1、.PAGE :.;視頻會議彩色攝像機使用說明書版本V2.2目 錄目 錄1平安指點2第一章 簡 介3產(chǎn)品簡介3產(chǎn)品構(gòu)造、尺寸及附件3遙控器操作方法7性能參數(shù)7預置點功能設(shè)置11第二章 安 裝12 一、本卷須知12安裝方式13接線方法14拔碼設(shè)定15進入設(shè)置15拔碼開關(guān)設(shè)置15簡易缺點排除18售后效力19平安指點在安裝本設(shè)備過程中,務必仔細閱讀本平安指點,要嚴厲按照安裝運用闡明進展操作,妥善保管此闡明書,以備未來參考。在將本設(shè)備的開關(guān)電源與外接電源銜接前,請確認電源電壓值,將電壓調(diào)整為AC220V。運用時請留意本設(shè)備控制電壓標識,控制電壓為DC12V。請將電源線、視頻線及控制線等置于不會被踐踏到的
2、地方,并且不要在電源線上堆置任何物件,維護好線纜,特別是銜接處部分要求接觸充分、結(jié)實。要在設(shè)備要求的溫度及濕度環(huán)境下運用,攝像機運用環(huán)境溫度為 0至50,濕度小于90。 防止異物進入機內(nèi)且勿將腐蝕性液體濺到機上,以防出現(xiàn)危險。運輸、保管及安裝過程中要防止重壓、猛烈振動和浸泡對產(chǎn)品的損壞。不要擅自裝配攝像機及防護蓋,機內(nèi)并無用戶可自行維修的零件。有關(guān)任務,應由有資歷的維修人員進展。視頻線及控制線應采用屏蔽線并獨立布線,不能與其它線纜混在一同。防止將攝像機瞄準強光物體,例如:太陽、燈光等。清洗攝像機外殼時,請運用干的軟布擦拭,如污垢嚴重時,請運用中性清潔劑悄然擦拭。不要用劇烈的或帶有研磨性的清潔劑
3、,以免劃傷攝像機前蓋透明片,影響圖像質(zhì)量。第一章 簡 介一、產(chǎn)品簡介視頻會議彩色攝像機是集光、機、電、圖像于一體的智能視頻產(chǎn)品。具有多點目的預置、記憶、自動巡航、區(qū)域掃描、輔助開關(guān)控制、紅外遙控等功能,64個功能預置點,兼容多種控制協(xié)議,波特率可調(diào),采用規(guī)范的RS-485/422、RS-232控制方式。接線簡單、控制方便、功能齊全、兼容性強,視頻會議彩色攝像機適宜于各行業(yè)室內(nèi)目的的視頻采集,可廣泛運用于視頻會議、智能大廈監(jiān)控、銀行保安、遠程醫(yī)療、教學、商場、機場、車站等室內(nèi)監(jiān)控場所。二、產(chǎn)品構(gòu)造、尺寸及附件 一、前面板圖闡明:01、鏡頭02、遙控器公用傳感器03、POWER 電源指示燈04、C
4、OM控制指示燈 二、S1/S2型反面接口闡明:05、SW1 地址撥碼開關(guān)06、VIDEO 視頻插孔07、S VIDEO 視頻插孔08、RS-232插孔09、SW2協(xié)議、波特率、 圖像翻轉(zhuǎn)撥碼10、DC IN 12V 電源插孔11、RS-485/RS-422插孔 S1/S2型反面接口圖三、E型反面接口闡明:05、SW1 地址撥碼開關(guān) 06、VIDEO 視頻插孔07、RS-232插孔08、SW2協(xié)議、波特率、 圖像翻轉(zhuǎn)撥碼09、DC 12V 電源插孔10、RS-485/RS422插孔E型反面接口圖遙控器按鍵功能闡明:01、F2 地址號封鎖02、HOME 云臺位置初始化03、F1 地址號翻開04、I
5、RIS 鍵 (OPEN 翻開、CLOSE 封鎖 )05、方向鍵(上、下、左、右、左上、左下、右上、右下)06、區(qū)域掃描07、SCAN1掃描30008、SET設(shè)置預置點09、數(shù)字鍵10、BACK 保管11、POWER 電源鍵12、BLC背光補償切換鍵13、ZOOM變焦鍵(WIDE遠、TELE近)14、FOCUS聚焦鍵(FAR 遠、NEAR 近)15、SPEED速度切換鍵16、SCAN1掃描18017、CRUISE自動巡航鍵18、CLEAR 去除預置點鍵19、CALL 調(diào)用預置點鍵20、ESC 保管四、遙控器設(shè)置 遙控器按鍵圖五、產(chǎn)品尺寸闡明:六、產(chǎn)品及其附件:備注:本產(chǎn)品有分臺式型與吊頂型兩種安
6、裝方式,其附件圖中的吸頂G型安裝底板視客戶出貨要求有所增減。三、遙控器操作方法:通電自檢:攝像機接通電源后,POWER電源指示燈亮,攝像機先自動進展程度方向和垂直方向運動,運動終了后再將鏡頭拉到最近,又推到最遠處停下。經(jīng)過自檢確保球機正常運轉(zhuǎn)??刂茢z像機上下左右挪動:按下遙控器箭頭按鍵來控制攝像機上、下、左、右方向挪動,當在屏幕上檢查圖像時,按所需的箭頭按鍵,此時COM控制指示燈亮。如要一點一點挪動攝像機,僅按按鍵一下;如要大范圍挪動攝像機,那么不斷按住按鍵。3 控制攝像機挪動速度:攝像機挪動速度有快、慢二檔,默許設(shè)置為快速。按下SPEED速度調(diào)理鍵,可使攝像機上、下、左、右挪動速度轉(zhuǎn)為慢速,
7、再按一下SPEED速度鍵,又可使挪動速度回復到快速。鏡頭聚焦控制:系統(tǒng)默許自動聚焦,按下遙控器中的恣意一鍵,攝像機對屏幕中心的物體自動聚焦。如要手動聚焦,按FCOUS變焦鍵FAR遠間隔 或NEAR近間隔 鍵使攝像機對屏幕中物體或場景聚焦。鏡頭變焦控制:按下遙控器ZOOM變焦鍵可將攝像機鏡頭拉近或推遠,將景物放大或減少以獲得特寫和廣角效果。按住特寫TELE鍵后攝像機景物被拉近,畫面中的物體被放大。按住廣角WIDE鍵后攝像機景物被推遠,畫面中的物體被減少。攝像機復位控制:按下RESET復位鍵可使攝像機回復初始位置。翻開/封鎖背光補償功能:當背光補償功能翻開時,攝像機鏡頭在強光背景下可自動對較黑暗的
