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1、扮Busin扳ess P扒roces皚s Ana扮lysis稗 - A 芭Lette矮r fro阿m 佰Ameri隘ca百Profe靶ssor 笆V. Ar哀unach辦alam伴Disti啊nguis柏hed S癌ervic八e Pro挨fesso斑r, 盎A。骯Depar凹tment拌s of 礙Mater拔ial S敗cienc辦e and爸 Engi瓣neeri俺ng 跋H。瓣Robot斑ics a扮nd En皚ginee懊ring 八Publi拜c Pol疤icy 笆A。傲Carne瓣gie隘 哀Mello敗n安 隘Unive澳rsity般 安Pitts巴burgh癌, 擺PA扒,

2、稗15217啊 and 按Dr. E敗swara礙n Sub氨rahma板nian巴Senio版r Res半earch柏 Scie哎ntist矮,哀Engin皚eerin伴g俺 懊Desig把n按 拔Resea礙rch唉 安Cente敗r哎 佰G。昂Carne氨gie懊 搬Mello扳n拔 扮Unive拜rsity霸 襖Pitts癌burgh爸, 挨Pa佰, 扮15217拔 爸Augus啊t, 19懊95 邦A(yù) rep靶ort t隘o Eng胺ineer岸ing a愛nd Sc礙ocial奧 Scie埃nce R壩esear跋ch 疤Counc跋il班, 白UK耙 瓣y。礙To en斑able

3、 傲the r愛eader俺 to a阿ccess案 this邦 BPRC邦 repo辦rt sp辦eedil暗y and柏 flex壩ibly,敗 it h背as be奧en or板ganis吧ed in疤to th挨e fol瓣lowin熬g sep佰arate岸 sect傲ions:隘 隘F。版Conte澳nts P把a(bǔ)ge傲 安Abstr矮act哀 鞍Intro傲ducti靶on按 埃Reeng拜ineer拜ing按 捌Corpo八ratio白ns an哎d Ree氨ngine佰ering挨 扮The C啊hrysl壩er Co俺rpora盎tion阿 昂Cater皚pilla愛r礙

4、半Jet P壩ropul拜sion跋 柏Innov拜ation板 in D皚efens翱e: Hu笆ghes 頒Aircr凹aft背 哎F。凹Innov邦ation吧 in T背echno岸logie安s氨 霸Gover癌nment靶 Init半iativ耙es癌 骯Metho懊ds an哀d Too盎ls fo矮r BPA澳 IT an爸d BPR版 安Japan板 and 敗Reeng背ineer癌ing藹 八Human跋 Reso礙urces翱 in B礙PR礙 矮Probl爸ems i隘n Ree耙ngine班ering奧 絆A Few盎 m百o矮re li扒nes背 擺Refer伴e

5、nces凹 巴A rep捌ort t辦o Eng矮ineer癌ing a拜nd Scocial礙 Scie皚nce R氨esear埃ch 拌Counc疤il爸, 案UK鞍8。阿Secti癌on 1:笆 Abst澳ract懊This repor愛t is 胺on the rec笆ent i版nnova捌tions隘 impl懊ement癌ed by熬 Amer癌ican 胺compa襖nies 擺in th辦e way啊 they稗 mana耙ge th扳eir b笆usine襖ss an岸d by 板the 岸US靶 gove八rnmen安t in 隘suppo背rting俺 the indu

6、s耙trial芭 and 奧techn罷ologi拔cal b癌ase i吧n the罷 coun骯try. 胺Ameri扮can c絆orpor八ation癌s vis班ible 笆to ou胺tside白rs ar拌e gen般erall礙y ver頒y lar扮ge, w傲ith a般nnual頒 budg皚ets r阿unnin八g wel斑l abo捌ve th骯e nat哎ional伴 budg安ets o唉f man伴y countrie耙s, an拌d wit把h a r斑ange 罷of di傲verse班 oper皚ation柏s tra熬nscen把ding 哎divis

7、ional霸, org案anisa胺tiona拌l and般 nati笆onal 昂barri罷ers. 隘In re啊spond癌ing t懊o cha邦nges 柏in th白e glo挨bal m安arket扒 plac襖e, th拔ey ar胺e con昂tinua隘lly i藹ntrod挨ucing白 inno傲vatio佰ns in扒 proc阿ess a癌nd pr矮oduct絆 tech敗nolog礙ies and in癌 prod矮uct d柏evelo捌pment扒 and 胺manuf辦actur哀ing c擺ycles般. It 凹is di扳fficu八lt to跋

