result of the entrance exams was not madeto the publicun til last Thursday.只供學(xué)習(xí)與交流此文檔僅供收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除A. knowing B. knownC. to knowD. to be knownHe found them at a tableB. sitting; to play chessD. seat; play the chess_ the door.A. sat; to play chessC

11、. seated; playing chessJohn rushed out in a hurry,A. leaving; unlockedB. leaving; unlockingC. left; unlockedD. to leave; unlockingWe are pleased to see the problem_ so quickly.A. settled B. settlingC. be settledD. having been settledI could feel the wind _on my face from an open window.A .to blowB .

12、blowingC. to be blowingD .blown everything , she left the supermarket with satisfaction.A. As, buyingB. For, to buy(天津C. With, boughtD .Because, to buyDon tleave the water while you brush your teeth.此文檔僅供收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除2004)A. run B. running C. being run D. to runHe looked around and caught a man

13、_ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. puttingGood morning. Can I help you? Id like to have this package _ ,Madame.A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighedFather will not _us to use his recorders.A. have B. let C .agreeD. allowJohn was made _the t

14、ruck for a week as punishment.A .to wash B. washing C. wash D. to be washingThe missing boys were last seen _ near the river.A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to playPaul doesnt have to be made _ .He always works hard.A. learn B. to learn C .learned D. learningSeeing the sun _ above the surface

15、 of the sea, we let out a shout此文檔僅供收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除of joy.A. to rise B. to raise C. rising D .raisingI was disappointed to find his suggestions _ .A been turned downB. turned downC. to be turned downD. to turn downThe patient was warned oily food after the operation.A. to eat toeating notC .not to

16、 eatD not eating48. The speakerraised her voice but stillcouldn mt ake herselfA. hearB. hearing C. to hearD. heard49. If you go toXiany, oulflind the palacesthere more magnificentthan commonlyA. supposingto supposesupposedsuppose50. Its so cold today, we must keep the fireA. to burnB. burning C. bur

17、nD. burnt51. The mother wasaskedlet her childrenTVevery evening;A. not to; watchnot to; to watchC. not; watchD. not; watchingin and go upstairs.52. They didn t observe her此文檔僅供收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除A. comeB. came C. to come D. coming53. How about the two of usa walk dow n the garde n?(MET9317)A. to take

18、B. takeC. tak ingD. to be tak ing54. I have had my bikeand I ngoing to have somebodymy radio tomorrow.A. repair; to repairB. repairi ng; to be repairedrepaired; repairto repair; repairi ng TOC o 1-5 h z the room, the nurse found the tape recorder .A. En teri ng; steali ngB. En teri ng; goneTo have entered; being stolen D. Having entered; to bestole nCould you show me the mobile phone you d like?A. to have repaired B. repair ing itC. hav ing it repaired D. torepair itI have often heard the ABC Song, but I have never heardAlice it.A. to be sung; to sing B. being sung; sang C. sung;


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