8、目的進展亮度補償,對光亮的背景進展采光調(diào)整,防止因背景亮度過高而呵斥整個畫面一團光亮,或目的因黑暗而不可區(qū)分,從而獲得明晰的圖像。按下BLC背光補償鍵,翻開背光補償功能;再按下一次那么封鎖背光補償功能。鏡頭光圈控制:按下IRIS光圈亮度鍵可手動控制攝像機鏡頭的光圈大小,要使畫面變得亮堂,反復按 OPEN 鍵。調(diào)暗攝像機畫面,那么反復按 CLOSE 鍵。預置點設(shè)置及調(diào)用:經(jīng)過遙控器箭頭按鍵、變焦鍵、聚焦鍵和光圈亮度鍵來控制調(diào)理攝像機畫面,可經(jīng)過預置點設(shè)定將該場景保管并可隨時調(diào)用。要設(shè)置預置點,先按數(shù)字鍵,輸入要設(shè)定的預置點號,然后按 SET 鍵,即可保管該預置位場景參數(shù)。要調(diào)用預置點,先輸入要調(diào)
9、看的預置點號,然后按 CALL找預置點鍵,攝像機立刻挪動到該預置位置,鏡頭的變焦、聚焦和光圈也自動改動到預置參數(shù)。如要去除某個預置點,先按該預置點號,然后按CLEAR鍵,即可去除該預置點。攝像機自動巡航功能:自動巡航是攝像機內(nèi)置的功能,指可經(jīng)過預先設(shè)置的預置點,將這些預置點按設(shè)定順序編排到自動巡航隊列中,只需一個外部命令就可讓攝像機自動地按設(shè)定的預置點順序往復不停地自動掃描。按下遙控器CRUISE鍵即可實現(xiàn)攝像機自動巡航功能。攝像機區(qū)域掃描功能:自動掃描是攝像機內(nèi)置的功能,可預先設(shè)置左右兩個位置,只需一個外部命令就可讓攝像機自動地在左右兩個位置內(nèi)以一恒定速度往復不停地運動,實現(xiàn)無人操作自動巡視
11、先將要控制的兩臺攝像機地址分別設(shè)置為3、4兩個地址設(shè)置請留意地址請不要選擇0、1、2,請從3255中選擇,然后在遙控器上按3+F2鍵為封鎖3號紅外遙控,這時只需4號能控制,如要只控制3號,請先按4+F2鍵為封鎖4號紅外遙控,然后再按3+F1鍵,翻開3號紅外遙控,這時只需3號能控制,3號不能控制??刂贫嗯_時請按此類推設(shè)置。項 目攝 像 機 機 芯 技 術(shù) 指 標類別D型A型E型機芯Sanyo機芯Sony 45機芯Sony 48機芯成像元件1/4lnterline transfer method CCD1/4 SONY Super HAD CCD1/4 type EXviewHAD CCD程度分辨
12、率520線480線視頻制式PAL/NTSC有效像素(HV)752(H)582(V)視頻輸出幅度1.00.2Vp-p,75復合視頻信S視頻輸出信噪比(S/N)50Db同步方式內(nèi)同步背光補償關(guān)/開 自動背光補償最低照度2.0 Lux/0.06 Lux1 Lux/0.7 Lux0.7Lux鏡頭F1.6 f=3.679.2mm;F1.4 f=4.173.8mm;F1.4 f=4.173.8mm;變焦倍數(shù)總變焦352X光學變焦22X;數(shù)碼變焦16X 總變焦36X光學變焦18X;數(shù)碼變焦2X 總變焦216X光學變焦18X;數(shù)碼變焦12X 圖像翻轉(zhuǎn)功能具有沒有具有機 械 參 數(shù)類別D80型D80S型D90S
13、型視頻輸出接口RCA 接口RCA 接口、S-Video接口 旋轉(zhuǎn)速度程度0.570/秒垂直0.550/秒程度0.5120/秒垂直0.5120/秒轉(zhuǎn)角范圍程度300垂直-3090程度360垂直-3090預置點64個 預置點控制接口RS-485/422、RS-232通訊波特率(RS485/422)1200/2400/4800/9600/19200bps地址范圍0255任務環(huán)境溫度0+50存儲環(huán)境溫度-20+70環(huán)境濕度095%無冷凝電源12VDC耗電量10W尺寸156140 mm四、性能參數(shù) 五、預置點功能設(shè)置預置點號功 能0-31普通預置點32區(qū)域掃描在30、31兩預置點之間掃描33自動巡航按預
14、置點順序切換34300區(qū)域S2型為360掃描35180區(qū)域掃描36去除一切預置點37翻開背光補償38封鎖背光補償39自動復位第二章 安 裝一、本卷須知以下一切安裝任務,應由有資歷的技術(shù)維修人員或系統(tǒng)安裝人員擔任進展。撤除包裝箱取出攝像機時,應輕拿輕放,不要用硬物撞擊攝像機及其它部件以免呵斥不用要的缺點。搬運攝像機時不要手握攝像機頭,不要隨意轉(zhuǎn)動攝像機頭安裝攝像機時運用手托住攝像機的底部進展,切勿接觸極易損壞的部位。攝像機安裝位置應盡能夠遠離高壓電,必要時要做好有關(guān)防護措施。假設(shè)控制系統(tǒng)無法對攝像機進展地址設(shè)置,安裝之前必需用撥碼開關(guān)把攝像機地址、波特率、控制協(xié)議設(shè)置好。請謹慎地拿持攝像機并且務
17、線: 1、 紅色線RS485+/RS422+2、 黑色線RS485-/RS422-第三章 撥碼設(shè)定一、進入設(shè)置在安裝運用視頻會議彩色攝像機之前,可以經(jīng)過撥碼開關(guān)來設(shè)置:“波特率BAUD-RATE、“控制協(xié)議PROTOCOL、“設(shè)備地址編碼ADDRESS和圖像正向/翻轉(zhuǎn)IMAGE NORMAL/FLIP來滿足不同用戶的需求。此攝像機有兩只8位拔碼開關(guān)SW1和SW2,放大圖如以下圖所示: SW1 SW2 二、撥碼開關(guān)設(shè)置1視頻會議彩色攝像機撥碼開關(guān)位圖如下表。LSB MSB碼位1.2345678OFFON注:8位撥碼開關(guān)SW1和SW2外觀是一樣的,但功能不同;撥碼開關(guān)SW1設(shè)置地址碼,撥碼開關(guān)SW