8、enum擺erate捌, let敗 alon阿e dis敗cuss,搬 all 案the i襖nnova阿tions八 that背 are 搬seen 辦in 矮US皚 busi扳ness 暗today骯. Ins吧tead,氨 we s壩hall 辦focus辦 on i艾nnova靶tions埃 that矮 are 扒signi吧fican哎t and氨 gene襖ric f八or im懊provi礙ng bu鞍sines絆s pro安cesse哎s. Th爸is is氨 rele佰vant 唉as mo壩re th把a(bǔ)n fi唉fty p昂ercen唉t of 巴US fi安rms a扮

9、re me疤dium 氨or sm哎all s啊ized,版 and 罷the g柏enera按l com搬petit扒ivene叭ss of藹 哀US礙 indu跋stry 版depen暗ds on鞍 them罷 as w挨ell. 艾In th板is re擺port,岸 we d霸o not搬 disc把uss t般he re般cent 般trend把s in 背finan壩cial,艾 merg熬er, R背OD an襖d mar白ketin凹g str頒ategies an熬d pro伴cesse襖s. In捌stead翱, we 扮discu按ss on懊ly th拌ose i礙ss

10、ues爸 rela八ted t頒o bus埃iness伴 proc隘esses芭 that柏 impa安ct th吧e abi柏lity 把of 擺US版 busi邦ness 吧to me絆et th襖e ide阿ntifi稗ed ma傲rket 版deman隘ds in拌 cost隘, qua拜lity 伴and t擺ime. 盎Q。挨A phr背ase, 胺now i捌ncrea百singl皚y in 絆vogue懊, to 捌descr哀ibe t拔he ef爸forts扳 in p斑roces版s imp凹rovem跋ents 礙is Bu八sines邦s Pro俺cess 俺Re-e

11、n般ginee白ring 背(BAR)扳. Ham霸mer a柏nd Ch隘amp d氨efine般 BAR 叭as t巴he ra瓣dical擺 reth敗inkin耙g of 懊the b艾usine凹ss pr瓣ocess扒es to伴 achi安eve d暗ramat皚ic im拜prove頒ments頒 in c靶ritic白al co絆ntemp哀orary盎 meas辦ures 拜of pe擺rform伴ance 伴as co頒st, q澳ualit扮y and瓣 spee熬d. T案his c般harac稗teris跋ation壩 of r擺e-eng半ineer岸ing i癌

12、s oft耙en in案terpr愛eted in mu巴ltipl跋e way扮s res爸ultin皚g in 跋diffe癌rent 跋model矮s and昂 meth昂ods o吧f imp凹lemen芭tatio疤n of 柏busin按ess p邦roces安s re-罷engin拌eerin斑g. Re般porte背d fai奧lure 半rates奧 of a柏bout 暗forty哀 to s傲event霸y per澳cent 癌for B隘AR ap芭plica把tions皚 in a傲chiev癌ing s跋tated岸 goal唉s can罷 inde敗ed be a

13、ttr巴ibute矮d to 耙the d笆iffer隘ences阿 in p辦ercei耙ved d皚efini佰tion 埃of wh扒at co拜nstit叭utes 白re-en白ginee頒ring 氨and t背he le唉vel o叭f imp伴lemen靶tatio愛n. 安D。霸In pr靶actic罷e, im愛pleme拔ntati盎ons o笆f re-佰engin跋eerin凹g spa扳n fro敗m re-背engin罷eerin拌g loc笆al pr懊ocess霸 to a扮 comp藹lete 傲restr礙uctur傲ing t般he en哀tire 熬o

14、rgan骯isati耙on. B扒usine拜ss pr襖ocess拜 re-e班ngine佰ering奧 for 凹local罷 impr癌oveme班nts h昂ave l敗ed to巴 the 百devel敗opmen辦t of 霸analy拌tical拜 mode襖ls fo俺r opt矮imisa骯tion 愛of ex搬istin半g pro唉cesse辦s thr昂ough 岸simpl熬er pr罷ocedu岸res a案nd in胺corpo皚ratio拜n of 襖Infor扮matio傲n tec案hnolo敗gy. A巴ctivi辦ty ba哎sed a半ccoun盎t

15、ing,安 an A敖meric礙an in敖venti佰on, i絆s als扮o use稗d in 挨conju扒nctio笆n wit隘h pro耙cess 扳re-en壩ginee傲ring 爸proje敗cts e熬ffort爸s. Th拌e dri瓣ve to皚wards癌 BAR 啊in Am壩erica百n ind岸ustries ha隘s spa班wned 柏an industr疤y of 扮consu跋ltant擺s and半 proc癌ess m埃appin辦g and隘 simu氨latio鞍n too板ls. A襖 brie吧f rev藹iew o巴f the敗 st

16、at敗e-of-佰the a敗rt in瓣 anal扮ytica癌l met辦hods 扮and t胺ools 頒such as ID扳EFO, 絆SAT, 暗BPMAT白 and 翱Desig跋n Pro藹cess 半Matri鞍x is 艾also 傲provi扒ded i藹n thi靶s rep斑ort. 阿5。邦A(yù)t th扒e other en礙d, th板ere a鞍re ex耙ample絆s of 邦well estab鞍l(fā)ishe吧d org瓣anisa靶tiona半l str巴uctur礙es an凹d pro把cesse癌s bei挨ng to佰tally壩 repl絆ace

17、d 岸by ne罷w str氨uctur頒es an胺d fle敗xible拜 proc跋esses扒. Suc辦h tot巴al re皚- str傲uctur背ing e邦ffort襖s may巴 well把 incl吧ude u盎se of熬 cros昂s fun絆ctional te般ams, 阿retra班ining挨 and 靶activ昂ities般 rela八ted t拔o the襖 mana矮gemen般t of 靶innov隘ation巴 as i扒ntegr盎al pa拔rts o般f the扮 busi跋ness 稗proce跋sses,絆 well襖 beyo氨nd t

18、h奧e con扮venti岸onal 氨activ敖ities傲 of d扒esign班, man埃ufact般ure, 安and s皚ervic礙e of 昂produ扳cts. 艾The d板iffer背ence 半betwe熬en su把ccess背ful a扒nd un稗succe疤ssful擺 firm佰s tha澳t use斑 BAR 板appea板rs to啊 lie 矮more 拜on th壩e sco罷pe an爸d cov懊erage翱 of t唉he BA鞍R eff鞍orts 礙than 埃on th按e mer版e app案licat巴ion o盎f too熬ls a

19、n壩d met懊hods.邦 We i八llust絆rate 挨the a八bove 半infer霸ences佰 by d扒iscus白sing the v鞍ariou版s mod捌els u邦sed b澳y som扮e 艾US吧 firm扒s and奧 the 拌exper拌ience拔 of a阿 few 啊selec百t ind隘ustri芭es in氨 adop矮ting 稗BAR. 哎There佰 are 捌examp癌les o氨f a l吧abora搬t(yī)ory 隘re-en瓣ginee班ring 邦itsel皚f and拜 othe隘rs fr挨om de辦fence哎 indu

20、拜strie稗s re-芭engin艾eerin白g the礙mselv懊es to壩 acco礙mmoda巴te en凹ding 癌of th拔e Col八d War澳 and 稗decli敗ning 熬defen瓣ce bu傲dgets阿. 鞍V。班Re-en艾ginee敗ring 岸depen稗ds on挨 peop扮le: t扮he wa八y they lea辦rn th壩eir j罷obs, 礙work 跋and c翱ollab哀orate佰 with盎 thei拔r col拜leagu把es. O搬ften,按 this哎 invo皚lves 百learn傲ing n絆ew tr盎

21、ades 艾and w啊ork p白racti矮ces, 胺and e壩mbrac耙ing a扳 new 敖work 班ethic芭 that瓣 tran霸scend愛s the拜 narr啊ow sp笆ecial笆izati柏on th啊at th礙e wor白kers 笆find 笆thems罷elves唉 in. 斑Past 熬indus皚trial藹 inno頒vatio凹ns, s班ucces愛sful 愛as th柏ey ha霸d bee隘n, pr白actic岸ed di襖visio俺n of 傲labor頒 on t皚he wo傲rk fo白rce t跋o a d把egree礙

22、 that安 almo疤st ec拜lipse敗d the吧 need骯 for 百human盎 inge昂nuity邦 and 伴innov啊ation哎. BPR稗 has 霸broug巴ht ch盎anges盎 in t拜he wa熬y the愛 work敗 forc唉e is 澳perce拜ived 罷for e背ffect安ing o頒rgani邦zatio埃nal c柏hange熬s. Mo礙st su拌ccess扒ful e拌xampl矮es of吧 BPR 半are t唉heref搬ore f瓣rom t敗he co擺rpora艾tions拌 that襖 prac唉tice 辦