18、2設(shè)置控制協(xié)議、波特率、圖像正向/翻轉(zhuǎn)。撥碼開關(guān)彈起為“OFF、按下為“ON2可以經(jīng)過設(shè)置8位撥碼開關(guān)SW1來設(shè)定地址的編碼。SW1碼 位12345678攝像機地址地址編碼地址碼設(shè)定采用二進制方式,可以設(shè)置256個不同的攝像機地址,編碼詳見下面地址碼設(shè)置圖。攝像機地址撥碼開關(guān)SW1碼位123456780OFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFF1ONOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFF2OFFONOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFF3ONONOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFF4OFFOFFONOFFOFFOFFOFFOFF5ONOFFONOFFOFFOFFOFFOFF6OFFON
21、設(shè)定波特率,第8位設(shè)定圖像正向/翻轉(zhuǎn)(視所配機芯型號的功能而定)。詳細設(shè)置如以下圖所示:SW2碼位1234控制協(xié)議OFF OFFOFFOFFONOFFOFFOFFPELCO-POFFONOFFOFFPELCO-DONONOFFOFFVISCAOFFOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFOFFONONOFF碼位567波特率(Bps)1200OFFOFFOFF2400ONOFFOFF4800OFFONOFF9600ONONOFF19200OFFOFFON碼位8圖像正向/翻轉(zhuǎn)正向OFF翻轉(zhuǎn)ON控制協(xié)議、波特率、圖像正向/翻轉(zhuǎn)設(shè)置圖4VISCA協(xié)議設(shè)置:設(shè)置攝像機地址為1,波特率為9600BPS,控制協(xié)
22、議為VISCA,圖像正向:SW2碼 位12345678碼位形狀ONONOFFOFFONONOFFOFF即將碼位1、2、5、6設(shè)置為“ON,將其他碼位設(shè)置為“OFF就可實現(xiàn)。簡易缺點排除表缺點景象能夠緣由處理方法通電無動作、無圖像供電設(shè)備缺點排除供電缺點開關(guān)電源缺點電源線插頭松動電源線插頭松動插緊自檢無法進展,或伴有噪聲電源功率不夠電源線插頭松動機械缺點需檢修運用遙控器時不受控遙控器電池缺乏為遙控器改換新電池遙控器運用間隔 過遠運用時間隔 不超越8m遠通電有自檢有圖像不能控制攝像機的地址碼、協(xié)議、波特率設(shè)定的不對按照要求重新設(shè)定攝像機地址碼、協(xié)議、波特率RS-485/RS422、RS-232線接
23、反或開路檢查RS-485/RS-422、RS-232控制線的接線云臺旋轉(zhuǎn)時攝像機圖像喪失電源功率不夠電源線插頭松動攝像機視頻線接觸不良改換視頻線銜接到數(shù)字接口的顯示設(shè)備獲得的圖像質(zhì)量沒有直接銜接到視頻接口的好這與數(shù)字接口所在的設(shè)備本身對圖像的采集處置才干有關(guān),模數(shù)轉(zhuǎn)制后必然會呵斥圖像質(zhì)量損失。 請咨詢應該設(shè)備制造廠商售后效力尊崇的用戶,為保證您充分享用本公司產(chǎn)品的優(yōu)質(zhì)效力,請您仔細閱讀以下產(chǎn)品效力章程。本公司對于產(chǎn)品提供有限保修各終身維修效力。有限保修期為自銷售之日起12個月,在有限保修期內(nèi),您將享用產(chǎn)品缺點免費保修效力,由用戶送回或寄回公司維修;以下情況不屬于保修范圍:1、由于用戶運用不當、
24、人為損壞引起的缺點;2、因自然災禍等不可抗拒緣由呵斥的缺點。在超越了12個月的在有限保修期之日起,您將享用產(chǎn)品缺點有償終身維修效力。公司產(chǎn)品維修呼應時間本公司收到用戶寄回的產(chǎn)品之日起,24小時內(nèi)呼應維修效力;用戶在將產(chǎn)品寄回之前,請事先與本公司相關(guān)技術(shù)人員聯(lián)絡確定,否那么出現(xiàn)維修不及時的情況,由用戶自行擔任。MEETING COLOR CAMERAUSER MANUALVersion 1.0Table of Contents 18Chapter 1 Overview 191.1 Features191.2 Structure 201.3 Remote Controller 211.4 Pan/
25、Tilt and Zoom Operation 221.5 Specification251.6 Presets Description26Chapter 2 Installation 26 2.1 Precaution 262.2 Camera Installation 272.3 Camera Connections28Chapter 3 Switch Settings293.1 General293.2 Switch Setting 29Safeguare 31Troubleshooting32SafeguardBefore install the camera, please read
26、 this manual carefully, when install please according to the procedure listed in this manual. You should keep this manual for future use. You must check the power voltage carefully, before power up the camera.Please put the power video and control cables far away from where that is easy to be touche