23、retra翱ining擺 prog胺rams.背 Whil骯e big癌ger c埃orpor霸ation版s hav啊e the俺 reso稗urces矮 to r俺e-eng百ineer壩 thei礙r pro辦cesse礙s and百 re-t叭rain 百their挨 work埃 forc凹e, th捌eir s頒ucces皚ses a皚lso d壩epend爸 on h安ow effecti背ve th鞍eir s敗uppli盎ers i八n the癌 valu挨e cha鞍in ar襖e in 般pract疤icing絆 BPR.奧 The 胺probl稗em of頒 impl扳e

24、ment斑ing B拔PR an把d the哎 trai半ning 拔of th捌e wor把k for吧ce in傲 supp礙ortin安g fir挨ms is百 gene巴rally鞍 beli隘eved 傲to be啊 the 疤respo芭nsibi半lity 笆of th稗e ind拜ividu奧al fi胺rms. 笆Contr壩ary t板o gen版eral 啊belie骯f, th艾e 凹US俺 gove傲rnmen愛t is 襖not a鞍 pass案ive o斑bserv芭er of耙 the 搬restr辦uctur搬ing o癌f bus唉iness靶 proc岸e

25、sses艾 that稗 are 礙now u絆nderw藹ay in班 the 阿count安ry. I昂t is 稗inter稗venin翱g act邦ively阿 by p邦rovid愛ing i板nitia扳tives壩 and 斑induc芭ement巴s to 稗all f百irms 奧for c挨ontin骯uing 斑educa背tion 敗and r哎etrai胺ning 阿progr般ams. 拌L。霸The 安US邦 gove扮mment澳 is a埃lso i凹nterv俺ening骯 acti板vely 哀in an板 inno拜vativ拔e fas白hion 百to

26、 fi藹ll th傲e gap瓣s see奧n in 吧US co罷mpani邦es, s傲pecia扮lly i胺n pro搬cessi佰ng an藹d man哀ufact礙uring骯 stag拌es. T瓣hese 班are c笆onsid扮ered 版essen頒tial 頒to ke愛ep Am擺erica靶n pro般ducts罷 glob拌ally 辦compe佰titiv哎e. Th隘e 澳US凹 fede捌ral a吧nd un哎ivers澳ity l敗abora頒torie拜s, la胺rge a版nd su笆ccess絆ful a伴s the白y are佰, hav拜e

27、bee百n sin骯gular佰ly in扮effec拔tive 敗in tr襖ansfe半rring拔 thes癌e tec擺hnolo暗gies 壩to US拔 indu白strie按s. Ex哀istin背g law頒s in 挨place霸 and 耙conce皚rns a暗bout 稗paten懊t rig跋hts a俺nd pu癌blic 胺knowl柏edge 疤have 瓣disco八urage吧d clo傲se co骯llabo暗ratio懊n bet隘ween 吧the l礙abora白torie疤s and啊 indu耙strie鞍s. Th板e US 癌gover耙nm

28、ent按 has 靶intro安duced罷 mult胺i-age安ncy (百Defen挨se, C艾ommerce, N半ASA, 拌NSF a哀nd AR按PA, a霸nd Tr擺anspo版rtati般on) p懊rogra班ms in版 defe昂nse, 跋dual-唉use a柏nd ci半vilia頒n sec搬t(yī)ors 案suppo伴rting懊 shor吧t ter矮m pro隘grams八 of r盎esear暗ch in班 high熬 risk半, hig氨h val愛ue ma拔nufac啊turin按g pro鞍cess 哀techn笆ologi凹es. T案he

29、ma笆jor c耙ondit熬ion o按f sup班port 稗of su瓣ch pr捌ogram澳s is 霸that 礙the p瓣rogra氨m sho擺uld b啊e com愛merci皚ally 礙relev稗ant to ind阿ustry襖 and 芭joint班l(xiāng)y pu挨rsued罷 by l哀abora叭torie八s and矮 indu跋stries, wi擺th le吧aders耙hip a懊nd ma白tchin俺g fin盎ancia案l con昂tribu岸tions隘 from扳 indu佰stry.按 In t扳his r罷eport吧, we 斑discu

30、盎sses 罷these笆 init唉iativ搬es, k艾nown 哎as AT挨P (Ad扒vance矮d Tec哎hnolo按gy Pr敗ogram壩) and捌 TRP 扮(Tech礙nolog埃y Re-熬inves吧tment絆 Prog懊ram) 扳and t胺heir 哎perfo扳rmanc疤e to 笆date.頒 笆V。背The s礙ucces斑s of 頒Japan礙ese f案irms 半in ca拔pturi絆ng a 百signi礙fican礙t par伴t of 罷the U骯S aut挨omobi骯le ma矮rket 辦in th斑e 70暗s and扮

31、80s芭 and 拜their捌 abil奧ity t佰o ada挨pt to拜 chan礙ging 白econo瓣mic c奧ondit凹ions,襖 with斑out u唉ndue 挨chang哀es in頒 unem板ploym熬ent, 柏trigg捌ered 昂the r敗ethin矮king 礙of th背e nat芭ure o藹f bus昂iness氨 oper拔ation巴s in 熬Ameri半can i頒ndust拌ry. A按 seri矮ous s班earch半 for 罷new m愛odels捌 of b拌usine挨ss be扳gan w胺ith t吧he sc懊ru

32、tin芭y of 礙Japan敖ese a搬utomo按bile 翱indus靶try b熬y US 爸compa板nies 頒and b白u(yù)sine搬ss th板eoris襖ts. T骯his i襖nvolv氨ed st哎udies拔 on p扒roces疤s inn啊ovati氨ons, 愛quali辦ty ma頒nagem瓣ent a癌nd le班an pr阿oduct扳ion t艾echno半logie隘s as 靶pract版iced 辦by th拔e Jap背anese奧. Mea翱nwhil斑e, Ja矮panes啊e fir癌ms ar靶e int阿roduc翱ing info

33、rm般ation般 tech皚nolog罷y in 敖their霸 work拜 prac安tices拜 that搬 not 熬only 阿prese敗rves 澳much of th頒eir o斑rgani襖zatio扮nal a稗nd cu骯ltura安l adv挨antag礙es bu俺t als頒o inc隘orpor拜ates 懊a few半 敗US安 inno半vatio板ns. I按n thi阿s sen罷se bo瓣th ar昂e lea唉rning熬 from隘 each愛 othe把r. 艾B。扳The d敖efini板tion 骯of Bu礙sines矮s Pro捌cess

34、 胺Analy跋sis i版s con頒tinua靶l(wèi)ly c藹hangi柏ng. I搬t(yī) is,岸 in t皚he ec熬onomi藹c jar襖gon, 辦both 靶macro班 and 擺micro熬: det熬ails 吧of ev疤ery p佰roces拔s mat哀ter a百s als稗o the艾 over奧all o翱rgani氨zatio背nal o阿bject按ives.拜 Tech俺nolog八y is 搬not t巴he on頒ly dr矮iving敗 forc岸e for罷 re- 耙engin安eerin笆g. Ec挨onomi挨c and按 cult佰ural

35、 唉pract胺ices 愛are r翱eleva俺nt as吧 well藹. Kno白wledg傲e gen澳erate按d by 澳indiv唉idual瓣 comp擺anies跋 and 壩busin澳ess theori般sts a笆nd th斑e exp罷erien八ce ga拌ined 稗by it按s app白licat稗ion w癌ill b安e the襖 BPR 版tools芭 and 矮metho柏ds fo靶r tom扮orrow氨. Eve安n wit敖h a l盎imite盎d rep吧ertoi罷re of壩 tech挨nique拌s and骯 rela背tive

36、壩inexp岸erien澳ce in癌 appl隘ying 鞍them 背to bu拜sines岸s pra懊ctice佰s, BP捌R, cu阿rrent敗ly, i辦s pro拌ving 唉to be藹 powe扳rful 阿appro巴ach f岸or or百ganiz懊ation辦s wan百ting 邦to be壩 comp案etiti礙ve.氨n。哎Secti矮on 2:扳 Intr胺oduct伴ion白The 案Unite岸d Sta骯tes o藹f Ame罷rica八 is b澳rande白d as 暗a Sup胺erpow靶er wh凹en it伴 come懊s to 按mi

37、lit百ary s盎treng鞍th, b愛ut th靶e con爸text 埃can i罷ndeed把 be w白ider.啊 In p盎racti絆cally半 all 絆areas藹 of h百uman 般endea安vor i斑t sta俺nds o辦n top邦: it 般has t襖he la耙rgest哀 GNP,靶 bigg氨est i癌ndust白rial 般and m癌anufa板cturi凹ng ba版se an罷d an 癌impre佰ssive拌, eff唉icien吧t and暗 envi哀able 叭scien半tific哎 and 稗techn頒ologi扒ca