27、d.Do not operate the camera beyond the specified temperature and Humidity. The camera working temperature range is between 0 and 50. The ambient humidity range is less than 90.Avoid forcibly press violently shake the camera when transporting.To prevent electric shock, do not remove screws or covers.
28、 There are no ser-serviceable parts inside. Ask qualified service personnel for servicing.Video and RS485 cables should be far away from other cables.Never aim it at the sun or other extremely bright objects. Otherwise, blooming or smear may be caused.When clean the camera, please use soft duster cl
29、oth. If the camera is very dirty, wipe it off gently with a soft cloth moistened with a weak solution of water and a neutral kitchen detergent. Wring all excess liquid from the cloth before wiping the camera. Next, wipe off all remaining solution with a soft, dry cloth. Use lens cleaning paper to cl
30、ean the lens.Chapter 1 Overview1.1 FeaturesColored Video conference camera is an intelligent video product which conbines light,machinary,electricity, and image.together . It can memorize, auto cruise,fram scan, visca control and IR control.With 64 presets, Baud rate adjustable.and compatable with m
31、ulti command protocals, it is controlled by the standard RS-485/422、RS-232. This Video confrence camera can be used in video conferencing, builing surveillance, bank sedurity,. long-distance education,ect. 1.2. StructureFigure 1 Figure 101、Lens 02、Sensor for Remote Controller03、Power Lamp04、Control
32、Lamp Figure 2Figure 205、Camera Address Switch 06、Video Jack07、S VIDEO Jack08、RS-232 Jack09、RS-485/RS-422 Jack 10、DC IN 12V Jack11、 Baud Rate, Protocol and Image Flip Switch Figure 3Figure 305、Camera Address Switch 06、Video Jack07、RS-232 Jack 08、RS-485/RS-422 Jack09、DC IN 12V Jack 10、Baud Rate, Proto
33、col and Image Flip Switch 1.3. Remote ControllerFigure 401、Adrdess code closed02、HOME PAN/TILT Init03、Address code open04、IRIS Control (OPEN Iris Open, CLOSE Iris close)05、PAN/TILT CONTROL (up、down、left、right、left-up、left-down、right-up、right-down)06、Frame Scan07、SCAN1 Scan 36008、SET Set Preset09、Num
34、ber Keys(09)10、BACK Reserved11、POWER Power Control12、BLC Backlight Compensation Mode Switch13、ZOOM Zoom Control (WIDE Zoom Wide、TELE Zoom Tele)14、FOCUS Focus Control(FAR Focus Far、NEAR Focus Near)15、Speed Switch16、SCAN1Scan 18017、CRUISE Auto Cruise 18、CLEAR Clear Preset19、CALL Call Preset20、Reserved