38、l i百nfras埃truct敗ure. 疤Its o皚utput哎 in a氨s tra頒ditio岸nal a昂n are巴a as 癌agric礙ultur板e or 拜in as叭 mode暗rn a 啊field百 as i搬nform把a(bǔ)tion傲 tech版nolog絆y is 盎prodi盎gious啊. It 愛is no爸t onl罷y a g半ranar霸y for百 the 熬world絆 but 澳also 盎a dem熬onstr版ation哎 and 白provi暗ng gr吧ound 靶for h板arnes傲sing 頒new t暗echno按logie礙s

39、or 跋innovation奧s for巴 crea板ting 爸wealt扒h or 唉impro瓣ving 絆the q癌ualit扮y of 癌life.斑 Amon瓣g the奧 worl吧ds 5啊00 la癌rgest啊 corp罷orati頒ons, the m藹agazi敖ne Fo捌rtune唉 list凹s 151埃 as A按meric案an ow藹ned, 挨large稗r(nóng) tha懊n any板 othe哎r cou氨ntry.熬 In 1唉994 a澳lone,背 thes安e cor板porat愛ions 埃earne擺d a p跋rofit辦 of m拌ore t

40、霸han $矮 140 熬billi胺on, a半 reco阿rd am頒ong o扒ther 稗compe俺titor佰s. 瓣X。安As im跋press暗ive a岸s thi艾s is,按 it w把a(bǔ)s ac矮tuall按y bet挨ter, 頒espec癌ially頒 afte版r the巴 Seco版nd Wo瓣rld W靶ar an白d in 半the 1藹950s 隘and 6絆0s. S扒ince 案then,耙 this班 lead藹 has 安erode皚d awa昂y in 叭some 哀key m背anufa啊cturi藹ng in埃dustr矮ies s俺uch

41、a柏s iro爸n and辦 stee俺l, au背tomob芭iles 昂and c懊onsum扳er el愛ectro安nics.懊 Mean叭while邦, the襖 defi隘cit i俺n tra柏de ba胺lance傲 in t熬hese 辦areas岸 betw哀een t扒otal 阿value骯 of e奧xport岸s and柏 the 擺total哀 valu凹e of 哀impor罷ts by盎 the 案US傲 has 罷actua稗lly i百ncreased. 敗Since襖 the 案seven拔ties,凹 more搬 area吧s hav按e bee柏n

42、los頒t to 癌compe扒titio骯n; ma敖ny new cou俺ntrie壩s, co壩nside俺red i阿n the奧 past拔 as l巴ess a吧dvanc啊ed, a般re em斑ergin伴g as 奧stron瓣g com疤petit襖ors. 拌j。皚Forme白rly, 熬the 邦US半 tend哀ed to八 igno襖re th胺ese c頒halle版nges 熬and a矮ttrib背uted 絆the c昂ompet罷itive稗ness 罷of ot岸her c班ountr扮ies, 藹most 案notab哎ly of骯 霸Japan安,

43、to 搬t(yī)heir藹 low 瓣wages皚, hom霸ogene拜ity of pop凹ulati捌on, a八uthor半itari叭an cu扮lture扳, wor盎k-eth唉ic an哀d low啊 tech皚nolog挨y con吧tents俺. It 版also 骯ratio鞍naliz阿ed th版e los皚s by 阿argui頒ng th吧at as板 the 跋world奧s la氨rgest耙 tech伴nolog絆ical 翱power安, it 埃was f捌oreve巴r loo笆king 哀for n頒ew ma胺nufac罷turin背g opp矮ortu

44、n艾ities拔 rele愛gatin安g les霸s tec啊hnolo敗gy- i般ntens哎ive o埃r lab背or-in阿tensi扳ve ma阿nufac挨turin啊g to 凹o(jì)ther愛 coun捌tries昂. 氨M。捌Howev敗er, t把he da拌nger 拌signs霸 were頒 visi疤ble i板n man笆y are壩as. T拔he au澳tomob愛ile i哎ndust胺ry wa岸s, an暗d sti藹ll is藹, ver癌y spe礙cial 辦to th藹e 背US佰. In 俺addit挨ion t啊o pro擺vidin襖g mo

45、b絆ility啊 to m藹illio耙ns of把 Amer安icans骯 and 熬linki般ng th吧is va阿st co熬untry襖, it 版remai版ns th背e cor骯e of 柏Ameri邦can m鞍anufa熬cturi稗ng an爸d als哀o the皚 cruc敖ible 般for m鞍anufa岸cturi扒ng an凹d man拔ageri俺al in瓣novat吧ions.懊 The 懊movin捌g ass敗embly暗 line捌 and 壩manag拌ement班 prac隘tices暗 empo案werin辦g and隘 integrati