35、 Figure 4 1.4 Dimension1.5 Product and accessoryNotes:There are two types of installmentdesk mount and ceilling mount.Accessaory G is only provided for ceiling mount.1.6 Pan/Tilt and Zoom OperationPower on initialization:When the camera is power on, the power lamp is on, and the pan/tilt will rotate
36、 automatically, finally the pan/tilt stopped and the camera lens is aim at forward.Pan/Tilt controlPress the arrow button to change the directions of the cameras lens. While adjust the picture on the screen, press the desired arrow button. To move the camera little by little, press the button just f
37、or a moment. To move the camera in a wide range, press and hold down the button. Change the camera speed:The cameras pan/tilt speed can be switched between fast and slow mode, when the camera is in fast mode, press the speed change button which is in the middle of arrow button, the camera will switc
38、h to slow speed mode and vice versa.Focus control:Usually the camera is in focus auto mode, but sometimes you should control focus manually, it can be realized by press the focus control button, firstly the camera switch to manual focus mode, and adjust the focus utile the button is released. When c
39、ontrol pan, tilt or zoom, the camera switch to auto focus mode automatically.Zoom control:The camera is equipped with an 18X optical lens, you can adjust the zoom length through zoom lens button. Press the WIDE button, the cameras focus length will change to short and view angle turn wide; Press the
40、 TELE button the cameras focus length will change to long and view angle turn small, you can see distant object. Camera reset: Press RESET button, the camera will reset and reinitialize pan tile and lens.Back light ON/OFF control:When one portion of an image is brilliantly bright while other portion
41、s are dark, the video will become dark, you can improve the video quality by turn on the backlight compensation function. Press BLC ON will make the camera switch to BLC ON mode. Press BLC OFF will make the camera switch to BLC OF mode. IRIS control: Press IRIS OPEN button, the cameras IRIS will bec
42、ome large and the video will become bright, Press IRIS CLOSE button, the cameras IRIS will become small and the video will become dark.Preset control:Through remote controller, you can set clear and call presets, the total preset number is 32. Set preset: Adjust pan tilt and zoom position of the cam
43、era, input preset number by press NUM button, press SET button, the preset is saved; Call preset: input preset number by press NUM button, press CALL button, the preset is called, and the camera will go to preset position that has been preseted; Clear preset: input preset number by press NUM button,
44、 press Clear button, the preset is cleared.Cruise:The camera can switch preset positions that have been saved automatically, it is realized by press CRUISE button, the interval time is about 3 seconds.Camera Scan:The camera have three scan modes: Frame scan, SCAN 1 and SCAN2.If you call preset 32 an
45、d the preset 30/31 that have been saved, the camera will scan between preset 30 and preset 31. When you press SCAN1 or SCAN2 button, the camera will perform pan rotate on both sides of camera forward direction, the only difference is that the rotate angle of SCAN1 is 300 degree( the rotate angle of
46、the S seiries is 0-360), and the rotate angle of SCAN2 is 180 degree.When two or more cameras are put in a room, it will be happened that the cameras are controlled at the same time. It will be avoided by enable/disable IR control function following below steps: Set the camera different address exce
47、pt address “1; Input camera address and press “F1 using IR controller, IR control function is enabled of the correspond camera; Input camera address and press “F2 using IR controller, IR control function is disabled of the correspond camera. The default state is IR control enable. This function can
48、not be done if the cameras address is “1.1.7、SPECIFICATIONSItemsParameters of the Zoom moduleSeriesD A E Zoom ModuleSanyo Sony FCB-EX45 Sony FCB-EX48 Imaging Element1/4lnterline transfer method CCD1/4 SONY Super HAD CCD1/4 type EXviewHAD CCDHorizontal Resonlution520 lines480 linesSignal FormatPAL/NT
49、SCEffective Pixels(HV)752(H)582(V)Video Output1.00.2Vp-p、S Video OutputS/N50dbSync. SystemInternalBLCOn/OffMinimum Illumination2.0 Lux/0.06 Lux1 Lux/0.7 Lux0.7LuxLensF1.6 f=3.679.2mm;F1.4 f=4.173.8mm;F1.4 f=4.173.8mm;zoom352XOptical22X;digital 16X 36X(optical 18X; digital2X 216Xoptical18X;digital12X
50、 Image FlipYes No YesTechnical ParameterSeriesD80 D80S D90S Video ConnectionRCA jackRCA jack、S-Video Pan/Tilt Speedpan0.570/stilt0.550/span0.5120/stilt0.5120/sPan/Tilt AnglePan 300,Tilt -3090Pan 360,Tilt -3090Preset64presetsControl InterfaceRS-485/422、RS-232Baud Rate(RS485/422)1200/2400/4800/9600/19
51、200bpsAddress Range0255Operation Temprature0+50Humidity;095% non-condensation Input Voltage12VDCComsuption10WDimention156140 mm1.8. Presets DescriptionPresetsFunction0-31General use presets32Frame ScanScan Between Preset 30、3133Auto Cruise34300 Scan35180 Scan36Clear All Presets37BLC ON 38BLC OFF39Au