46、百ng ma襖nufac跋turin絆g cen骯ters 芭with 澳custo疤mers 哀and s凹uppli扒ers a稗r(nóng)e al啊l the擺 cons案equen氨ces o壩f aut柏omobi扳le ma哎nufac邦ture.啊 But 哀when 巴this 艾indus白try w俺as ov藹ertak耙en by隘 fore柏ign c骯ompet邦itors岸 with鞍 thei霸r del斑ivery板 of a把fford昂able 叭and r傲eliab扒le ca般rs of搬 high耙er qu骯ality矮 on t伴ime, 搬conce

47、懊rns were v按oiced礙 abou岸t the伴 prod挨uctiv敖ity a扳nd co瓣mpeti斑tiven半ess o辦f US 拔manuf愛actur胺ing a翱nd de骯mands板 were氨 made阿 for 哎urgen柏t rem唉edial安 step俺s. A 瓣major矮 stud伴y on 邦U.S i靶ndust阿rial 哎produ拔ctivi敗ty in版 1986跋 by a敖 dist拔ingui哎shed 頒group班 of s瓣ixtee骯n exp襖erts,百 incl霸uding襖 a No絆bel l擺aurea跋

48、te ec拌onomi礙st fr邦om th熬e Mas愛sachu版setts般 Inst笆itute般 of T絆echno扮logy 艾Berg佰er,B.安, et.隘al. 1霸989,跋 deta絆iled 矮the w啊eakne邦sses 鞍preva啊lent 愛in US翱 indu安strie巴s, no伴t jus佰t in 唉macro版econo阿mics 哎terms柏, but扳 in t氨erms 百of th艾e cus柏tomer sati靶sfact昂ion, 稗quali哎ty of啊 prod愛ucts,矮 effi板cienc案y of 澳pro

49、du百ction岸, spe邦ed of斑 manu胺factu擺re an敖d int爸roduc笆tion 版of ne板w pro懊ducts頒 and 把costs阿. Thi拌s stu昂dy of版 200 哀compa扒nies 哀was t案he fi安rst t皚o ide斑ntify按 thes瓣e gap敖s in 般the U拌S sys皚tem a奧nd tr盎aced 拔their爸 orig扮in to伴 the 翱age o拔f mas伴s pro白ducti斑on, a懊ntitr瓣ust l皚aws, 熬use o拔f wor白kers 奧as me頒re

50、sk唉illed安 oper胺ators壩, ove阿remph翱asis 礙on pr扮oduct礙s rat頒her t耙han o埃n pro芭cesse絆s and斑 to a辦n env班ironm傲ent t案hat h懊as lo敗ng ce襖ased 皚to ex熬ist. 癌H。氨This 稗group艾 foun昂d the白se st哎rateg搬ies t胺o be 唉outda扳ted i笆n the霸 face啊 of i耙ncrea捌sed g瓣lobal佰 trad埃ing, 搬emerg瓣ence 哀of ne把w tec案hnolo靶g(shù)ies 艾and t伴

51、heir 邦speed翱y ass胺imila罷tion 澳by ma癌ny co背untri扮es an澳d the叭 grow靶th of吧 soph俺istic扮ation唉 amon阿g con八sumer哀s. Th稗anks 藹to ne懊w tec唉hnolo般gies,襖 manu八factu八ring 昂and p啊roces般s tec罷hnolo暗gies 佰were 扳makin伴g pro辦ducti版on mo骯re fl靶exibl伴e, st胺reaml稗ined 懊and e柏ffici骯ent b骯ringi暗ng in拔 a qu藹ality瓣 prev瓣

52、iousl暗y tho巴ught 昂as un邦achie扳vable伴 and 暗at a 跋speed暗 cons凹idere襖d una敗ttain骯able.艾 The 班work-伴force拜 was 班no lo啊nger a col辦lecti班on of霸 skil皚led i皚ndivi按duals背 but 皚group背s wit班h com扮peten百ce tr拜ansce艾nding班 many哎 area壩s of 跋manuf柏actur辦ing, 版and m按otiva襖ted b疤y tea翱m-spi板rit, 爸deleg爸ated 襖power案

53、and 哎veste澳d aut般horit爸y. Al唉l the哎se, a把ccord絆ing t疤o thi笆s stu板dy, w藹ere m般issin霸g in 拌the A稗meric把a(bǔ)n in背dustr扳ial a鞍nd ma鞍nufac扳turin按g sce般ne. E罷ven i啊n the頒 1960按s, th挨e man壩ageme拜nt gu般ru, P安eter 搬Druck澳er19稗69, 捌in a 敖deepl矮y per耙cepti按ve bo般ok, T襖he Ag半e of 斑Disco八ntinu按ity, 俺lamen班ted t奧he

54、la叭ck of懊 any 吧chang把e in 皚the s叭truct安ure o骯f ind埃ustri鞍al or爸ganiz頒ation斑s in 辦step 芭with 壩the i霸mpres唉sive 扮growt白h of 鞍econo皚my an奧d tec昂hnolo班gies.案 Smal骯l mid芭-cour矮se co白rrect氨ions 笆were 皚intro般duced跋 in t氨he we芭ll es板tabli扮shed 昂but o澳utdat爸ed st澳ructu疤res t半o pro挨vide 藹conti百nuity襖 when瓣 ra

55、di安cal r澳eform拜s and扮 path暗-brea唉king 霸restr邦uctur捌ing w邦ere i扳n ord罷er. 邦m。隘This 芭repor稗t dis叭cusse拜s one扳 majo拔r bus佰iness俺 proc盎ess i藹nnova暗tion 唉that 背is no擺w swe叭eping唉 the 隘Unite傲d Sta跋tes氨 cons瓣uming班 the 案tradi版tiona扳l, bu瓣t inc奧reasi癌ngly 捌ineff霸icien板t, wa斑ys of搬 doin把g bus癌iness癌. Ree哎ngi

56、ne搬ering搬 has 班been 壩the b罷anner爸 of t暗his c頒hange絆 in b安usine稗ss pr敖actic氨es. T頒his i百nnova擺tion 愛is tr斑uly a巴 home版-grow巴n one拔, and壩 as w熬e sha熬ll di扮scuss啊 late翱r, no皚t an 埃impor鞍t. As扒 with板 all 胺thing埃s Ame癌rican骯, its熬 swee百p is 凹vast,愛 its 奧oppor翱tunit疤ies a班re im捌mense敖 and 罷the d按anger扮s o

57、f 頒failu班re re跋al. I邦n thi凹s rep般ort, 瓣we fi癌rst p啊rovid敖e the阿 scop懊e of 暗this 盎innov稗ation巴 its 般impac拔t on 叭busin辦ess a把nd th啊e mut跋ation矮s it 頒is un拌dergo傲ing t疤hroug扒h cas熬e stu按dies.埃 This扳 is f敖ollow敖ed by絆 a su挨mmary白 of a頒nalyt笆ical 哎tools瓣 used翱 in t胺his i扒nnova啊tion.骯 Subs斑equen皚tly, 岸we

58、ex頒amine把 its 白conse哎quenc俺es in鞍 gove拜rnmen耙tal p霸olici隘es an敖d hum邦an re阿sourc翱e str霸ategi吧es. W澳e the拔n bri藹efly 板summa般rize 爸the d愛iffer愛ences啊 in t頒he pr氨actic凹e of 拜reeng扒ineer唉ing b拜etwee吧n 叭Japan拜 and 拌the 八Unite暗d Sta瓣tes捌, sin扳ce th版e 凹U.S.阿 is c柏oncer哎ned-拜some 靶would壩 say 按exces叭sivel翱y-

59、wi八th th把e way稗 靶Japan叭 cond氨ucts 昂its b礙usine爸ss. I跋n sum扒mary, we s鞍ee an哎 evol阿ution稗, eve背n wit岸hin a敗 shor辦t per辦iod o霸f a f芭ew ye靶ars, 岸as re爸engin翱eerin昂g is chang扮ing r瓣apidl按y los扒ing s岸ome o搬f its八 hard岸-doct佰rinal愛 stan胺ces a鞍nd le版arnin藹g to 胺work 芭with 把new t柏echno哀logie翱s. Bu拜t mor捌e c

60、ha疤nges 扒are n邦eeded霸, som凹e urg矮ently埃 so, 盎in ar罷eas s叭uch a吧s hum阿an re班sourc板es. R辦ightl把y, or拌 wron矮gly, 襖Busin笆ess P澳roces扳s Ree俺ngine瓣ering跋 has come 靶to be耙 iden靶tifie盎d wit扮h Big般 Peop阿le Re白ducti稗on! T鞍his i哀mage 礙has t辦o be 半shed 班if re隘engin背eerin笆g is 癌to be澳 acce藹pted 版by th哀e maj氨orit


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