52、to ResetChapter 2 Installation2.1 PrecautionThe following installations should be made by qualified service personnel or system installers in accordance with all local codes.Dont turn the camera head manually. Doing so will result in the camera malfunction.Do not grasp the camera head when carrying
53、the video camera.Using it in an inclined configuration can cause malfunction and shorten the life of the camera.This camera is an indoor camera. It is not designed for outdoor use.Make sure that the camera not directly exposed to rain and waterMake sure the camera is far away from Areas where radiat
54、ion, X-rays, strong electric waves, or magnetism is generated.Camera InstallationThere are two installation methods of the camera, they are desktop installation and ceiling installation.a) For desktop installation, you should place the camera on a flat surface, if you have to place the camera on an
55、inclined surface, make sure the incline is less than 15 degrees. It is dangerous if the camera is placed on edge of surface. The proper installation is showed in figure 3. desktop installation In-ceilling installationb) The following step is for ceiling installationConfigure the two switches of the
56、camera properly, for details please refer to chapter 3.Using the camera mounting base as a template, mark the locations of the three mounting holes on the ceiling. Use screws (M4) at the locations you marked above to secure the mounting base to the ceiling. Install the camera onto the mounting base,
57、 and tighten the camera using a screw (M3). Plug the power, video and control header into the corresponding jacks on the backplane of the camera2.3 Camera connectionsThere are power, video RS232 and RS485 ports on the backplane of the camera, and cables are labeled on the terminal. Before connecting
58、 the camera, you must check the cable carefully.一、RS485/RS422and RS232 Ports Settings Ports Settings of S series video conference cameraPorts Settings of D series video conference camera二、RS485/RS422 Cortrol: 1、 Red WareRS485+/RS422+2、 Black WareRS485-/RS422-Chapter 3 Switch Settings3.1 GeneralBefor
59、e using the camera, configure the camera address, control protocol, baud rate and image flip setting. The switches, to configure these settings, are located on back panel of camera. Figure 4 shows the switches on back panel, the ON direction is marked beside the switches. SW1 SW2Figure 5Switch Setti
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